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Everything posted by Turkey

  1. I just posted to let you guys know that stores are finally getting the demo. A blessing for those who didn't get to play it in the Cube CLubs or E3 (like me!).
  2. The students had mixed reactions to their beastly visitors. One in particular looked very nervous, as he gave a few steps behind the others. Charlie had already seen those beasts in books, so he quietly told Karina. Charlie- I don't want to scare the students, but those things are practically indestructible. We will have to distract them, and quick.
  3. While the students were warming up by the Phoenix, Charlie slowly floated up. He had a huge bruise in his forehead, and a very angry expression on his face. He stood in the middle of the group, and glared suspiciously at them all. Charlie- OKAY, WHO KICKED ME WHEN I WAS COMING OUT OF THE WATER? It's a miracle I didn't die frozen in it! *Calms down when he notices the Phoenix* Cool! A Hot Ckicken!
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B][color=ff00cc] [size=1] [spoiler]I would think she'd come up with something really, really surising... That's just me though. ^_^;[/spoiler][/color] [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I bet Hermione and Dumbledore will hook up together. I mean, you can see they are crazy from each other in just about every chapter of the freakin' series!
  5. OOC: Jester, I'll PM you an early explanation of why I added that little coment from Bozel. IC: Hearing Bozel's order, the small group walked towards the pool. Charlie, having already experienced this before, was the first to jump in. However, before jumping in, Bozel gave him these words of warning: [COLOR=purple]You better be careful this time. You know why I say it.[/COLOR] Charlie- :nervous: Don't worry, I won't cause trouble this time. Bozel-[COLOR=purple]*In a tone cold enough to freeze your soul* You better not.[/COLOR] After that friendly chat, Charlie dived into the pool. Meanwhile, the others' souls were still defrosting.:D
  6. Noticing that a fellow teacher joined the group of students, Charlie decided it was time to join them. Since he had been in school as a student before, he didn't need to grab a stone. Instead, he drew from his pocket a stone that looked like it was made of pure Saphire. He put it on his neck like a necklace, and gave it a little kiss. Charlie- Been a while since I put it on...:eek: Man, it's freezin' cold! Once he stopped whining to himself about the "Freezin Stone", Charlie walked to me the rest of the group. Charlie- Hi, I'm Charlie, and I will be assisting you guys for our trip. But please, do me a favor and call me Turkey. Don't ask why.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#507AAC] Having said that, I don't know why Sonic Team is producing SADX. Why not just move straight to SA3? I'm sure they [i]are[/i] working on SA3...but SA:DX seems a waste of time to me.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Many companies use ports to give their newer programmers more experience, which is a pretty smart move.
  8. OOC: Never expected it to start so quickly... IC: ???- Oh man! I'm late! With those words, new teacher Charlie Fortune rushed into Torneko. Since he had studied here until last year, he already where he had to go. Once he arrived in the Lost Pool, he hurried to a spot that said: "Teachers". On his way there, he accidentally ran over a small guy that wore glasses. Not wanting to make a possible alumn feel unwanted on the first day of school, he helped the poor guy up. Charlie- Sorry, my bad! Before the other person could even respond, Charlie hurried to the Teachers' spot. Once there, he noticed that the spot was still empty, and that some of his younger friends (now Seniors) were waving to him. Since there was nothing better to do, he went to talk to them.
  9. After a long time of waiting, Sonic Team finally revealed proof that they are indeed updating Sonic Adventure. The game now looks miles beyond Sonic Adventure 2. They also promise stuff like multiplayer, a better Chao sistem and 2 new characters. [IMG]http://sega.jp/ngc/sonicdx/screen_1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://sega.jp/ngc/sonicdx/screen_2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://sega.jp/ngc/sonicdx/screen_3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://sega.jp/ngc/sonicdx/screen_4.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://sega.jp/ngc/sonicdx/screen_5.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://sega.jp/ngc/sonicdx/screen_6.jpg[/IMG]
  10. I probably won't have the chance to post on any Saturday. So, if I don't post once the thread starts, it doesn't mean I quit.
  11. General Awards Overall Member of the Year: James Honorable Mention:Shyguy Male Otaku of the Year: Jamvis Honorable Mention: Sephiroth Female Otaku of the Year: Juuthena Honorable Mention: Queen Asuka Most improved Member of the Year: Domon Honorable Mention: Tommy Vercetti Thread of the Year: OtakuCards: The New TCG! Honorable Mention: Friend Tests Funniest Member: Crazy White Boy Honorable Mention: Sephiroth Silliest Username: Syk3 Honorable Mention: Crazy White Boy Member most likely to be here in two years: Smoky Joe Honorable Mention: Ricotranzrig Signature of the Year: Crazy White Boy Honorable Mention: Desbreko Best looking Otaku: Babygirl Honorable Mention: Queen Asuka Best Newbie: Rhys Mayiessen Honorable Mention: Tommy Vercetti Best Oldie: Desbreko Honorable Mention: James Otaku Writers Role-Player of the Year: Ricotranzrig Honorable Mention: Raiha Role-Playing Game of the Year: Meteo City 2 Honorable Mention: Anime Otakus Otaku of the Year: Rick Hunter Honorable Mention: Queen Asuka Digipeep of the Year: Jamvis Honorable Mention: Shyguy Otaku Gamers Gamer of the Year: Desbreko Honorable Mention: James Nintendo "Mario" Award: Desbreko Honorable Mention: James The Sony Award: Sephiroth Honorable Mention: Big Cajones Xbox Gamer of the Year: Big Cajones Honorable Mention: Tommy Vercetti Otaku Artists Best Spriter: Alexander Honorable Mention: Final Flash
  12. Finally! I've been searching for minutes for those pics! Noe that I look at them, I have just one gripe: As Desbreko said, that tunic is too darn small!
  13. Name- Smoky Joe Magic Type- Earth Type- Incognito Picture- ATTACHMENT Effects: 1.Afro Swirl- Flip a coin. If heads, attack doubles for this turn. If tails, defense is lowered by half for this turn. 2.Tapioca- Look at the bottom card of both player's decks. You may either put in your hand or discard either of them. DO NOT SHUFFLE EITHER DECK AFTERWARDS. Description: As sexy as this perplexing card may be, please hesistate to use it until you have a Dark or Earth type already in play.
  14. I used to be 200% against the Death Penalty under any circumstances. However, a few years ago, some guy (convicted for murder) escaped from prison, and killed more people before getting caught. If that wasn't enough, the next year he escaped again and killed about 6 more persons. What was he given? Since he was already in VERY high security, the court just raised his sentence to 541 years. Now, I ask: If he was executed after his second escape, would those last 6 persons have been murdered? Maybe, but not then, and not by him. Another point: He was already in for over 100 years. Why should he care about receiving more years, if he won't live long anough anyway? All in all, my opinion is that the Death Penalty should be reserved for serial killers, murderers who escape more than once, and people who are just too dangerous to let live.
  15. For those who didn't know, this show is Cliffhanger's second season. I've seen Cliffhanger in Locomotion, and it's also pretty good.
  16. I'm obviously addicted to the Net, video games, and anime. I would also say that I'm addicted to creating stuff (drawings, sprites, CG, writing, poetry...). Other than that, my one last addiction would be escribir mensajes en otro idioma para que no lo entiendan.:D
  17. An excellent read. I was quite surprised by the liveliness of the interview. It seemed as though he was talking with his friends, instead of being interviewed.
  18. My favorite moment would have to be in Eternal Darkness, when [spoiler]Alexandra finishes Pious. After seeing all the horrid things he had done throughout history, it was insanely satisfying to see him die like that.[/spoiler]
  19. Why, this is pretty interesting! By the way, you guys should put whether(sp?) your character is a teacher or a student... Name: Charlie Fortune (Nickname: Evilman) Job: Teacher Race: 90% Percent Human, 10% Elf Powers: 1.Can magically charge a weapon to give it special attributes. 2.Eagle vision. 3.Can cook some delicious Calzonnes. :D Age: 25 human years (That would make him 19 if he were human) Height: 6 feet and 1 inch Weight: 187 lbs Others control: As long as they don't go too far...OK Classes: Weapons-Simple Street Fighting *Survival Assistant- Using a "special" satellite, he checks the Survival teams' progress, and sends them some information from time to time.) Appearance: See attachment History: Until 3 years ago, Charlie was a model student in Torneko High School. During his Senior year, a teacher died (darn green potions), and he voluntered to give the classes until a replacement was found. Bozel was so impressed by his work, and the way he gives classes, that he was hired the next year. Given that he's pretty young, he tends to socialize with lots of people outside class. He's also got a reputation among students of being biased towards some more than others. [EDIT] Okay, I took out Weapons-Advanced from my list, and added Survival Assistant. Jester, tell me if you're okay with my idea (read Class with *).[/EDIT]
  20. I'm glad Capcom isn't finishing it until Winter. Such an amazing looking game deserves lots of polish.
  21. Turkey

