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Everything posted by Turkey

  1. God, this game owns! The game has an atmosphere that sucks you into the game. Those worried of insanity effects getting annoying, don't worry! The subtle effects don't become constant unless your sanity meter lowers quite a bit, and the biggest effects are very rare. Right now, I'm at a loss of words, so I'll continue later. [SIZE=4]WARNING!!!!!!!11111[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]If your box is empty, check inside the instruction booklet![/SIZE]
  2. Also, the monsters turn into some kind of substance once they die, only to morph o\into other beasts.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=royalblue] ...and the only ones that directly connect (in recent memory) are the OoT and MM stories. color] [/B][/QUOTE] *gasp* You forgot LOZ and AOL (the game, not the internet)! They are direct sequels too. And the Oracles could be connected (one first quest, then the other one second quest). [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=royalblue] so true but i guess we will all have to see which game is released its survival of the graphics realistic or cartoony? only time will tell color] [/B][/QUOTE] What?
  4. A very good movie. I rented it a few years ago.
  5. My ideal animé would be full of episodes that reveal more of the character's personalities and gives out a little of the plot. It would be mostly light-hearted and set in a fantasy world. Fan-service should be used in parts. And the ending must leave you thinking. In other words, I want more Sorcerer Hunters!:D
  6. My condolences. I know it must hurt a lot, so all I can say is, well...good luck.
  7. I come to the Lounge for the first time in 3 weeks and look what I find! I can't believe my score was so low, tought. I know I'm purer than that! Damn friends... 55.9%
  8. I heard that the tentative name is Star Fox Armada. Anyway, I have faith that this game will prove to be an excelent addition to the series. However, I wonder if Falco will be back...
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Krillen [/i] [B]I really liked 3, I just hope that they make 4 a little more realistic, because in the others it makes it possible for you to grind on a piece of thread whcih isnt possible, and it makes it so that you can ollie out of a boardslid which also isnt possible, they also ollie baout 6 to 8 feet high. [/B][/QUOTE] Well, Krillen, unrealism is what Neversoft has in mind. However, if you want realistic physics (sp?), just activate the cheat in THPS 3.
  10. Hey, why didn't you tell us sooner about this? Anyway, all I can say is: Amazing...Very damn amazing. The story is very well done, and the characters are well characterized. I'm really looking foward to Part 3 and the comic.
  11. If it's nearly as good as Sunset Riders (One of the greatests SNES games ever), then I'm interesed! Now to con my PS2-owning friend to buy it...
  12. Turkey

