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Everything posted by kenshinsbabe

  1. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]When the bell rang, Amithi picked herself up off the ground and, still giggling, managed to find her next class: Psycology. She'd always found things like psycology interesting because she can learn how the human mind reacts to things. That way, she can learn how to mess with their heads. Amithi walked into her classroom to see the desks almost filled and the teacher sitting at his desk in the back of the room. She chose a desk in the front and went under the desk. A group of girls in the back corner were talking amongst themselves, gossiping about the new boys that they had seen so far this year. It was clear that they weren't going to pay attention. Suddenly, one of them felt something brush by their leg. She looked down to see a snake at her feet. All the girls in the group started screaming and they got up and ran to the front of the room. The snake decided to follow them. Slithering toward them, the girls huddled in fear. When the snake was about two feet away from them, it changed into a girl: Amithi. She laid on the floor, laughing at the girls. The teacher got up from his desk and moved to stand right above Amithi. "Is there a problem here?" he said. "No sir," Amithi replied, trying to supress her giggles. "No problem at all, sir." Sighing, the teacher said, "Then get to your seat, miss. The bell has already rung." As Amithi wrestled herself to her seat through her fits of laughter, the teacher said, "Class, I am Mr. Gellert."[/FONT][/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]I think that, for a job interview, the interviewer couldn't see the interviewee at all. They'll just have a resume and a chat with someone over the phone or something like that. That way, they could only go off of what's on the resume until it's time to choose a person. Perhaps that would level the playing field a bit further. This kind of reminds me of something my sister said a few weeks ago. She was driving home and I was in the passenger's seat. We drove by a sign that said "Senior Citizen Trailer Park" and had an arrow to the road that led into the place. My sister scoffed and said, "Y'know, if we made an 'Ages 18-24 Trailer Park', people would be pissed at us". Because we'd be leaving out the senior citizens. My point is that people already have a little thing called the Fourteenth Amendment. Senior citizens can already live anywhere they want. Why do they need their own trailer park? And why do minorities need their own little club? It's kind of like the old days, when we were all young and mostly innocent. Kids would make up their own little clubs and the kids left out would cry because they couldn't be in the group. AA is just making a little group for minorities to be in and leaving the people qualified for the spot (not saying that minorities can't be qualified, but I hope you get my meaning) out.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]As the loud, crazy looking boy went and talked to the particularly snide girl, Amithi decided to surprise him. She changed into a little bird and flew by his head, gripping at his hair with her claws and gaining his attention. Then she flew into the middle of the room and changed into a lion. Roaring loudly, she jumped at him and made him think she was going to swipe at him with a massive paw. Just before she was about to hit him, she changed back into her normal self and fell into a laughing heap on the floor.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Before making their way to the Micandor mountain range, the group stopped for rest, water, and food if they could catch any. No one was sure if there was a town anywhere nearby so they wanted to be prepared. It seemed as though they had a long trip ahead of them. Dalanius made sure the horses were tied securely and went around the group, seeing what supplies they had. Most of the water sacks were almost empty. [I]"Alright,"[/I] Dalanius said authoritatively, [I]"we need to replenish our supplies as best we can. Ceyla and Cellah, you take the water sacks and see if you can find any water. Kacela, come with me. We're going to hunt for food in that wood over there."[/I] He pointed to a patch of woodland about thirty yards away. [I]"Let's go,"[/I] he said, and everyone split up. As soon as Kacela had gotten off of Dalanius' horse, she had taken her cloak out of her small bag and put it on. Hiding from the world seemed to help her sometimes, though others might think it cowardly. Getting her bow strung and readying an arrow, she and Dalanius went into the woods. For a while, neither said anything. Dalanius broke the silence by saying, [I]"Kacela...Vincent will be alright. He doesn't seem like the kind of guy who would-"[/I] [I]"Save it," [/I] Kacela said savagely. [I]"He's human, and humans die. That's that. There's nothing anyone can do."