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Everything posted by kenshinsbabe

  1. [FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="DarkGreen"][B]I can't believe so few people have mentioned the good ol' peanut butter and jelly! That's my personal favorite. :3 I'm really a sucker for the classics: PBnJ and bologna and cheese with mustard. I'm not really adventurous with my sandwiches. When I go to Subway though, I get the Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki toasted with some lettuce. Good stuff![/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  2. [B][FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="DarkGreen"]My sister actually got me into this game a few months ago. To be honest, though, I'm still a newb by most accounts. And yes, a newb. I'm told there's a difference between newb and n00b and I'm the good kind...haha. Anyway, I'm in a guild called Foe Smiters [fss]. They're really getting into Hero's Ascension right now, so if you ever fight 'em, give them a shout out or something. I don't play on their team cuz I'm still too new to do very well. The biggest block with that is I don't have Nightfall yet. I have all the others though, but I need to get Nightfall. My main characters in-game are Tanya Robinsong (ranger), Tanya Phoenixsong (monk), and Deirdre Rowind (assassin) so if you wanna chat, hit me up. :3[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B]
  3. [FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="DarkGreen"][B]I'm actually pretty sad about this. As you all probably know, Farah Fawcett died today too. Her death was different though: she had terminal cancer. Everyone was more prepared. Michael Jackson just dropped out of the blue. He was about to go on tour in London, and I heard he'd just had a physical to get ready for it. And then he's just dead? Just like that? A lot of things have been said about him, but I think now is the time to mourn a groundbreaking musician. I will never feel the same at Halloween when Thriller plays.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  4. [FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="DarkGreen"][B]What I meant with my schpeal is yeah, maybe you don't have to use it, but those that do will be cheapening the game experience for themselves. I feel like letting the game play the hard parts for you will rob people of the sense of accomplishment you get when you finally make it to the end of a game. I'm guessing a more casual gamer wouldn't feel as strongly about it as I would simply because they've never made it past those hard parts. I've had to return and return and return to the same part of a game and I felt that rush you get when you finally make it through. But I guess if someone would use that technology, they would have just put down the controller and left it at that part of the game anyway.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  5. [FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="DarkGreen"][B]My dad and I got my mom a 60-minute deep tissue massage at a spa for Mother's Day, so to follow that up is gonna be a tough feat. I think the plan is dinner at home. My mom is gonna grill up some steaks like my dad likes. As for gifts, my dad got into Guitar Hero a while back (a guy who can actually play guitar). Since the new ones came out Rock Band style, adding a drum set and a microphone, my dad's wanted to try the drums. So I think the plan is to get the drum set. Or maybe just a pair of socks. Dads like socks, right? :3[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  6. [B][FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="DarkGreen"]I'm sure most people here are veteran gamers who've suffered through the horrible frustration of the hardest levels and challenges in every game they play. So how does this make you feel? [URL="http://videogames.yahoo.com/events/plugged-in/innovative-nintendo-game-help-system-to-debut-this-year/1326709"]Click Me![/URL] I already commented on this in the comments under the story, so I'll just repost what I put there. That pretty much sums up my feelings about it. I think this seems incredibly lazy. The difference between people who call themselves gamers and people who play games is that gamers face all the challenges. They go through the hardest, most frustrating levels in the games themselves and, yes, oftentimes fight the urge to throw something across the room. But it makes the experience of reaching the end of the game that much more rewarding.It's like a marathon runner making it to the Olympics, but letting other people run parts of his race. Yeah, maybe he'll win, but the medal won't feel as good around his neck as if he had won it himself. But I suppose you won't be required to use the technology. It's just there as an option. I still feel like it will cheapen the game experience though. So what do you think?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B]
