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Everything posted by Turkey

  1. Turkey

    P.n. 03

    [I]Note- I haven't even completed the first stage, so this review will be updated later.[/I] I just received my copy of the first game in the "Capcom 5" series, and I just finished playing it. First of all, I have to say this: [B]Do not play this in Normal the first time![/B] In the half-hour I played, I managed to lose all my continues, and get my butt blown up by some small flying robots. This is SNES difficulty we're talking about. [B]Graphics[/b]- The game doesn't break molds by any way, but it manages to hold a constant frame rate (I believe it was 30, but I forget), except when you die. The models are very well done, showing big poligon numbers. However, the textures are not as good as they should be. Also, there are too many areas with the same white colors. Stylish and solid, but could've been a little better. [B]Music-[/B] The soundtrack is mostly Techno/Trance, which is perfect for this game. Even if you don't like the genre, you'll like it here. [B]Control-[/B] The setup is decent. However, it doesn't work as good as it should. This is a game that requires some time to play correctly (I still suck:P): [i]A button[/i]- Shoot (with the first weapon, you have no automatic or semi-automatic fire) [i]B button[/i]- Jump (very high and fast. Perfect for dodging) [i]X Button[/i]- Nothing as of now, but I guess you'll get more abilities later... [i]Y Button[/i]- Crouch (mostly useless, except a few times) [i]Z Button[/i]- 180 turn (turning here is Resident Evil style, but much faster") [i]R/L buttons[/i]- Sidestep in the corresponding direction by doing a cartwheel/spin (very cool, and I suspect that I'll get an ability to fire while sidestepping. [i]C Stick[/i]- Camera [i]Analog Stick[/i]- Movement (RE style) [i]Digital Pad[/i]- Special abilities [B]Gameplay-[/B] The game is a cross between Devil May Cry, Space Channel 5 and Gun Valkirie. Vanessa (the heroine) seems to enjoy dancing, as every single move (except running) she makes is basically "danced". For example, when standing still, she begins making small taps on the ground with one foot, while slightly moving her head to the rythm of the music. I actually makes for some interesting scenes. The stages are set in "rooms", which can be interior or exterior. They greatly vary in size, and there are plenty of them. At the end of every room, you are given a total of enemies killed, time spent, and total number of rooms entered in the stage. In the end, I find it to be a good start in the Capcom Five, but I hope the other 4 are better. 8.25/10 PS- The Viewtiful Joe Trailer makes the game look better than before!
  2. Evilman is that character that I put on most of my avatars and banners. I've been making hand drawings of him for a while, but I've only finished a few of them. This is one of them. Later, once I finish it, I'll post the colored version.
  3. (I hope people get the meaning of my poem. It's designed to be read with a "rappish" tone...) [B]The Revolution[/B] [I]Two steps to the left One jump to the right Lately in the shopping mall Teens spend all night. Rock, heavy metal pop and jazz Even some techno, for those who move fast Cafe, Boom Boom, Butterfly Can keep us dancing, and feeling wild Whiners call it dumb But when standing on the pad They discover it's fun I know a few of them Z, A, and Mr.B When met in real life They look like freaks But when in the pad They can give us a treat Crowds gather before them Every second they ponder How long will they keep on dancing, Even though watching them is a wonder? Time has passed and the dancers are tired Especially after completing "My Fire" They leave, happy of being young Knowing that the revolution, has begun.[/I]
  4. Mixing what I've heard with what I've seen, I am constantly reminded of Lost Kingdoms...
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cyke [/i] [B][font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]...A different developer may damage the series... [/color][/font] [/B][/QUOTE] HOW DARE YOU CALL MIYAMOTO JUST "ANOTHER DEVELOPER"? BOW DOWN AND APOLOGIZE!1!!!11eleven1!!!!!shift+1!!!!!:p Seriously though, Hideo Kojima is the creator of Metal Gear, and he's just being assisted by (arguably) the best game designer in the world. If there's something I'm really excited about, its seeing some of Silicon Knight's style in a classic franchise. I was very pleased with Retro's adaptation of Metroid, so I don't doubt that this new, super-talented team will deliver more than expected.
  6. I have volumes 1-3, and maybe I'll get the last one someday. I haven't seen it in a while, but I remember hating Kaede. [spoiler]Luckily, you see Kusanagi "slice her" in vol.3[/spoiler]
  7. I kinda get what you mean by that. I did not know that the "Artist Rights" (I forgot their real name) only applied to parodies. Where did you find that?
