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Everything posted by kenshinsbabe

  1. Lately, I've been getting dizzy and having blackouts alot. One instance is this morning: I was walking down the stairs to get my ear peircing aniseptic and I got dizzy and blacked out for a few seconds and when I came to my senses, I was at the bottom of the stairs. Luckily I wasn't hurt. I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm eating fine, getting good exercise, I sleep when I'm tired. I think it might be psycological. I'm not talking as much as I normally do, I'm not as interested in the foods that I normally like(including chocolate, cookies, and eggs and bacon sometimes), and I'm fighting with my sister alot more. Any advice, anyone?
  2. I have a few new year's resolutions. 1:start babysitting 2:earn more cash 3:keep watching anime(anime freak 4ever!) 4:get a many pics of Orlando Bloom as I can*drool* 5:try to write a full length story(writer by nature, I guess) and that's all I've got so far!
  3. I have deja vu almost every day. Most of the time, I just see things in my dreams and then it becomes real a few days later. But a few times, I have deja vu and I remember dreaming it when I was, like, really young. A few times, not often, though, I get a premonition when I'm juststanding there ot talking to my friends and then a few days later, it happens. deja vu is really weird...
  4. well, I don't have many accompishments. . . i learned how to count in Japanese up to 100 i've watched every Kenshin episode to date i can read Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire in 3 hours i can quote every single line of the Samurai X movie i can PO my sis in 30 sceonds flat i haven't broken a single bone (which is a feat in itself considering my atletic lifestyle-really!) i've stayed up for a week straight before i can cook! i've surprised myself!! i can go days on end without eating chocolate-but it hurts i suvived watching both of the LOTR movies without going to the bathroom and here's the big one: i am still alive after freshmen year yep that's pretty much the basic. . . whew. . .
  5. My school sucks pretty bad. We even have a teacher with a sign over her door that has the circle with the line through it and inside the circle it says "Freshmen." I had to deal with her last year. Right now, my Lanquage Arts teacher is kinda whack- she gives out detos and suspentions every single day. It starting to get wierd.
  6. I saw the motion pic and I saw the series. I have to say, Reflection is the saddest thing I've ever seen. I was balling my eyes out for days. I really can't belive that[spoiler] Kenshin died like that. It was sad, refreshing, and, to tell you all the truth, I think I lost a bit of myself after watching Kenshin die.[/spoiler]Now that I've got that off my chest, I'm going to continue being in denial now. P.S: How do you do the black liney thingy? [color=hotpink][size=1]Edited to add spoiler tags. *QA*[/color][/size]
  7. I wonder how Mariemaia ended up with Dekim in the first place. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hitiko Ayeres [/i] [B]Marimea (sp?) Wants revenge for the death of her father!!! GOD!! IT'S THAT SIMPLE!!! [/B][/QUOTE] I also beg to differ on that statement, Hitiko. I belive (after listening to all of your arguments everybody) that Mariemaia was corrupted by Dekim and her father had almost nothing to do with it. Dekim only told her that Treize left the job of taking over the world in her hands. If Dekim had never come, Mariemaia would have never been that way. She would have just been a very lonely, depressing child.
  8. Since I have lots of Native American blood running through me, it's only natural that Pocahontas and John Rolfe would be my ansestors. The only thing is Pocahontas isn't as pretty as the Disney movie makes her out to be. . .
  9. I was thinking. . . wouldn't it be fun to laugh and laugh and maybe laugh a little bit more at the Kenshin characters at their peaks and valleys. I would say that one of my favorite Kenshin moments is the one in the very very beginning episode. . . hehehe. . . where Kaoru jumps out at Kenshin whacks him real hard for being who he is. . . the Battosai. . . then takes his sword after hearing him say that he's not. That was what got me hooked on the series in the first place. . . but back to the thread. . .
  10. Well. . . It's a little hard to explain. . . it depends on weather it's a good dream or a bad dream. for a good dream, it's animated. I see myself exactly as I am in real life, just with a line around me. . . quite a good drawing of myself image too. It must be like on the Matrix.
