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Everything posted by kenshinsbabe

  1. [SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]Sailor Venus definately wins this one. Not only is she the most spirited Sailor, I think she's the best looking. More relevant to the competition, she's much better looking than Lacus. That girl is the whole reason that I can't watch Gundam SEED. I CAN'T STAND HER!! XD Anyway, that's my vote for Sailor Venus![/FONT][/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]I'd say the best story would be in Cowboy Bebop. Sure, they have the random bounties everywhere, but it's fun to watch the trio go out and see what they can catch. ^.^ Also, [spoiler] near the end of the series, after Julia dies [/spoiler] the character development is amazing. All throughout the series, in fact, the characters do grow, in their own ways. Not only is the animation some of the best out there, but the plot and events and, yes, the storyline, are all very interesting. [/FONT] [/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]For some reason lately, whenever my mind decides to wander, I only think about death. Things like "What truly happens when we die?" and "How long will it be?" Also, I'm afraid (kind of...) of heartbeats. When I feel a heartbeat, I have to move away from it because it makes me really sad and gets my thoughts jumpstarted. It's really disturbing to think about that stuff right before falling asleep, but I can't make it shut up.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]My vote is for Belldandy. I saw the Ah! My Goddess movie and it is possibly some of the best anime I've ever seen in my life. :animestun Wow...that's saying something...but anyway, I agree with WhiteAoiFox. See the movie!! I voted for Belldandy because she's nice, but she's not your average nice type person. She's an old thing with a new twist, so to speak. I've never even heard of Dirty Pair, so I suppose this one was a given on my part. ^.^ My vote tied it for Belldandy![/FONT][/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]Led Zepplin. Is that even a battle?[/FONT][/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]My vote would have to go to New Found Glory. I've heard Simple Plan and I don't like...well, I'll just come out and say that I think it plain sucks. Plus, being an avid fangirl of many things (music being one of my many fetishes), I saw a thing that they aired on Toonami before it started sucking and before NFG was that popular. I thought the behind the scenes look was pretty cool, so I listened to some of their music. ^.^ Unfortunately, I've barely even heard of your other bands, Kamuro. Sorry![/FONT][/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]I've never counted how many blankets I have, but I know it's alot! My favorite blankets are my comforter with sunflowers on it and my sister's baby blanket. I like my comforter because I've hid under it many a time when I was scared on a certain night. I like my sister's blanket because 1.It has cute little designs on it! XD There are little hippos and giraffes and birdies and stuff, 2.Because if I get really scared, she lets me sleep under that blanket so that I feel even safer. Blankets are not only comfy, they're safe havens for scaredy cats like me! For some reason, though, I've never been scared of a storm...^.^[/FONT][/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]For starters, Kenshin is not second rate! He's kicked so much *** without killling a soul. Watch the entire series and the Samurai X stuff and you'll see what I mean. Secondly, I think a good match would be Kharl from Dragon Knights(manga) and Edward from FullMetal Alchemist. They're both skilled in alchemy, but I think that Kharl would win this one because Ed is just kinda slow when it comes to fighting. It would be a good match, though. Also, another good match would be Squall Lionheart from Final Fantasy VIII and Luc from Suikoden III. Squall uses a weapon called a gunblade, where you can pull the trigger and shoot people while you cut them!! XD But Luc uses very powerful magic.I think Luc would win this one. Although he does use a staff, his magic would easily subdue Squall.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]I didn't mean it as what you put it as. I just meant that I would let go of everything I ever dreamed of to be with my true love. I don't like the idea of being a helpless princess, trapped and waiting for someone to save me. But if I were to give up my dreams, that's kinda what I'd be, wouldn't it? But with my love, not alone, just without anything but him.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]This is one of the questions that you can just randomly walk up to someonne on the street and ask them, just to see what they say: "Why do they call it a hamburger if it's made out of cows?" I've been asking people in my family that for a while now, and every time I do, they just say, "I dunno."