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Everything posted by Turkey

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ Gotenks ok [/i] [B]Oh my god:eek: i must get direct tv 85% unedited anime i like those odds.:D What language is it in??[/B][/QUOTE] Some shows are only Japanese with subtitles, but most can be seen in English and Spanish too.
  2. I'm talking about Locomotion, a channel in which about 85% of the programming is good old unedited animé. It's my favorite channel in all TV (too bad that I have to go to my friend's house to watch it:( ). If there's something bad about the channel, it's the commercials. They are as disturbing as a commercial can be. Anyway, it's a Canadian station that can be seen on Direct TV (channel 114). If there are more cable companies that have the channel, please post them here.
  3. I saw the original Vampire Hunter D, but not Bloodlust. Anyway, I think that what Pixie said about the older generation is right. My dad freaked out when he saw me watching my animé DVDs (a few of them have partial nudity and really suggestive content) the first time, but I told him that this is just like any other program on TV, only that I happen to like this even more. After that, he accepted that I was mature enough for R animé. I've played all kinds of MA games and they haven't affected me in any way.
  4. IC: Pi was upstairs, talking with Faye. Pi-So, they really existed? Faye-Yes, and it seems that Chole is their descendant. Pi-That explains why Flash and Warlock didn't kill him when they had the chance. Faye-Please, don't let them capture him again. Pi-Next time I meet them, I'll have a few surprises for them. Siren-Pi! Faye-She's been shouting your name for a while. You should see what she wants. Pi-Yeah, before she hurts her throat:D .
  5. Thanks for reminding me of one of the greatest shows ever. I watched it on CN until they took it out to add even more Scooby Doo (at this rate, the channel will be called Scooby Network:rolleyes: ).
  6. Since I'm relatively a newbie when it comes to animé, I haven't really seen a bad series or movie. However, Ninja Scroll dissapointed me a little in the plot, and I didn't like Demon City Shinjuku too much. [SIZE=1]Tentacles forever!!![/SIZE] Did I say something?
  7. Sadly, for some weird reason I sold my old GBC and GB. Now I'm playing the Oracle games on GBA (my fav. GB games next to Link's Awakening).
  8. Thanks for the list! I'm printing it so I can learn a little more of the language. I plan on taking Japanese classes, since I'd like to know this language (I can speak a few simple sentences).
  9. Turkey


    My main passion is drawing. I can see a character in a program, game or movie, and I'll just start drawing. I also like doing original characters every once in a while. However, I am rarely pleased with my first drawing, so I do a few more until I'm glad with the result. Even if I have to wake up early the next day, I'll do a drawing before sleeping. Maybe one of these days I'll post a few of my non-original character drawings (my originals suck).
  10. Damn school! I'm about to reach Book 2 and now I have to read another book for Spanish! *sigh* I see myself in 10 years finally finishing Book 1...
  11. [I]Meanwhile...[/I] Pi went with Arta to their old home. They walked and saw everything just as they left it. Pi-Sure brings back memories... Arta-Yeah... Pi-I just hope that when this is over this place still exists. Arta-This is just the eye of the hurricane. Pi-Arta, I need you to stay here in Celes. Arta-What? Pi-Your armor's damaged and your weapons were destroyed. It would be too dangerous for you to fight in this condition. Arta-Okay, I guess you're right. But promise me that you'll come back. Pi-Have I ever died before? Arta-:rolleyes: After saying goodbye, Pi headed for Faye's place.
  12. If you're talking about BGC (the original), then I don't have a clue. In 2040, however, there's heavy-nudity in the last ep. Trigun...Another series I want to buy...
  13. That's one of my favorite animés. Theyused to show it over here every Sunday morning @ 9:30 (with Doraemon and Slamdunk right after), but now they put it at an earlier time and I've missed most of the latest eps. Gotta love the 2nd principal of the school. And both the ending and starting themes rule. Anyone's gonna buy the Season 1 DVD?
  14. I'd really like to know what were the judge and the jury thinking when they let that psycho out on bail...
  15. OOC: [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B] Hell, you shoulda seen my [i]first[/i] post... That one was the quick one I did after my original got deleted... -_-;; [/B][/QUOTE] Too bad I didn't get to read the first one:( . IC: Pi-I wonder if this have anything to do with Mulray and his Hunters. Arta-I doubt it. Iris-Why is that? Arta-While I was inside Janus's mind, I could see everything he saw, heard, or thought. Not even once did I saw anything about a new Meteo City, or whatever this is...
  16. IC: [I]Meanwhile...[/I] Dr. Mulray is sitting in the Mayor's desk. The clone ( his name is Mamoru)is sitting in a nearby chair, and Selven is in a corner with her arms crossed. They are all watching a video sent by Cyo's squad. The video ends with Cyo being blasted by Liam, Siren and Iris. Selven-:smirk: *Muttering* Serves him right... Mulray-:eek: How...could they b-beat him? My best warrior! Mamoru! Clone-Yes? Mulray-:flaming:Order the Hunters to execute the children! Clone-Anything else? Mulray-Make them do it publicly!
  17. Man I stink at these tests! I have yet to get a good score... :bawl: No one wants to try mine! (except Treble!)
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nerdsy [/i] [B]'t [COLOR=purple]For some reason, the link isn't working for me.[/COLOR] Warning: Too many connections in /home/ft/html/mysql.php on line 28 Warning: MySQL Connection Failed: Too many connections in /home/ft/html/mysql.php on line 28 Error: Unable to connect to database [color=purple]^^ What does that mean?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] It seems that there's a lot of people at once in the site. It happens with all the links.
  19. I loved the Scrat big time, but I hate the little kids big time (darn brats, laughing at everything that happens...) Anyway, anyone noticed that the female Sid-like animal appeared on all posters, but she only appeared once in the movie?
  20. What's this about Butters replacing Kenny? I've missed a lot of the latest episodes, and now I'm scared to watch it again... Timmah!
  21. My scores: Stardust-10 Flash-50 DBZMan-40 Cloud-34 Kizu-40 Anyway, here's mine!: [url]http://yoggie24.friendtest.com[/url]
  22. This is what happens when programmers feel lonely.:D Anyways, to take pictures, use a digital camera, or use a PC monitor to play the game (correct me if I'm wrong.).
  23. IC: Liam-*Charges energy in his hands* You will pay for this... Flash-Don't make me laugh. ???-(Hold on for a few more minutes, then fire at Flash.) Liam-(Who is it?) ???-(It's me, Pi! I put a COM Device in your clothes when you decided to charge in.) Liam-(Where are you?) Pi-(Cloaked; just a few steps behind Flash.) Liam-(Anyway, what did you mean by holding for a few minutes?) Pi-(I'm charging a concentrated blast in the 'Launcher. If we both hit him at the same time, we may beat him.) Liam-(It's worth a try.)
  24. I dodn't see it, but I'll record it, since, from what I've heard, we can all learn a lot from it. I just hope that something like this doesn't happen in at least a 100 years. And if it never happens again, even better.
  25. Good luck dude. The only one I've had is when I did my duty on the school bully 3 years ago (that kid's not forgetting me:devil: !).
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