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Everything posted by kenshinsbabe

  1. I've read one part of the first Get Backers comic (in a magazine. Right now, I'm saving up to by the actual comic), and I have to agree with Hittokiri Zero. Everything looks so well done. I have to stand up and give a round of applause to the creators of this wonderful comic. Only about four pages sent me to say this, so I have to stop and think how good the entire series of manga is going to be!!!
  2. Ohhh. . .I'd have to say my fave. is a tie between Hiei and Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho, Himura Kenshin from Rurouni Kenshin, and Vash the Stampede from Trigun. I like Hiei and Kurama because Hiei is really in-your-face and strong, but Kurama is soooo much smarter and probably just as strong as Hiei. Also, I think they're both very hot. I like Kenshin just because he's so loveable. He also is very strong with a sword, which I've always wanted to use and he uses a style which I've never heard of (Hiten Mitsirugi Ryu). I like Vash because he's the perfect mix between funny,loveable,sensitive, and passonate. Those are my fave. characters.
  3. I also like the Yu Yu Hakusho series, although I haven't seen many episodes. I've seen almost all of the Dark Tournament and a little of the beginning. Also, I've seen a few episodes of the Four Beasts of Somethng-or-Other (I can't remember the name). From what I've experienced from it, I think it is a very good series. Kurama is my personal favorite character, followed very closely by Hiei. I like it because of the action, but the dialouge is somewhat sacrificed for it. I say this because there are alot of kinda cheesy lines and jokes, but if you ignore that, it's all pretty good. Not really a critic's veiw of it, but a viewer's view. Isn't that what other viewers want to hear?
  4. I just got old enough to enjoy the show when this season started, but I had watched a little before. My mom loves the show so much. I'm going to miss it, because I'm gonna miss what I didn't get to see. I'm not sure if I'll watch [I]Joey[/I], but if my mom watches it, I probably will too. But once again, I will miss the show, but I'll be so there for the reruns. Actually, today, I was being sad all day because it was ending 2nite. REALLY SAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: oh. . . now I'm sad. . .
  5. Unfortunatly, I learned by myself about the world of sex. I was raised differently than most other kids. I was tought to learn all by myself and i follow it very adimantly. I had heard different things from different sources (like tv and Health class and from my own sister).
  6. WOW! very good, Lord Xion. I commend you. I think the banner looks very good, but what was the second picture there for? Oh well. Once again, thank you!!
  7. Spring is officially here. My mom and I are growing a garden outside and the first tulip is starting to bloom. Also, the birds are singing and are back from the south. Especially the robins. Flowers growing is how I tell that spring is here. How about you? How do you know that Spring Break is near? What do you do to get springtime rolling?
  8. I would have to say one of my many celebrity loves is Orlando Bloom. In the LOTR movies, he was hot in his wig, he could use that bow and arrow really good (but in the beginning, it was digital), and in the Pirates of the Caribbean, he was just plain sexy with the curls and loose shirt. Another one of my heartaches is Billy Boyd (also from the LOTR). He played Pippin in the movies. Not only can he act,though, he can play the guitar better than any country music artist. Guitars turn me on. He also sings fairly well. I think he's very attractive too. VERY attractive. So there you have it. Those are my men, the ones I'd turn to the moment I became an actress, which I plan to do.
  9. Rikimaru from Tenchu (he was in all of them). He uses a sword, but his parter, Ayame (also very cool) uses throw knives. I also think Rikimaru is cool because he wears a mask and relies on his speed. strengh, and silence to finish the assassination job. Although I think the game is very hard, when you play it, it's like you are the ninja. It gets your adrenaline pumping. When you play Rikimaru, you do more missions and have to fight close range, unless you use your ninja stars, but you only get a limited amount of them. But still, Rikimaru is the God of all ninjas. You control the quickest, stealthiest, deadlliest ninja around when you play Tenchu.
