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Everything posted by Turkey

  1. If you made it just a little bit lighter, and added something to the right side, it would be perfect. I really like the blurry effect.
  2. *Reads his last post* Now, why did I say hours? Anyway, the game is out and some people have already played it. One of the features which were never revealed includes an extensive Shop in which you can buy new attacks and abilities. Now, my copy will be arriving any day now, so I'll be posting a very detailed review soon.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Manic [/i][B]...or cause more SPAM when some users try to increase their stats...[/B][/QUOTE] Maybe Mods could be given the ability to lower the stats of SPAMmers. I have only 2 suggestions: 1. If the Console Forums are united, there should be icons that allow you to mark your post for it's corresponding console. Example- If you are posting a Gamecube game, you could put an icon of the console by the topic title. 2. A Viewtiful Joe skin. That's all I can say.
  4. Well, while I have been brought up believing that premarital sex=evil, I've been thinking this: If you're a virgin, chances are that you will always have the desire for sex in your subsconcious. That could accidentally become a factor when you decide to get married, since love could be only a small factor when you get married. I believe that you should wait until you find a person that you really love, and you are capable of handling any accidents that may happen. I personally hope that I'll be able to control myself until that day, but at least there's a substitute till then...
  5. While I'd like to say that I enjoy the series, Keitaro's patheticness (is that even a word?) turns me away from the series. I mean, how can he take such punishment without doing something about it?
  6. While the stuff on the lower part of the picture seem strangely low on polygons, I really like the textures, which give it a very sleek style...But please take off those horrible black spots.
  7. *Wondering about Auro's post* Well, altought a little blurry, the Earth looks very good. However, you should make up some fictious stuff, like the an enlarged Sun about to toast the Earth, and other stuff.
  8. If it as a real pluchie, I'd be buying it right now. However, I'm dissapointed because I expected some well-drawn poop, not a voodoo plushie.
  9. While Blender's got some amazing filters, I recomend that you use Milkshape, since it has some amazing tutorials.
  10. Well, the game is finally releasing in Japan in just a matter of hours. I'll be probably importing a copy later in the week, and I'll post a detailed review later.
  11. Now, it looks like there are a few spirits flying inside an ice cave. What did you do, make a negative of the original?
  12. If there's one thing I really like of that image, it's gotta be the shapes that can be seen because of the waves. I have already seen like 5 different creatures in the image. Pretty slick.
  13. Name: Charlie Fortune Age: 21 Character: Vietiful Joe Powers: Charlie can produce the "Bullet Time" effect for short periods of time, can jump much higher than before, an can also move at super speeds (for short periods only). His fighting skills are also superior than before. Description: See the attachment, then take off the helmet and put in a lot of full, wavy dark-purple hair. Also, he's gotten a tendency to dress with red clothes... Bio: After months of waiting, Charlie finally received the import copy of "Vietiful Joe 2". With no second thoughts, he began playing it at once. Then, while finishing the first stage...*FLASH*! The next morning, when he looked at the mirror, he didn't see any changes, but he felt a sudden urge to paint all his clothes red. Later, on his way to college, he met with some muggers. To say the least, those muggers weren't the ones to leave with money.
  14. Funny thing is, that's the same thing everyone tells me. Guess I'll have to fix that. I'll post the modified one later.
  15. Well, here's mine. I know it's simple, but I have no better ideas. [EDIT] I changed the attachment to a .png, since the other file caused problems...[/EDIT]
  16. This is my first CG work with my current program, and I gotta say that I'm proud of it. As you can see from the attachment, I made some things different from the original Puchuu (character from Excel Saga). A few examples would be the ears and the diaper. I'd like some good criticism, as I wanna know what should I fix on my next project.
  17. Considering I'm part of the 0.0000001% of the people who found Castlevania 64 to be an excellent game, I'm really interested in this one. The visuals are pretty nice, but nothing there looks as artistic as the PSX game. The only thing that I really hope they don't forget for this game is the Metroid-like gameplay.
  18. What exactly will they butcher in Sonic X? A swear word? "Oh God no! I didn't hear a swear word! I'm gonna die!"
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SonicSlash [/i] [B]...it is because cel-shading a game is a LOT EASIER than making a realistic one... [/B][/QUOTE] Actually, cel-shading is much more complex to do than traditional rendering. Just ask any person with experience on 3d graphics. A better reason on the slow progress with a realistic Zelda is because they would need a new engine (since the current one was made with cel-shading in mind).
  20. You know, this game gives me bitter memories. I sold it for $40, and I found out recently that the game is worth over $300. The game is amazing, and one of my favorite SNES games ever. I got most of the endings, except for the really good one.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sweetreyes [/i] [B]I can see where you're coming from with that...but you guys I picked up the Feb. edition of Amimeria and geuss who's on it...None other than ONIZUKA....with his fine self...and they have a great article about the story...Check it out!!!!! I just loved all the pictures of him!!!! [/B][/QUOTE] If it wasn't for that excellent article, I wouldn't have started with the series. I got the first volume last night and God, did it blow me away! The show gives me a warm feeling of happiness when I see it, and the intro theme is amazingly good and stylish. I'll have to keep buying the DVDs. PS- Is it just me, or are the episodes much longer than in most anime?
  22. I noticed most of them, but some are so modified (like Outset Island's) that it's very hard to see the similarity.
  23. I don't need proof to believe in something that's so obvious. After all, all math and logic points to that. However, unless a miracle happens, we may never meet them (or they meet us). The size of the universe is big enough as it is, and it just keeps growing and growing. Not only that, but we don't know where to start looking, especially since we have no damn clue as to how other species live. Whenever I read one of these topics, I tend to imagine people in a faraway planet denying our existence, "because there's no proof".
  24. I was browsing, and I stumbled upon [URL=http://www.danielbarras.com/]this page[/URL]. It turns out that an amateur game designer named Daniel Barras has decided to remake all the 3D Zelda games. Right now, he's got a small team, which is concentrating on Ocarina of Time. While the game is still pretty early, the demo is enjoyable, and could turn into an excellent game. Now, for some OOT pics: [FONT=arial]Menu Screens:[/FONT] [IMG]http://www.danielbarras.com/sub1done.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.danielbarras.com/sub2done.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.danielbarras.com/screenshot0002.gif[/IMG] They seem to be very faithful to the original game, but the map picture isn't yet available to see. [IMG]http://www.danielbarras.com/screenshot0001.gif[/IMG] [SIZE=1]The Kokiri Forest[/SIZE] [IMG]http://www.danielbarras.com/screenshot0.gif[/IMG] [SIZE=1]Can't wait to see how Epona controls, but I hope she moves in 8 directions![/SIZE] [IMG]http://www.danielbarras.com/GOHMA.gif[/IMG] [SIZE=1]When bosses go chibi...[/SIZE]
  25. My next games would be either Wario Ware or Viewtiful Joe. I'll be getting Wario if I find it at $25 (I refuse to pay $40 for a GBA game). As for Viewtiful Joe, I will import it next month, since I'll finally have the money to do so (but not the patience to wait until October).
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