[/FONT][/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]I'd like to be known for my singing, writing, and being the most outrageous female on the continent.XD I'll be the person you see on the stage with short, spiked, multicolored hair, the band made entirely out of cats with ear piercings, and an army boot on one foot with a red high heeled shoe on the other, with two different toe socks. THAT IS WANT I WANT TO BE!!! :D [/FONT] [/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]I watch show and I like it. Unfortunately, I haven't seen too many episodes. I have to agree with the both of you, Bloo is the best character on the show. My second favorite though, is Frankie!!! Sorry. Gotta love the Spanish friend. :animesmil [/FONT] [/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]Most annoying commercial ever has got to be the "It's all about the O" crap. I want to kill that lady!! Her voice is SO FREAKING ANNOYING! *ahem* sorry about that... My favorite commercial is also an older one for...I can't remember now. Some kind of bread. But there's a family sitting at a duck pond and the dad throws out some bread to a duck. It hits the duck in the head like a rock and the duck sinks to the bottom. When the family gets the other brand of bread, they throw it out to the duck and the duck catches it and starts to fly without flapping its wings. "Light and fluffy" I think was the saying. Something like that.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]My sis got her music stolen out of her car. Eminem's "Encore", Green Day's "American Idiot", about five CD's in all (she's psycho about getting her CD's stolen), but the one she was worried about most was Billy Idol. XD Anyway, I have about 50 somethin' odd CD's divided between me and my sister, but if we lose one of them, we know it. It's like callng a worldwide search for an escaped Alcatraz prisoner...cept there's no one in Alcatraz right now. But that's not the point. It would be a very quiet, boring world without music. I still can't find my Phantom of the Opera dvd and it's driving me NUTS!!! [/FONT][/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]This is a tough decision...I've been called a dreamer and a romantic before, and both dreams and romance are important to me. If push came to shove, I would choose love over dreams. Dreams can be torn apart, but as long as I have my true love with me, I could withstand any hardship. *sigh* Someday, my prince will come...lol[/FONT][/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]I do not believe in war under most circumstances, which means I probably shouldn't join the Army, Marines, Navy, what have you. I am completely against war, but I still think that the troops fighting deserve some support. They are risking their lives, after all. But, to answer the question, I would not fight for something I didn't belive in unless, in the run, it would help more people than it would hurt. [/FONT][/SIZE]
  17. I have told her parents about this and so has one of my other friend's mother. They don't really care. They've spoke to this man and he didn't mention anything about his plans, so they don't know a thing. My friend isn't going to tell them, either. On the subject of getting to India, he says that he'll pay half the ticket for her, all of it if she doesn't have the money. She's not levelheaded either. She's been in a fight with one of my friends for three weeks over a boy who's already the oher girl's boyfriend. It's a long story, but to sum it up,he wouldn't dance with me, but then he started to dance with the other girl. Do the math. Anywho, I've told her how worried this makes me, but she won't let me help her. I've talked to his man before, but the next time I talk to him, I'm going to tell him how worried I am and try to get him to stop all this nonsense. Sound good?
  18. I'll try and keep it nice and simple. One of my best friends, Sam, is talking to a guy on the internet. His name is supposedly Joe and his age is supposedly 29. He has gotten her to tell him almost everything about her-name, age, phone number, etc.- and I've told her how much this worries me. I've been her friend for almost three years now and I've given her so much advice over that short time that it's not funny. But still, all the advice that I've given her has led to good things. For some reason, she just won't listen to me when I tell her to break it off with this guy. For heavens sakes, she's already made plans to go see the guy, who supposedly lives in INDIA, when she turns 18. The biggest problem of all is the fact that I'm moving in a few days. When I'm gone, I can't force her to listen to me anymore. I really need help!