[/I] Finding an animal, she aimed and shot within a few seconds. She went and found her kill; a mother rabbit, her babies beside her dead body. At the sight of Kacela, they scattered in fear. [I]'All things die,'[/I] she thought as she picked up her kill. Her thoughts tried to drown out the twinge of guilt and sadness that rose inside of her. [I]'It was this one's time...'[/I][/FONT][/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Amithi was making her way to homeroom. As she turned a corner, she saw a huge hole in the wall. Laughing, she stepped through it and said loudly to the five students already there, "Hey, who had a bean burrito for breakfast?" She fell into fits of laughter as she took the closest seat to her. She tried to sit still after the laughter died down but she just couldn't resist the urge that had come over her. Amithi jumped up on her desk and turned into a bobcat. Suddenly, she started bounding from desk to desk, jumping around the room wildly. She even jumped on one of her classmates who was sleeping on his desk. She jumped on his back and woke him up. When she returned to her seat, the fits of laughter overtook her again.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia][B]Name:[/B] Amithi Faetrin [B]Age:[/B] 14 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Power:[/B] Shapeshifting [B]Description:[/B] Amithi has short, blonde hair that comes down to her shoulders and bright green eyes. Generally, she wears tight t-shirts and biker shorts to accomodate her ability. She wears loose, battered, black boots on her feet. Tied around the left boot is a red bandana. She uses it to help people distinguish her from other things. When she changes form, it becomes a red stripe around the leg. She has a lean body. [B]Personality:[/B] Off-the-wall energetic. She always seems happy because she smiles most of the time. [B]Biography:[/B] Born in a small town, Amithi was always told not to use her power. Her family wanted to keep it a secret. But as a young girl, there wasn't much she could do. She didn't know how to control her powers and things about her would randomly change. Sometimes her hair would change to brown or her skin color would suddenly get darker. She would get laughed at alot, so she learned to smile all the time so no one would think she was bothered by it. One day, it got even worse. In the middle of class, she changed into a bear. From that day on, she didn't attend normal school. Her family got news of Serenity View and sent Amithi off right away. EDIT: Sorry, forgot the schedule. 1. Homeroom 2. English 3. Psycology 4. Shift Training 5. Mythology 6. Math 7. Soccer ----- Count me in too.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Kacela woke up slowly, trying to recall what happened. She remembered a dragon...then Vincent...then a sudden strike from the arm of a massive diamond golem. It was as though the arm reached for her again, she remembered it so clearly in her mind. Jumping violently and screaming, Kacela looked wildly around her. She was on a horse, moving fast on a dirt road. Turning around, she saw Dalanius staring back at her, surprised. Looking down the line of her comrades, only one thought came to her. [I]"Where's Vincent?"[/I] she asked weakly. She would have been ashamed of herself, had her wits been about her. Dalanius' face softened to a bit of a smile, though his eyes betrayed him. [I]"Vincent will be alright,"[/I] he said. [I]"I'm sure he'll catch up to us shortly."[/I] Kacela glared at Dalanius dangerously and said, [I]"You didn't answer my question."[/I] Sighing, Dalanius replied, [I]"He's still at the castle."[/I] He pointed a thumb in the direction of the castle, already almost faded out of sight. Instead of fighting, like Dalanius thought she would have, she just stared back at the castle. Then she turned, faced forward and looked down. [I]'Be safe, dear one,'[/I] she said in her mind, hoping that somehow, the thought would reach him.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Though I'm pretty sure to be expected to go with Vincent, I think Kacela would benefit more as a character by going with Dalanius. I'd have more means to develop her character by her by having her cope with not being with Vincent for a while. Also, it might give the other girls more of a chance to get closer to him. If this messes with something you had planned, Sazabi, go ahead and tell me and I'll change it.