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Everything posted by Turkey

  1. (Wow....posting here is giving me such a nostalgic feeling...:() If anyone here remembers my renders, I've always been using the same character for all of them. Well, I believe the time has come to fix that. This handsome chap is my second non-stick character. While he is basically finished, I have to give him an armature, and create his sword. I used Makehuman as a base, and Fiber 1.3 for most of the hair. In other words, only the clothing partial hair, nails and wings are mine (I'll post a more complete picture when I rig him).
  2. The other day, I met the ex-director of animation of Disney. He liked the sword, but wanted me to keep working on my stuff. Thus, here's the fourth version of my sword (1 was garbage, and 3's not worth posting now). TheGodlyME- I'm using Blender to make it. You were right about the background, so I changed the colors. Assassin- Bigger handle? I'll see what I can do...I'm also thinking about putting something inside the sword...Maybe a snake or something...
  3. For the third time in my life, I have begun work on a NON-toon shaded render! This time, I am basing it on an old drawing I recently found. There, I had madea sword that looked like it was a candle. Well, I decided to finally make a weapon. Notes: - I still need to add lots of details. Any suggestions on where to start? - While the flame's position and shape challenge the laws of physics, please remember that this is the idea I want to run with. While I may tweak and modify the flame, it will always look like a solid object.
  4. Some of the edges could be smoother, or at least cleaned. I'm surprised by how well you managed to make that charcoal look like pencil. Can you give it some text? I don't know if it's perverted funny or silly funny...
  5. Well, if anyone saw my original topic, I had been making the room of a rising rock star. Well, this is the finished pic (just made the final touches a few minutes ago). I've been making so many versions and revisions of this, I hope this really is the last one. Even thought I was planning on no doing it, I ended up using Toon Shading. Well, I do like it... PS- I'd really appreciate some nice crits...I'm adding this to a portfolio for a scholarship, so I want it to be as perfect as possible.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Emme888 [/i] [B]So stupid... it's rated pg 13 while all the others were rated R... it's either produced or directored by different people too this time. All of my friends that have seen it thinks its way dumb. Don't waste the 6 dollars to see it, it's not worth it. [/B][/QUOTE] Well, that's kinda what it's supposed to be. If you go in there expecting an epic storyline, you'll be dissapointed.
  7. Well, this is my project for this week's Blender competition. The theme (Bonk Machines), is about creating some weird machine, give it a purpose, and give it a nice description. In this preview, I've just finished modeling the main machine, and textured most of it. All that's left now is the random crap thrown for detail, and the lightning. Any ideas?
  8. Well, I changed the font and simplified the ad...Is it more fitting now?
  9. Well, here's a little something I whipped up for an English project. The idea was to make an ad, so I took a Vandals song, and turned it into another cel-shaded render...
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]I just beat the first area... You're able to save afterwards thank god,[/B][/QUOTE] You think that's hard? Wait till you reach the latter difficulties. There are some new enemies that will really annoy you, and the weakest hits can take 4 hearts from your bar. However, finishing Adults will give you something to make that difficulty a lot easier...;) After having taken a 2 month break from it, now I started on V-Rated (after Adults), and I'm remembering why I bought it. The fighting is incredibly deep, and I've barely surviven Episode 1 (after 8 continues)... Anyone know of any notable differences between the JPN and US version?
  11. Well, I finally decided to give the cel-shading a break, and render something with a more traditional look. Here we have some rising rock star, preparing himself to sing. Instead of being in a fancy studio, he chose to practice in his basement, where he can be relaxed. This work is still incomplete, and I'd appreciatte any suggestions on what to add/alter.
  12. Well, the pink guy has wings (he's supposed to be purple...gotta fix that....). I think I'll post another angle tomorrow, as to show Turkey's wings, and to make sure it doesn't look like they are kissing. You might say that tomorrow will be the blood after the snow.
  13. This is a friend of mine, who has a passion for little monsters like Stitch and ET...I was drawing a lot of people from class, and she was my favorite subject. She still is.