  7. [SIZE="2"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Blue"][B]A couple of my friends just made a list of 1,000 Reasons to Smile. I helped a bit, as well as all of our friends. I figured it kind of pertained to this thread, so I'll share it with you. Hopefully you find something that makes you smile![/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  8. [FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Blue"][B]"Is this chicken, what I have here, or is this kitten?" Changes the whole thing completely. But to be honest, just makes me think about all those land fish that'll go hungry when people quit buying tuna. I won't stop eating fish because fish is tasty and delicious. And I happen to like food that is tasty and delicious. I admire what PETA's trying to do, but a fish by any other name would taste as sweet.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  9. [B][COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="2"][FONT="Georgia"]If I have to go off the animals I have now, I'd definately say cats are better. My mom has two pomeranians (cute, but insanely annoying most of the time) and my sister has this awesome, laid-back cat. I'd choose the random noms of the cat over the constant, high-pitched, headache-inducing barking of the dogs any day. Though I will say that there is an exception: big dogs. Big dogs tend to be alot easier to get along with, as far as my experiences with them go. They're amazingly less annoying, as long as you keep up with the shedding.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]
  10. [FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="2"][B]I've been watching CNN pretty much all day and my head is full of bailout plan fluff. For those of you who don't know, the $700 billion bailout plan didn't pass. Dow points subsequently dropped 777 points, sending Wall Street into a panic. More info here: [U][url=http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/09/29/bailout.fallout/index.html?iref=mpstoryview]Link[/url][/U] As a senior in high school trying to get her college stuff in order, this worries me. What are your thoughts on this whole bailout mess? What can we do so that we're not left in the street with no money? Who thinks we should just go back to trading and bartering?[/B][/SIZE][/FONT]
  11. [SIZE="2"][FONT="Georgia"][B]I actually work at a Papa John's, so you probably know where I stand. :P People told me that I'd start to get sick of pizza from working there. 5 months in, all it's done is foster my love for pizza, haha. Anyway, my personal favorite topping is regular pork sausage. I've grown to like pepperoni since I've started working at Papa John's. Also, my ideal pizza is a half Meats half Six Cheese on original crust. Mmm, good stuff. It even looks tasty, ya know? Most pizzas look like a greasy mess, but the cheese absorbs the grease from the meats side, so it looks beautiful! Yeah...I'm kind of a pizza nerd. I applied there because I love Papa John's pizza. Pizza Hut can go die. Their crusts are tasteless and their sauce is rancid. And I believed that before I started working too. As for Domino's, I really haven't tried enough of their stuff to pass judgement. PAPA JOHN'S FTW!!!1!11!! P.S: I was drawn to this thread because Vicky wrote it. There's a driver I work with whose name is Vicky, so I was hoping to be like "OMG I KNO U IRL ROFLWAFFLE!!!!". Unfortunately, I recieve no such pleasure.[/B][/FONT][/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE="2"][B][FONT="Georgia"]I think it's awesome that same-sex marriage is legal, especially in a place like California. Such a big place, so many people. That has to have an impact on most people in some way. I mean, as far as modernization in America goes, California's right up there (mostly because of Hollywood and all the insanely rich celebrities, but let's not turn that stone okay?). If they're willing to allow it, why not other states like it, such as New York? What I think is kind of funny at the same time is the fact that the Governator joined the "We have more important things to worry about" troupe. The state's taking a huge step forward, and their governor isn't even on board with it. At least, that's what I've heard. I just think that's funny. I just hope that other states follow California's lead. It won't truly be "the land of the free and the home of the brave" until we're all free to love and marry whomever we choose and we're brave enough to accept one another for our choices. *steps off soap box*[/FONT][/B][/SIZE]
  13. I'm just gonna say this now 'fore I get all analytical on you: my beliefs are pretty confused, which is to say that I'm not entirely sure what I believe in. I'm on the religious fence, as it were. That said, I'd like to make an extremely contrary argument by looking at both sides. >3 On the one hand, there's faith and reason warring. Evolution, yes, is the main divider. If God created us, what's up with the dinosaur bones and carbon dating? If it was only evolution, how is it that on this planet in this galaxy in this cosmos was in perfect position to start creating life? Now there's the other side: faith and reason in relative harmony. You might have noticed how, in history classes, Jesus is referred to as a nonfictional, not-necessarily-religious character in history. Basically, this means that he existed for sure, but whether or not you believe that he was the Messiah is completely up to whether or not you're a religious person. I think that the two ideas can live together in peace on alot of things, but there are just too many inconsistencies between the two for them to be able to shake hands and agree on a single story.