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B]*presses her hands into her ears, then covers her eyes* I did not just read that, I did not just read that, I did not just read that, I did not just read that...oh my frelling GOSH I better not have just read that. *shivers* Interactive fanfic? You mean like those "Choose Your Own Adventure" books from way back when? [/B][/QUOTE] :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ....No! I did not mean that! *Bursts out laughing again* *Calms down* What I meant is that it is a fanfic in the sense that fans invented the story. I called it interactive because you play the game (thus you interact with the fanfic).
  9. Square can't sue them for that. I believe the explanation is in the Bob and George site. It's got to do with something aboot "artistic interpretation". Anyway, that's what happens with fanfics, and: [b]This game is just an interactive fanfic, nothing more.[/b] And if you want a game that does deserve being sued, play "Legend of Zelda: Link Gets Laid".
  10. Who cares about Toad? KOOPA IS BACK! That alone is worth a purchase. I also thought that LAN was confirmed (I only read that on Gamefaqs, so take it with 1/2 grain of salt). I'm really interested in the "Double Dash" concept, and hope that it will lead to hours of playing multiplayer. Graphic-wise, I'm not the least bit impressed at the textures. The modeling is excellent, and some better textures (at least in the faces) are possible without a hit on the Frame Rate. E3 can't come soon enough...
  11. Okay, this game awoke the graphic whore inside me. If they are pushing 60fps on this, I'll be beyond impressed (then again, Factor 5 said that they were gonna push the GC to the limit with their next game). However, I hope they use the special fur effects on Chewbacca. I am pretty sure that the areas on-foot will be amazing, since they created the excellent Super Turrican. Maybe this is what Tornado became... *Hears the sound of $50 being spent*
  12. [COLOR=purple][b]Category One: Your Online Character[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Ramón the Disturbing [b]Character Base/Type:[/b] Wave Master [b]Weapon/s:[/b] Sphership (picture attached)- This magical device floats constantly near its owner. It can copy any spells done nearby. Note- The size of the area from which spells can be copied raises together with its owner's Magic atribute. [b]Appearance:[/b] (Picture attached) His hair and eyes are dark purple, and his robes are a pale brown. He was custom-made, so his weird, psychotic face is supposed to look like that. [b]Sex:[/b] Male [/COLOR] [b]Category Two: Your Real Life Character[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Charlie Fortune [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Occupation:[/b] 11th Grade in school. He works part-time at his local Gamestop. [b]Location:[/b] San Juan, Puerto Rico [b]Biography:[/b] Charlie's life isn't particularily interesting. In fact, it's downright boring. Between school and work, he has been living the same routine for years. His only breaks from that routine are when he hangs out with friends, or when he's Online. By hanging out at a particular message board, he found an RPG based on The World. Interested by the concept of a fantasy world full of real people, he decided to buy it. He got his job at Gamestop to support his subscription. [b]Personality:[/b] Both in the real world and in The World, Charlie is always glad to do anything that breaks the monotony of everyday life. He is rarely seen alone, opting to socialize as much as possible. Charlie never forgets that he's playing a game, so he makes light of any situation. [b]Interests:[/b] Video games, Rock music, The World, drawing sketches of people he meets, and going out with his friends.
  13. So, it's finally out? Allright! I'm gonna organize a group of friends to go see it next week (this week's a holiday over here). So, what kind of horror would you call it: Resident Evil (game), Eternal Darkness or Silent Hill?
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Break [/i] [B][size=1][color=crimson]If it's unofficial then the company does have a very high chance of being sued. With this in mind, the prequel would be either of below medium quality or very bad quality because they are just using their own opinions for what the game would be like. Square won't be happy (me either)..[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I doubt they can be sued. If they are, Square already gave them permit, so they would have to be warned first. And I doubt the game will be bad quality, with Square approving it and all. Besides, what makes Square the only developer qualified to make a good story? I believe our RPG and Literature Forums prove that there are much better storytellers than those in Square.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]Anyway, Nintendo is putting out a demo disc soon (FINALLY)... I'm not clear on how you're supposed to get it, but it's [b]free[/b]. It has a playable demo of this game, Viewtiful Joe, Sonic DX and something else... Soul Calibur 2 is rumored playable as well. [/B][/QUOTE] I actually drooled when I read this. And then I proceeded to shout a good: "All right!". I mean, demos were expected soon, but FREE, and with Viewtiful Joe!? Hell, I'd gladly pay $10 (make it $15) for that disc, but I won't have to! Back on topic- Knowing the ignorant masses, this name will result in less sales, because "teh geim iss kIiddie!!11shift+1". However, with the right marketing, Sega can stop the rumors before they begin. Just look at "Ratchet and Clank", which very few people call kiddy because of the commercials.
