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Everything posted by Turkey

  1. OOC: In case anyone's wondering, that drug dealer that Rico and Tasha arrested was not the same one from the bar. What Charlie saw was an earlier case. Now back to the story. IC: Charlie has been working overtime at the factory to get his new jet-bike sooner. He has only one more day before Pay Day, so he has to do as much as posible or else he'll have to stay for another month. CF-*panting* This job is killing me! 1 day later CF-FINALLY PAY DAY! All this time has finally paid off! Soon, I'll be back in Meteo City!
  2. IC: CF-*Yawn*, *Sigh* Another boring, simple day. Charlie has been working on a factory to pay for a vehicle and enough food to return to New Chicago (now Meteo City). He had once fough alongside hybrids on a battle that changed his world. Now that peace has come, his life has been meaningless. CF-I really miss the good old days:( . But in a few days I'll have enough money. He put on his factory uniform and began his crate-moving job, the same way he has been for a year now. During lunch, the workers watch TV. While they were watching some raunchy shows, a News Broadcast was shown. Reporter-Last night, at 11:30 PM, a dangerous drug dealer was captured by the Meteo City police. The agents didn't leave their last names, but their names are Tasha Adelle and Rico Tranzig. Once the photos were shown, Charlie almost fainted. CF-:eek: It's Valik and Trell! I wonder why the name change? And why the police job? Guess I'll find out in a few weeks.
  3. Does anyone want me to make a drawing for your character? I'm a decent drawer and I'm going to get a scanner soon ('bout time!:) ). Just give me a description of your character and how they dress (or else I'll put them with a HV shirt and baggy jeans:D ).
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ~*Anime Girl*~ [/i] [B]...I'm just happy nobodys called me ugly yet.. [/B][/QUOTE] Because you aren't;)
  5. Name-Charlie Fortune Age-25 Human Occupation-Mercenary Equipment-Cristal Shard, Rocket Launcher Description-After the war ending explosion, and the cristal's power dissapearing, Charlie began wandering the world, sad and bored. He took a side trip to Celes and got a shard of the Cristal. While he was there, he was told that New-Chicago was rebuilded and renamed to Meteo City, so now he's going there, hoping to meet his old friends. Quote-"Ph33r d4 r0(k3t!" I wonder if anyone else is joining. BTW did any1 like my character's drawing style.
  6. That's a great start to Season 2. I'm thinking up Charlie's return, and I'm also drawing the characters. Unfortunately, until I get a scanner, I'll have to draw then manually try to re-do it in paint. I finished Charlie and I hope someone can think up of a good costume (right now, all characters are wearing a HV shirt and baggy jeans:D . I'll put Valik/Tasha later (probably on Friday night).
  7. It probably will happen in a long time, and anyway, I'm not afraid to die as long as my life was good and fun. But chances are that thing will get us here in Puerto Rico (every movie disaster gets PR, so why not a real one :p ?).
  8. This is perfect! The story can take place after the One awakes many years later (I bet you remember when Charlie said the legend) after being absorbing the cristal's power. It even helps my game, because I can make the game take place between seasons 1 and 2.
  9. Everyone (AKA Me) knows that celery salt is good only with chocolate syrup mixed with iced tea and 2 month old, boiling milk.
  10. I'm just wondering, which is best? 1.The Original Dirty Pair 2.Dirty Pair Flash If you don't know what Dirty Pair is, no need to reply.
  11. I dissapear for a week and everything's changed. I can't find HV, I don't know if people want to play the game, and Mei is MIA. I'm afraid to leave the PC ;) .
  12. I really need a scanner. And a camera. Are you still taking people for the gif? (looks in mirror) I also need a haircut.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Renee [/i] [B]I don't know what you guys though I looked like but, here's some pic's. The one's with the short hair is what I look like at the moment. *Hides behind chair* Ok, look! [url]http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/reneeg8/index.html?mtbrand=AOL_US[/url] [/B][/QUOTE] You look quite good. But I think you looked better with long hair.:)
  14. My v2 post number was 132, but I'm not 100% sure.
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