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Everything posted by Turkey

  1. I sing songs I know completely, songs that are stuck in my head, songs that I only know their chorus, songs from games...Hell, the only song I don't sing is a song I don't like!:D
  2. I love sticks! Has anyone seen the Xiao Xiao series?
  3. After a few weeks I grew to be fond of these graphics. Why? Because they are very well done and different from the millions of realistic games that are released every month. BTW, has anyone seen the new pics? They are in IGN, and it looks like the game is on the right track! Link grew a couple of inches, found a hair stylist, and got himself a new face. If there's ever been an interactive animé, this is it!
  4. I'm ussually shy at the first impresion, but once I get to know the people I do a 180 and become totally outgoing and very social. I really hate first impresions...
  5. In my school very few people hate animé. Even the "cool kids" respect it (maybe because they know it's dangerous to get on my list). Anyway, when I started drawing I tought that someone would make fun of it, but everyone loves my drawings. Hell, they even made me put one as a poster on the classroom! :D
  6. X and Zero look really weird, but that doesn't mean I'm getting this game...
  7. OOC: This conticues from the Sign Up Thread with the same name. IC: The Insectoids flew at high speed, as the guards and Ken prepared their weapons. Carrot unsheated his sword. Rajaah stood in a fighting stance, and Nightfire appeared into view. Carrot-What are those? Ken-Insectoids...
  8. 5 words: James, you are a genious!
  9. Great site. I sent a few drawings, but they are from various series. Is there going to be a misc. section? It could also be used for originals...
  10. IC: Pi-I have to admit she's right. I'm sure they wouldn't have wanted us to die too...
  11. Yep, the best one yet. I really like the quick reply (pure genious!)
  12. IC: Carrot-My name is Carrot Fortune, and I'm a mercenary. I was just on my way to the next town, when this *glares at guard* rent-a-guard brought me here. Guard-:flaming: Why you... Ken-Calm down, guard! Now, *turns to Carrot* you may go. But I suggest you be prepared, since this forest is very dangerous. Carrot-You don't need to tell me that!;) Right when Carrot was going to leave, a strange humming sound began. Everyone faced towards the east, from where the sound was coming. Rajaah-This is not good.
  13. IC: Pi- We finally made it out! Siren-Yeah, but those warriors will probably be after us pretty soon. Iris-We'll just *cough* have to fight them when the time comes.
  14. IC: Carrot returned to his tent, no longer tired, but alert. Carrot-Even if I imagined that, the howling was real. I better get to the next town soon. Carrot packed his tent, and walked through the forest, being guided by his compass. Carrot-*Looking at compass* At this rate I'll be in the next town in about a day. ???-Who's there!? Carrot-What? Who is it? A guard came running towards him from behind some bushes. Guard-You better come with me! Carrot-Hey, I didn't do anything! Guard-Doesn't matter. Now come quietly.
  15. OOC: And so it begins... IC: After hearing wolf cries, Carrot walked out of his tent. Carrot-Sounds like a hybrid. I hope it's not a wild one. Carrot headed out through the wilderness, with his sword on one hand. After a few minutes passed he noticed a shadow in a tree, looking at him. As fast as it appeared, it dissapeared. Carrot-Weird...I could swear there was something, or someone there. I must be seeing things...
  16. That's great! Lately things have been a little slow over here. Project Picasso, eh?:naughty:
  17. Count me in! Name: Carrot Fortune (No relations to other Fortunes) Race: Human Gender: Male Appearance: See attachment Personality: Mostly relaxed, he can be too open minded sometimes. He has plenty of battle experience. Bio: A mercenary, he travels the land searching for jobs. Lately, due to the war, jobs are becoming more and more scarce. He is considering joining an army. But which one is the right one? Talents/Abilities: He doesn't have any special powers, but he makes up for it with technology. He can control his sword like it was part of his hand, and he also carries a (big surprise:rolleyes: ) Custom 'Launcher.
  18. Well, right now it's a good thing we an't use all that brain power, since we would blow ourselves up in just a matter of weeks. I guess that we will slowly be able to use more as we keep evolving. Chances are, species like the [I]Homo erectus[/I] and the Neanderthal only used about 9% or 8% of their brains...
  19. I have a fear of cockroaches. When I was little, I went to my brother's old closet to get something. I didn't know that he hadn't opened that closet for years, and when I grabbed a shirt, hundreds of roaches flew all over me (the Mummy comes to mind). Since then, it is my duty to squash all of the little b-tards.
  20. I live in Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico (Where a temperature of 80F is considered cold).
  21. I feel very sorry for your friend. He was trapped in a hole he couldn't escape. There's a guy in my school like that. He is constantly bullied by a big portion of my class. I've stood up for him a few times, but he just acts very defensive and doesn't let people help him. I really hope that he doesn't commit suicide, since (in my opinion) that is worse than the person being murdered.
  22. Apart from the obvious choice of Tenchi, I'd like to be Ken Shiro from Fist of the North Star. The knowledge of the most powerful martial art in the world (as well as a bad-*** personality) can be very helpful.
  23. Trigun and Cowboy Bebop are both excellent series that are alone worth the admission price. Yu-gi-oh is one of those series that some love, some hate, but no one is in the middle. Batman Beyond and X-men aren't that good, but it's not gonna make you die. Megaman, I like. Mulan is my favorite Disney movie of all time. It's very interesting.
  24. IC: Pi-What power... A Hybrid Warrior charged towards him. Pi stood in a defensive position, ready for the impact. At the last minute, Pi jumped to the side and smashed his 'Launcher in the warrior's face. Pi-No need to waste ammo on this loser. *Looks at the unconscious warrior* What's this? Pi saw that the warrior had some kind of cable sticking out connecting his back with his head. He yanked the cable, and the warrior screaming as he began melting into some sort of liquid energy. Pi-So this is their weak spot...
  25. Good work Neil! Maybe now there will be less SPAMfests eating up Page 1. [SIZE=1]One more for my sig![/SIZE]
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