    GS ball

    I haven't watched Pokemon in a while, but I remember that I was (and still am) very annoyed by Team Rocket...
  13. According to Neversoft, they scrapped the old engine and started over from scratch. Also, the objectives revolve much more on other characters than before. And some objectives have you doing tricks on moving objects (in one, you must go from the beginning to the end of a parade float).
  14. It's the Insider article on IGN Cube. You know, the one that says Link's debut or something like it...
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo]First off, I moved this to the Zelda Forum.[color] [/B][/QUOTE] Thanks!:) [QUOTE][B][color=indigo] I'm thinking someone just edited some screen shots, and put those pictures of Link in.[color] [/B][/QUOTE] *The next sentence is from my first post* Unfortunately, we have yet to see more proof besides the statement and some [B]mock ups[/B] for how the game should look. Seems like you missed a line in my post. IGN never said the pics were legit. They admited they created the pics so people would have an idea of how the game should look. Since there is no proof (except a site's word) in favor or agaisnt this, I'll just be hopeful, since this would not only be a treat to GC fans, but it will be another sign of Namco and Nintendo's new friendship.
  16. According to sites like IGN, Namco announced that their sequel to Soul Calibur would have an extra character for the Gamecube version. As you can see by the title, that character is Link. Unfortunately, we have yet to see more proof besides the statement and some mock ups for ow the game should look. [IMG]http://insidermedia.ign.com/insider/image/soulcaliburmockup2_460.jpg [/IMG] [IMG]http://insidermedia.ign.com/insider/image/soulcaliburmockup1_460.jpg[/IMG] As you can see by the above pictures (courtesy of IGN), Link's model would be that of SSBM and the Spaceworld 2k tech demo. I for one can find this quite believable, since Nintendo and Namco have been having much better relations lately; with the Triforce arcade board and the Namco Star Fox game (which features gameplay like the first 2).
  17. I was recently reading a Time Magazine (June 3, 2002). In page 20, I read an article that froze my soul. I decided to post the first paragraph. [QUOTE]Connecticut Senator Joseph Lieberman has vowed that he won't run for President in 2004 if Al Gore is a candidate. But Gore's former running mate is acting a lot like a man looking for a promotion to the top of the ticket. This week alone he is set to make a round of fund-raising stops including Tacoma, Washington, and Tucson, Arizona; will talk high tech in Silicon Valley and Latino issues in L.A.; and will spend two days in New Hampshire.[/QUOTE] For those who don't know who is Lieberman, he is the "Hitler" of video games. He's been fighting agaisn't video game violence ever since Mortal Kombat. He has been responsible for the banning of some games (Thrill Kill), and has fought for the editing of many games. He's not happy with just making violent games illegal for minors, but for everyone. Please post your views on this situation which could become a catastrophe, and if you have more information, post it as soon as possible.
  18. Two interesting tidbits of information: 1.The title's previous release date was chosen because the 9 planets were aligned. 2.The actual release date is the day of an eclipse. These people really know when to release games!
  19. Tira and Chocolate from Sorcerer Hunters are top in my book. How I'd like to be Carrot... [Edit] Oh my God! I forgot to add Miko Mido to my list! [Edit]
  20. Well, in Illbleed, you could consider yourself dead if your adrenaline was empty. In ED, the only way that you'll go completely crazy is by playing badly (running from enemies, cheating your way through puzzles, ect)
  21. Well, If there are others, don't forget to post them. I really need a few doses of Darkness.
  22. Turkey