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]My favorite element is earth. Earth can be dangerous yet gentle, strong but beautiful. Not only that, but without earth, life could not be sustained. Earth is like a protective mother to her children, giving them shelter and means to survive. This is a debatable fact, but earth can also be the traces of the forces of life and death. Everything is born from the earth or something earth-made and as it dies, it returns to the earth. Earth yields beauty in everyday things, like flowers and animals and even humans. She's the ever constant factor in the cycle of life. Always there, never changing but different everyday.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]As much as she wanted to help Vincent, Kacela realized that the safety of her friends came first. She climbed on a hill to the side of the fight and began firing a storm of arrows at the dragon. A well aimed shot caught the dragon in the eye, making it roar in pain. It raised its head and began to throw fire everywhere. Its neck was stretched out as it threw flames into the heavens; the perfect opportunity. Cellah drew back an arrow and shot with deadly accuracy into the throat of the dragon, piercing the soft underscales. For good measure, a few more shots were fired in, as well as some slices and stabs. This dragon was certainly dead. The dragon fell to the ground, blood flowing freely from his body. Dalanius cheered in victory and looked up to the hill. Kacela was gone. She had already left for the castle again. On the top of the hill, she had left an arrow sticking up from the ground, its guidefeathers in the air. This was her message to Dalanius; [I]'I'll be back, and I'll be safe.'[/I][/FONT][/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]As Neko collapsed, Kacela reached down and caught her. After putting the empty phile of potion in a pouch on her belt, Kacela pulled Neko up awkwardly into her arms then looked down at Cellah. [I]"Thanks alot, guys,"[/I] Cellah said. After saying she was going to meditate, Ceyla sighed and picked her up.With that, the women exited the castle. Vincent had said to help them so Kacela wasn't going to leave them until she was sure that they would be safe. One by one, she went through the options in her head. [I]'I can't lead them back into that forest, they could be attacked by those strange creatures. There aren't exactly any hiding places around here, and I can't send them back to the town...it's probably already taken over by orcs...'[/I] [I]"Heeeeey!"[/I] they all heard. All looked in the direction of the callers; the boys that Ceyla had rounded up as help. Everyone hurried down to them. [I]"What are you doing here?"[/I] Ceyla asked. [I]"All you guys had left so we got outta the fight and followed you,"[/I] one of the boys said. Kacela found her opportunity. [I]"Do you boys know of a place you could take us where we could hide?"[/I] Another boy pointed to the east and said, [I]"Yeah, a fort built on the road over there." [/I] [I]"Right,"[/I] Kacela said. [I]"Ceyla, you've got to go there. Take care of Cellah and Neko until I bring Vincent, Dalanius, and the princess back.."[/I] She gave Neko to the boys; it took two to carry her. [I]"Thank you, boys,"[/I] she called over her shoulder as she ran back into the castle to find Vincent again.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]First and foremost, I have to say "OMG I'm so sorry for screwing it up!" But I did fix it sufficiently, I think. Now that that's out of the way, I'd just like to say that Kacela's quest would be the quest to find her father, though she wouldn't just say "okay, now that we've done that, I'll find daddy!" It'd be sort of an unspoken quest.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]The loud crashes and cries of the men brought her to Vincent, though she wished with all her heart none of them came from him. When she arrived, Neko and Cellah were already there. She saw Vincent on the ground by Neko. Immediately, she went to his side and knelt. [I]"Vincent..."[/I] she said, her words lost in her tears. She took a deep breath and continued, [I]"What you said earlier...Vincent, I love you too."[/I] At that, Vincent smiled weakly, the only way he could smile at the time. She didn't know what made her do it, but Kacela leaned down and put her lips to his, kissing him deeply and passionately.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]As Vincent made a run to the castle, Kacela simply stood there, her sword held tightly in her hand. [I]"No...not now..."[/I] Her heart beat ferociously, as though it wanted to burst out and follow Vincent. [I]"Damn you!!"