  10. I thought that Gothica was okay. It wasn't horrible, but I kept jumping. I was a bit disappointed myself. The trailers made it out to be some huge horror movie, and it was just a ghost/murder flick. Not the best, but I don't think it was the actors' faluts. Stop swinging at the actors and direct your attention to the director and the storyboard people. They're the ones who wrote the thing. I'd give it two stars.
  11. i also liked all the Nickelodeon shows when I was younger, but when I was little, my dad loved Winnie the Pooh (an old childhood love) and he passed that love on to me, so Disney was where it was at for me. That was before all the original series like Lizzie Mcguire and That's so Raven. Disney today sucks.
  12. My family. They bug me sooooooooooo much. I have a big sister and a mom and a dad, but they're divorced. That makes it harder. My problems start with my sister. She's selfish and arrogant and is always picking fights with me and my mom. No matter what the circumstance, she complains, whines, and makes life a living heck until she gets what she wants. Although, sometimes she actually acts like a big sister's supposed to, but that's once every blue moon. To continue, my mother is very annoying. If I want to spend the night at a friend's house, she has to know about it weeks before I go. She's unfair and she won't listen to anyone. If you try to fight back against her, she yells at you and starts something with it just because you want a little freedom. When I have to clean my room, she nit-picks at everything. If she sees a microscopic piece of paper on the floor, she makes you clean the entire room all over again and then some. When my dad comes over, they're always going out and leaving my sister and I home alone while they go out and get drunk, but then they start fighting again and its nothing but workworkwork all the time to try to keep them all peaceful like. [B]I HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING!!!![/B] thanx for having this thread. It's very helpful.
  13. My father's boss's son was killed in the 9/11 attack, so I was kinda hit with it too bcuz I knew the guy. I live in Illinois, though, and there haven't been any attacks around here, although everyone thinks that the terrorists are gonna go after the Sears tower or the Hancock building, but that's all but died down. Myself, sometimes I lay in bed and think at night about the attacks and then I remember the fear that I felt on that day of 9/11, so I can relate to all you fearfuls. Fortunately, I have things that distract me from that horrible fear, but no matter what, it comes back. So, I can't really say that I'm not scared of another attack. but I'm not paranoid or looking over my shoulder all the time. If an attack happens close to me and I'm killed, I would be scared and sad, but then I'd be joining all the ledgends in heaven. I'm sorry, I would type more, but this topic is starting to make me cry, so I'll end it here.
  14. i would be extremely tempted to use that power, but I'd have to say that I wouldn't want that power. Although many things have happened to my friends and family that I really didn't like (all of which were my fault), i wouldn't want to change it. The past cannot be corrected. You need to learn from your mistakes and move on. Hiko, from Samurai X once said this: Your small hands have carried the weight of those you love, but you will find that their memories are heavier. That's what makes you strong. I would like to stand by that saying in this instance. I'm very sorry about your friend, by the way, Panda.
  15. wow. I thank you all for your helpful suggestions. The doing nothing part was my favorite. :D Once again, THANX!!
  16. I'm not sure if these count as quirks or not but here goes: 1. I go insane if I see a dog or a cat and am not allowed to pet it 2.Like Guess, I laugh at random things if I'm happy. Just whatever I see first, I point and laugh at. 3.When I'm mad or sad, I go in to a huge bout of depression. I sit in my room under my covers for hours. 4. I almost never have a plan for anything. 5. On breaks (like spring break or summer break) I rarely change out of my pajamas 6. I can't reallly feel any temperature at all unless its really extreme, like arctic. You see, the feelings hot and cold are just things lodged in your brain that you are raised to belive. I have been training against this feeling, so I can't really feel any temp. unless it is extreme. I think that about covers it. I'm sure there's more, but htis is good for now.
  17. My school is on Spring Break right now. What do you do to have fun when your parents a complete stiff workaholics, one of your best friends is sick, your other best friend is away at her grandparents house, your older sister is always with her friends (who aren't really outdoorsly challenged) and you're always home alone? What do you do? Thanx in advance for any suggestions!
