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Everything posted by Turkey

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=coral] I can see why younger kids would enjoy it (the violence factor and the no-brainer gameplay), but people who enjoyed the slightly more challenging/interactive GTAIII can only be dissappointed by this game.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I [B]love[/B] GTA III, and I believe it's Rockstar best effort yet, but I also love SOE. However, I'll admit that it could've been better if they had taken a few more months to add some more mechanics. If they had allowed you the entry into buildings and the ability to drive vehicles, I would have loved it much much more.
  2. Well, like I said before, Z-Axis has proven themselves time after time with their previous games in the franchise, so I doubt the gameplay will be bad. In fact, judging from a few videos I've seen, the game appears to have faster gameplay and better grinding than the others (BMX 2's felt very magnetic). Now my only concern is the controls...
  3. Okay, now I understand you. In your first post you sounded like Lieberman's best buddy (you [b]do[/b] know who Lieberman is, right?). However, there's one thing that annoys me: From now on, if a company wants to make an over-the-top game, everyone will point a finger and yell: "GTA III did that!" If you're going to call it a copy, at least do it right! It's Conker, not GTA III!
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=coral]I played it a while ago but really, it's one of the most simplistic and pointless games out there. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I know, isn't it wonderful? [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] Problem is, a game like GTAIII comes along...which manages to merge the aspects of a free roaming environment with a fairly strong objective-based gameplay...and everyone wants to copy. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Can a company copy itself?-_- Anyway, if you want a deep story, go play Final Fantasy. This is an arcade-style game. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] I wish people wouldn't buy games like this just because they're published by Rockstar and include aspects which might seem similar to GTAIII...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Don't worry, since I just borrowed it with my friend's PS2. I'd buy it if I had a one, anyway. It sickens me too see everyone compare it with GTA III, just because they are made by the same company and they are both violent...
  5. James (and people with a similar opinion), when did you become a puritan? If there wasn't any M-Rated stuff, you would be okay with it; but since there's nudity and sexual situations, you quickly take out the torch and bash the game without even trying it. Z-Axis has proven themselves already with the previous games, and they are wise when it comes to gameplay. Sorry if this sounds like a flame, but I just can't stand people who bash M-Rated games without even trying them (the same goes for E-Rating bashers).
  6. OOC: He ran away with the spoon. j/k, I'll push him back in the story. IC: Ken, who was with the guards until now, walked towards the group. Ken-Everyone seems to be okay. *Noticing everyone looking at some papers* What are you reading? The others explained everything discussed until now. Ken-Hmmm...This is not good. Tristan-Why don't we go check the hybrid tribes? We should be able to get some info from them. Carrot-We should split up in groups. Nightfire-Why are you so eager to split up? Carrot-Because we can cover more ground that way. Anyway, who's up for it?
  7. THIS IS YOUR LAST WARNING! IF YOU ARE OFFENDED BY THING WITH SEXUAL CONTENT, VIOLENCE, ECT., GO AWAY FROM THIS THREAT! Now on to the preview: A few months ago, Z-Axis announced their last game under Acclaim publishment: Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 3, which is coming to GC, PS2 and X-Box in Late Fall or early Winter. Okay, another game in a pretty nice series. However, a few days ago Acclaim released footage of this game, and it seems that Dave has been hanging too much with Conker. Many believed it a joke, but now it's a reality. Welcome to the first M-Rated extreme sports game in history. [IMG]http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2002/e32002/playstation2/davemirrabmxxxx/mirrabmxxxx_screen013.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2002/e32002/playstation2/davemirrabmxxxx/mirrabmxxxx_screen014.jpg[/IMG] As you can see from the above pics, female characters can now be used (and also created). However, they aren't there just to do tricks and jump ramps. The main reson they are there is for something that begins with "fan" and ends with "service", but I'll get into that later. [IMG]http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2002/e32002/playstation2/davemirrabmxxxx/mirrabmxxxx_screen006.jpg[/IMG] From what this pic (and some videos) show me, the gameplay has been refined so it's faster. Also Z-Axis is promising 2000 moves in all for this one. Enough about gameplay. What you want to hear is the controversial stuff.;) When it comes to objetives ( a must in extreme games nowadays), this game milks it's M rating for all it's worth. In one area a dog is doing "Number 2" in a park, and you have to stop him. How do you do that? By looking for you pimp friend, who tells you: "I'll go get my *****!". He comes back with his female dog, which you carry in a basket back to the "poopy dog". They do the bad thing and they go away. Weird, huh? Your reward is money, which you can use to watch a stripper. Not in poligons, not in CGG, but in a DVD-quality video. The more you pay, the more she takes off. And yeah, she can get totally naked. Other objectives have you killing people with a rifle (while riding), cleaning a pool by shooting a street cleaner with a flying water heater (and a huge one!), and of course, doing some gosh-darned tricks. Oh, and the multiplayer games are the basic ones, with a few alterations (strip HORSE, anyone?). Oh, and did I mentioned that Z-Axis are not going to censor anything in this game? In other words, don't play it near your parents, boys! To end my longest post ever, I'll say 2 things: "If this game doesn't get an AO rating, I'll be darned." "How will I buy this game without any family member noticing it?"
  8. Call me weird, but I think that SOE is one of the greatest games ever. Many people think that this is a "play for a few hours" game, but it's really more of a "10 min. now, 12 min. later" game. In fact, I just played Chaos in the last stage and I can only say that this game owns.
  9. IC: Pi-Finally! Time to rest! Pi threw his Launcher towards a bed, boost-jumped to it's top bunk and fell asleep in a matter of seconds. Liam went to a lower bunk. He put one of his guns under the pillow and fell asleep. While on the outside it seemed like he was having a nice rest, inside there was a lot more happening... OOC: 2 non-filler posts in a row.
  10. Yamauchi did a lot for Nintendo, more than many others combined. I really am excited to see how Iwata chooses to manage the company. The one thing I didn't like from Yamauchi was that he was too stubborn. I hope Iwata's more open to change. Long Live Nintendo!
  11. Turkey