[/I] she cried with all her might as she swung her sword around, going cleanly through four of the wood creatures' necks. She followed Vincent through the woods, running faster than she'd ever run in her life. [I]"Don't you dare even think of dying,"[/I] she said to Vincent, even though she knew he couldn't hear her. Tears flowed down her cheeks like a waterfall. When she made it to the castle, she heard a fight already taking place. She needed to find Vincent as quickly as possible. Blind with rage and love and pain, Kacela charged into the castle. [I]"I won't let you die! Not until I've said what I need to say!!"[/I] OOC: Sorry for taking so long to fix it. [/FONT][/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Kacela had followed the group silently, angry with herself that she had let Vincent overpower her so easily. 'If he had just rallied the others and let me stay out there, we could have saved those people, perhaps...' A cry from Vincent brought her back to her senses. Glowing-eyed creatures surrounded the group. With her elven sight, she could see their forms a bit better in the shadows. They were too close to get with her arrows without the fear of hitting a comrade, so Kacela pulled out her broadsword and joined her friends in cutting down the beasts. Eventually, everyone separated a bit in ones and twos (though not intentionally) and found themselves fighting groups of the monsters while only able to hear the screeches of the animals and the weapons of the team. Kacela was getitng frustrated. Every time she cut one down, another one took its place. "This is getting ridiculous!" she said to no one in particular. She wasn't even sure if anyone could hear her talking through all the fighting.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Kacela's horse thundered away from the army of approching orcs, right next to Vincent and his powerful steed. [I]"How could they have advanced so close unnoticed?"[/I] she called to Vincent. [I]"I don't know,"[/I] he replied, [I]"but we've got to warn the people! The gate has to be closed before they can get in!"[/I] Looking at the gate, then back to the orcs, she thought, [I]'There's no way they'll close that gate in time...'[/I] Kacela pulled her bow off of her back, placed an arrow quickly in place and fired up at the gate patrol. Her arrow hit right next to a patrol man's head, getting him to look out at the orcs. [I]"Close the gate!"[/I] Kacela and Vincent called together. The patrol guards started closing the gate. When Vincent and Kacela were a few feet away from the closing gate, Kacela jumped off her horse and landed nimbly on the ground. Vincent stopped and looked back as Kacela's horse ran inside. [I]"What the hell do you think you're doing!?"[/I] [I]"Get inside and get the others out here! I'll buy you some time."[/I] Vincent hesitated. [I]"Go, damn you!"[/I] Kacela cried with ferocity. [I]"And hurry! I won't be able to hold them off forever!"[/I] Vincent nodded gravely and continued inside as the gate shut with a loud thud. Kacela pulled out three arrows, one between each of her fingers, and fired them. Each found their mark; in the body of an orc. [I]'Hurry, Vincent,'[/I] she thought as the army advanced.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]They hadn't even rode five minutes before Vincent asked, [I]"So, Kacela, which one of your parents was what?"[/I] She stared at him for a moment, taken aback that he would go for it so quickly, then thought, [I]'Well, he's not exactly the kind of person to just dance around the subject.'[/I] [I]"My mother was human and my...father was an elf."[/I] Vincent noticed her pause and replied, [I]"What's wrong? Relationship problems?"[/I] [I]"Well, not really,"[/I] she said. [I]"I never really knew him. I think it's better that way though."[/I] She knew what he was going to ask, but she wanted to wait for it. [I]"Why?"[/I] Taking a deep breath, Kacela said, [I]"He raped my mother and got her with child. I never knew him as a person, but I'm not sure I would like to. It would be quite unlucky for him if I did."[/I] Her hand went to her sword.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Kacela wasn't able to sleep very much that night. When the sky began to lighten, she finally gave up on sleep and got herself ready for the day ahead. As she slipped on her vest,her eyes wandered to the scabbed up cut on her arm. Her hand then traced the mark left on her cheek from the first fight this group had encountered. As those memories came back, so did the memory of Vincent wrapping her arm up to keep it from bleeding too much. Then the memories from last night came back as well. His arms around her, his lips on her forehead, his gentle voice. Kacela jolted herself back to the present, her cheeks a deep scarlet. [I]"Get a hold of yourself,"[/I] she whispered, though she still smiled at the thoughts. Once she was geared up and ready to go, she left her room and went downstairs to the tavern. Ceyla had already beat her there. [I]"Good morning,"[/I] Kacela said as she took a seat next to Ceyla. She replied, [I]"Hey,"[/I] and went back to tossing her stiletto. The silence that followed made Kacela feel a bit awkward, so she stood up and moved to a window and stared out at the still lightening sky.