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Everything posted by Turkey

  1. I'm looking foward to renting that game. Of all the people who've played it, I've only heard 2 complains.
  2. Oh my God, those are the funniest quotes ever! I have to put one in my sig!
  3. I was wondering when someone would make this thread... Fist of the North Star is a pretty cool show. Anyway, I advice anyone who understand Spanish to hear this show dubbed in Spanish. You'll laugh your head off with the horrible translation!
  4. I'm ready to buy this beauty the day it arrives. I played the original to dead and I'm ready to lose my social life once again! I heard that the tentative fee will be $11 for 3 months, which is an amazing deal for a game that deserves twice that fee. Highly recomended.
  5. OOC: Silent Hill 2 has disturbed my mind... IC: Liam walked through the corridor, which was shrouded in darness and silence. Pi said nothing and kept following. After a few minutes, Liam stopped. Pi-:confused: OOC: 5 non-filler posts in a row.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RicoTranzrig [/i] [B]Even after it comes out...it won't really reach us here until they've achieved a local fanbase and enough money to go multinational. [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, like the Wonderswan.
  7. Piro's right. If you keep it all inside, you'll either explode (like I once did) or you'll just break inside. My favorite way of dealing with emotions is either drawing, reading, or playing a video game. Ahhh...Nothing like blowing up 21 persons with a rocket to release stress...
  8. I was going to say I approved of ISS, but after MM said, I agree with him. You gotta clean your room before going to your friend's house.
  9. OOC: Good luck Carren. Need help, Darkmoon? IC: Ken, tired of waiting, and feeling a little worried, decided to check out how Nightfire and Rajaah were doing.
  10. OOC: Whoohoo! I finally lost Writer's Block! IC: Liam woke up, and stood up, with a strange look on his face. Pi- Hey, you okay? Liam- .... Pi- Hello? Are you okay? Liam walked slowly and silently, almost like a ghost, to the door. Without even saying anything to Pi, he left the room. Pi followed him through the corridor. OOC: 4 non-filler posts in a row.
  11. Yes is does. On-topic, I am really hyped about the co-op 2 player mode they announced in the ad. And from what I've seen, the game looks like a 3D side-scroller with fully 3D boss battles. But I could be wrong...
  12. I'm kinda addicted...But I think I can easily get off this chair...
  13. Trust me, when you see some of the episodes in the show (especcially the third), you'll understand why I say she's sometimes a psycho. Oh, and could you tell me why is ([B]SPOILER![/B]) Miles (Millefeule) with them in parts of the manga?
  14. Hey Asuka, where can I find the manga? Ever since Tokyopop magazine was cancelled, I haven't been able to watch it. And I higly recommend the show. From what I've seen in manga, the show is a very different storyline. And it's the greatest dub ever made (the guy who did Carrot couldn't have done better). Tira's okay (altough a psycho when she transforms), but my fav. is Carrot, with his Johnny Bravo personality and "Bum" clothes.
  15. You mean like the defensive weapons in REmake? That would be awesome! Imagine Chris running around with a shotgun on his hands an a rifle strapped on his shoulder.
  16. My friend has AC2 and AC2: A New Age. They are not bad at all. In fact, those are the only Mecha games I enjoy.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ProudClod [/i] [B]Well in a way joe, super smash brothers melee is sort of an all-nintendo characters party fest.[/B][/QUOTE] You hit the nail. What I'm talking about is playing an all-nintendo racing fest, an all-nintendo tennis fest, ect. I can already imagine Kirby cutting off Samus only to be blasted away by Mario's Super Scope.
  18. Actually Clod, in Code Veronica they slightly fixed the "magic backpack" problem. In it the bigger things took 2 spaces. However, it was still weird to have a Rocket Launcher taking as much space as 2 keys.
  19. You know, I've been wondering something for quite a while: Is there a season 2 in the making? I've seen some mangas that look like they take place after S1. SPOILER I believe those mangas could end up fror S2 because Tira and Chocolate transform with the same clothes that in the last S1 episodes.
  20. NOTE- I know that Nintendo itself didn't do any of these games, they just published them. Okay, now you all know of a company called Nintendo. This company is known for having it's Mario characters competing agaisn't each other in sports and parties. However, when it's time to put on the fighting gloves, Nintendo brings out it's greatest mascots to battle. Now comes the part I've always been wondering about: Why doesn't Nintendo put it's many mascots in their other party games? I'd love to see Fox, Kirby, Link, ect. in games like Mario Party and Mario Kart. So, what do you people think?
  21. Turkey

    FInal Fantasy

    The movie isn't that bad. In fact, I liked it quite a bit. I'd post the stuff about the ghosts, but Zero said exactly what I was going to.
  22. Turkey

    GCN Mario Cart

    Hmmm....A cel-shaded Mario Kart would totally own. I really hope that Miyamoto reveals more details on Spaceworld (A demo would be nice, too).
  23. OOC: Must...fight...Writer's Block... IC: Pi woke up when he heard strange sounds from Liam's bed. Pi-Weird...*Walks toward Liam and moves him a little* Hey, you okay? OOC: 3 non-filler posts in a row.
  24. Meanwhile... The others waited for Nightfire and Rajaah in camp. Carrot walked up to Tristan. Carrot-Hey, may I ask you a question? Tristan-Depends. Carrot-Why do you want to go first to the tribe? Wouldn't it be easier for you to fit in if you go to town with us? Tristan-I have my reasons. Carrot-Okay...
  25. Turkey

    Zelda @ E3

    I guess I should've been clearer on some parts of my theory, since I seem to have left a few details: 1- Another reason I believe he is a separate Link is because of the way Hyrule looked in the first (a mostly barren land). In the second, the land was recovering from Gannon's attack. 3- Many of the creatures looked very different to their versions in other games. Moblins, anyone? I'll develop more on my theory later, once I organize it better.
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