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Everything posted by Turkey

  1. The other day, while bored at school, I decided to whip up a little drawing. Considering that I really like Animal Crossing, I decided to draw my character, with some slightly modified clothes. I hope you like it. [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=377988]Click here[/URL] [Edit]To avoid lag, I changed the Image to a link[/Edit]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by hiachi [/i] [B]Say what you will, but im not the kind of person who really cares what others think, when its somewhat negative, be it right or wrong, if someone wants to insult me, their the kind of person that their opinion matters little to me.[/B][/QUOTE] If you didn't care, then why did you kept on arguing? I don't know if you meant it that way, but what I got from that comment sounded really immature, especially for someone who aspires to be a Game Designer. Then again, you don't care about anything/ Back on topic- It seems like the debate is over. I'll keep this open, in case someone wants to add a coment or something.
  3. Thank you James. You said what I wanted to, but did not have enough knowledge to say. Now, I want to hear Hiachi's rebuttal. Even if everything points agaisn't him, he still deserves a chance to prove himself.
  4. First of all, to those uninformed, this debate is based on what exactly is cel-shading. There are 2 different points, and everyone can (and should) post theirs. Here's the debate up to now: [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by hiachi [/i] [B]just a little factoid, but zelda doesnt use cel shading except for one enemy that i dont know the name! Cel-shading is when the model has a black outline around it, zelda just uses a light shading tecnique that gives it a water color or cartoony look. [/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel[/i] [B]Cel shading doesn't require a black line around anything, so I'm not sure what you're talking about. Watch cartoons, they don't all use lines around characters at all even. Samurai Jack is a good example of that, and it uses traditional cels.[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by hiachi [/i] [B]Cel shading is when you put a black outline around an object, dont mess with me buddy, im a game developer, i know the lingo..... IM not trying to start a flame war, i just wanted to let you know that yes, cel-shading is when you make an object have a black outline, what does samurai jack have to do with this??! Yes it makes it cartoony, but cartoony look doesnt mean its cel-shading, zelda gets its cartoony look from Toon-Shading, where it use realtime lighting like other games whereas it fades from the brightest point on the object to the darkest point, it just has a plain line, everything on one line is darker than ever thing on the other side[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Smoky Joe[/i] [B]Just because it's different, it doesn't stop being cel-shading. The black outline means squat, since the cel-shading itself is the texture and lightning modification that allows the poligon models to imitate animation. Mario Sunshine is also made to look cartoony, but is it cel-shaded? No. Oh, and Zelda's lighting is manually done. Toon Shading= Cel Shading Of course, if you have any proof agaisn't that, I'll be eager to read it.[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by hiachi [/i] [B]Cel shading, is, i repeat, is when the models have a black out line around them, I know that Toon-shading is another word for cel-shading, but thats the only term i could think of for the lighting. Look at Jet Grind Radio, it had NO LIGHTING, no shading, but it was "cel-shaded" as in it had a black outline around it, cel-shading doesnt mean cartoony effects, if it were that ambiguous, we might as well just say the game is "cartoony". I dont know what your talking about modifying the textures, its just textures, they got the lighting worked out so that everything that the light was shining on is the same brightness and everything thats not, the same shade-"ness", So that you get a definite line of shading as you see in many newer cartoons. Ive been (and been one myself) talking to game developers too long to let someone tell me that i dont know what cel-shading is![/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Smoky Joe[/i] [B]JGR had both shading and lighting; at least my copy does. quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by hiachi cel-shading doesnt mean cartoony effects, if it were that ambiguous, we might as well just say the game is "cartoony -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In my last post, I explicitly said that same thing: quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mario Sunshine is also made to look cartoony, but is it cel-shaded? No. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by hiachi I dont know what your talking about modifying the textures, its just textures, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maybe, I used the wrong words, but I'm referring to the extra textures that mess up conventional shading. You know, the light shading you mentioned? That is what I'm referring to. You see, that is a vital part of cel-shading, and the most important. Without it, there is no cel-shading, just a model with outlines. I mean, we have a cel-shaded game without outlines, but no cel-shaded games without Light Maps. [/B][/QUOTE] And here we are.
  5. I made a separate topic for the cel-shading debate, so everyone please delete your oof-topic posts.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Psyco [/i] [B][color=teal][size=1][b]It's probably the worst cartoon on T.V, even more than Spongebob.[/b][/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] You lost me there... Anyway, I don't really like the show. If I want cartoon wrestling, I'll just watch Ultimate Muscle.