  11. yeah... my dad lives in Missouri and there are alot of anime conventions there. About the obsessive friends thing, I would say I'm pretty obsessive myself. My name sort of gives it away. . . kenshinsbabe. . . also, almost all of my dreams begin with me walking in a cherry blossom forest with Kenshin, and we're walking the cherry blossom forest dirt path. . . you know the one that they always have in the forest that just happens to be there when they need it. . . *heavy sigh* Kenshin. . . *begins daydreaming*
  12. I just wish all the preps in my school would watch anime. That would make my school alot more interesting. Hey! I heard that they have whole schools devoted to learning about Japanime! does NE1 know if that's true? That would be lots of fun to go to a school that only talks about anime and anime related things. ANIME RULES!! *sticks up fist* *funny looks from other NON ANIME people*
  13. Alright, the story starts like this: Now that Shishio is gone, it's been ten years of peace. Kenshin has a son, called Kenji. But unfortunately, a new enemy is taking Shishio's place (we need someone to be the villan- you can pick your name) and his henchmen went after Kenshin immediately (we need three of four people to be the villan's henchmen), and killed Kaoru. Kenshin is heartbroken and swore to find the henchmen and their leader. I'm Kenshin's new friend/girlfriend, Flame. I am a swordswoman/assassain/ninja equpped with throw knives, daggers, and a double-sided katana sword (Kenshin doesn't like it too much). Right now, me and Kenshin are traveling around in the city of Tokyo and we just got caught by the police for carrying around swords and other weapons (someone jump in and be the policeman please!) Here's my stats- Name:Flame Age:18 Gender:female Weapons:double sided katana, throw knives, daggers Occupation:Kenshin's girlfriend/secretly a spy for Aoshi (I'm in the Oniwaban group)
  14. I've seen a few episodes and I can't say that I like it too much. It's kind of a runoff of Bubblegum Crisis. If you've seen it, you would know where I'm coming from. It's got the girls fighting in tight suits and lots of gore (but the gore isn't always there in Silent Mobious).
  15. Alot of my friends don't watch anime. Only two of them do. We have different lunch times so we can't talk about anime until after school. I'm stuck with the ones who don't watch anime, so whenever I start saying something (I almost always talk about anime), they barely understand a word I'm saying. Does any one have experiences like that?
  16. Thanx, but there's mot many people I can ask. Two of my other friends that he was dating at the time are being. . . let's just say we're not on very good terms right now.
  17. I can't find the Rurouni Kenshin video game anywhere, but I know that there is one somewhere. On cheatcc.com they have cheat codes for it. I hear it's a really old game. does anyone know where I can find one?
  18. The things I like about Cowboy Bebop are: It's music (which I have alot of songs downloaded from), the amazing and unexpected plot twists, and all the emotion yanking. I also like all the different characters! My favorite is Ed! Yay!!! Go, ED! =)
  19. To all you ladies out there (and maybe even some guys with advice), I have a little problem. Alright, here's the story: I was the girlfriend of one of the nicest boys you could ever meet, but he always got picked on. When I left in the summer to meet my dad in Missouri, I got some suspicious calls from my friends. I came home and found out that he was dating four people at once; me and my three best friends in the whole wide world. I went to to talk to him about it at school a couple days ago and he told me it was all lies. Now, whenever I hear the first song that we danced to, I cry about it and I miss him alot. But I don't know who to belive; him or my best friends that I trust with my life. Please help!:(
  20. I don't suffer from anything but feeling hieghts, jumpiness, dramaticy(sometimes), and the occasianal fist or sword fighting. Also, if you can't guess, I think I'm addicted to Kenshin (MY BABY!!). I find it harder to like real men(exept for Brad Pitt and Heath Leadger) then alot of more girls my age. Oh well... more men for the non-demented girls...
  21. I HATE spiders!! I live in an old house though, so I see them almost daily. I don't kill them if they're not moving or minding their own business. If it's near my bed or if it's big and has big legs, I'll kill it. I made a rule for myself: If the spider is not on my territory (my house) or if it has no intention of creeping me out, then I will not kill it. We coexist quite happily in my room, which only leads to more pets!!
  22. Has anyone ever seen a ghost or a demon or an alien or something of that nature? I belive that anyone around you could be a demon in human form. Thoughts? Feelings? Anyone?
  23. my dad used to have a Harley. One of his friends trashed it when I was little. My dad couldn't fix it. The next time his friend came over, I kicked him real hard. Now, I almost have my license and my dad's gonna get me a Harley when I get a car!! YAY!! But anywho, when I heard on the news that it was Harley Davidson motorcycle's 100th birthday, I ran downstairs and yelled to my mom, "Break out the party favors!" I was soooo happy!!
  24. Anime has changed me. It makes me feel better knowing that there are acually other people out there who love anime as much as i do. Anime gave me alot of things:tears, bellyaches from laughing, a good sense of humor, alot of friends, and hours of eye aces. Bearing thru the pain made me stronger... Also, anime gave me a sense of seriousness... when i need it. OH! and I learned some good fighting moves. Yes... anime has changed me alot.
  25. I think he may just like to kill B.T bacause she is such a HATEABLE PERSON!! I mean, she's the biggest ***** on the freakin' planet!! And he is a fouth grader, so, he could just go around killing all the people that he sees as *****es. SMART KID!!! :)
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