    Lilo and Stich

    I am so watching it! I really like when he goes to Aladdin's scene., but my favorite part is when he wrecks a house in the commercial. I'm 15, and I'll shamelessly watch it!
  23. There were others? Please enlighten me, sensei!
  24. (I can't believe nobody has made this thread already...) Anyway, this is a preview dedicated to what may become one the best games of this year, Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem [IMG]http://cubemedia.ign.com/cube/image/edark_box_640.jpg[/IMG] Many people, under the effects of a deadly disease called ignorance, put this game in the "Resident Evil clone" category. This is a horrible mistake, since they are completely different. This game is not Survival Horror. Instead, it's an adventure psicological triller and a first of it's kind. [SIZE=3]Story[/SIZE] EDIT-This is a transcript of the real introduction. Long before humanity graced the Universe with its puerile ideas, the Earth belonged to another species. An ancient species bound by neither physics nor nature; purpose nor ethic. Through the passage of time, the relentless advance of ice and continental plate and other less fathomable reasons, these "Ancients" were driven into the recesses of our world. There they lie imprisoned until such time as the conditions are right for their return. "Oh oblivious, naïve Humanity... How ignorant we really are - safe only in our blind "superior" view of the world. We are merely caretakers, for when the Ancients return we shall be swept aside like driftwood on the tide of destruction..." Hungry for dominance, radical organizations seek to restore the Ancients to their former station. For eons they have schemed and plotted in the darkness, attempting to bring these unholy entities into our world through arcane magicks - blood rituals, worship and sacrifice. Of these sects, little is known; those who learn their secrets tend to perish swiftly at their hands. Their scheming works to bring the return of the Ancients, and the extinction of humanity, ever closer. Yet not all hope is lost. The fate of Humanity depends upon the actions of a chosen few. They are average people, unprepared for heroic deeds, but the responsibility is theirs, nevertheless. Even as their lives are torn apart by unseen evils, they must show courage not only in the face of the enemy, but also their own fears. These poor souls will teeter on the brink of insanity, tortured by the horrors of the Ancients. A secret war is being waged on the periphery of Humanity's perceptions - a war wreathed in shadows and deception. Now, the centuries-long game of the Ancients is reaching its final stages. The Darkness comes... [SIZE=3]Gameplay[/SIZE] I'll say it from the start: The game's promised to be around 60 hours long. Each of the 12-14 characters uses different weapons, ranging from swords to shotguns. The combat sistem allows you to target specific parts of your foes and it's said to be fast and responsive. Also, the game features a deep magic sistem, which allows you to power-up your weapons, cast spells, and summon monsters. The summoned monsters, however, can be very dangerous, since you will eventually lose your power over them and they will turn agaisn't you. And last, but not least, is the sanity meter. Depending on how you play, this meter will rise or fall. The lower, the less sane you become, and then the game shows it's evil side. Things you see may not be real. What you believe is an item could end up attacking you. The file you save on may change it's name. All of those are real and reported by IGN. In fact, they game tricked some people at EGM by saying that the file was corrupted. [SIZE=3]Sound[/SIZE] So far, the music sounds perfect for the genre. The closest I can come to this musical style is Diablo on steroids. The voice acting is very good. However, it's no surprise, since the VAs are from games like Diablo, Soul Reaver, and MGS 2. [SIZE=3]Graphics[/SIZE] Like most first and second party games have been lately, this game has to be seen in motion. The areas detailed with high polygon models (5,000 each) and high-res textures. The character and enemy designs are great (except for a guy who looks kinda stupid). And the fact that it moves at 60 fps with minimal slowdown doesn't hurt. [SIZE=3]Conclusion[/SIZE] It angers me that such an amazing title has been so underrated. I advice you to buy this game on June 24 (or 25). [I]What do you see...Is it light? Is it darkness? Is it fear?[/I]
  25. For many years, companies have dissed Nintendo in many ways. As you all know, Nintendo President Yamauchi-san retired and put Iwata-san on his place. However, on a recent press conference, he talked about his view of Final Fantasy XI. Read and be surprised: [QUOTE] Nintendo's new president Satoru Iwata delivered blockbuster news to shareholders today in Japan. Specifically, Nintendo expects sales of their GameCube console to exceed 50 million units by 2005. Speaking about the new projections, Iwata-san said, "Nintendo is the world's largest game developer, and despite the continued pricing battle with Sony's PlayStation 2 and Microsoft's Xbox - we're confident we can meet our sales projections." As of March 2002, Nintendo had sold approximately 3.8 million GameCube consoles worldwide, slightly below initial projections. According to Iwata-san, Nintendo has failed to sell a substantial number of GameCube units due to a lack of quality first party software. To rectify the situation, Iwata-san plans to rollout new chapters in several popular franchises such as Mario, Zelda, Metroid, StarFox, F-Zero, Mario Kart, Kirby and Pokemon for the GameCube over the next two years. In an uncharacteristically bold move, president Iwata-san also criticized Japanese developer Square for their recently released PlayStation 2 online RPG Final Fantasy XI. During his speech today he said, "While the popularity of online games can't be denied, Final Fantasy XI has been a failure. Square has been unable to attain half the number of users they anticipated (200,000) due to the management of their online servers. Typically, new chapters in the series [Final Fantasy] sell more than 2 million copies. We're paying particular attention to the online environment to ensure the success of future network games such as Phantasy Star Online for GameCube." Following today's briefing, Square president Youichi Wada rebutted Nintendo's harsh criticism of Final Fantasy XI. When pressed for comment, Wada-san said, "The scale of the online market, its profitability and problems, are much different from conventional videogames. Final Fantasy XI has been an experiment to broaden the market - something we think Nintendo should encourage. Players have been very pleased with Final Fantasy XI, and we hope Nintendo's comments today don't dissuade any future players from experiencing the game themselves."[/QUOTE] I can only say one thing for Square: BURN!:laugh: Altough this may be a bad move from an economical point of view, my respect for Iwata has raise by 10 points.
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