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Everything posted by Turkey

  1. You should try using Irfanview (google it), since it has a decent resizing tool, and it's free. You might also try the Gimp.
  2. QUOTE=Shippo][color=darkslategray]Wow! This is definetley turning out really well. I've never seen anything CGed from you, but this is gorgeous. The shading and highlights of the wheels are amazing. Great work once again...[/color] [color=darkslategray][/color] [color=darkslategray]BTW: Will you make an interior for the vehicle? Or will it just be the model of the outside? I dont know why I'm asking, just curious...[/color][/QUOTE] I will definitely model the vehicle's interior, just as soon as I finish the doors and some random details here and there. [URL=http://img25.imageshack.us/img25/839/safari8.png][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Picture of the vehicle's current condition.[/COLOR][.[/URL] [URL=http://img25.imageshack.us/img25/4214/safari9.png][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Half-assed picture of the Safari using it's headlights.[/COLOR][/URL] I just linked these, because they're huge.
  3. [QUOTE=Shippo]Woah, nice stuff Turkey! After getting cinema 4d, I now know how hard, and complex it is to model stuff. And in this case, you did an excellent job! I expecially love the shine of the tires. Persoanlly, I can't wait to see the toon-CGed version. Really looking forward to it :][/QUOTE] Hard, indeed. I had never modeled a vehicle before, and it is pretty overwhelming. In another forum they made some interesting crits about the shell, so I decided to start over, and it's looking much better. [IMG]http://img22.imageshack.us/img22/5641/safari4.png[/IMG] Obviously, I haven't put textures nor given the shell proper reflection yet, since I'm trying to finish modeling as soon as possible.
  4. I've been making a comic for most of this year, both for fun and to improve my CG skills. One of the characters has a vehicle which will appear a lot, so I can't cheat my way into modeling it. I haven't started on the interior/bottom, and the final model will be toon shaded. Any and all C&C will be appreciated. [img]http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/1859/safari.jpg[/img] [img]http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/8084/safari2.jpg[/img] [img]http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/208/safari3.jpg[/img]
  5. Honestly, between this and Zelda, I'm surprised that somebody hasn't suffered a stroke yet. The moment I opened this topic, and saw the first pic, it reminded me of an old CG project I was doing of exactly the same thing. While it reminded me of Worms 3D at first, seeing the video changed that. Now, I have only one worry: That the AI is smart. From what I saw in the trailer, it seems like you can switch between certain units, and that the others will have to survive through the AI. What would the rating be for this game? Pikmin managed to nail an E (how it did I will never understand), but this one actually has a little blood (look when the character is being shot by many Mech troops)...
  6. I've been working on a comic for a short while now, and I've gotten stuck on the dialogue. I honestly don't really like the way I'm posting the dialogue, so I decided to put 3 different types of text positioning of the same fake panel, and post them here. I'm currently using the bottom style on the attachment. I'd really appreciatte help on this.
  7. Some of those pictures are from the PS2 port of Viewtiful Joe 1. At least, I can recognize most of the Dante pics from there. However, I hope that Dante is given a good story, so he doesn't feel like a shameless way to cash in. Also, I like how Silvia is shown shooting with that yellowish gun. If they put stuff like that in the store, it would be even better than before. Lastly, I really hope that you can carry over your save from the previous game.
  8. Turkey

