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Everything posted by Turkey

  1. Have you seen it? If not, go to IGN and check it out. It's the coolest intro of any Nintendo game ever! I liked it as much as DOA2's intro.
  2. Nice poems! Can I post one too?
  3. I have discovered a cure for shyness. What is it, you ask? It's a little game called Black and White (you've heard of it, haven't you?). When I began playing it, I didn't feel any different. Little did I know that in my subsconcious I was being totally transformed. 2 weeks later, in school, I noticed the changes: 1-I could say anything to anyone. 2-I no longer am afraid of asking girls out. 3-I say and do things that the old me would have never dared to. 4-I also developed a Golden Tongue, because I can talk my way out of any situation. So my advise to you is to get that game and make yourself a new person.
  4. I was looking for Digimon info whjen I stumbled here. It was a month later that I discovered the main forums (I know, I really need to pay more attention.....)
  5. Congrats Safer, and a happy marriage!
  6. Trell's screams reached Charlie and Outlaw. CF-Looks like the baby's coming. O-Yep. CF-Wanna make some fireworks to celebrate? O-How? CF-With these beer bottles. We just need to fill them with *takes a bag of black powder from his pocket* this. O-Ok, let's do it. OOC: [url]http://www.angelfire.com/anime3/smokyjoe787/images/carrot.gif[/url] Here's a pic of what Charlie Fortune looks like (In all the RPGs). Just put a 'Launcher on his arms and it's perfect.
  7. T-Safiro? What's that place? CF-An underground city where the crystal is. It's about a week from here, on car. T-Hmmm... And we are at risk of a Flash attack all that time? CF-*nods* T-Let's make some planning later. Once we are rested. CF-Good idea:sleep: T-:confused: (How can he sleep standing up?)
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by FrenchButterfly [/i] [B] Hm let me think....yea thats bad...But I shouldn't know cause I never ever have had an actual boyfriend...:p I'm just going to be independent for a while...:cool: But I guess thats kowl cause then I can still kinda flirt with other guys. [/B][/QUOTE] I know what you mean. Being without g/f can be fun too. You feel more relaxed, and you don't have to worry about going out with different girls......
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]Yeah these are very nice avatars...but really why are you all dieng to have a custom one? Its not all that great, its just the same as any other one... -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] Well, I obviously prefer useing the Breadman than Wufei Chang. BTW, are you (Ads.) accepting new avatars? I have a few non-dbz avatars that I'd like to upload.
  10. NES-Maniac Mansion, Mario Bros. 3 SNES-Zelda:A Link To The Past, Chrono Trigger N64-Conker's Bad Fur Day, Smash Bros. Gameboy-The 3 Zelda games
  11. T-What is it? CF-Have you noticed that Flash always finds us no matter where we are? T-Yeah. CF-Well, I have a theory: He can sense our energy, thus making it very easy for him to find us. T-Hmmm... CF-I found a liquid that can disguise our energy. T-We could try that! Where is it? CF-On Safiro......
  12. I hope not! Anyway, here's (you guessed it): Name-Charlie Fortune Age-19 Type-Citizen Equipment-(No surprise here)Rocket Launcher and armor-suit. Specialties-Blowing up stuff. Bio-He used to be a cop, but he (duh!) blew up the base so he's working at a factory. Attitude-Happy, carefree, trustworthy and has an horrible memory.
  13. Hi HBomb! You're the Mod/Ad/S-Ad I know the least
  14. [QUOTE]It's still 500.....[/QUOTE] Good! I was really scared when he said 600, 'cause It'll take me at least till December to reach 500.*sigh* But it'll be all worth it once I get to show off Breadman!
  15. The other day I played Yoshi's Island and I though something: Baby Mario has become his own character. Since that game he's appeared on other games as another Nintendo mascot. And that made me wonder, What if the same happens to Link? Will we see on a Smash Bros. 3 both Link and Chibi Link? If they do make Link and Chibi Link to appear each in his own adventures, Zelda will have climbed another step in greatness.
  16. It's a great magazine. It's only faults are: 1.Sometimes they can be very biased. 2.They aren't as cool as other magazines (though they are changing, a lot). 3.The haven't reviewed Conker! 4.According to June's (I think) issue poll they won't review mature games:( .
  17. Yezsterday was an okay day for me, though quite boring. I did only one great thing: I lied my way out of a month's detention. I guess I'm just a talented liar *ego increases X1000* don't worry losers. I'll be as humble as always after this great amazing post done by God--I mean me.
  18. Charlie came back to the hospital. The stripper was waiting (clothed and with a black eye). CF-Finished huh? S-You didn't tell me Artoni was so strong! CF-:D Sorry! I forgot! S-It'll be $30. CF-Here *hands over $30* And here's an extra $20 for the black eye *hands it over*. S-Pleasure doing business with you. CF-:confused: Do they pay you for saying that? S-;) Yep! BTW, it looks like Artoni has a gift for you too..... Charlie turned to find a smiling Artoni. A-:) Hi Charlie. I loved your stripper. CF-:) :eek: Really? A-Yeah. And I have a gift for you. CF-What? A-Just close your eyes *Charlie did so* :flaming: *Artoni delivered a knockout punch to Charlie* WTF WERE YOU THINKING SENDING ME A STRIPPER! CF-( :( That's not the surprise I was expecting...) *He slowly standed up.*I have to see Trell. I have something very important to tell him. I think I discovered a very special tool.
  19. Momiji from Blue Seed (if killing her will kill all Aragami, do it and get it over with:p !)
  20. Yay! Sephiroth is gonna be a dad! I wish you the best of luck. BTW don't get married until you have enough money to maintain them fully (matrimony's really expensive nowadays).
  21. I took this from IGN..... Toys "R" Us Connection The seller of Nintendo products, Toys "R" Us, will allegedly setup GameCube kiosks inside its US stores beginning September 24. Games expected to be playable on-hand include Luigi's Mansion and Wave Race: Blue Storm.
  22. OOC: The 'Block was making me mad, so with my 'Launcher I blew it out of this land. -Smoky Joe IC: While everyone was in the hospital, Charlie crept away to a huge rock. He opened a secret door. A huge, high tech room was inside it. He went over to the monitor and called someone. Voice-What's up? CF-After the attack, she went with them to the hospital. You know where it is. V-Okay, I'll "take care" of her. CF-:devil: A while later, on the hospital, a nurse came to the room Artoni was in. Nurse-There is someone to visit Artoni. Should I let him in? A-Who sent him? N-Charlie Fortune A-Okay, let him in. The nurse left, and a man came in, wearing a huge jacket that looked very suspicious. Man-*sounding evil*Charlie told me to give you a little gift. A-???? The man took of his jacket, scaring Artoni since he didn't have anything under him. Charlie sent Artoni a stripper. Man-*dancing*Happy Birthday! A-:flaming: CHARLIE!!!!!!!!!! OOC: Lol, is it obvious that I'm in a good mood today?
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