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Everything posted by kenshinsbabe

  1. I'm no fool, Crazy Ace! I belive in ghosts and I have at least one in my house. Have ever encountered a demon? Half of the demon population is ghosts. and, not only can ghosts see us when we're not looking(and even when we are) they can move things, and in some subtle ways, communicate with us. They can also posess human bodies from time to time. if they want to. Wouldn't it be creepy to think that anyone around you could be a demon? Or they could be posessed by a ghost? Freaky... 0_0
  2. THAT IS EASY!!!! Hitokiri Battosai! YAY!! that was easy. Thanx for asking though. Did you not know?
  3. How many of you Otakubaorders love Kenshin as much as I do? Well, this thread is devoted to any and all questions, comments, pictures, and anything that is related to Kenshin. Me? I'm not related to him... I'm in LOVE!!!!:love: :love: :love: How about you, everyone?
  4. Hello, all Shinken Alliance people. just wondering, will the leader allow me to join? If not, could anyone suggest other clubs? thanx!!
  5. If i was in anime I would be one of a few people: 1)Misou from Rurouni Kenshin 2)San from Princess Mononoke 3)Sanosuke from Rurouni Kenshin 4)Mimiru from .hack//sign Why? because I act like them, I look like some of them (I would only need some hair dye for Misou and a hair cut for San) and I can kick major *** when I want to. hehehe...
  6. my mom did some reserch on this. i don't know why. my first name means rough land (my first name is Landis.)in Angle. my middle name is Elizibeth, and it means consecrated to God in Hebrew. my last name, which I will not say, means a bird in Tutonic.
  7. My daily schedule is this: wake up somewhere around 11:00 am and eat at about 11:30.( just a small bowl of cereal.)get on the computer for about fifteen minutes. get off. call my mom. go to softball pratctice. call my friends. go walking with my friends. come home and hang out with my sister. go to cheerleading practice. come home. eat some supper.take a shower. be an insomniac and stay up till 3:30 in the morning. and then it repeats. I'm just a very outdoorsy person. On weekends, my shedule is all over the place.
  8. I don't know why u people are using the lines for the move names. But now, I must raise a question. How many of you have seen the Rurouni Kenshin movie? The voices were... intresting, I must say. And did you know that Legato from Trigun and Kenshin have the same voice actor? Ironic, isn't it? Well, after a whole series, two movies (one is being made in Japan right now) and a video game, you've got to let yourself go. And I say that with the upmost respect for Kenshin and the upmost loathing for Legato (though he is a hottie!!). PS. Akuma took the movie back. *cries uncontrolably* I'm sorry for wasting you're time. NOT! I LUV wasting you're time. And now, I will take the RK movie back from her. Goodbye. [color=hotpink][size=1]Please do not double post. Just go back and edit your original. *QA*[/color][/size]
  9. I see... so many mystries of Gundam Wing especially. Thanx guys!
  10. I had some questions about Endless Waltz: 1)What's the point of it? 2)Why is Mariemaia being bent on world domination? 3)Why does she claim to be Treize's daughter when we all know she isn't? I'M SOO CONFUSED!!! HELP ME!!!:wigout:
  11. My weirdest dream is as follows: Kenshin and I were walking in a field full of cherry blossom trees. I was looking up at him dreamily when the sky turned black and the sun turned red. I could still see the cherry blossom trees, though the petals had demon faces reflected in them. I grabbed Kenshin's arm and said, "I'm scared." After he didn't answer, I looked at him. His head had turned into a demon's head and he had grown wings. I tried to run away, but he grabbed me up and started flying. Then he said, "Are you ready?" and he flew way up high so we could only see the black, the sun, and us. Then, he dropped me. Halfway down, an energy ball came out of his mouth and desroyed me. PS. I couldn't sleep for three days after that.
  12. My dream car is an 85' model Mustang with royal blue starting on the front and fading back into violet purple. Also, there would be flames behind the tires and the smoke would mingle with the purple.*breathing in exitement* I shold stop before I get a hernia.
  13. I'm at a tie for Crim, Sora, and Mimiru. But I think Crim and Sora are better than Mimiru. Crim because his dumb luck never ceases to make me laugh. Sora because he acts just like a child (sound effects for jumping, etc.) But, Sora is a player killer so that makes it harder to see him funny in some ways. So, out of default, Crim is the funniest character. *takes deep breath.
  14. my first anime that i ever saw was Speed Racer. My dad watched it all the time when i was little. In fact, for father's day, my grandma and i got him a limited edition speed racer dvd collection with the first eleven episodes on it.
  15. also, I've watched every episode that toonami has shown and i stay up on saturday to watch it on the saturday line up. I was sooo mad when toonami started rerunning the Kenshin episodes without even showing them all!! Anger... But i think i need to see a psyciatrist. Why? because i find it harder to like real people than anime people. I NEED HELP!
  16. I borrowed the movie from my friend yesterday and I'm never giving it back!! nee ner nee ner nee!!! Take that, Akuma!! (a fake name was used to be a little nice.)
  17. My favorite anime movie is a tie between Samurai X the movie and Cowboy Bebop the movie. I like Samurai X the movie because, well, I'm a huge fan of Rurouni Kenshin, and that's what drew me to it. What made me like it so much is that it yanks your rope of emotion so much. I like Cowboy Bebop the movie because it's kind of like a mystery but it's also an action/adventure. I think it rocks.
  18. I would say that the stupidest thing I've ever done was put a bucket on my head and ranb into my bedpost... I had to get 6 stiches in my ear. I still have a scar from that too!!
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