  18. When I'm home alone and sick, what I usually do is curl up with some food (usually saltine crackers, some fruits, or just some miscellaneous foods), watch tv until I get bored, take a catnap for about an hour, then break out the music. Dancing and singing always helps me feel better. The dancing part mostly. Try it. It really works.
  19. Unfortunatly, I lost all my things when the system upgraded. So, I'd like to request a Kenshin avatar and a banner with Kenshin, some Inuyasha, some Cowboy Bebop, and some Witch Hunter Robin (if at all possible). THANX!!
  20. When they upgraded the version of the OB, I lost my really cool avatar, which I forgot who made it (sorry), and my really cool banner which Ooder made. I would like to get them back, but they changed the size requirements. I read the announcements thread at the top to look for any info on how I would get it back, and that just made it worse. James said that you needed to save your avatar and banner (which I did, just in case something like this happened) but I got a new server because my old one was faulty and I lost everything that i saved. Could someone help me please?
  21. I believe that when the world ends, we will all be dead, so it won't really matter, but just in case, prepare for the worst. To get my real opinon, I'd have to say what really destroys us is ourselves. The arrogance of the human race never ceases to amaze me. To say that any one person can really change anything that the future destruction of the earth is absolutly ludicrous. Although, looking at the glass half full, someone real responsible could change something *cough PRESIDENT cough* I mean, if the president ever did anything to help anyone that needed it, wouldn't we be in a better world? Not to turn this conversation political or anything, but I belive its the governments fault. THAT and that alone is the reason why I think we will destroy ourselves.
  22. I'd like to thank u all for your advice. I won't even discriminate against wrist cutter and the people that agree with him. You see, I'm trying to learn how to take constructive critisism (good or bad!!). Once again, thanks for the advice, everybody. Unfortunately, I can't post it on the Otaku for two reasons: 1.It took me two months to write it by hand and it would take me that long again, I'm sure. 2.No one would finish reading it before I started adding new pages to it, and it would frustrate people. Sorry for the people looking for it. Maybe if one of my dreams starts coming true, you'll get to read the actual book. You know, the PRINTED kind. Keep your eyes open for that! (It probably won't come out until a few years, but still. . .) ONCE AGAIN, THANX!!!!!!
  23. Well, all I have to say about is the cute girl. I say a cute girl doesn't always need looks (though it helps sometimes). A cute girls needs a good, happy, spirit-lifting attitude. She needs to smile alot anseh can't be mean. The meanness takes away from her cuteness. She can't be a prep. Nobody likes a stuck up prep. She doesn't have to be athletic, but if I were a boy, I'd want an athletic cute girl.Let's see. . .She needs to be the girl that no one notices or talks to. That way, whoever talks to her will get the full range of her emotions. That's my description of a cute girl.
  24. Okay, here's the deal: in the second Friday of February, I started a story. Today, I'm on page 41 of that story. Yes, I've written it all by hand. It's a sort of fantasy fiction novel type thing. The problem is I think I might be shooting too high with it. I want to turn it into a trilogy, following in the footsteps of J.R.R Tolkien (bless him), but I don't belive that I have the time or the ideas to finish it and make something worthwhile. Any thoughts or suggestions? Please help!
  25. A movie? Oh. . .sorry!! Anywho, back on the subject. I cry if I'm attatched to the character. Like in Samurai X, the episode DVD, Reflection,(LOOK OUT!!SPOILERS!!!)Tomoe and Kenshin died and I was crying for,like, ever. One reason because I'm totally in love with Kenshin.But, Kaoru dies. I hate the crap out of her, but I still cried. I have no clue why.(END SPOILERS!!*WHEW*)I suppose it does have to do with the emotional restraints of a person and how they actually feel about real life people. I guess it's psycological.
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