  7. It happened to me a few weeks ago. I gave the console (especially the lens) a very good cleaning, and it all fixed.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]Why does everyone like Chocolate more than Tira? Is it because she puts out and Tira doesn't? That bothers me slightly...[color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I prefer Chocolate because she puts out. Carrot's reactions to her can be quite hilarious, and (at least in the series) she keeps wanting Carrot more and more. Meanwhile, Tira doesn't evolve from the "Hammer Routine" until late in the series. However, Tira can be pretty cool when trnasformed. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]I like the manga better than the TV series. They don't cut out as much. And I can never imagine a dubbed translation better than the original, but okay. ^_^;[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I've only read 2 issues of the manga, but I wanna read more; since it goes beyond the series (which better get a second season!), and dwelves deeper into the characters. I also wanna see more of [spoiler]Millefeulle, who plays a late and minor role in the animé[/spoiler]. Oh, and you'd be surprised by the excellent translation job they did (unfortunately, there's one part late in the series that features the cheesiest voice ever). They even enchanced the script for Carrot, which adds up to better delivered jokes.
  9. This is my second favorite animé ever. I've watched the whole series 4 times already, and I can gladly tell you that you will love it. However, the last 2 volumes take a darker, more serious tone, which is only broken with the amazing "Love Hospital" (funniest episode of all). I also suggest that you watch it dubbed, since the translated script is superior to the original.
  10. (As if you didn't see this coming) Note- As always, thanks to IGN for the images. You've played action games before, but what about "VFX action games"? This Summer, Capcom releases another entry of their "Capcom 5". [IMG]http://cubemedia.ign.com/cube/image/viewtiful_011603_160.jpg[/IMG] Directed by Shinji Mikami, the father of Resident Evil, Viewtiful Joe is an homage to classic beat-em-ups, like Final Fight and Kung Fu. [IMG]http://cubemedia.ign.com/cube/image/vjoeart3.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=1]This is your average Joe, before becoming "Viewtiful".[/SIZE] See that guy up there? You'll be playing as him. While he has some decent fighting skills, he needs discipline. That discipline is given to him by a guy in costume, of course. [IMG]http://cubemedia.ign.com/cube/image/vjoeart2.jpg[/IMG] After defeating his mentor, Joe gets the power he needs to save his girlfriend (yes, the classic storyline is also here). [SIZE=3]Gameplay:[/SIZE] The game moves on a 2D/3D plane (like SSBM). Joe has the basic moves (punch with Y, kick with X, double jump), but the charm is in the L button. With it, you can slow time (bullet time use #39593453), which can be used temporarily. When activated, the "Special Effects" bar drains, until it empties, and Joe turns average again. After a few seconds, the meter goes up again. However, the bullet time in this game is wisely used, since the game's puzzles are designed to use this ability. The combat is also modified when the ability is used, giving way to some impressive moves, like smashing and re-smashing a baddie before he even begins to fall. There are also other abilities like "Zoom" and "Mach Speed", but I don't have any detailed info on them. [SIZE=3]Graphics:[/SIZE] Stylish. That's the best way to describe them. As you can see from the pictures and videos, the game moves at a constant 60fps, and everything moves fluidly. Cel-shading is the word of the day, and the areas feature lots of details, and cool character design. [IMG]http://cubemedia.ign.com/cube/image/viewtifulhoopagc9.jpg[/IMG] In the end, Viewtiful Joe promises to be the big hit of the Summer. With great graphics, cool gameplay ideas (and flawless execution, according to those who've tested it), and more style than legally accepted; I fail to see how Capcom can screw this up (and I doubt Mikami will lose his talent all of a sudden).
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]I'm completely stuck in the stupid Wind Temple right now,[/B][/QUOTE] Welcome to the club.;) Has anyone become [spoiler]a member of the Nintendo Gallery? I want to know how to get the DX Camera.[/spoiler]
  12. Turkey


    [I]Zulib woke up tied to a bed in an operation room, with the psycho nurse injecting something to someone right beside him. For some reason, he saw everything blurry, and he felt like he was about to vomit. Looking down at his arm, he noticed a small injection mark, and a few drops of a strange liquid around it. After a few seconds of looking at the liquid, he looked again at the guy beside him. The nurse had left him, and he had his face pointed to the wall, so Zulib could not see it. After reasurring(sp?) himself that there was nobody else in the room, Zulib slid his arm as much as he could to his pocket, and took out a small knife. He cut the cords, and (slowly) got out of the bed. Still woozy, Zulib walked to the other bed, and prepared the knife to cut his cords. Of course, he drew the other guy's attention first.[/I] [COLOR=indigo]Zulib- Dude, you okay?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]????- *Now facing Zulib* Leave me...I'm already dead. I can't feel anything anyway...[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]Zulib- Screw that, I'm bringing you anyway![/COLOR] [I]Zulib began cutting the ropes at once, and then tried to stand the guy up. It wasn't easy, since he was very weak by the injection. Luckily, there was a wheelchair in the room. Zulib put the guy there; and, making sure the coast was clear, proceeded to escape with the Sick Man.[/I]
  13. I'm a Blue/White player, focusing on Morphs and Avens. My favorite strategy is to always have a Counter Spell on my hand (with enough mana to use it), while I start throwing many Morphs. I also have Ixidor, which raises all Morphs by +1/+1, and allows me to pay only 2 colorless and 1 blue to flip any Morph. With the Crawshfiel(sp?) Crab,I quickly take my opponent's best cards, and use them agaisnt him. And if he/she uses a color-protected creature, I'll just use my Alter Reality (change the color text of any card, permanently).