  14. [SIZE="2"][FONT="Georgia"]I had a lot of free time on my hands one day so I started rummaging through my closet to find something to do. Eventually, my hands fell on my copy of Final Fantasy VIII. I hadn't played it in God knows how long and I immediately put it in my PS2 and started reworking my thumb's Boost muscles. I've hardly been able to put down the controller since. I'm not sure what it is about this that makes me so happy because every time something happens, I know how it turns out because I've played it all through before. But the nostalgia I get is overwhelmingly satisfying. Has anything like this happened to you? Or maybe there's a game that you played once before that you'd love to get your hands on again?[/FONT][/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE="2"][FONT="Georgia"]I've generally had some strange experiences with dreams, but the most recent one came to mind when I read the other posts. A few months ago, my friend Lexi became interested in a guy, so she got his phone number and constantly called him and found his house. Eventually, he felt like she was stalking him, so she left him alone and they haven't really talked since. In this dream, I was talking on the phone with her and on a whim, she decided to call him and invite him out to eat. So she three-wayed him and I heard the conversation they had. She invited him to go to Perkins (a "we serve breakfast all day" kinda place), and he thought about it for a minute, then agreed. I don't remember anything after that. The next day, I was talking to her and she said that after she got off work, her and another friend went to Perkins. On this particular occasion, she saw this guy there. When she told me that, all I said was "No way." When I told her about my dream, she was as surprised as I was.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  16. [B][SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Everyone has that one song that they love, even if other people think it's just a sappy love song. What's your favorite love song? For discussion's sake, you could put why you like that song or where you first heard it. My favorite love song is a tie between "Crash and Burn" by Savage Garden and "I Will Follow You Into the Dark" by Death Cab for Cutie. I like "Crash and Burn" because if you just listen to it passively, not really paying attention to the lyrics, it doesn't seem like a love song. In fact, I only heard it again a few weeks ago and I hadn't heard it since I was in grade school. I only really listened to the lyrics when I last heard it and realized that it was a love song. "I Will Follow You Into the Dark" is a personal favorite because it reminds me of the love between older people. Have you ever seen an elderly couple together, just holding hands or walking together, looking at each other like they're the only ones in the world? It's that deep feeling that this song reminds me of, though the overall feeling is sort of bittersweet.[/FONT][/SIZE][/B]
  17. "BAGHDAD, Iraq - Saddam Hussein was convicted and sentenced Sunday to hang for crimes against humanity in the 1982 killings of 148 people in a single Shiite town, as the ousted leader, trembling and defiant, shouted "God is great!" As he, his half brother and another senior official in his regime were convicted and sentenced to death by the Iraqi High Tribunal, Saddam yelled out, "Long live the people and death to their enemies. Long live the glorious nation, and death to its enemies!" Later, his lawyer said the former dictator had called on Iraqis to reject sectarian violence and refrain from revenge against U.S. forces. The trial brought Saddam and his co-defendants before their accusers in what was one of the most highly publicized and heavily reported trials of its kind since the Nuremberg tribunals for members of Adolf Hitler's Nazi regime and its slaughter of 6 million Jews in the World War II Holocaust "The verdict placed on the heads of the former regime does not represent a verdict for any one person. It is a verdict on a whole dark era that has was unmatched in Iraq's history," said Nouri al-Maliki, Iraq's Shiite prime minister. Some feared the court decision could exacerbate the sectarian violence that has pushed the country to the brink of civil war, after a trial that stretched over nine months in 39 sessions and ended nearly 3 1/2 months ago. The verdict came two days before midterm elections in the United States widely seen as a referendum on the Bush administration's policy in Iraq. U.S. and Iraqi officials have denied the timing was deliberate. The White House praised the Iraqi judicial system and denied the U.S. had been "scheming" for the verdict. Iraqis "are the ones who conducted the trial. The Iraqi judges are the ones who spent all the time pouring over the evidence. ... It's important to give them credit for running their