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Everything posted by kenshinsbabe

  1. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Kacela realized that Vincent had a point; she wouldn't be much use fighting off anything as she was, and the sleep had made her feel quite a lot better. The sun shone through patches of the still grey sky. A light sheet of cold rain was still coming down, just enough rain to chill everyone to the bone. Kacela took a thick cloak out of a small travelling bag she had brought with her. She put it on and put the hood up over her head. Already, she was considerably warmer. She went out and found her chestnut mare tied up to a tree. Kacela apologized to the mare for leaving her in the cold rain, but the leaves of the tree had protected her pretty well from the rain. She mounted the horse and, remembering what Vincent had said, brought the horse back to the cave to find Cellah. Kacela was not one who liked to stand around when she could be doing something. [I]"Hey, Cellah,"[/I] Kacela said, breaking Cellah out of a morning meditiation. [I]"Let's get going."[/I] Cellah replied, [I]"Alright,"[/I] and made her way out of the cave to Kacela. [I]"We haven't been properly introduced,"[/I] Cellah said. She reachd her hand up to Kacela, shook it, and said, [I]"I'm Cellah Morko."[/I] Kacela returned the shake and replied, [I]"My name's Kacela. Now let's get this lesson started."[/I] [I]"What?"[/I] Cellah said, puzzled. [I]"I'm going to teach you how to ride a horse."[/I] After a few times of slipping off the saddle and almost falling in the mud, Cellah got on the chestnut mare. Kacela had sat farther back in the saddle to allow her passenger a bit more room to work. Reaching around her, Kacela began teaching. [I]"You'll want to keep a firm grip on the reins, about here and here,"[/I] she said, placing Cellah's hands in the correct spots. [I]"To get going, just nudge her in the sides with your heels. She'll start forward. Now, don't be too rough with this one, she needs very little instruction to know what you want."[/I] And so the morning went, teaching Cellah the basics of horseriding until the others were ready to start their journey again.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia][I]"Dammit!"[/I] Kacela cried in frustration. She turned her head slightly in Cellah's direction. [I]"Cellah said there were twelve. There can't be too many left..."[/I] As she drew back another arrow, someone came down from the trees and sliced her left arm open, leaving her unable to hold her bow. She let the arrow loose accidently, which fell harmlessly to the ground a few feet away. She fell to the ground as the blood dripped through her fingers to stain the grass. When the man landed, he swiped his sword up, cutting her cheek and narrowly missing her eye. The force of it pushed her to the ground on her back. [I]"Kacela!"[/I] she heard Vincent call. She looked to him to see if he was coming for her. He was suddenly surrounded by a group of bandits. A great weight fell on her chest, knocking the breath out of her; the man had put his foot on her. "Seems like you'd be as good as any," he said gruffly. Kacela looked around for a way to escape. Another man made his way swiftly over to her. It was her chance to get away. She grabbed the dagger out of the approching man's boot and dug it into the first man's thigh, getting him off of her, and pulled the dagger out again. Then she rolled backwards, ending on the balls of her feet. She jumped at the second man and thrust the dagger squarely into his chest. As the first man regained his balance, Kacela pulled out the broadsword at her hip and slashed his throat open, letting his lifeblood spill onto the ground. As both men fell to the ground, dead, Kacela went down on one knee to catch her breath. The pain in her arm was fading, but it still bled. [I]"I can't give up,"[/I] she said to herself. [I]"Gotta keep moving."[/I] She stood up and helped Vincent and Neko dispose of a few more bandits.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  3. kenshinsbabe


    [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]I find the show to be amusing to no end. First of all, the dub is just funny, and the stunts that those people do are fun to watch. Secondly, if you just ignore the dub for a while and just watch the hosts of the show, you'll just have to wonder, "What the hell is with Japanese people!?". ^_^ I enjoy the show quite a lot.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Kacela unsheathed her broadsword. [I]'I can't believe that my mentor's sword is being put to such menial tasks,'[/I] she thought. [I]'But it must be done.'[/I] A bright flash of lightning cut through the sky, followed by a loud boom of thunder. [I]"I think we should get the wood that we have back to the cave,"[/I] she called out to Vincent. [I]"The rain will start coming down any minute now, and there's nothing that wet wood will do for us."