    Zelda @ E3

    I also have a theory about the storylines. I believe that there have been 3 Links: 1- Appeared in the first 2 Zeldas. I belive he is a separate Link than theothers since his hair is brown (even in the concept art). 2-Link from LttP, Oracles, LA, and Zelda GC. If I were to connect the games, I'd say that ZGC was the first. After that, he travelled towards Hyrule and ended up having the Oracles. After that, he decided to stay living in Hyrule with his uncle. Later on he decided to return to his homeland, but he had a little problem in the sea. 3-Link from OOT and MM. I can't say much about him, except that he is in a quest for Navi. The reason I put him separated as a separate Link was because his world looks very different from the other Links'. Anyway, Miyamoto said in an interview (I think it's in the Pikmin guide) that everyone should have his/her own vision of the storylines.
  12. OOC: Heh, sorry about that. I'll be more careful from now on. IC: Carrot-*Sitting down* Now this is a story I don't want to miss.
  13. I've seen it's trailer, and it looks like a pretty good series. The only problem is that they only give 3 eps. per DVD. It's really annoying since you have to pay for 4 DVDs when they could have fit in 2 discs. Did that make sence?
  14. I know what you mean. I have a friend who says Sorcerer Hunters sucks (Blasphemy!), because it's not famous. What do I tell him? Pokemon is a very famous anime.
  15. Turkey

    Zelda @ E3

    Actually Desbreko, the video I took those pics from shows that they are in the docks of their village. And yeah, the scene is from the beginning, right before she gives Link the telescope.
  16. Woah woah woah...Don't diss Pokemon. The Indigo saga rocked. Sadly, it lost a lot of it's magic during Orange and Johto. Anyway, on topic. I got really into animé thanks to IGN. I signed up with them about 2 years ago, and I received a Tokyopop Magazine (the penultimate one). I loved every single article on it. At the end they had a manga of Sorcerer Hunters. Last Summer, I downloaded loads of animé, and bought my first DVD (Sorcerer Hunters). Ever since then, I have been a huge fan of animé. And that's why I'm such a SH fanboy...:D
  17. OOC: Believe it or not, I have managed to escape WB. Unfortunately, it's deadly venom got me, and I can only barely move the plot...Man, I could create a novel based on WB! :D IC: Pi sat down near, his hand reaching for his Launcher every once in a while, not because of mistrust, but because of natural fear. Selen stood in the middle of the room while everyone checked out the room and/or found a place to sit. A few minutes passed, and the whispers, which could hardly be heard, stopped. Iris-Strange. Liam-I don't like this at all. Siren-Don't worry, this is nor--- Suddenly, the whispers started to sound very loud, almost like screams. Their speed accelerated up to the point that it seemed like millions of voices shrieking at once.
  18. Turkey

    Zelda @ E3

    Well, here are a few pics of Link's sister, Arrill (sp?). Cute, huh?
  19. Safer, Samus is in 3rd person when she's rolling. Oh, and for those worried about the jumping portions, you can now double jump. And, as I always say, go watch the damn trailers at e3.nintendo.com
  20. Make your parents buy something cheap, so they can't say it's too risky. When it arrives safely, they won't be able to say that it's dangerous. You know, I should follow my own advice...
  21. IC: Carrot walked close by the pond. Near some bushes, he ducked out of view. He took out a COM Device and began talking with someone. Carrot-Sir, I found the group. ???-Good. Anything else to report? Carrot-Yes. The area is full of what the commander calls Insectoids. Right now we are by a big pond and a cave. ???-According to the computer, you left a Locator activated. Carrot-Yeah, in cave near our current location. By the way, what do I do now? ???-Stay with the group. Find out their true intentions and don't blow your cover. Carrot-Got it. See ya later. He deactivated the COM Device and walked back to camp. Nightfire-Where were you? Carrot-Close. Nightfire-*Suspicious* Close where? Carrot-By the pond. You guys saw me walk there. Nightfire-And what were you doing over there? Carrot-Whatching the beautiful scenery. You should too.
  22. Why do I have a feeling that we'll overload the Muted Faith server like we did with the Friendtest server?
  23. OMG, I really hope there is. I'd kill to watch that!
  24. Friend: I'm touched.:D [IMG]http://www.mutedfaith.com/images/goodfriend.jpg[/IMG] Stereotype: Now this is just wrong! [IMG]http://www.mutedfaith.com/images/jock.jpg[/IMG] Mage: Yep, that's me alright! [IMG]http://www.mutedfaith.com/images/water.jpg[/IMG] RPG: What the hell? [IMG]http://www.mutedfaith.com/images/demi.jpg[/IMG]
  25. Turkey

    Zelda @ E3

    A Dark World MP3? You gotta tell me where you found it!
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