own government," said Tony Snow, the president's spokesman. In north Baghdad's heavily Sunni Azamiyah district, clashes broke out between police and gunmen. Elsewhere in the capital, celebratory gunfire rang out." [B][SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]The rest of the article can be found here: [URL]http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20061105/ap_on_re_mi_ea/saddam_verdict[/URL] The former dictator was finally sentenced. Right now, I'm not sure what to think. It just kinda came out of the blue for me. After I heard that his trial was being moved to Baghdad, I didn't hear anything else about it until I read this article. How strange to think that the world will be free of one less dictator. What do you think?[/FONT][/SIZE][/B]
  18. [B][SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Character One Name: Swiftheart Gender: Tom Rank: Warrior Description: Swiftheart's fur is a pure, sleek black. He has a white sock on his left forepaw. His eyes are a beautiful gold. He got his name from his particular quickness of movement. Though his frame is rather wiry instead of bulky, his lean muscles have lots of power to them. (If it matters, his breed is American Bombay.) Original clan: RiverClan Personality: Being a Warrior means alot to Swiftheart, and he doesn't take it lightly. He has a very serious disposition toward most things and he rarely seems to have a wide range of emotions. Though he's never expressed it to his clan leader, he wants very much to take on an apprentice. ~*~ Character Two Name: Rainkit Gender: Shecat Rank: Kitten Description: Rainkit's fur is a light brown flecked with black spots, which is where her name came from. Her eyes are a bright green, full of adventure. Original Clan: ShadowClan Personality: Rainkit loves to explore. She always wants to wander off and investigate things she sees and smells. She's very adventurous and outgoing, and she does her best to make everyone in her Clan smile. She's very excited to become an apprentice so she can wander around with a Warrior and see new things. [/FONT][/SIZE][/B]
  19. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia][B]Name:[/B] Arella [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Personality:[/B] Righteous and quick-thinking, Arella has always embraced the fact that she was meant to fight the forces of Hell on the day that it rained blood on Earth. She is proud of the fact that she was chosen to fight to preserve life on Earth and the sanctity of Heaven alike. While she is determined, and was often focused on training for the battle, she is friendly with her teammates. She knows that there's a deep bond of trust that they must share to be successful. [B]Appearance:[/B] Her long, raven-black hair contrasts her pure white robes.Her eyes are dark green. For moving purposes, her robe has no sleeves and is cut at the knee. She has a golden rope tied around her waist to keep her robe from moving around her body too much and distracting her from her work. The back of her robe is cut to about mid-back level so that her large, white wings have plenty of room to move around. [B]Side:[/B] Heaven [B]Aspect:[/B] Speed [B]Weapon:[/B] One blessed dagger that she keeps on her rope-belt and one golden staff about five and a half feet in length.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Okay, I think I'm confusing myself. We're writing our entries as the people who were the first in their family to get brought into Mosrael's service right? Just gotta be sure before I submit my entry.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia][B]Name:[/B] Arella [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Personality:[/B] Righteous and quick-thinking, Arella has always embraced the fact that she was meant to fight the forces of Hell on the day that it rained blood on Earth. She is proud of the fact that she was chosen to fight to preserve life on Earth and the sanctity of Heaven alike. While she is determined, and was often focused on training for the battle, she is friendly with her teammates. She knows that there's a deep bond of trust that they must share to be successful. [B]Appearance:[/B] Her long, raven-black hair contrasts her pure white robes.Her eyes are dark green. For moving purposes, her robe has no sleeves and is cut at the knee. She has a golden rope tied around her waist to keep her robe from moving around her body too much and distracting her from her work. The back of her robe is cut to about mid-back level so that her large, white wings have plenty of room to move around. [B]Side:[/B] Heaven [B]Aspect:[/B] Speed [B]Weapon:[/B] One blessed dagger that she keeps on her rope-belt and one golden staff about five and a half feet in length.