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Everything posted by Turkey
In a week, I'll be set off for a totally tubular vacation.
I like series to have a few filler episodes, if they are used to develop the characters. I've found a quite a few 26-episode series to have this setup: -First 10-12 episodes are filler, with some foreshadowing, and maybe one plot episode. -The next 2-4 episodes heavily develop the story. This phase usually has a plot twist. -Now, a smaller set of "fillers" lasts about until the last 2-6 episodes. These episodes have lots of foreshadowing, and the characters usually reflect on events from the last phase. -Tensions high, the last few episodes hurry up the series until the finale. Character development takes a back seat, and plot twists abound. -The last episode is an epilogue, which either concludes the story, or leaves it ready for fanfics or a second season.
I remember once throwing my controller because, after hours of doing stuff, the huge amount of random battles killed my characters, just before reaching the save point. From what I've seen, the characters have much better poligon models, and the resolution is better. One part of a recent interview really got my interest. The director (forgot his name) said that they are adding to this game all the stuff they didn't have time to in the original. Remember how the ships had a "value" stat? Well, the game originally had many ships which could be bought and traded. Also, there will be a lot of gameplay that takes place before the beginning of the original (like when Vyse gets his scar). With every new detail released, I feel more and more tempted to buy it.
I, for one, am not buying this game. I already have the original SNES LttP, and none of my friends have a GBA, which sucks, since I really wanted to play multiplayer...
Keep in mind they are written in Spanish: [B]Poem of the North Star[/B] Ando por un camino Buscando al amor que he perdido Un hombre a quien amigo llamé Me traicionó, y muerto me hizo parecer. Nuevas fuerzas surgen dentro de mí Y me levanto, Tengo nuevos deseos de vivir Ya no aguanto. He viajado por muchos lados Buscándolo a él, rey de los malvados. Shin, con ese nombre yo lo conocí King, con este nombre él iba a sufrir. Muchos hombres trabajaban para él Torturando, matando. Pero teman, yo los destruiré Golpeando, atacando. Uno de sus secuaces era tuerto Gritaba: ?¡Muere!?, siempre contento Pero él ignoró el terrible portento De saber, que ya estaba muerto. ¿Mi nombre? Es Ken Shiro, un guerrero confundido. Con siete cicatrices Shin me dejó Creyó dejarme muerto en un mar de dolor ¡Pero el verá! Sí, el verá. La fuerza que me ha dado El amor que me ha quitado. El Hoctoshinken el quizo exterminar, Y ese mismo Hoctoshinken es quien lo matará. [B]Terranigma-?Between Dream and Reality?[/B] Crysta, ¿qué es? ¿Un sueño, o la realidad tal vez? ¿Una imagen, que al final, desaparecerá y todo lo olvidará? ¿O es algo más duradero, con una existencia eterna? Ah...tantas dudas Algunas podré contestar Otras como preguntas se quedarán. Pero no importa, porque yo se donde estoy Soñando, sabiendo que al despertar Mi existencia se comenzará a nublar. Sueño que un ave soy Y volando hacia mi amor estoy Toco la puerta Mi vista atenta Por una mirada, Antes de que desaparezca. Ella abre, no ezperando una sorpresa Yo la miro, esperando una reacción Un recuerdo, o una oración Poco a poco ella se acercaLagrimas en sus ojos, aunque yo no lo crea. Extiende sus brazos Mi nombre es gritado, De momento siento mis labios besados ¡Un momento! ¿Labios? ¿Qué labios? Miro hacia abajo, y veo unas manos. Me toma segundos realizar Lo que ahora es verdad ¡Tengo un cuerpo humano! Mirando para arriba sonrio El ciclo ha sido vencido ¿Cómo? Quizas nunca lo sabré. Pero si hay algo que yo se Es que el amor perduró por esta vez. [B]The Life of Carrot Glace[/B] Chicas, chicas por doquier De todas ellas un beso quiero tener Con mis ojos entrenados yo puedo ver A una linda rubia, no importa donde esté. Yo tengo unos amigos Un equipo sin sentido Hemos estado juntos Desde que en la escuela éramos alumnos. Mi espada, que por mis padres fue regalada Rara vez necesita ser desenvainada ¿Por qué es tan poco usada? Pues porque es un recuerdo, y no un arma. ¿Se acuerdan de aquellos amigos de los que hablé? Pues algo de ellos yo contaré: Las hermanas Misu son gemelas Ellas no lo saben, pero las encuentro bellas Pero, si por su vida ustedes temen La ira de ellas nunca reten. Marron es mi joven hermano Le gustan los hombres, aunque no parezca afeminado Solo una vez lo he visto enfadar Y a un hombre estuvo a punto de matar. El último de mi grupo, Gateau es llamado. Su pasado es algo olvidado Pero su poder no es ignorado. ¿Por qué viajamos juntos? Ah, eso es algo personal. Nuestro trabajo es muy confidencial Bueno este poema debe acabar. Una pelirroja camina por allá.
