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Everything posted by Turkey

  1. Oh...my...God! That picture R0X0R$ M1 B0X0R$! I'm getting the disc tomorrow, and I honestly can't wait to play OOT for the first time in over 4 years.
  2. Well, since I'm Puerto Rican, I'm supossed to be a drug-addicted punk. Also, I must cruise through the streets in a car that makes some freaky "boom" sounds. If not overused, stereotypes can be funny. In my school, we make fun of all kinds of stereotypes (including race and sex), and they rarely get offensive.
  3. OOC: With this, I've done all I can to revive the RPG... IC: [I]The Bird was coming quickly, carrying Kinga in its claws. Kinga grabbed the little dragon with her left arm, since the other one was trapped between the bird's fingers. Charlie and Geist had been working with all their strengths to complete the tunnel. Now, they were standing in plain sight. Mischief had been hiding under a small snow pile, ready to strike at the Bird. It started its landing phase, ready to dine on the feeble humans it caught. As Kinga concentrated her eyes, she (and the Bird) saw a small red glow coming from the snow. Suddenly, it became a huge ball of fire, directed at them. The bird dodged quickly, but the fire brushed one of its wings, and made feathers fly everywhere. This event caused Bird to go crazy with anger, and release Kinga. She fell on top of Mischief.[/I] [COLOR=darkred]Mischief- *Getting up* I'm okay. Look, we need you to hurry and get the other students to the portal. We are going to get the feather. Please, hurry.[/COLOR] [I]Without hesitation, Kinga nodded, and then hurried down the mountain, dashing as fast as she could. She did not know it, but her stone was giving her energy...An energy that would help her reach the others in time. Meanwhile, Charlie and Geist were running away from the angered Bird. They approached the tunnel, and disappeared from the Bird's sight. While it looked for their traces, they ran and came out the side of the mountain. Back in the "nest", Mischief caught one of the Bird's feathers. Grabbing it with all his strength, he ran down the mountain in the direction of the pool (now glowing with various lights).[/I] [COLOR=darkred]Mischief- That must be the pool! I can't believe it...it's almost over![/COLOR] [I]At first he didn't notice it, but Charlie and Geist were running right beside him. It seemed that the stones reacted to the danger, and gave their wearers more strength. They got to the mountain's base, and noticed that the lake was closer than they expected.[/I] [COLOR=purple]Charlie- Don't stop under any condition! The Bird is behind us![/COLOR] [I]Without stopping, Geist and Mischief looked backwards. The Bird was gliding towards them, fire in its eyes. If it hadn't been for their stones, the 3 would've become dinner. Surrounding the lake, all the other students (and Karina) were standing, using their stones to give a light signal. Kinga had managed to collect them all, and was the first to use her stone as a beacon. 10 minutes passed, then Elsyan saw the group dashing towards them.[/I] [COLOR=limegreen]Elsyan- Here they come! They have the feather, and also a huge (hungry) bird behind them![/COLOR] [COLOR=deeppink]Karina- Everyone, get on top of the ice! The Quiz is about to end![/COLOR] [I]The next events happened to fast for anyone to get an idea of what was going on. Charlie's group was running at an exaggerated speed. They crashed with Karina's group, and the feather flew into the air. The bird was just feet away from them; when Fli stood up, jumped high into the air, grabbed the feather, and fell down into the ice. When the feather touched the ice, it instantly melted back into the portal. Without even a second's delay, they fell. None of them was able to measure the time spent in the portal, but they eventually resurfaced. The sun was beautifully shining in the sky. Lots of persons were around them, cheering at them. They had returned to Torneko. All of them, speechless, walked up to Bozel.[/I] [COLOR=indigo]Bozel- You have all passed the test. From this moment on, you are part of the School of Torneko. The classes begin tomorrow at 8:00AM sharp, so get a rest. *Smiling* You deserve it.[/COLOR] [I]And this marked the beginning of another year at Torneko. The group exchanged compliments, and went to their rooms. Some would become best friends. Some would rarely talk to each other. But they all knew one thing: They would all remember each other for ever.[/I]
  4. Well, our school's V-day is over, and my Flame Poem did the oposite of what I wanted. Now everyone thinks I like the girl. However, a girl I like enjoyed the balloon I sent her, so it wasn't so bad. I'll probably just give lots of cards tomorrow, and then I'll hang out at a friend's house for a project...
  5. My Valentine Days are usually pretty uneventful. I'll maybe give a few people small gifts like a balloon, maybe I'll be given some candy. However, I made something different this year. A friend and I decided to make Flame Poems, dedicated to a certain person we disliked. They aren't really cruel, and will probably earn laughs. We planted them today on the school's "V-Day" Message Boards. I'll tell you all what happens with them tomorrow (unless they are taken out).