    Kill Bill 2

    I finally got the chance to watch Volume 1 last weekend, and was certainly impressed. I'm looking foward to watching Volume 2 next week, when it premieres over here.
  9. I've been working on a webcomic for a while, and things are starting to progress fast. I've been playing with ideas for the cover, until I finally got a image I liked. The problem now is that I can't seem to choose between the 3 backgrounds. Thus, I find myself in need of you good people. I haven't added the title/logo/ect, to make it easier to see everything.
  10. For the last month, I've been working on a comic which I'll start publishing during the Summer. Last night, I redesigned all the mayor characters, and this brought me to a predicament: As you can see on the attachments, I've used two different coloring styles for the same character. The problem lies in the fact that I like both styles. However, for sakes of not getting confused, I can only use one. I need help on choosing which style.
  11. Tired of looking at my empty user info, I went and made this avatar and banner, using my latest Cg render. The main reason for my Pokémon theme lies in the release of Colliseum, which I've been anticipating since the first video of the RPG mode. Enjoy! :ball:
  12. I've been turning pretty lazy lately when it comes to art, so I began working on a new project, before finishing my Turkey model. This is Trogdor, [URL=http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail58.html]a dragon created by Stronbag from Homestar Runner.com[/URL]. I just finished rigging the model's skeleton, so I plan on making a still scene based on the music video. I might also use him in later animations, since he's ready for that. Well, g2g Turkey,PR ;)
  13. This was something I made a few days ago. I had to make a representation of myself, so I decided to make something quick but nice. Since all the stuff I've been making lately has been dark, I used Toon-Shading here. Considering I only spent 2 days on it, I'm really glad of the way it ended up looking.
  14. Well, you are reading the post of a person who just lost his chance at up to $28,000. The poster in this post was made for a scholarship competition. The theme: "Life is Better With Art In It". I was gonna participate, but I forgot one little thing.......MY FREAKING HIGH SCHOOL TRANSCRIPT! Due to certain reasons, it's impossible for me to get it now, so all I have left to do is show my entry. I attached a smaller version, but you can see the full image here: (Copy/Paste the URL) http://www20.brinkster.com/smokyjoe/LIBWAII_Luis_PabonYTDX.jpg Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to slam my face agaisn't the wall for a while.
  15. Well, since St. Valentine's Day is rapidly approaching, I decided to celebrate what could be the first time I have someone to share it with. Right now, I'm unsure wether(sp?) to add more balloons, or more Little Turkeys. I'm thinking of adding the message on one of the upper corners. The heart inside the dome doesn't seem to fit, so I'll probably remove the Toon Shading on it. Any C&C will be appreciated (yes, I mean you).
  16. Well, I have finally accepted that I'm a bitter young man. This Valentine's Day will be my 17th without a girl to share with, thus I made this banner. It's a little twist on the theme: "Love Is In The Air".....I hope you enjoy! [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=546544]Here's the original image (Mandatory blood warning)[/URL][IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=551174[/IMG]
  17. My main beef with 3d on anime is that the animators can't seem to stay at a constant frame rate (Zoids, anyone?). Also, the CG should be saved for scenes that really need it, not to show off the technique. Also, if you're gonna add 3d, at least cel-shade it. That way, it won't contrast so much (unless the contrast works for the situation).
  18. I finished the series last Fall, when I just lost it and bought the last 4 DVDs almost at once. I feel that the show hit a slump during the 3-5 volumes (with the exception of some genius here and there). But the last volume is pure gold. And NOTHING can prepare you for the last episode. It's so random, offensive and perverted, the 17+ rating seems small. Also, I believe the Dub totally outclasses the Sub, but I'm not getting into an argument about it (again). If anyone's interested, the OVA Puni-Puni Poemi (which takes place 10 years after Excel Saga) is going to be released in the next few months.
  19. I think the answer is neither talent or practice, but desire. Talent gives you a natural edge, practice lets you take your skills to the limit (if any), but desire makes you WANT to use the other two.
  20. I know that feeling. Sometimes, I'm trying to talk to a friend. I call out to him, then he pays attention for like 2 seconds. I usually end up giving him a good smack on the arm, and telling him to pay attention. It seems to work, because they ignore me little less than usual. However, I can see why they do that. I've thought about things I've said, and sometimes they are dumb/worthless. I know because I've seen friends do the same, and I end up ignoring. Hell, I've blocked friends on Messenger to shut them up. My advice is to evaluate what you say. Maybe you just talk too much junk, and your friends get used to that. Or, your friends are jerks. If so, ignore them and only talk to them when you need something.
  21. I was a really big fan of Captain Planet back in the day. Nowadays, I can still see it, appreciating the pure cheesyness of it. I really recommend seeing the Spanish Dub, since it features hilarious voice acting (only second to Fist of the North Star).
  22. For the last week, I've been working on animations. However, since all the characters are Toon-shaded, I haven't really been practicing on realistic scenes. Thus, here's my weekend project...
  23. Wow....amazing job. The shading is sweet and all, but the scales take the cake! I don't think I've ever seen such excellent tint use before. Aqre you a professional?
  24. Well, a friend of mine (from Canada) had his birthday yesterday. Since I'm not too interested in sending a CD over there, I just did this simple render. It took me only about 2 hours, and most of the time was spent deciding what to do. But I think he'll get a laugh with this...
  25. The image doesn't display. Why don't you upload it here?
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