  14. Well, the series has a 17+ rating, so I wouldn't be surprised if they show the "hentai" episode. By the way, can anyone point me to an Episode Guide (with synopsis) of the series?
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]And Smokey Joe, the next island is awesome. The Rito are great and the area behind it is just amazing graphically ([spoiler] the entrance to the dungeon, where all the ash and fire is blowing around... In fact, the whole dungeon looks amazing[/spoiler]. [/B][/QUOTE] After just finishing the dungeon, I just have to say this: Best graphics ever! Well, after Doom 3, of course. I'm really loving those quick comical moments, [spoiler]like when you throw Medli, but she crashes.[/spoiler] A few times, while playing, I keep having that feeling that I am just dreaming everything. I mean, that dungeon couldn't have been cooler. Especially since it takes place inside and outside the volcano. And the Grappling Hook is much more useful than I expected (however, I find it a little too slow). [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]I also loved how Tetra cut off Link's sappy moment when he left the island. I love her, my friend thinks she is a ***** lol. [/B][/QUOTE] Well, he's not alone. If I didn't know Tetra's real purpose in the game, I would just flat-out hate her...
  16. I got it I got it I got it! Fun funf unfufnufnufnufnfnufn SUPER HAPPY FUN TIME!!!!!1111!!!1 While I found the game to be a little too slow at first, it's been getting much better now (I just left Windfall Island). Once I finish my homework, I'm off to Dragon Pier Island (I think). How did the rest of you feel when you set into the open sea? No loading at all, an excellent music, and the sheer size of it blew me away in a way I hadn't felt since GTA3.
  17. After 2 agonizingly long days, I am just about to get it. Tomorrow I'm picking it up after school, then I'll play for a few hours before posting my impressions.
  18. Turkey


    OOC: If someone is still in the hospital, please help poor Zulib.:P [I]Zulib had been walking for a while already, and he had already entered the main area of Silent Hill. The town, which was supposed to be bustling with activity at this hour, instead had a silence stronger than a cemetery's. There was little wind, and it seemed like the fog created shapes at times. Sometimes these shapes could be felt as little tingles of a cold, very cold wind. While passing by what seemed to be an hospital, Zulib heard some distant voices coming from inside. At first, he was reluctant to check it out.[/I] [color=indigo]Zulib- (What if it's...them?) Bah...they could've killed me a while ago if they actually were in town. The people here should have some info.[/color] [I]Upon entering, Zulib was welcomed to a beautiful display of neatness and cleanliness. Lots of people sat, waiting to be called for their routine checkup, or to visit a loved one. Every single object was in the best positioning possible, and the hospital just screamed politeness. Now relaxed, Zulib calmly went to the information desk.[/I] [B]Nurse- How may I help you, sir?[/B] [color=indigo]Zulib- Yeah, could you please tell me where are all the people in town? I haven't seen a single person since I entered the town.[/color] [B]Nurse- ........*She looked at Zulib with concern*[/B] [color=indigo]Zulib- Is something wrong?[/color] [I]With no warning at all, the nurse started shrieking, as well as the other people in the room. She jumped over the desk, and pushed Zulib into one of those "carts" in which they carry the sick. They tied him up quickly and the nurse began dashing with him through the halls. Suddenly, a flash ocurred, and the "beautiful" hospital turned into the horrendous place it actually was. The people also turned into a variety of horrible monsters. All the while, they shrieked without pause. Due to all the things happening at once, Zulib fainted.[/I]
  19. I remember watching it at the theater during the last playing of the night (about 11:30 PM). When sleeping, I awoke, and then I was truly freaked. I kept seeing things everywhere, and I was about to run to my parent's room (yes, I was [b]that[/b] scared). Truly a masterpiece.