  19. When I first read Calvin and Hobbes, I was about nine years old. My friend, Jordan, had a lot of the books, including "Revenge of the Baby-Sat" and "Attack of the Deranged, Mutant, Killer Monster Snow Goons". Whenever I went over to her house, I'd run down to the basement and grab the books. I'd read them all night. ^.^ My favorite strip was the one where Calvin imagined that he was in a fighter plane and he dropped a bomb on his school. His fantasy ended and he was getting off the bus. lol
  20. [FONT=Georgia]Some of you are sickening me. You're just perpetuating an extremely hurtful trend. If someone thinks I'm a nerd just because I get good grades and am smart enough to use big words and spell them right, well, they can think whatever the hell they want. I know that I've got my health, my friends, and my family and that's all I need. Anyone else who trys to tell me what I am doesn't know a thing about me. For instance, I watch anime and am a devoted follower of quite a few series. People can't call me some steriotypical name just because I like to set aside time on Saturday to get my weekly fix. The word "nerd" can be really hurtful to those who hear it on a daily basis. In fact, because of steriotypes such as this one that are pressed on the fragile mind, some people develop serious mental problems and that can lead to suicide or murder. So really, names [I]can[/I] hurt you. Anyway, "nerd" is just a state of mind, but if pressed on someone for a long time, it can really affect them. It's a serious matter.[/FONT]
  21. [FONT=Georgia]My most awkward moment was at band camp (SHUT UP, ALL OF YOU!! :) ). Me and my friend were going to get some lunch on the first day and we didn't know anybody there. While we were looking for a place to sit, we met these two girls name Jamie and Liz. They led us over to a table and we all sat down and began to eat. While we were eating, this really hot guy that I became friends with later on asked if he could sit with us because there were no other seats. As he sat down, all he did was stare at me. I didn't realize it until a few minutes after he started doing it. I looked up at him and said "...Can I help you?" He replied, "No, but I can help you." Then he took his napkin and wiped some sauce off my face from the pizza I'd been eating...somehow, he ended up poking me in the eye...[/FONT]
  22. [FONT=Georgia]Well, this New Year's, it's a choice between my best friend's party (the first one she's ever had)my grandma's party, which my family goes to every year, or my other best friend's party. She's had a few of those, but I've never gone. I'm thinking that this will be the year for change, but I feel kind of bad, leaving my family behind. You see, this will be my last New Year's party in this state. But at my grandma's, we usually sit in the jacuzzi and my mom lets me "not" drink a little champagine... ;) ;) (hehe...wink wink!)[/FONT]
  23. [FONT=Georgia]I have mixed feelings on this one. On the one hand, there is the fact that we did overthrow Saddam and free the country from his tyranny, bringing on order and democracy. On the other, there is the fact that the radicals of the country who were loyal to Saddam when he was overthrown are placing the now free lives in jeopardy. If we'd have never gone, Saddam would still be there, but there would be less bombs everywhere. Also, why must the soldiers stay? All we're doing is making the radicals madder. Their elections are coming up soon and I understand that they need protection, but, now in their democracy, shouldn't they be able to set up a police force or something? I see no reason why our soldiers must stay after the election. They will be there to keep the candidates safe and then leave so that he can set up a police force. Seems like a good solution to me...[/FONT]
  24. [FONT=Georgia]Road rage...ah, how stupid it is, but how funny it can be. I'm not saying that I encourage it, but if you're hyper enough, it's like a circus on crack-minus the clowns. My mom can be so bad at keeping herself in check with that kind of stuff. On the way to the airport before a vacation one day, this lady was tailgating us. She finally got a chance to go around us. She slowed down next to us to flip my mom off and then she sped off. My mom about lost it. She started chasing after the lady and I swear, if my sister hadn't yelled at her, she'd have rammed that lady off the road. The entire time she was chasing the lady, she was cursing up a storm. This story raises a question about common sense though-If the lady wanted to get by us so badly, what was the point of slowing down just to make someone mad? People, I've learned through experience, are stupid. The masses are, anyway.[/FONT]
  25. [FONT=Georgia]How can you all be so heartless? I mean, even though he [I]is[/I] guilty, there has to be some other way to sentence him. His family has to watch him slowly die as he gets injected with almost the same thing that they put animals to sleep with, which I also deeply disapprove of. I also feel for Lacy's family though. They do deserve to see some justice, but I still think that the death penalty is wrong at all costs. The solitary confinement is the best idea out there. I'd want to kill myself if I were alone, but as long as he wanted to and couldn't, that would be okay. [/FONT]
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