  16. [b]Name:[/b] Charlie Fortune [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Appearance:[/b] Charlie is a little over 6 feet, and is of Hispanic origin. He is a pretty casual guy, always using an open shirt over a T-Shirt, and never leaving his house without jeans, if going to a public place. However, if he's only going to a friend's house or something, he's capable of going in a tanktop and boxer shorts. He has his naturally curly hair heavily straightened to look smooth, and died purple. His shoes are pretty old, but don't show as much damage as expected from their age. He always carries a (loaded) paintball gun with him, which has saved him more than a few times. Since a picture speaks a thousand words, I added an attachment of Charlie. [b]Character Sketch:[/b]Charlie knows very little of his life. When he was 13, he was kidnapped. During a struggle, he received a blow to the head, and forgot everything prior to the last few hours. Through the years, he's managed to maintain himself with part-time jobs, both legal and illegal. He goes to school, but only for the Art class. After that, he leaves as he pleases. He spends most of the time listening to Heavy Metal, but is actually a pretty cheerful guy. He likes to come up with some pretty perverted jokes, especially if he can use them to annoy someone else. His main weakness are Asian girls. When he sees one, he gets strangely shy, and acts like a klutz. Obviously, he's never had an Asian girlfriend.
  17. I checked the site, and the next anime that will be shown seems to have a happier mood. After watching Lain (it was a decent dub, Shy!), I started getting into the series, and even bought the whole DVD Box Set (not used) for $30. I really got into Betterman, but sadly I missed the last 2 episodes; so my mind is boggled by the last episode's description. Can someone fill me in on the ending? [spoiler]The caption read: "Kenta and Hinoki fight to the death"[/spoiler] I personally don't like Crest of the Stars, and got bored after about 5-7 episodes. Silent Mobius is ok, but I missed the first few episodes, and that's a big no in my book. By the way, has anyone else noticed the huge amount of porn commercials during Anime Unleashed?
  18. I'd like to be more excited with this game, but there's still too little information for me to be more than a little interested. I hope that E3 puts it in my BUY list. However, for Sonic Team's sake; I hope that they change the name, since this one will turn off the closer-minded people.
  19. You should put in a Toxin Sliver. It gives all slivers: "If this creature deals damage to another creature, that creature is destroyed". While playing agaisnt a friend, that thing devastaded my deck (due to it having protection enchantments for just about everything). By the way, does anyone else use Alter Reality? I find it to be one of the best cards in the whole game. Basically, its an instant that costs "1 blue, 1 colorless", and allows you to change a color instance permanently in any card. Example: You have a card with protection from green. With Alter Reality you can change every time it says the word [b]green[/b] to [b]red[/b]. It also has a Flashback which costs the same.
  20. Turkey


    I really like that Shia guy(I forgot his second name), especially on Even Stevens. Now, I'm gonna look up the book, to see if I like it.
  21. While your first one has some slight cropping issues, they all look great. I specially like the Sky banner. Keep them coming! PS- May I use the Sky Banner for a while?
  22. Maybe there should be a poll or something. Very few people come to the Suggestions Forum, so a lot of fans don't know about this topic. And I'm sure that it will be more popular than the Tenchi Forum.
  23. Well, the banner is very pretty, and could easily pass up for a professional; but this can hardly be considered an animation. Maybe its my PC, but the only animation I see is a blinking line of text.
  24. Bored with my teacher reading the book out loud, I've started making a few dumb comics designed to mock whatever I feel like mocking. The character named Woody is an actual friend of mine (and he really deserves the nickname). The girl is just another generic girl. While I have other comics, they are written in Spanish, so very few people will get the jokes.
  25. It's really pretty faithful to the place it's based on, and the quality of the cropping is impressive. You should make more of these banners, but based on the other areas of the game.
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