  20. Turkey


    OOC: If I mention a guy named Charlie, I'm referring to Zulib. This is only my second RPG in which I don't use Charlie as a character. IC: [I]A medium-sized bus rode a lonely, fog-filled street. Inside, a guy in his early 20s sat, annoyed by the pair of kids seating behind him. They were fighting for some toy. Zulib, the young man, decided to move to the very back of the bus, since he would end up hitting theose little brats. More relaxed, he sleepily stared at the dense fog outside.[/I] [COLOR=indigo]Zulib- 4:00PM...And only thick fog...*Yawn* We better be getting there soon.[/COLOR] [I]After a few minutes, he finally saw a sign on the street. It featured the generic happy family smiling, and "Silent Hill" written on the bottom. In an adjacent sign, it said "10 miles". Time passed, and Zulib felt very interested. They had already passed plenty of signs. Each sign had a different picture of the same family, each time with a different expression. Some were solemn, some were happy; and, in one, the family looked a little too happy. Their eyes were wide open, and a huge smile came from their mouths.[/I] [COLOR=indigo]Zulib- *Shudders* That last one was a little too freaky.[/COLOR] [I]However, the last one took the cake. This one was even animated. It flashed all the previous pictures, and even added a picture of the family screaming in horror.[/I] [COLOR=indigo]Zulib- What the ****!? Is this their idea of advertising?[/COLOR] [I]Just mere seconds later, the bus stopped. Zulib walked up to the driver.[/I] [B]Driver- *To Zulib* The tire blew up. *Now using the microphone* If anybody wants to use the bathroom, this is your last chance! Next stop is Silent Hill, the main town![/B] [I]Zulib walked down and used the bathroom. Once outside, he saw the bus already starting to leave. Yelling, he followed it, and reached it. He managed to grab hold of the emergency door, and told the children to open it. Instead, the kids looked at him with cold stares, then showed him their huge fangs. In terror, Zulib let go, and the bus dissapeared into the fog. Now, alone and with only his mace, he found himself on the outskirts of Silent Hill, with a small path to the town. With nothing better to do, he started his way.[/I]
  21. [B]Are you male or female? [/B] Male [B]How long has your longest relationship lasted? [/B] Nothing serious [B]What was the worst ending to a relationship you have been in? [/B] Read above [B]What is the one thing you hope to find in your perfect mate?[/B] Love for Rock, similar interests, and the ability to be a true friend. [B]what is your pet peeve about the people you date? [/B] Hypocrisy, and excessive complaining. [B]Have you ever used a pick up line? [/B] Nope [B]Have you ever had a pick up line used on you?[/B] Yeah ("Dude, you are hot!") [B]-if so, did it work? [/B] Considering I had never been told one of those, I would say yes. [B]What do you think women want?[/B] There are 2 main groups of women: 1.Those that look for nice, caring guys. 2.Those that look for jerks that will only end up hurting them. [B]In your opinion, what is the general behavior of women? [/B] Moody, and unpredictable. Hate to say it, but cats and girls have a lot in common.
  22. I've only seen volumes 1 & 2, butthat's enough for me to be impressed. Somehow, with all the madness going on, it still manages to keep multiple storylines (that often cross) going. Also, the amount of jokes packed in every episode is amazing, even those that are put accidentally. Pedro, for example, is my favorite character in the show. His tragic story is funny in a cruel way. And those who've seen shows like Cliffhanger and Cowboy Bebop will absolutely love Nabeshin.
  23. Turkey

    Punk Music!

    I've been getting very deep into Punk during the last year. Right now, I've been into NOFX (the Decline owns all!), Bad Religion, Offspring (check out their first CD, which is among the best punk), Rancid, and plenty of others.
  24. Well, really like the show, with it's exagerated cheesyness. However, Kid Muscle is wayyyyy to whiny.
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MaRk [/i] [B]I dont think they have because gamecube is a good system and it has a lot of RPG games i like those kind of games!!!!!!!! [/B][/QUOTE] The Cube has lots of RPGs? O_o Maybe in the future, but now it has...2 traditional RPGs. Back on topic, I believe that things are starting to go uphill again. Games like Maximo prove that hardcore gaming is not dead, and all the genres currently have excellent current generation games. While the best GC games are far between, it doesn't really bother me, as I don't have all that money (Zelda's probably my only Spring purchase). Also, now I have to support my PSO Hunter's License, which will probably give me a few hundred hours of fun (DC version game me 200).
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