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Demonic Angel

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Everything posted by Demonic Angel

  1. I noticed that sometimes I double post something. I keep forgetting that I cannot double post. How will I prevent from posting two times? :nervous:
  2. Well, here's the banner I made. It's not very good, is it? :bawl: This is the first time I made a banner. Rate it, if it needs to be rate. well, that's it for now. Laterz! :p
  3. All of those banners are nice! ^_^ Also love the pictures and everything. Great job!
  4. How far I got in the game? o.O Well, I'm looking for triforce pieces. I can't even find the last one! >< It says that it's in the...ghost ship? o.O I kept searching for that ship but it never appears. -.- I now have 13 hearts. Finished Wind and Earth Temple and the tower of gods. Gee, i really need help. Would anyone tell me how to look for the ghost ship? o.O (If it is okay to ask)
  5. Dori is funny! I love her! I love the part when she was doing the whale talk. HAHAHAHA! It was soooo funny! I'm gonna buy that dvd. Finding Nemo is a great movie.
  6. i vote for Charles! it was sooo funny
  7. ::sob:: that's very COOL! and i mean, TOTALLY COOL! keep up the good work on writing poems. You can publish them, ya know. And if u do, i'll buy one of them. ^_^ *~Demonic Angel~*
  8. Thanks! I just made that poem when i felt depressed one day. I sometimes write poems without realizing that I am writing it. ^_^; I am sometimes out of my mind, or maybe not myself. Weirdy, huh?
  9. Well...The first anime that I first watched is Sailor Moon. o.o No idea, and no clue that it was anime when i watched it because i was about 3-4 years old by then. Too young, huh? Then years passed, I started watching anime shows like DragonBallZ, Gundam, Tenchi Muyo, Saber Marionette J, and many more, only i forgot the titles of the show. ^_^; I truly LOVE anime, and i love to draw them too.
  10. [COLOR=royalblue]My Dark World bring me back back to myself again i want to be free from this darkness and to be stopped from crying. I want my old self again But I cannot free myself Everything is dark And there's nothing or anyone to get help. Darkness covers everything It also covers me Covering the entire world Letting me not able to see. I feel like I'm blind And I'm alone in the darkness All I do is crying What I'm doing is useless. Now I got used to this Living in the dark And its much better to be alone No more lies No more hatred No more people to get mad on. All dark, All alone I'm alone in my own dark world. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Here's the poem made by me. You can also rate it, if ya want to. Well that's all for now. Have a nice day![/COLOR]
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