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Everything posted by Turkey

  1. CBW, that idea about the teacher and the barricade meter was pretty creative. It would be interesting if they put more secondary characters, each with his/her own personality, you being their leader. You would be given options about what to say or do to them. For instance, in a moment you have to leave them behind, but you decide to trust one of them with a gun. Depending on who you choose, future events would change (one would go crazy and murder the others, while another one would run away, and another one would bravely defend them).
  2. Right now, I want to save money, so I'll only be buying Mario Sunshine, Animal Crossing, Star Fox, Metroid Fusion and Resident Evil 0 this year. With luck, I'll get Metroid Prime and PSO (with modem) for my birthday...
  3. It actually came out in late May over here. I rented it last week, and I got to the church. It's pretty good, but I would've like it better if capturing monsters wasn't so darn hard. I wasted like 3 good cards on the Ice Golem, and I couldn't capture it. Anyway, what's everyone's favorite card? Mine is either the Ghoul or the Demon Dog...
  4. It's very well done. I especially enjoy the transition from fire to water. It's very smooth.
  5. The afro-woman from Goldmember would make a great Fortune, and Fat Bastard would make an excellent Fatman. As many have said, Bruce Campbell would make a great Snake. Something tells me that if Sniper Wolf appears, she'll be played by Britney Spears...
  6. Super Mario Bros. for the NES was my first. I still remember when my bro found a glitch that allowed you to take the key without it dissapearing...
  7. When I originally joined here, one of my favorite musicians was Alice Cooper. One of his songs talked about a guy named Smokey Joe. I made a spelling mistake and named myself Smoky Joe. My avatars and banners are always (and probably will always be)representing Evilman, my best creation ever. My sig..well...Promotes the Earthbound 2 petition, which I highly support. It also says my 2 mottos (before anyone asks: No, I had not seen Shaft until months after I made up the motto!). My location's just an inside joke I'll have to explain one of these days (since last time I explained it I got everything wrong).
  8. Like Semjaza said, you should try your hand at Flash animation. You'd be able to make some pretty good stuff with it.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mist [/i] [B][color=red][size=1] I hate tea...[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] In cases like this, Pepsi will do. Or beer. Or cofee...
  10. Interesting...I might have to check it out.
  11. Too hard to choose, but I'd go with the second for a while, then switch to the first.
  12. A real Planet of the Babes? That would make for some interesting movies!:naughty: I can already imagine how they would interrogate soldiers: [QUOTE]Torturer- Where is your base, *****? Soldier- I'll never tell! Torturer- Alright, then! Guards, bring in the Shikima![/QUOTE] Bonus points for whoever identifies what the hell is a Shikima. Also, expect to see new types of bombs, like the Depends bomb, and monthly raids. And, of course, Lifetime would be the only channel available. (Don't take any part of this post seriously, except the "movie" part)
  13. I'm on my second play, just entering Fourside. This game has many of my favorite themes. I just hope that the secret game being made by HAL is a new Earthbound. BTW, you should chek out Earthbound 0 for the NES. It's very good too.
  14. IC: Charlie- I've got an idea. Kyoto- Then share it with us. Charlie- I'll be right back. He sped off to his room. Out of his stuff, he took out a medium sized bag. After examining it's contents, he ran back to the others. After clearing the table, he opened the bag, revealing a strange device the size of a football helmet. Botan- Is that what I think it is? Charlie- Yep. I "borrowed" it from Koenma while we were waiting back at his office. [FONT=century gothic]SPIRIT ITEM #24601 SPIRIT SATELLITE[/FONT] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=250067[/IMG] Gado- What's that? Charlie- This thing can be used to home in on any source of Spirit Energy with an exceptionally high level. Cara- What are you waiting for? Turn it on!
  15. I really want to rent it, but I haven't seen it anywhere yet. I hope that I can make the mosquito go underwater, so I can...Forget I said anything!
  16. After a brief "anime-purist" phase, I have grown to love american animation. Few animes make me laugh as much as american cartoons. And I have seen a few american comic books that blow away lots of mangas, but that's another story...for another day...
  17. [SIZE=4]SPOILERS!!!1111!1[/SIZE] Here's some things I heard: 1. Luigi and Waluigi are in the game, and it seems that there's a whole mission about them. After completing it, Luigi is playable! 2. After finishing the game, you have access to a small island, which is a small stage. 3. Also, you can get tropical clothes for Mario (Sunglasses and beach-print t-shirt). I'm getting the import in less than 2 weeks! W00t! Edit- I forgot to say that [URL=http://www.planetgamecube.com]Planet Gamecube[/URL] will post picture-proof soon. Sorry Semjaza! I put more space.
  18. I'm really looking foward to it. I loved it's predessesors(sp?).
  19. Turkey


    I absolutely love reading. Right now I'm reading Lord of the Rings and Mennoch the Devil (Anne Rice). My favorite series are Harry Potter, and the Chronicles of Narnia (read them all 4 times already).
  20. This news are the worst I have heard in months. I really hope they end up being false, or else I'll have to buy the DVDs (which isn't such a bad thing).
  21. You want to play games from other regions, right? But the thought of sending your console to someone who'll open it and do nasty stuff to it an be quite scary. The fine folk at [URL=http://www.ncsx.com]NCSX[/URL] have developed an excellent alternative. A boot disk that allows a console from any region to play games from any region. The price is $19.00, and it's shipping on the first week of August. [SIZE=1]If this is SPAM, feel free to delete it, or to tell me so can delete it.[/SIZE]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by shadowdramon [/i] [B]I've seen that DVD somehwhere before. Those must have been some very lucky monsters before they were all killed.:laugh: [/B][/QUOTE] Darn right. Also, if anyone cares, there are also female Shikimas (that's the monsters' name). Pretty good looking, I might add. But this show has a lot more shocking stuff that girls running from tentacles, but I won't say them here.
  23. For those interested in importing, all dialog + some text in the game is in English. I'm ordering the ***. version today, and my Freeloader is arriving first week of August, so be prepared for a lot of praising on my hand. Note- *SPOILER* Professor E. Gadd not only created Mario's gadget, but he created the brush that Water Mario uses. Oh, and did you know that Water Mario is actually Bowser's son disguised thanks to the special brush? Could this mean the return of the Koopa Kids?
  24. You want to see Shock Value? Get Burn Up W/Excess. Those series feature more fan-service than many others combine. Also, La Blue Girl may shock a lot of viewers. I wonder why...:D
  25. Turkey


    A few from my favorite series: Sorcerer Hunters [QUOTE] Cute girl- Go away, you dirty old man! Carrot- I'm not a dirty old man, I'm a dirty young man![/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Carrot- Could you put your hands a little lower?[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Carrot- Oh no, I'm gonna die! And I'm still a virgin![/QUOTE] And thes ones are from The Final Supper: [QUOTE] (Guy who's name I forgot)- Dude, you killed that guy just because he had a swastika on his arm![/QUOTE] [QUOTE] (Another character)- If you were in the early 20th century, and you were in a house eating with a young boy named Adolf: Would you kill him, knowing that you would be saving millions of lives?[/QUOTE]
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