  6. Hmm...Let me think up a good post.... Okay, even though I wish gay people (both men and women) were born straight, I refuse to ever discriminate one of either sex. In fact, I consider people who do discriminate [b]pure, living garbage[/b], and I'd kill all of them if I could (and if I weren't Christian). There are some people at school which seem to be gay, but I don't really care if they are or not. I will look at them through the same eyes. You know what I say to the intolerant people to make them open their eyes? [i]"Straight guys like girls. Gay guys don't like girls. That means, more girls for us."[/i] Believe me, that works on lots of people.
  7. Well, at least in my opinion, Lizzie could easily end up as a manga. I mean, the show has lots of humor that can be "anime-ized". However, if you mean that it will be a live-action comic...*shudders*
  8. I'm starting to believe that Hal's "secret project" is really Earthbound 2. I mean, even Mother's director acknowledged the petition.
  9. [COLOR=purple]Charlie- This is my plan: The bird should come back pretty soon. When it lands here, I will start running away from it. While it is disctracted, you will come out from the snow, climb into it, and grab a feather. You have to be fast, or else you won't have the chance to hop on. Meanwhile, I will keep running until I fall into a small tunnel that we'll make. Once we have the feather, we hurry to find the others and get to the lake.[/COLOR]
  10. Turkey

    Megaman X7

    When I saw the IGN video, I noticed that the graphics indeed looked much better in motion (read: Zelda). However, I hated their running animations... I'm still eager to learn how does the 2D/3D gameplay works, since I've seen stuff that's only possible one way or the other.
  11. I've never had the chance to use my school's computers, so I don't know about their blocking. However, I remember that Machall (a comic I read) was blocked because it supposedly had Digimon porn...O_o
  12. Since I have been waiting for the Freeloader since July, and I've had an import PSO since the day it came out; I just have one thing to say: YIPEEWOOHOOYEAHYEAHYEAHYEAHYEAHYEAHTHISROCKSMANMANMANMANAMIHAPPYORWHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111 *Dies of hyperventilation*
  13. [I]Slowly, Charlie woke up. Still dizzy from his arm, he quickly used a simple spell to stop the blood flow, and to make the body start healing it.[/I] Charlie- Guess I won't be climbing anytime soon. Well, at least my left arm's fine. *Notices that Mischief and Geist are right beside him, and begins shaking them* Hey, you guys okay? Wake up! [I]After a little shaking, they woke up, both with headaches.[/I] Charlie- Does either of you know where we are? Geist- Beats me. I was hit from behind. Mischief- I saw you being carried by that huge thing, so I tried to stop it. But it knocked me out and brought me here too. Geist- So, we are it's dinner. Mischief- Not yet. That bird's too big. It's probably looking for the rest of us, before enjoying it's course. Charlie- Well, that buys us more time. I think this little accident may end up helping us...:smirk:
  14. *Looks at list* *Doesn't find his name* *Has 2348742857890247 simultaneous heart attacks* Oh well, maybe next year.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Alexus Bing [/i] [B][size=1][color=darkblue]Imagine ringing your mum up for a chat from a Gamecube?! It's just nonsense.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] You could do that on the Dreamcast. With free long-distance too...
  16. OOC: What was the monster's name? IC: [i]The storm raged, and Charlie keeps on searching for Karina. He looses his bearing for a moment and gets confused. He feels it; the creature is near. Before he can even think something else, he is whisked away by the monster. It's claws dig into Charlie's arms, and create some deep wounds. The pain angers him, and he turns his stone into a spear. Right when he's about to pierce it, he loses consciousness(sp?).[/i] (Dream Sequence) A younger Charlie stands in a school hallway. Bozel, who hasn't really changed, looks at him in a horribly stern face. Charlie- *scared* I didn't mean to do it...it...it wasn't my fault! Bozel- *snarling* Silence! What you did was unexcusable! In all my years in Torneko, I never saw someone act so recklessly! Charlie-I...didn't... Bozel- Too late to apologize... Charlie saw a strange light emanating from Bozel, and slowly, he was engulfed by it. Then, darkness...
  17. Charlie started counting the group, and noticed something: Charlie- Where's Karina!? To this question, everyone started looking at each other, and one by one, they all denied any knowledge. Charlie- Brupe (swear he usually says)! She's probably in the storm! I'm going out to find her. Mischief- I'm coming with you. My fire powers should help. Charlie- You better stay here, making a fire big enough for me to see once I find her. Mischief- *Slightly dissapointed* Okay then. Just be careful. After leaving Mischief in charge at the cave, Charlie rushed outside, wearing a coat made from his shape-changing stone.
