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Everything posted by Turkey

  1. You should discard your brain before watching this series. If you go expecting a deep, serious plot; you will be burned, and badly. This series is pure madness, especially during the first and last episodes. I've only seen up to episode 13, and it has really been enjoyable until now. The amount of subtle jokes pushed in every episode is ridiculous! "Ooops, I dropped 500,000,000 yen."
  2. It's nice to see more CG on the boards... Well, you could add a thumb as HZero said, or you could spread the fingers more. The cables on the sides could be used for some sweet purposes, so you might wanna take advantage of them. The eyes would look nicely if they were lit, and the lamps should have a softer light, as to lower the glare effect (it's quite annoying). Lastly, please make the background of a constrasting color. Well, this has potential to be very sweet-looking, and it's a good thing you animate it. Good luck! 7/10
  3. This is a simple pic I've made using 2 CG characters I made during the week. The one on your left is Turkey, and the other is obviously Robert. They are recreations of me and a friend, and are some of the characters I will use in animations later on. Since I wasn't gonna create a whole background for this pic, I decided to go along with their positioning and reddened the area. Then everything just ended up like that. I have to add details to the textures latter, but I'll wait until I've got more experience. I don't know why I bother posting this...this will be like the only post in the topic...:(
  4. I already have the games to trade-in. All I gotta do now is get to the mall. I wasn't gonna get it, but after hearing all the great reviews....
  5. I'd like the game to come out on Gamecube, and that it looks like this: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=472933[/IMG] Yeah, I'd like the game to use cel-shading. Also, there should be a bigger variety of naval units, and the ability to attack before moving.
  6. Yeah. I haven't animated the body, so he's expressionless. That is also why I don't show his eyes (weird blank stare).
  7. One thing I believe the US should have done is announce the launching of the bomb 2 days before it was done. That would've given the civilians time to evacuate, and many casualties would have been avoided.
  8. Very clean and detailed, and really faithful to the original...I like! However, there are a few places where the lines goes past another, but you should've already fixed that while coloring. Are you gonna shade them too?
  9. Since my 3d renders aren't popular here (just see the incredible amount of replies to my last one), I decided to use them for banners. This is a character I based on myself. I tried to go for a serious, misterious style on the banner, but I'm not sure I got it right.
  10. (This is only a work in progress) Yeah, well, I've decided to recreate in 3d all the units and buildings of Advance Wars, with the intention of making some pictures of what a GC version would look like. I've only finished the Orange Star HQ and the Ground Factory. As you can see from the pic, I decided to use cel-shading, since it fits the style of the game perfectly. Please ignore the flat ground, since I won't make a varied terrain until I finish with more stuff. PS- I would really like some C&C, and would appreciatte just about any comment.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Fiasco [/i] [B]I used to be like that, before I realized, why bother. I mean, love is fake, it's a crutch for the week because in the end, all things fail and die. Well atleast that's what I think... [/B][/QUOTE] That is the exact same phylosophy that a friend of mine had. I've known him for 6 years, and it was really sad when he confessed those thoughts to me. Last Fall, he met a girl that completely changed him. It wasn't until this June that they actually became a couple (they did so in a very romantic way, or so I was told). It felt great to see them fall in love as the time went by. That made me see that love is not to be rushed. You will feel the chemistry when you find a person you should love. I have recently fallen in love with a girl that I ignored for years (only casually saying hi), and it seems that it could be mutual. My point with all that baggage was that love shouldn't be something you try to find. Instead look, and you might just spot it right under your nose.
  12. Dude, that looks like a picture from Killer 7. That's a good thing, by the way. While I'm not a big fan of simplicity, the lack of color makes it look good, especially in the Industrial skin.
  13. The game you're thinking of is Thrill Kill. If you look hard enough, you can actually find copies of the game. However, not by legit means...