  14. Well, I've finally decided to hit the animation tools of Blender (my rendering program). Since it would be foolish to start with complex models, I've been 3d-izing a bunch of characters I had drawn in an old stick comic. This picture shows 2 of my characters (Turkey and Azut), minutes before beating the crap out of this guy. Why are they in the snow? Don't ask me, since this is only testing some poses and stuff...
  15. The black bobblehead is [spoiler]At the very front. If you look at the shadows, you can see them creating the form of a bobblehead.[/spoiler]
  16. Well, this week I made an abstract render. The theme is "Objects In Disguise", thus I hid a black bobblehead in my field of golden bobbleheads. Can [B]you[/B] find it?
  17. Well, those buildings were annoying, so off they go! Now, here's the same pic, but at night. I might add something later....ideas?
  18. I created this render for a competition. The theme was Wild West, and this is what I came up with. I am particulary proud of the sand, which came out looking fantastic. While the building's didn't end up as I expected them to, I am pleased with them. Any C&C?
  19. [b]Love & Hate[/b] [i]Her constant annoying comments Her dumb little smile It makes me want to vomit When I see those eyes. Years ago I loved her What a fool I was Tried to find a heart of gold What I discovered was only cold. Being friends with her Would be a nice option If she didn?t take my words And sell them on an auction. This message is to that girl Who broke my heart Athenas Velez You know who you are I once loved you I wanted to find beauty All I got was cruelty Maybe some day you will learn Of the mistakes you did back then As much as I hate to admit it I still feel something It?s not love Neither hate It?s sadness To see you fall again[/i] This poem was dedicated to a friend of mine, who did some things I'd rather not mention.
  20. Okay....Would you mind reparaphrasing the first paragraph? I couldn't really get what you meant. No comment on the second paragraph, since I can't argue with that. Hell, I think we might as well end this argument right here and now. You are a purist, I'm not. We'll just keep arguing until the topic is closed.
  21. Well, there are anime like Slamdunk and Prince of Tennis which take a normal sport and make a long, interesting series of it. Their success came because of the deep and interesting characters. If they emulate that in F-Zero, it could be a hit.
  22. I have the DVDs, so I've heard both versions. Points 1 to 4 (which were the exact same thing)" It's obvious you don't like the voices, and that's an opinion in the purest sense. I obviously can't argue with that part, but I find the voices to fit the characters very well. However, I wholeheartedly disagree with you "americanizing" comment. Those purist comments are ignorant and close-minded. What does it matter were the anime is from? Will hearing someone say "Atashi wa atashi" instead of "I am me" suddenly change the story to a point where it becomes impossible to understand? Geez, you purists bash a show for the silliest things...
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by TheGodlyME [/i] [B]Sure....they didn't damage the dub...and the stock market crash of 1929 didn't TOUCH the economy...It's not like the CIVIL WAR changed anything either...NOW lets all go to unrealistic idealist land and be happy, where there is no racism or poverty in our world! Fool! the jokes, and wordplay are what make it Japanese, thereby making it ANIME! Without it, the show is on par with such "greats" as Gigli, and Friends! You have no idea what you're talking about...watch the subbed version before you pass judgement, you clod. It's fools that judge like that that make me hate most others that are too complacent in their way of life to try anything different, that will probably be better! [/B][/QUOTE] Don't worry, I love you too.;) Look, if you are a purist, good for you. The dub was in no way damaged. Hell, if it is, I want some examples.
  24. They didn't damage the dub, they just made it better. Unless you live in Japan (or are a REAL hardcore Otaku) most of the jokes would fly over your head. And don't get the started on the stupid Japanese wordplay jokes. ;) One thing I don't get is the complaints about the voices sounding cheesy. HELLO, the show is as cheesy as you can get! Pedro's dub is a masterpiece.
  25. While I haven't been bothered by the transition, I do find some of the songs to be quite memorable. Still, I find that there are plenty of songs that feel like they were added at the last moment. By the way, EMPEROR'S NEW GROVE ROXORS YOUR BOXORS!!!111ELEVEN1111! Seriously thought, that movie's only song was an example of perfect delivery and lots of charm.
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