  18. I believe I played a similar game in arcades not too long ago.
  19. Before Mischief goes too far, Charlie catches up to him. Charlie- Hey, don't get too far from the group by yourself. Mischief- I'm going to look for some shelter. Charlie- But we have to stick together. We should at least bring someone else. Mischief- We? Charlie- Hey, you're my responsibility...
  20. Turkey


    (Thanks to IGN for the info and screenshots) About a year ago, a little game was announced for the GC. It was pretty much ignored by the press, and few gamers even heard of it. Now, only 2 months before it's Japanese release, details are released about: [IMG]http://cubemedia.ign.com/cube/image/giftpialatestgcn1.jpg[/IMG] Giftpia is the first project of Skip, a Nintendo first-party directed by the creators of Chrono Trigger. That already sparked my interest. Skip refers to this game as an "Alternative RPG", since it's supossed to be different to the usual FF-esque adventure. Now, wasn't Earthbound called a similar name? The story starts out with Pokkuru, a boy who's about to become a man. To do so, he must attend a ceremony called "The Coming of Age Day". Unfortunately, he fails to attend it, and that gets him in some serius trouble. In this world, that ceremony is the only way for a person to grow up. So, what is he gonna do? Redo the ceremony, of course! The catch is: It costs 5,000,000 mane (local currency). That's all that they are revealing about the story. As you can see, the game utilizes Cel-Shading almost completely; and a visual style that's similar to Animal Crossing. [IMG]http://cubemedia.ign.com/cube/image/gifpia_10803_6.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://cubemedia.ign.com/cube/image/gifpia_10803_5.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://cubemedia.ign.com/cube/image/gifpia_10803_4.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://cubemedia.ign.com/cube/image/gifpia_10803_1.jpg[/IMG] Well, seems like I'm losing another $50 from my wallet this year...;)
  21. Charlie, who had been constantly stalled by the beasts while on the way up, finally got there; where Kinga and Mischief were awaiting him. Without even catching a moment to rest, he dashed towards the stone (about the size of a Volkswagen Beetle). Charlie- *Without stopping* You too, hit the stone with all your strenght! Without questioning him, they dashed towards the stone. Charlie's sword changed into a huge hammer, and he hit the stone with all his power channeled into it. Kinga used her brute force and smashed her fist into the stone. Lastly, Mischief used a strange fire attack to desintegrate the rests. After that powerful attack, the beasts stopped coming. Charlie- Great work guys! Now we only have to kill the remaining beasts. After that, I have an idea for an excellent recipe...
  22. Charlie- *Running towards Fli, while dodging incoming beasts* They are being summoned by Bozel! Fli- What? Is he crazy or something? Charlie- This guy's a freaking psycho...*Huge thunderbolts start coming from the distance*...I meant, he's a respectable and powerful wizard. *Thunder stops* Charlie- Anyway, he's too tricky to make this a simple battle. I believe that he used the stone I saw up in the mountain as a Summoner. If we destroy it, they will stop coming out. Fli- Then let's do it! Charlie- First tell the others what I just told you. I'll meet you at the base of the mountain. While Fli ran towards the main mass of spells, Charlie grabbed his necklace on his hand, and made it materialize into a short bluish sword. With it, he slashing beasts left and right.. While the others battle, he had observed how the fallen were eaten by their former comrades. By charging the sword with poison, he killed many birds with one stone.
  23. I have had a few of those experiences when I'm about to fall asleep. One of the freakiest was when I heard drums (the rock band style) coming from my own room (about 10 years ago). Also, my dead aout once appeared on a dream. She seemed glad to see me. The weird thing is, I had said a while before that that I would have enjoyed seeing her once again. (The next part is 100% serious!) While I wrote this post, I felt someone in my room! A strange cold breeze and...well...it was really freaky. How I wish ghosts could use less scary methods to communicate with us...
  24. Charlie was very surprised how the students (and teacher) were taking care of the situation with ease. He cast a small healing spell to heal Mischief. A few seconds later, Mischief was awake, and getting up. Charlie- Guess they aren't as indestructible as the books say...But I wonder what Bozel meant by "Pop Quiz". Maybe...HOLY! In that second, Charlie remembered his Orientation. He remembered how Bozel loved to push newbies to the limit, even if it was dangerous. Also, his tests weren't always obvious. He stared to the mountain and zoomed his vision. At the top, he saw a small glow. As interesting at it seemed, it was another thing that caught his eyes: Another pack of beasts, waiting for the first pack to be killed. And behind them another pack. Mischief- What's wrong with you? Charlie- This isn't just some battle! Bozel summoned an unlimited army of those things!
  25. For 4 months now, I've had the JPN version of the game staring at me from my desk. The evil disc laughs at me, because I was fooled by the Freeloader. But never fear, I [b]will[/b] get online, and at only $15/3 months. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...
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