  14. Well, I've been working on Blender for a couple of weeks already, and I've made a few things. For example, there's this room I'm making for a music video. In the table, there are toys, which remind the protagonist of his lost childhood. As of now,this is all the progress I've made on the toys (the main part of the room). The table is just a brownish square, because I've not taken the time to make something decent. I'd appreciatte some C & C, and ideas for more toys, since the table is still only half full.
  15. You should add a little yellow to the banner, for the sake of harmonizing with the avatar. But, if you are to change something, it should be the transition from the letters to the face. It's pretty uneven. Ps- I love the red lips! Really make her look even prettier.
  16. Finally. I discovered the beauty of Blender, and started rendering a table full of little toys. I did this one in about 30 minutes, and the table is really only a long brown box right now. However, I will be working on more toys, and hopefully some details for the room. *Sits waiting for his 2 replies*
  17. Right now, I'm interested in knowing how much English will be in the game. I'm hoping it will be as import friendly as VJ and PN03, since the game is looking very impressive. Dan Rugh, I wouldn't worry about buying this one for now, since it doesn't come out 'till Winter in Japan, and probably 2004 in America.
  18. Recently, to celebrate the release of the game with the same name, Capcom has been releasing animated shorts of Viewtiful Joe (that guy on my avatar). There are 9 in total, and each one lasts about 30 seconds. Contrary to the game, the videos are in Japanese (without subtitles). I've only seen the first 2, but from what I've seen they are funny, and take place after the game. I recommend everyone to download them, since they are only 4.5MB in size, and they are good for a quick laugh. [Edit] Ooops! I forgot the link! [URL=http://www.capcom.co.jp/vj]Go here,[/URL] then wait until the page loads. Then click on the sign that has Joe with letters on his knuckles (can't miss it!). Once this other page loads, click on "Movies". There you'll find everything. EDIT- Okay, I fixed the address...
  19. While I understood the meaning of Matriculated (the ending was my favorite part), I found it to be a little too long during the main segment. Oh, and The Second Renaissance has made me feel really ashamed of our species. I really hope that we don't behave like the humans in the video, if that situation were to happen to us.
  20. Paintball is a legit sport, seeing as some people make a living out of it, and it requires things that are common in sports (teamwork, quick reflexes, good physical condition). Of course, just because it is a sport doesn't mean that it can't be a hobby too. For example, I play basketball as a hobby, since I do it for fun, with no real ambitions of becoming better or anything.
  21. Panasonic used to make consoles. They made the 3DO.
  22. I say dubbing. I just can't get the feelings of an anime character when I have to read what they are saying. Also, I have yet to hear a JPN voice actor making a decent scream. Besides, most ADV series are coming out with excelent dubs, so why bother to hear it in a language that's currently gibberish for me?
  23. Wow. Just wow. This game is more fun than I expected. Wait, let me write something decent.... Visually, the game is impressive, but unpolished. While the areas and characters look very stylish and detailed, and the areas have no slowdown; there's a lot of clipping issues. It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't happen in the story scenes too. One thing I especially like is the way everything looks blurry when you turn into normal Joe. The game is very challenging, like Semjaza said. For example, there is an area that has barrels constantly rolling towards you. You have to activate a switch which opens the door, but you only have a few seconds before it closes. While Mach Speed would help you cross that area, you don't have it at that point. And don't get me started on the enemies and bosses... Another thing I have to say is that the Episodes are incredibly long. The demo is only half of the first episode, and Episode 2 is even longer. Also, to add more variety to the game, the first stage of Episode 3 puts you on a flying craft. The craft not only has the standard blaster and bombs (both unlimited), but you can use your Viewtiful powers there too. While I don't know what else to post right now, I will say one last thing: Buy it. I don't care if you don't have the money, but buy it. You will not be dissapointed.
  24. Their simplicity is their charm. I really like their look, and I can really see them in a Flash animation. Dude, please make some more.
  25. Turkey

    Hulk Smash!!!

    I saw it last night, and I gotta say that I was dissapointed. While the Hulk scenes were amazing, the plot was too slow paced. They showed the same flashback at least 4 times, for God's sake! With a faster moving plot, and even more Hulk, this movie would've been excellent.
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