[/I] She made her way back into the open where the horses stood, restless to get away and out of the storm. She put the wood she had collected on the raft and stood in front of the horses, one hand on each of their faces. [I]"Calm, strong ones. Everything will be alright."[/I] Vincent returned with a large amount of wood. [I]"Okay, let's get out of here,"[/I] he said. He mounted his horse and Kacela mounted hers. As they got moving, Kacela's elven sight caught movement in the woods. Her head jerked toward the movement as she searched for what it was. Vincent saw her and said, [I]"What is it?"[/I] After a moment, Kacela replied, [I]"I thought I saw something move."[/I] [I]"Perhaps it was just the wind,"[/I] Vincent ventured. [I]"No,"[/I] she said slowly. [I]"It looked like men..."[/I][/FONT][/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Noiselessly, Kacela pulled herself up onto a beautiful, chestnut mare. [I]'It seems some already know one another,'[/I] she thought to herself as she made herself comfortable on the saddle. As she waited for the others to be ready, she stroked the mare's head, giving special attention to her ears. Suddenly, a hand came into her view. Kacela looked up at its owner, the assassin Ceyla. [I]"I figure I should get to know my allies, since we're all working toward the same goal. I'm Ceyla."[/I] Knowing someone would have brought it up sooner or later, Kacela lifted her hand and clasped the assassin's. [I]"Kacela Sevgi,"[/I] she said. She quickly retracted her hand and returned to stroking the mare.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Kacela Sevgi approached the throne room doors, her summons in her hand. Of course, she had already heard what happened, though the note said nothing of it. It simply said that something of terrible importance has happened and that her presence was requested by King Samuel. The gossip through the city had given her the information she needed, though she couldn't be sure how much of it was true given the nature of ladies' gossip. She opened the doors and entered, walking forward toward the throne. There was already one man there. [I]'It seems I'm not working alone,'[/I] she thought, though she knew she wouldn't be. With the king's only daughter kidnapped, why would he only send one huntress after her? [I]"Your majesty, Kacela Sevgi, a huntress of your force, has answered your summons,"[/I] Kacela said, taking a low bow in front of the king's throne. "[I]What will you have me do?"[/I] With a grave look on his face, the king replied, [I]"My young huntress. I'll have to ask that you wait with my good friend Vincent here until the others arrive. All will be explained soon."[/I] Flashing a dangerous look at the man the king mentioned, she said, [I]"Yes, m'lord," [/I] and moved to the opposite side of the room from Vincent. [I]'I wonder how many others I will be forced to deal with,'[/I] she thought, leaning against the wall and crossing her arms.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia][B]Name:[/B] Kacela Sevgi [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Race:[/B] Human, Elf [B]Appearance:[/B] Long dirty blonde hair, reaching all the way down her back. Fair complexion, with vibrant, light blue eyes. She has a lean figure and is rather tall, with pointed ears, the mark of the elf. Generally, she wears a dark brown, tough, leather armor vest with a dark green, long sleeved, skin-tight shirt underneath. The vest comes down to about mid-thigh level. A brown leather sword belt encompasses her hips, and another leather belt goes from her right shoulder to the left side of her waist, holding her bow and arrows. For easy movement purposes, she wears skin-tight, dark green stockings on her legs and tight, leather boots that rise to halfway up her calves. [B]Personality:[/B] Kacela doesn't talk much, which makes some people think that she distances herself from people. If someone were to talk to her for a short period of time, they'd only get very short answers. It's not because she's unfriendly, she just doesn't find people very trustable. If someone were to gain her trust, they would see that she is in fact a very caring, gentle soul. [B]Class:[/B] Huntress [B]Weapons:[/B] Bow and arrow, broadsword [B]Bio:[/B] Kacela was born to a young, unwed mother. She was the product of her mother's rape by an elvish warrior. Being a human-elf mix, she was not generally accepted by normal humans. She lived a sheltered life, with no friends. As a young adolescent, she would kill animals with the bow and arrow she made and bring them home for her and her mother to eat. One particular outing, she came back with a good catch when she saw a man fallen on the road. When she went to investigate, she saw that he was a wounded Meckian fighter. Kacela fetched her mother, who brought the man in and nursed him back to health. Feeling he owed them, he helped Kacela fetch food for awhile. He said that her skills with the bow and arrow were very well developed and suggested that she go into training as a Meckian huntress. When she talked to her mother about it that night, her mother said that it was time that she should go out into the world. The next day, she set off with the man to Mecki, where she trained to be a huntress. When she was eighteen, her training was completed. Almost a year later, she was one of an entire force of fighters sent to retrieve the kidnapped princess of Mecki.