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Everything posted by Turkey

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BigCajones [/i] [B]I find it a fun game though .. wish it could be two player! [/B][/QUOTE] It can be played with up to 4 players. One thing about this game still baffles me: Why the hell didn't they put a "Custom Soundtrack" option? I don't like some of the songs, and I absolutely hate all but one of the remixes of classic songs. I wish they'd put in the whole original soundtrack as a bonus...:(
  2. While I can listen to them, I am still waiting for them to roll some Iron Maiden covers (I loved "Pain for Pleasure).
  3. Well, Animal Crossing 2 is official (confirmed last week), and the director has frequently said that he's interested in online gaming. I wouldn't be too surprised if we are all cutting each other's trees in early 2004. *Goes to sharpen his axe*
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo]It actually has real nudity, where you can actually tell what things are? Damn...what the hell is wrong with the people that do the ESRB ratings? That should definitely get an A rating.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Ok...so brutally murdering hundreds of innocent people deserves a lower rating than nudity? I don't think so.
  5. I started out as a generic Catholic, but I've developed my own beliefs, so I'm Christian, but nothing more specific. Also, I believe that good people, no matter their beliefs, will be rewarded somehow.
  6. I would like to this a game that centered on Sephirot, before he fell into madness. I mean, he probably passed throught many things before meeting Zack, and I'm sure they would be worthy of a telling.
  7. Yeah, I also have Pitfall, and I don't know what the heck it's for.
  8. I saw it a while ago. Not a bad movie, but I wasn't exactly impressed by it.
  9. I have only played the first F-Zero, and I've found it to be pretty good. I can safely believe that Sega will not dissapoint.
  10. This is part one of a 2 part story, portraying "Fido's" life from the day he was born until he was betrayed by Catalina. A monster. A murderer. Inhuman freak. I have been called those names before, and I won?t deny that I deserve them. Things could have been different. I could?ve become a lawyer, or a doctor, or maybe even an artist. It was not my fault that I ended up like this, really! Still don?t belive me? Okay then, let me tell you all from the start... My life had hardships from the start. My mother, who?s the only person to ever love me, gave birth to me when she was being mugged. My father, who wanted to be the first to see me, was dissapointed, to say the least. So dissapointed, in fact, that he would never register me as a citizen, and he would never give me a real name. That sucked. As a baby, I was hit a lot; but my dad used to say that I mis-behaved, so I deserved it. Wasn?t he great? My first words wheren?t dada and mama, but ******* and ********. I never used a bottle as a baby, since my father could use them for his beer. He said the milk gave it flavor. For the next few years, I grew up in a decent apartment. Life was okay, except for the occasional police raid, or the misterious holes that appeared in the walls and windows. Also, I kinda remember once seeing a misterious red light pointed at my dad. Too bad my he noticed it in time. I remember seeing death for the first time when I was 10 years old and I killed a classmate with a toothpick. He started it, thought. It was my ball, not his. After that day, I was never allowed to school. My dad decided to teach me the family business. During the next few years, my old man teached me useful skills, as Super Hot Wiring? a car, and how to kill a person with one hit from a bat, and how to summon a whole array of weaponry just by doing some strange movements.. When I was 18, he introduced me to Miguel, who teached me how work was in the Columbian Cartel. Miguel was a good guy, and we would be friends until the day he backstabbed me. However, that?s another story. One day, Dad came home full of SPANK, and he planned on testing his new sledgehammer with mom. Happy to finally get the chance, I knocked him out, and fed him an ?El Burro? firecracker. My mother was heartbroken, and she jumped out the window. I was sad for about....10 minutes. A neighbor who didn?t mind his own business called the police, so I took my little brother (named Darkel), all the money my pockets would carry, and dad?s weapons; and left the place in the family Esperanto. I drove for days, until I reached a city named San Andreas. Once I got a hotel room, I contacted the Cartel, and they asked me to turn this town into a huge SPANK factory. I was just happy to help... TO BE CONTINUED
  11. I guess I should translate them manually...I'll edit this post later. ---------------------------------------------------------EDIT The Terranigma poem was impossible to translate, as it lost everything that made it special to me once I translated it. I'm almost finished with the others, but I'll probably post them in the morning.
