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Crazy Ace

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Everything posted by Crazy Ace

  1. thats rich and i am glad that im not u. Such a shame his mom isnt a supermodel
  2. what do u guys think about the riddler's revenge i think it rocks
  3. i dont mind girls who flirt alot. The girl who i have a crush on is a good friend of mine. Her friend to me to tell her ( this was after we had become close friends) and that she liked me a little. Things didnt work out but we are still friends. If girls wanna know if a guy likes them just ask or observe his actions toward her. Thats all i can say
  4. there was this time i was running through the street on my usual morning exercise and on a busy street i fell flat on my face in front of a few girls who go to my school. Over here in the bahamas in school they dont forget anything and rub it in your face for a year
  5. I thought kuwabara said that, guess i was wrong
  6. i never really liked kobe, im a sun and knick fan. If i was kobe i would never cheat on my wife if she looks like that. I would bring her with me if i were him. ANyone hear of the 4 million dollar ring her bought her her. Is that a rumor or real
  7. [COLOR=darkblue]thanks for clearing that up. i read an episode guide somewhere that said it was being remodeled[/COLOR]
  8. i live in the bahamas and i dont have any money to go to aan anime convention
  9. magic can be overrated. remember how sora dealt with BT twice.
  10. i would have to say JIN from YYH Saitoh from YYH Crim from .Hack//sign Norman from Big O
  11. i got my deck from my brother, i dont know if some of these are rear so tell me blue eyes ultimate dragon black luster soldier magician of dark chaos valkyrion the magna warrior dark sage barrel dragon
  12. 5 which monster has the strongest attack points of the three that makes valkyrion the magna warrior sorry if this question has been asked b4. i havent read all of the posts
  13. i doubt true world peace will come about, its a good thing but i think but really think about it. anyway if a were a world leader i would use world peace to get re-elected like these guys today in the UN
  14. im sure a movie like that would take years to finish if they try to put super saiyan power and stuff like that in it.they should make a 3-d version or get the peeps who made the matrix to do it
  15. for me DBZ got boring after i watched it once, its a good show but cartoon network used it up
  16. im sure in a couple of years the technology will be ready, im 14 so im glad i wont be like Bear when the comes out. (its nice to be young)
  17. i wonder if they will reveal the key of the twighlight at the end 5 regular episodes left i think
  18. i just got a PS2 and i was wondering which game to get infection or mutation. which one is better
  19. crim is a long arm user we all know he uses a glaive/long arm he is strong and fast he hasnt chopped off BT's head yet dont know y he stays with B*T** his relaxed manner stands out to me. he doesnt take the game serious like the rest. he tries to make everything enjoyable. P.S. K.K.C. how did u get so much posts in that short time. it'll be a while b4 i get to be a junior member
  20. i say mimiru or sora also,BT is annoying and the rest seem to have a serious disposition
  21. i think speakin into the mic makes sense. i think that the visors manipulates the brain waves or taps into the brain and transfers the messages into the game. that might explain the people going into comas. something probabaly goes wrong like a glitch in the game and messes up your brain in some way. P.S. does this sound stupid
  22. sora freed tsukasa in the episode tempest, who were the players that bear called together to resolve the key of the twighlight issue
  23. both are fine to me . i dont know the voice actor's name but is he the guy who speaks for crim in english the same dude who talks for sano in rurouni kenshin. they sound alike
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