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Everything posted by Turkey

  1. Sage-Come on, tell us what's wrong with this place. C-Well, these soldiers are way too many. And I think I know why there are so many of them. CF-And? C-And they must be creating them artificially. A-You mean cloning? C-Yeah. R-So I guess we should look for it. C-*nods* O-Then let's go! Theybegan looking for it, unaware of the horrors they would find there...
  2. Um....What I meant to say with my post was that cloning could be used to avoid extinction of some animals and to stop some diseases. Then again, people will probably use it for war...Fools...
  3. I'm quite popular in my school, but I don't really care. I prefer to hang around with my friends than with groupies or people that I don't know...
  4. What do you think of it? I believe that it should only be used for 2 things: 1.To multiply species that are dangerously low (12 or less). 2.If there is an animal with poison that can cure a dangerous disease, but there are not enough to cure everyone, cloning could be helpful.
  5. IC: Another squad of maskers appeared. CF-Dammit! These maskers just don't give up! F-I'll take care of them. Flash gave a low-power Meteorain and cleaned the corridor once more. C-Hmm... A-What are you thinking about? C-Have you noticed that no matter how many maskers we kill more come? A-Yeah, why? C-I think there's more to this place than it seems... What is Cloud thinking about? Could he be right? Find out, on the next: Meteo City, Hybrid Vigor II!
  6. CF-Well, I'm from Celes, north of Meteo City.
  7. CF-"Around here" means....uh.....Good question. S-......
  8. Hmm....Who to use...? I know! Kusanagi from Blue Seed! I'll post a pic later....
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] 1. I don't say lol, I say heh heh 2. DAMMIT LAG? what the hell is that? 3. Camping? in the UK? its a nightmare 4. No, I just close spam topics 5. A door on the internet, yes, real life, no 6. I don't even know what L33T is [/B][/QUOTE] 2.Just a phrase I use whenever there's lag in an online game. 6.L33t is a very, very weird language. Example: Ph33r m1 m4d $k33lz means Fear my mad skills
  10. Thing is, it's American nature to get scapegoats. If something bad happens, parents blame everything but themselves. If USA is going to keep banning/censoring, then they should change the National Athem, since it talks about some "Land of the Free".
  11. Just one question..... What does k-3 mean?
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Seifer [/i] [B]Im getting tired of all this crap. Its in our contstitution that censorship is not allowed. Well then what is all this crap! Today I read where Spiderman 2 was being postponed several months because it has seens where your fighting on tall buildings that kinda look like skyscrapers. THATS RIDICULOUS. If we are going to that extreme why dont we outlaw tall buildings all together. Then the whole deal with gundam being postpone, and cowboy bebop. IT makes me so mad. Im not saying the goverment is censoring them but it is a form of censorship. If people cant cope with seeing a tall building they need help. I have been in a tornado and have known people killed by them. Does it bother me to watch them on tv or see them in a game. NO. And no one censors that. There also re doing Red Alert 2 because of a battle that takes place in New York, Now I have to hurry up and buy it before they screw it up. Its ridiculous. I understand people died and many people are greiving but theres a line between what there doing and they have just jumped way acrross it. there also taking the world trade towers out of MSF simulator 2000. Why? Cause if you want to you can fly your plane into the towers. HATS THE BIG DEAL. I can simulate recking a car into another playing driver. So shouldnt we bann that too?? This is all ludacris and im p.o.ed [/B][/QUOTE] What can I say? People are stupid. I mean, there's no excuse for censorship. They censor everything in the "Land of the Free". I hope that future generations aren't like this....
  13. Yep, I've had days like that. And the opossite too....
  14. Charlie turned to Siren CF-Umm...Hi. Are you from around here?
  15. CF-Time to party!:devil: R-Use a weaker weapon. You'll probably end up blowing up half the city with that 'Launcher. T-So true..... CF-:o M-Cool! V-Don't ever play with those weapons, Miluska. CF-Time to do my duty.....
  16. I qualify for the lol and L33t part. Oh! I also forgot to add: 7.You say you sig after talking. I've done that one a couple of times:o .....Everyone in school knows my duty already...I'll shut up now...:babble:
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Seifer [/i] [B]Chicks + Guns + Violence = GOOD anime [/B][/QUOTE] You're darn right!:)
  18. Flash-*Towards the group* Could you forgive me for all I've done? No one moved. CF-Oh, what the hell? I forgive you Flash *stretches hand*. I believe everyone should be allowed a second chance. Just don't blast me 20 feet in the air. F-:) *shaking his hand* I don't think that will be happening....
  19. Charlie went running to the group. CF-Hey everyone! I saw Cy-*notices Flash*oh! What's he doing here!?
  20. OOC Yay! Writer's Block gave me a vacation! IC Charlie went a little foward to scout and used a mini-scope. CF-(I don't see anything...Wait a minute, there's someone coming. What the hell!? It's Cyo! The b-tard is alive! I better follow him) Charlie had forgotten about the electric field that Trell put. He crashed head on and got a good shock. CF-*groan* I better tell the others about Cyo...
  21. 1.There's nothing a girl fears more than tentacles. 2.No matter where a group goes, there's always a festival or a monster. 3.The smaller the bikini, the bigger the gun. 4.The foolproof way of making a crappy animé great is adding a lot of fan-service. 5.There will be sledgehammers. 6.If they travel, they will get lost a lot. 7.The kiss limit on a series is 1 (2 if the girl dies). 8.No girl over 18 years old is virgin. I dare anyone to prove me wrong:smirk: !
  22. 1.When someone tells you a joke, you say lol 2.If you ask someonea question and the other person is thinking, you scream DAMMIT LAG! 3.If you are invited to go camping, you *****-slap that person 4.You run around yelling at everyone SPAMMER! 5.To enter a door, you click on it. 6.Somehow, you can talk L33t.
  23. OOC I tell you, Writer's Block is like an annoying neighbor! IC CF-This is really weird.... D-Hey, what's that? A strange-looking man appeared. He had a white tuxedo put on. On his right hand he had a big loaf of bread, and with the other he grabbed a guitar. ?-Hello there! R-Who are you? ?-My name is not important, but you can call me Breadman. (:D ) CF-Um...Nice name? D-Do you know what is going on here? B-Nope *takes a bite of the bread* :tasty: Mmm....Bread... R-He's strange. OOC See? Writer's Block makes me do weird things to the story:laugh: !
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