  12. Well, today it was announced in Gamespot that there is a new GTA planned for the next fiscal year, so San Andreas is a high possibility. By the way, GTA:Miami is Vice City.
  13. Normally, I would doubt Matt's words. However, he shut us all up with the Rare incident, so I think we should give him a chance. The rights for Spawn wouldn't be so hard to get, and Namco's relation with Nintendo has been getting better.
  14. I finally got Volume 1, and I gotta say this: Unless you watch plenty non-mainstream animé, you won't get half of the jokes. Kinda like Scary Movie. I have even noticed that sometimes the backgrounds feature a joke all by itself, and the horrible dubbed voices add a lot to the game. You haven't seen Pedro until you hear him in English!
  15. If you want to preorder, I'd recomend NCSX, since they have great service. And be glad you guys didn't read the spoilers, since they are pretty big (thank goodness for the spoiler tag). Oh, and that art's part of the manual.
  16. Annnnnnnnnnd....The spoilers are of!!!! Ignore this post, unless you want to hear lots of joicy spoilers! [spoiler]This game takes place 100 years after OOT, as you may already know. However, what you probably didn't know was that WW game is directly linked to OOT. That's right! According to this game, people forgot about the Hero of Time, who saved both Hyrule and Termina. He, as the franchise title sugests, has become a Legend. Fast foward 100 years. Now, the land of Hyrule is mostly flooded. Link and Zelda's descendants are about to face Gannondorf's threat. As some may remember, he swore revenge on Link and Zelda's descendants. You do the math. The game is divided in 3 acts: ACT 1-Gannondorf's henchman, Thunderbird, kidnaps the pirate girl (Zelda's descentdant). She manages to escape, and ends up on Link's island. There, the bird accidentally ends up grabbing Link's sister. This begins Link's quest to reawaken the Temple of Time. ACT2- When Link takes the Master Sword from the Temple. he breaks the seal put on Gannondorf, and he awakens. The years have weakened the sword, so Link gets his behind kicked. I'm not completely sure of the rest, but it seems Link has to find all 8 broken parts of the Triforce of Courage, revive the Master Sword, and kick Gannondorf's butt. ACT3- I haven't heard much of this part, except that someone (from Gamefaqs) found a scripture that said: "He who carries the mark of the Triforce will visit the Hyrule of the past."[/spoiler] Also, here are some pictures of the game (with spoilers): [url]http://www.cubenation.com/news.php#922[/url]
  17. I have only seen the episode in which the brother and sister go to a deserted town. Never would I have expected to see so much blood...or such a bullying sister.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ChibiV [/i] [B]Thanks you for answering. Do you think hanging out with bad friends can have bad influence? [/B][/QUOTE] It depends. If the subject is still mentally young, then yeah, it can affect. But, if the subject is older, and he still chooses to hang out with that kind of people; then he won't learn bad stuff, since it was already within him.
  19. I just read it earlier this afternoon, and all it did was bring up my hype by 10 points. Now, I'm off to make a wallpaper of Zelda art... By the way, has anyone seen the US WW commercial? It's pretty good (but the downloadable version sucks). It's being shown with Harry Potter.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amibasuki [/i] [B][FONT=arial]lol, I'll have to look out for it. I take it that's the pig from the series that you've got as your avatar?[/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] That's right. I guess I'm becoming somewhat of a Tokyo Pig fan...:D
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]If you are in the US, don't even bother looking for an actual cart of Terranigma. It never came out here for some stupid reason. [/B][/QUOTE] ...God bless EBay...and God damn those responsible... Oh! I can't believe I forgot the SNES Battletoad games! Buy them if you can, as they are both fun and full of challenge.
  22. If you can find them: Terranigma, Plok, and the Super Turrican games.
  23. I really like the "dancing sessions". Strangely, I use those exact dances in a comic I draw...
  24. I'd have to say Terranigma (SNES). For me, this was more than just a game. I actually got emotionally involved. I lived the damn thing! Gameplay wise, it was above average. Story wise, it blew away everything before it, and everything else I've played. I highly recomend it to everyone.
  25. Has anybody seen this series? It airs on ABC Family every Saturday and Sunday at 11:00 AM. Those looking for a deep, intelligent storyline, you won't find it here. Instead, you will find something pretty similar to series like Excel Saga and Mon Colle Knights.
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