*Drools* That is gorgeous! NOA better use that for box art! It's pictures like that that sell consoles.
So much for 'Touch of the Wind"... I'll probably get use to "The Wind Waker", but still...
I myself am okay with ska (plenty of songs I like), but I've got 2 friends that are pretty hardcore ska fans...
Gaming Can Kingdom Hearts be classified as a Final Fantasy game?
Turkey replied to Zanarkand Abes's topic in Noosphere
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tima [/i] [B]nah...the battle system is awesome [/B][/QUOTE] I agree. It's hard to get into at first, but, as you progress, you get new abilities that make the fighting much better. -
Hmm...Those developers are pretty weird. They make things like Ganondorf's face much better looking, but they can't change the single line of code that locks on the frame rate. Why do I have a feeling that the water effects will be those of Mario Sunshine. This remake already has more graphical inconstancies than a PSX-to-DC port, so why not go the full mile? While it may seem that I'm bashing it, I am actually saying all of this in a positive way.
It is indeed a fine game, old chap. It's gameplay goes through the roof!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]The framerate is the same as the N64 versions...[/B][/QUOTE] *Spits drink* What!? It isn't 60 fps? Why the hell not?
Weird...Is it me or does Ganondorf's face looks highly detailed?
I'm really interested in watching this series. I just hope the DVDs have at least 6 episodes per volume, and that the dubbers do a good job.
Hey, you're right! I completely forgot how they looked.
I have Prime already, but I won't be able to play it until I get back my GC. Fusion, on the other hand...God it rocks! I've almost finished it, and I gotta say that I'll be playing it years from now. The stage design is amazing. Some things may seem outta place at first, but eventually, you'll see those things with new eyes. You know that other Samus from the commercial? Her name is SA-X, and she alone makes the game worth buying...
I would've liked the fairies to look more like they did in Nintendo Power's old Zelda comic, but they look cute anyway. I wonder if the fairies will give off a little laugh while they fly...
[URL=http://cube.ign.com/articles/377/377794p1.html]Click here for the Full Article[/URL] As you can see, this device allows people with no GBA to play games in their Gamecubes, just like the Super Game Boy used to. Release dates are set for March in Japan and May in the US.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo]*swears long and hard* ...Stupid Best Buy, isn't getting it in till the stinking 20th! Gah! *more swearing* ... *sulks in a dark corner* ... *mutters* [size=1]Dangit, I can't take this waiting anymore. Why can't it just come out on the same day everywhere?[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] You think that's bad? My local Toys R' Us has it right [B]now[/B], and I have to wait until Thursday to go get both, and a friend borrowed my GC, so I won't be able to play any Metroid until the weekend, since my brother's the only person I know with a GBA.
After looking at those pictures, I almost cried. This game will own like few games ever have. This game can't come too soon.
There are some guys working on a filter, since the game messes up custom models. I saw a few pics of the filter, and it looked sweet. (Mario jacking cars. 'Nuff said.) Few games have ever had such a strong following of talented modders, especially when it comes to cars. Rockstar North actually used a fan-program to make the VC vehicle data.
After seeing the videos, tears left my eyes. Those are viewtiful! Killer 7 and Joe are at the top of my list, with the rest not too far behind.
You're right, Capcom wouldn't screw up such a big deal. Still, I hope that at least 2 of the games release in Summer or Fall. There are already way too many games I want to buy (over 10) for this year, and all these announcements make my wallet cry...
Any site with free videos? Even though I'm really hyped for these games ($250 dollars that I'm willing to spend), I noticed that all but Killer 7 are scheduled for Spring 2003. I hope they spread out the dates a little more, since I fear the game could end up having glitches that could've been easily fixed with a little more time (Vice City, anyone?). Also, I won't be able to spend so much money in a short period of time. By the way, does anyone know which 2 of these games are The Glass Rose and Project Devil?