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Everything posted by Turkey

  1. Heh...Only 71 days till all our questions are answered. Anyone importing? I know I probably won't (until Miyamoto does a "Melee" and gives us an English option. After all, the E3 demo was fully translated. Note- Zelda's gonna be on the 2002 Cube Clubs, and not a single one's coming for me! :(
  2. Well, you weren't stupid. He lied, and that's a big no-no in the Show Biz.
  3. Well, in all the videos and pictures I've seen before the Green Shirt, I found no trace of a Magic Meter. Now that I remember, LttP and OOT had 2 tunic upgrades, so maybe the rule applies here (but with shirts).
  4. Man...If only this had come in time for Eternal Darkness...Oh well, I've seen DivX movies, and they are incredibly efficient (1MB for 59 seconds of DVD video).
  5. I finally finished reading it, and I gotta say that it's the funniest thing I've seen in quite a while.
  6. A guy at Gamefaqs noticed that Link's Magic Meter appears only in pictures with the green shirt. Interesting...
  7. I gotta admit that the game has plenty of flaws (Rare, what were you doing all these years?), especially in the fighting department. Mark of the Kri has a battle sistem that would've been perfect for this game. Strangely, this game is still loads of fun, and pulls you in to play some more. I give it an 8.25/10 After playing the incredibly fun Arwing stages, I know I'll be getting Star Fox Armada. Also, I wouldn't mind playing another Star Fox Adventure, but with Jet Force Gemini gameplay...
  8. Was THAT DiC? I don't remember them having techno music...
  9. Actually, Falco is in the game. I haven't met him yet, but you'll see him... This is not a spoiler, since he's even in the Manual.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by hundreds of idiotic kids[/i] [B]Heydidyouknow t hat therrs a nu Dragenball after GT?!?!?!? Goku goes SSJ 23 and Krillin fuses wtihVegeta! I know it so I'msmarter than y o ou!!!HAHAHAAHAHA![/B][/QUOTE] Only after seeing (or hearing) things like that can I comprehend Q Asuka's hate for DBZ, and dubbing. However, I've noticed that you have a problem noticing the difference between "Dubbed Animé" and "Edited Animé". A huge percent of "Dubbed Animé" manages to keep the storyline faithful to the original, and voices that fit the characters. In worst case scenarios, they may remove some nudity or cursing. Examples of good "Dubs": Cowboy Bebop Yu Yu Hakusho Fist of the North Star Sorcerer Hunters Metropolis "Edited Animé", on the other hand, is usually aimed at a younger, "mainstream" audience, and it is toned down according to it. However, if done correctly, it can still be a good adaptation. Examples of good "Edits": Digimon Tamers Tenchi Muyo Sailor Moon (early seasons) Thanks for reading! :D
  11. It arrived on UPS at 5:00AM today. It's either met or surpassed all my expectations, and I'm only starting. I was worried that Prince Tricky would hinder the experience, but he has ended up being an above-average sidekick. Also, I was worried that Rare would "over-jiggle" Krystal, just to get more "perversion sales", but they kept it subtle, as in Resident Evil.
  12. Turkey

    Robot Jones!

    I've grown to love the show, but I believe it could be much better. His voice could have a little more tone (just a little!), and there could be less "Life sucks" episodes.
  13. I only have one friend that's more than a chum. I don't confide much in the others.
  14. Hey...I'm going on a trip in a few weeks with some friends from school. I'll try the knife and memory ones.
  15. I have yet to see a can of Pepsi Blue or Vanilla Coke...Weird, huh? But my favorite drink has to be Ciclón. Some people call it the "safe- drug". Ciclón + Whole Class + School Trip= Total chaos, and good times. A similar drink is Red Bull, but it doesn't make you go crazy.
  16. I found a picture that shows a cel-shaded version of the Oracle Link. It's pretty sweet, and it shows how much Link's current design has evolved since last year's video. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=278605[/IMG]
  17. They discontinued Tokyopop, right after I subscribed. Every few months, I reread the articles, and find them as good as the first time I read them. Truly an excellent magazine.
  18. I found the video in IGN. I find Zero's running animation to be quite stupid-looking, but I'm sure it will be fixed. Othe than that, the game is looking pretty sweet (and 60 fps, too!).
  19. *Grumble* You just had to post this, didn't you? I'm expecting UPS to deliver it tonight, and if they don't get here in the next 3 hours, I won't be able to play it 'till next week. Thanks for nothing... (Note- Everything above is true, expect for the bad mood. I'm actually kinda glad you posted this! :D).
  20. Right now, Rare has 5 games planned for 2003 (including my beloved Kameo). That worries me, since they could sacrifice quality if they work so fast. I believe they should change that 5 to a 3. Now, time to wait 'till I can buy a X-box...
  21. I, having many chances to buy GTA2 for Dreamcast, ignored it. In fact, it wasn't until this Summer that I played GTA3. Now I own the PC version, and I'm looking for GTA2 (PC).
  22. Turkey


    I can only think of a moral that extended over Sorcerer Hunters, but you can only realize it in the last few episodes: True friends will always be there for you.
  23. Turkey


    One thing that's always characterized american shows is the fact that, at the end of the episode, a moral is learned. I have noticed that a few animes have this too; but, instead of a moral per episode, these morals can stretch for the whole series, or a Saga of it. Can anyone say of any anime morals they have noticed? I'll post mine later.
  24. In a recent interview with Miyamoto, he said that many online games are in the works for next year. However, he didn't say any names. Oh, and PSO's Episode 2 isn't Version 2: Episode I is essentially a "Version 3", since it's version 2 with a few more extras. Episode 2 is a full new game, with new levels, quests, ect. By the way...[B]I've got dibs on the PSO preview thread![/B]
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