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Everything posted by Turkey

  1. EVA does my duty! and Bubblegum Crisis is great too!
  2. 150 years ago I'd have said it's perfect...
  3. 1: Once upon a time there was a boy named Pepito and a girl named Molly. They went together to school. One day, when they were passing a tree, Pepito said: P-If you get me an apple I'll give you $10. M-Mom told me not to. P-I'll give you $20! Molly climbed the tree, while Pepito looked under her skirt. Whe she got home, she told her mother how she got the money. Mother-Don't you see he wants to see your panties? The next day, they passed once again by the tree. P-$30 dollars for an apple. M-But Mom told me not to. P-$40 dollars! She climbed again, and Pepito saw again. Once Molly told her mother about the money, she was once again told not to let him see her panties. Day 3.... P-I'll give you $50. M-But.... P-$60! She climbed again, he saw again. Whe she got home... Mother-Didn't you understand? He wants to see your panties! M-That's why I didn't use any panties today:angel: .
  4. OOC I'm on a roll! IC When the smoke cleared, Charlie was in the same alley, but Artoni was not there. CF-Where did she go? After some searching, he found Artoni, who began shooting at him with a Magnum. CF-*dodging and running away* What are you doing? Stop it! Meanwhile, in the air, Cyo was floating and watching the scene, with a smile on his face...
  5. Does anyone here like it?
  6. OOC Yay! Writer's Block's awayd! IC Charlie and Artoni are looking for Cloud and Outlaw. Suddenly, a resident throws a smoke grenade, making it almost impossible to see. A-OMG! This place is like a war zone! The smoke clears, and Artoni is the only person in the area. She begins looking for him, when figure covered by the shadow of a building is staring at her. A-Umm...Charlie?
  7. Turkey

    Do u agree

    If it's for justice, I agree...
  8. Nice suggestions....i just ditched them, and I feel good:D ! From now on, I'll stay with my real friends. BTW Vodookana: 1-I don't whine 2-I [U]never[/U] cry 3-I [U]did[/U] ask them (they just ignored me) 4-And I've got guts, man
  9. I've been really angry since last night. Why? Because some "friends" did what is the easiest way to spoil my weekend. Everyone is invited to a party except me. And that is the worst thing they could have done to me. They knew that I have very boring weekends (they all live on the other side of town), yet they did that. And you know what's the worst part? They kept talking loudly (especially when I was nearby) about how great the party will be. They have been doing this many times before. What should I do?
  10. Yay! The Daily Otaku is back! But I preferred when you called it the Daily Capuchinno
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RicoTranzrig [/i] [B]First I'd help the bullies beat up the kid...then tell them to knock it off, he's had enough...then help the kid out after...he won't like me when he get's up...but at least he isn't anymore hurt than he should be... [/B][/QUOTE] Umm....Interesting method..... I would probably just open a can of wup-@$$ on the bullies (when I fight, bones get broken)....
  12. I think you're talking about Bubblegum Crisis: Tokyo 2040 or Bubblegum Crash, since the heroines there are called the Knight Sabers.
  13. OOC: 'Later stormwing:) ..... Darn....I've got a terrible Writer's Block...I guess I'll have to wait 'till there are more posts...
  14. Series-Original Dirty Pair (duh!), Sorcerer Hunters, Blue Seed, Burn Up Excess Movie-Princess Mononoke, Kiki's Delivery Service
  15. You're walking in a street, when you see 6 guys beating up a kid. What do you do?
  16. You're right DS! In all disasters, many people say: Where's God? And they seem to ignore the many miracles that occur. If God hadn't done all the things He did on 9/11, I'm sure there would have been at least twice as many casualties...
  17. Where am I from? *checks map* found it! Puerto Rico!
  18. OOC: The attachment is a picture of Charlie's 'Launcher. Unfortunately, I can't draw very well with a mouse, so it doesn't look as good as the original drawing. *sigh* I really need a scanner...:( IC: Everyone had a minute of silence for Raynor. Then they started making their way back through the tunnels. CF-Man, this place is huge! A-I hope there are no more clones. And-After facing that beast, clones are way too easy...
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B] erm, Charlie... It was to my understanding that the HV world was set on the real Earth map, or something similar to it... Myself and others have made references to 'real' locations... Nevada, Montana, 'Neo-Chigaco' etc. Doesn't that make more sense? [/B][/QUOTE] Well, all the places in the map (except Celes and the Cristal Island) are taken from Earth (Example:The yet-unnamed islands are from the Philipines). And remember, it's just the Meteo City/Celes area...
  20. You people really love to make my head hurt. well, let's see... For a friend: RicoTranzrig-One of the first persons I knew here. Cool too. Raiha-'Cause she's cool. Outlaw-Another cool guy. DS-Yep, you guessed it. Cool guy. Safer-Who wouldn't? Transtic-You already know what I'll say. And many other persons who I forgot right know.....
  21. Since I've got Writer's Block again, I've decided to make a map of a small area of the HV world. *sigh*If only I had a scanner, I could post my good drawings....
  22. Does anyone know what is a "B-camp movie"? I've heard many old horror movies called that way...
  23. Awww man, another one goes....'Later Matt, and good luck...
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