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]In her ears, Kacela heard nothing. It was as though her body shut everything off so it could focus wholly on the task at hand. In her mind's eye she saw her mentor, charging just ahead of her into the fray. He rode a white stallion with flames for mane and tail. Falling back to get next to her, he stretched out his arm. Kacela put hers out and they clasped in a strengthening bond. She let go, unsheathed her sword and charged into battle. The flying enemies got to her first. Scratching at her with their claws, she put her sword up to block them. The very second they left their guard down, she struck with a powerful swing, cleaving them in two. With their blood on her face and body, she still went forward to the ground monsters. They attacked her horse, tearing at its legs with their claws and causing it to falter. Kacela had to jump off to avoid being squashed by the horse. When she stood up, she was surrounded. It wasn't until then that she realized she no longer had her sword. 'I must have dropped it when I landed!' Kacela thought frantically. Taking her bow off of her back, she loaded an arrow and fired on an advancing monster. [I]"Vincent!"[/I] she called. She continued to fire as fast as she could at the monsters surrounding her, but already some had managed to make contact with their claws. [I]"Vincent!"[/I] she yelled again, getting a bit desperate. A monster leaped at her and cut her bow in half with its claws. Taking two arrows in her hands for weapons, she started attaking the monsters. They all started leaping around, trying to get at her. Soon, some had gotten on her and she was getting forced down to the ground. [I]"VINCENT!"[/I] Kacela cried as the monsters swarmed her, her voice filled with panic. A hand came down and gripped her arm tightly. With a great heave, Vincent pulled her out of the pile of creatures, both receiving bites and scratches. As soon as she was free, Vincent started hacking away at them. [I]"Go!"[/I] he said. Kacela looked up at the castle. He turned his head and locked his eyes with hers for a fleeting moment. Though they said nothing, both exchanged their love in that short glance. As Vincent turned his attention back to the swarm of creatures, Kacela grabbed two more arrows and made a path through the monsters toward the castle.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia][I]"Vincent..."[/I] Kacela said. She sat up straight and faced him. [I]"I love you."[/I] She put a hand on his shoulder and leaned forward. She pressed her lips gently to his. Slowly, she parted hers, inviting him in. An invitation he accepted passionately. Eventually, she pulled away and smiled. Vincent smiled back. [I]"Good answer,"[/I] he said. A gentle breeze came from behind them. As though she were watching it, she followed the breeze with her eyes until her gaze fell on the land ahead of the boat. When the boat docked and everyone got out, they found six horses waiting for them; one for every member of the original party. Just enough. Vincent, Kacela, Ceyla, Dalanius, Neko, and Amadeus all chose a horse. At a slow gallop, the group reluctantly set off toward the castle.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]DWIWWIW Dragons With Inclement Weather Widgets Incestfully Walk. That's right. Incestfully. HETYUT[/FONT][/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Kacela sat toward the front of the ferry. She watched the water as the boat parted it and listened to the sounds. It was only the second time she'd ever been on a boat; the first time was on her way to Mecki from her home. Dalanius' voice caught her ear. She listened to him ask Vincent a question and Vincent's short reply. When Dalanius' footsteps ceased and Kacela was sure that he was sitting again, she stood up and went to the back of the boat, where Vincent was sitting. [I]"Mind if I join you?"[/I] she asked him. He looked up at her and, without waiting for a reply, she sat down next to him. Sighing, she rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. There was a long silence between them. Eventually, Kacela broke it by saying, [I]"It's been a long journey."[/I] Vincent didn't say anything, but she was sure he agreed. [I]"What's going to happen to us when we get back?"[/I] Vincent's reply was short. [I]"We'll get our reward."[/I] Kacela looked up at him. That wasn't really the answer she was expecting. It was true, but still not what she was hoping to hear. [I]"That's all...?"[/I] Vincent was silent. [I]"Vincent...what's wrong? Are you okay?"[/I] [I]"Yeah,"[/I] he replied distractedly. [I]"Just thinking."[/I] Kacela lifted her head off his shoulder and searched his face with caring eyes. He didn't say anything more to her. With a dejected sigh, she placed her head back on his shoulder and moved her body closer to his. Her mind came up with a possible solution to his detachedness; [I]'Is it me?'[/I][/FONT][/SIZE]
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