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Everything posted by Iva

  1. "NO!! I don't want to go back to the village! What if Tani dies! She can't die! She's one of the only friends I got. All my other friends and family were killed by the humens. She's like family to me and this time I can do something to help. Befor I was to young to fight and save my family and friends." Katumea had tears dripping down her cheeks. All of the outcast rebelion were like her family. She didn't want to loose any of them. It be like reliving a horror story to her. It was silent. Tani was moved by the things her best friend had said about her. "But what about you and Moriko, Katumea? You need medical attention." Tani said, walking to Katumea's side. "No we don't! We're fine." Katumea tryed to stand on her own but fell on Tani's sholder. Mori-Sora had just come out of the forest with the herbs in her mouth. She changed back into her humen form and started to brew her medicine.
  2. I've had to re-tipe every thing 2 times and it was really long too. My computer keeps kicking me off! Gggrrrrrrrrr!:flaming: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Katumea and Moriko landed right in the middle of the group of solgers. They started slashing away back to back. They could hear screams of some solgers running away. "Cowwards! You call yourselves solgers!" "Ya stupid little wimps!" "Is that the best you can do Katumea? Stupid little wimps? Come on!" "I was just saying what was on my mind at the moment." "That tells me alot. Your brain is smaller that I thought."
  3. Sorry for the short post. I have to go to jaz band in a little bit so i had to whip this up quick! Well better some post than none I guess! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Katumea jumped on Rann. "I dont really know how long it will take to get there. You'll have to ask Moriko on that one." Katumea shifted her position on Rann's neck. She was sitting in the front. "I don't know! Maybe a day or so! Why you asking me!" Moriko answered in a agitated voice. "Lets just get going all ready! We can't waist time!" After everyone had mounted there dragons, they swooped off at high speed. "Why are they doing all this for me? I can live without those swords! I wish they would just treat me normal and forget about my ingories." Tani thought to herself. Still she felt grateful to her friends for doing this for her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am deeply sorry for all the miss spellings in all my posts! It's my worst subject and I hate it! :flaming:
  4. Katumea turned to Evean, blushing a little. She had never been rescued befor. "Thanks for saving me Evean. It really means alot to me. I really thought I was going to die back there." Katumea gave Evean a quick hug, realeasted him and blushed. "I know I really don't know you that well but I couldn't think of any other way to thank you." Katumea blushed even more and thought to herself. "I can't beleive im acting so girly! I'm starting to "like" this guy and I only know his name and that he saved me once! And that hes also a wolf demon." Evean just stood there blankly. Clearly shocked. "Ya well, no more miss mushy gooshy. I got to find my sword so I can kill that stupid gard who tried to cut my head off! Grrrrrrrrrrr! I'll chop off his head instead! Stupid gard thinks he can chop off my head! Oh the nerve!" Katumea continued to ramble on, walking back tword the village to get her sword. "Wait! Your going back there after I just saved you?" "Yup! Gotta get my sword so I can fight anything along the way. And to chop off that stupid gards head! Not that you cant do that yourself." Katumea blushed again. "I cant beleive i just said that!"Katumea muttered to herself.
  5. The gard grabbed katumea and made her stand on her feet. Humen-"Get up you scum! Time for your beheading!" Katumea-"huh? Oh that." Katumea got up and went with the humen to here exicution spot right in the town square. Katumea-"Oh great, I got an audeance! Im going to die and not have a proper bareal! Darn!" Katumea thought about what she just said. "How could i say such a thing! Someone will come for me. I know it." The gard pushed Katumea onto the ground next to the log were they beheaded the priseners. The humen gard raised his sword to behead Katumea, ready to strike. Katumea-"Get me outta here! I dont want to die! EVEAN SAVE ME!" (this is the part were Evean comes in and herroicly saves me. Hint hint.)
  6. Katumea struggled against chanes binding her arms. "I can't believe that I let my gard down for one sec and im sitting here, in a stupid jail, waiting to be beheaded!" Katumea struggled again but it was no use. The chains were around her hands so tite that she couldn't feel her hands anymore. "I wonder if I will ever get outta here? Rann will notice that im gone. Im sure of it. But what if he didn't? Hes probobly bussy talking to Tani or something! Well if he doesn't know that im gone, than im sure that Moriku will. Sll the outcast members will come for me." These thoughts were pleasing to her as she visioned herself being heroicly saved by her friends. "If i dont ever get out of here...............I'll never be able to meat that other wolf demon. And hes a guy to!" Katumea blushed as she revisiond being rescued by Evean.
  7. Katumea-"Hem hem!" Everyone looked around at Katumea who was standing in the shadows. Katumea-"I have a different idea." Moriko-"What? Better be a good one!" Katumea-"Its easy and probobly less risky. We all wear capes. If you dont have one I can go and buy some in the city. I already have a cape. What do you all think about that?"
  8. Hey everyone! Sorry I havnt posted anything. I was at camp. By the way, I am very pleased that you picked me to be married to a demon. NOT!!!!!! Oh well, in the end I will chop his head off or something. Hehehehehehehe! Im so evil. I cant post anything right now because im getting ready for a goodbye party that im having at my house. I have to help get ready. wooohooo.*says sarcastically*
  9. Ok here we go, Name:Katumea Age:17(im really 13 but who cares) Sex:female Race:wolf demen Alliance:rebellion Weapen:a sword like Kenshins sword but not with a reverse blade. (if you dont know who kenshin is go and sit your little butt down by the t.v. and watch it!) Aperence:Like Moriku Katumea has ears on the top of her head, has a white tail, and is also white. Katumea weares a long black cape with no sleves and a hood. Underneath that Katumea weares a uuuuummmmmmm........ I guess what Miss Karoo wears in Rurone Kenshin.(again if you dont know who or what Rurone kenshin is go and sit your little butt down by the t.v. and watch it!) Bio:Katumea lived with her vilage with her family and friends. When she was 6 humens came and burnt down her village. Now she hates all humens and if she sees one she will kill it. No matter who it is. Katana is my friend and she sent me this and I think its really cool!
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