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]As Vincent touched her, she felt strange. He asked for her to tell him what she really felt in her heart. She'd never just plainly revealed herself to anyone. It was as though he were asking her to bear her soul to him. [I]"I...i-it's...it's nothing, Vincent,"[/I] Kacela said, searching for the right words. [I]"It's not nothing, Kacela. Please, tell me what's wrong."[/I] Kacela's head debated with her heart. She wanted to tell him everything, but she didn't want to seem foolish to him. [I]"I...I've never felt...the way I have now..."[/I] she stared at the floor, waiting for his laughter. [I]"I never felt accepted the way you make me feel, and...human people like you can't love a...a half-elf like me. I didn't want to tell you because...well...you might not accept me the same way."[/I] Her gaze never lifted up from the floor, but she hoped that the darkness of the room hid her scarlet red face.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia][B]Name:[/B] Andi [B]Age:[/B] 17 (Ten months younger than Alex) [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Description:[/B] Andi is a loving person who cares for all her friends and family. That doesn't mean she won't smack them around every now and then (though it's never just for the purpose of hurting them; just playing around). Though she does like to play around, she's very responsible and mature when it comes down to the wire. She'd do anything for her sisters and she loves to play tricks on them as well. She has just recently found out she has ice powers.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]I just want to explain something in my latest reply in the rp. The final thought that Kacela had about Vincent, about how he'd never love her if he figured out that she was half-elf and half-human, was based on how she was treated her whole life. Her mother kept her sheltered from other people for the greater part of her life so far, making Kacela think that being half and half was something unacceptable or wrong. She's never told anyone that she's half-human. She's never had the need to. So she doesn't know if people would react with scorn or not. ^_^ I'm sure you guys don't care, but I felt it was something important to my character to be known. Also, it just wouldn't have sat right with me had I not explained it.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Kacela watched as Vincent strolled away with Neko, her eyes guarded under her hood. [I]"I should have seen this coming,"[/I] she whispered to herself. [I]"Of course they would both have feelings for him as well."[/I] Sighing, she quietly slipped out from behind her table and made her way over to the stairs up to the rooms. She opened the door to a small, unoccupied room and entered. There was no light in the room except for the moonlight streaming in through the window on the far wall. It cast the center of its light on the bed in the room. Kacela closed the door and swung her cloak off of her body. She hung it on the doorknob, leaving part of the cloak to drape on the floor. Sitting on the end of the bed, she kicked off her boots and laid down. Slowly, Kacela moved to the other side of the bed and removed her vest, belt, and quiver, throwing them on the floor beside the bed. She laid there with her eyes closed for a long time. As much as she wanted to sleep, her mind wouldn't let her. It was filled with thoughts of Vincent. [I]'It's pointless to even think about having a relationship with him,'[/I] she told herself. [I]'First of all, what are the chances that he'd pick me over the other women here? Secondly, this may be the only time I ever work with him. And thirdly...'[/I] Her fingers travelled to the point on her ear. [I]'...he would never love me...if he knew what I was.'[/I] She rolled over on her side and curled up into the smallest ball she could. But nothing she did helped take her mind off of Vincent.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Being hugged by Vincent felt...satisfying. For as long as she'd known, she'd never been hugged by any man, let alone one that she only met about two days ago. While she didn't return his sentiment outwardly, on the inside, she thanked him for his kindness to her. [I]'Perhaps one day,'[/I] she mused in her mind, [I]'we'll talk about this night. As friends.'