    Ssb 3?

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Solo Tremaine [/i] [B]I remember something else I'd like to see in SSB:M. It's not much, but I thought it was fun anyway. I remember in the original Smash Bros that each character had their own way of getting onto the stage (Fox was dropped off in an Arwing, Mario/Luigi from Warp Pipes, etc. I'd quite like to see those again, although trying to find ones for Marth and oy could be a bit of a problem. Nothing too serious, though. It was just a nice touch, I thought. [/B][/QUOTE] Heh. I remember the first thing I said when I started a match was: "Where are the intros!" I would be 10 levels beyond happy if the next game has those.
  22. Turkey

    Ssb 3?

    I would like Stamina Mode to have stages specially designed for it. As for the characters, I would like to see at least 1 character and stage for every Nintendo franchise. And not only first party, but second party too (there was Rare stuff in Melee). Here's my picks: Mike- Startropics Pit- Kid Icarus Karim- Eternal Darkness Little Mac- Punch Out! Ricky Winterborn- 1080 and Wave Race Sami- Advance Wars Garret- Golden Sun Hero from Raven Blade And, above all else, the characters should have more than one clotheset. For example, Mario could have his ussual clothes, his final SMS attire, and Dr. Mario (with pills).
  23. I have just started seeing this series in Locomotion, and I have to say it's among the most interesting stories I have ever seen. It's one of the few horror animes, but it's not "jump through walls" horror. It's more like "Edgar Allan Poe" horror. The story revolves around a pet shop in Chinatown, which is owned by a young man named Count D (no, he doesn't look like a vampire). He carries exotic animals that go beyond exotic. These creatures all hide a dark side. Demons can dress like angels, you know. [IMG]http://www.urban-vision.com/titles/psoh/images/psoh14.JPEG[/IMG] [SIZE=1]Count D[/SIZE] People who want one of his pets have to sign a contract, and follow the rules in it. If they don't, the pet's evil side will awaken, and the Pet Shop will lose any responsibility. There's also a detective that believes that Count D is a criminal, and is always searching for proof.
  24. Well, I remember seeing lots of full-frontal nudity in the last episode. Other than that, it's pretty clean.
  25. Square has talent for coming up with some interesting worlds. This one strikes me as a 30th century Native American city.
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