[/I] The word sounded nice. The only real friend she'd ever had beside her mother was her mentor. The man who had given her life purpose. If it wasn't for him, she would have never become a huntress for the king. She'd have never gone on this journey and met these people...her friends. She smiled under the cover of her cloak. [I]'After all this time...I finally belong.'[/I][/FONT][/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Kacela sighed and ordered some wine. She'd never liked the stronger drinks, but she'd learned to like wine. One had to when one found themself dining in the king's company on quite a few occasions. [I]'And now it's only a matter of time,'[/I] she thought privately, [I]'until everyone's drunk out of their minds and they fall into an inebriated sleep.'[/I] Leaning against the bar, Kacela thought about what the old Seer had said. [I]'You may find what it is you seek, but will not be ready for the outcome.'[/I] What had she meant by that? All she seeks is the princess. That's the only reason she went on this journey, to rescue the king's kidnapped daughter. What outcome could there be other than total defeat or victory? [I]'Damn that witch,'[/I] Kacela thought bitterly. [I]'You know that's not true,'[/I] her mind seemed to say to her. [I]'You know that there is something more. Just because you ignore it does not mean you can escape it haunting your thoughts.'[/I] [I]'Yes,'[/I] Kacela continued to herself, [I]'but what are the chances that I'd find anything about that in a place like Ravenbrook?[/I]' [I]'Anything is possible, elf child.'[/I] Kacela's eyes widened as she realized what was going on; that old hag was reading her mind and speaking telepathically. Putting her head down and quickly moving away, Kacela retreated to the corner of the tavern and sat down, putting her wine on the table and wrapping herself in her cloak and putting her hood over her head. [I]"False security,"[/I] she whispered to herself, [I]"but security nonetheless."[/I][/FONT][/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Kacela wandered around for a bit, not really accustomed to large cities. The only city she'd ever known was the capital. She had been told to look for information, so she went to the place where gossip ran wild-the market. Hiding her ears with her hair, she entered the marketplace. It was possible to find anything in the marketplace, this she knew. Anyone could be there. The kind of information she was looking for wouldn't exactly be found in a casual ladies' talk, so Kacela had to find a different place. She found a place with a dark fabric as a door. A strong smell of incense was wafting out into the air. There was no doubt what this person claimed to be. A Seer. Though she didn't believe in them, Kacela thought that this seemed as good a place as any to find the kind of information she sought. She pushed the fabric out and entered. [I]"Don't be ill with me, elf child,"[/I] croaked an old woman before Kacela even let the fabric drop behind her. [I]"Surely you didn't come in here because you doubted my abilities?"[/I] Kacela glared at the woman. [I]"Don't be so full of yourself, you old hag. I didn't come in here to be ripped off by you and your 'abilities'. I just need some information. Do you know of a place called Ravenbrook?"[/I] The woman, who had been placing incense throughout her shop finally looked up, slowly moved to a table in the middle of the shop and sat down. [I]"What is it you would like to know, elf child?"[/I] [I]"Stop calling me that,"[/I] Kacela said angrily. [I]"And if you're a Seer, shouldn't you know what I want to ask?"[/I] [I]"How can I know when you yourself don't know what you want?"[/I] Kacela wanted to lash out at the woman with her sword. She took a deep breath to calm herself down and found her head swimming in the thick fumes of incense. [I]"What do you know of it?"[/I] The woman paused for a moment. [I]"I know that it is a perilous place that holds danger for you and your friends. You may find what it is you seek, but will not be ready for the outcome."[/I] [I]"Spare me the cryptic messages, witch."[/I] [I]"You should learn to control yourself, elf child. Your harsh temper may get those you love in trouble."[/I] [I]"I have no friends."[/I] [I]"You may try not to trust them, but one such as you cannot keep from those that are like to you. And they trust you as well. More than you know. Would you lose them just to keep your pride?"[/I] Kacela could hardly contain her anger. She stood on the spot, shaking with rage. [I]"You stay quiet, you old wench. I'll not listen to your treacherous words any longer."[/I] She then stormed out of the heavy-aired shop and ran through the town, not even caring to watch as everything passed her by.[/FONT][/SIZE]
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