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]It doesn't matter who the person is. Everyone should get a fair trial. For those of you who have read it, this reminds me of Harper Lee's "To Kill A Mockingbird". For those of you who haven't, the event I'm referring to is the trial of an African-American man during the 1920-1930 time period, where black people were considered inferior. Usually, no matter what the blacks said or whether they were clearly innocent, they were convicted just because of their skin color. The same thing is happening here. Sure, he may be guilty, but there's absolutely no reason whatsoever to deny the man a proper trial. And shame on you, lee123, as a fellow American, to even suggest such an obstruction of justice. Saddam Hussein is a human being, like you and me, and should be treated as such. While I share your contempt for his actions, we should a least give him a chance of redemption, or at least to tell his side of the story.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia][B]Name:[/B] Link [B]Game:[/B] The Legend of Zelda series [B]Portrait:[/B] See Attachment. [B]Experience:[/B] Rescuing a princess on many occasions. Also has experience with puzzle solving and temple raiding. Very sociable. A talented Ocarina player. An expert horse rider and archer. [B]Reason:[/B] To help the people of the Mushroom Kingdom![/FONT][/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]This sounds more like a "Theory on Death" thread, they way it's going. Personally, I don't have a theory for death. I hope it's more that just rotting in a hole in the ground, but I won't know until it happens, will I? But back to the topic. My theory on life is that if you live it for other people, your life will be full. If you can be a shining light for at least one person, than you've done what you were set on the earth to do. I suppose it could be counted as more of an existance theory, but that's what I think. If you live life solely for the purpose of making yourself happy, what's the point? But if you live for other people, live to help them or guide them or just to be there for them, then you've done good. Besides, doing good things for other people makes you feel good. ^_^[/FONT][/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]I've got a truckload of 'em for ya'. 1. A survey reported that 12% of Americans think that Joan of Arc was Noah's wife. 2. It's illegal to own a red car in Shanghai, China. 3. The word "testimony" comes from the ancient Roman ritual of taking an oath. To take an oath, they would grab their testicles. 4. Women who read romance novels make love 74% more than women who don't read them. 5. The average chocolate bar has 8 insect legs. 6. A blue whale's heart is the size of a Volkswagon Beetle. 7. The strongest human bite force recorded is 350 pounds. The strongest shark bite force is only 150 pounds! 8. The human brain is insensitive to pain. 9. The chances of you dying on your way to getting a lottery ticket is greater than your chances of winning. 10. It's illegal not to smile in Pocatello, Idaho. 11. The mask used by Michael Myers in the original "Halloween" movie was actually just a Captain Kirk mask painted white. 12. It's illegal to be a prostitute in Siena, Italy if your name is Mary. That's all I've got. More to come![/FONT][/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia][B]Name:[/B] Rath Tahmores [B]Age:[/B] 20 [B]Sex:[/B] Male [B]Affiliation:[/B] Rebel [B]Description:[/B] Rath is six feet and four inches tall. He's got a rather muscular build. He has short, dark blonde hair with a white forelock and deep blue eyes. His normal clothing is a black tank top, an over-used, black leather jacket, loose-fitting, dingy jeans held up with a chain, and weathered, brown boots. He likes to wear a black leather glove on his right hand. It has small, metal spikes on the knuckles. [B]Background:[/B] Rath Tahmores was born in the ghetto of a large city to a single mother. She had been raped by a military man. He spent his childhood roaming the streets, stealing things to feed himself and his mother and hating the military. When he was sixteen, he watched people in the ghetto getting rounded up by military men and being sent off somewhere. He wanted to fight, but against so many military men, he stood no chance. He almost turned away when he heard a familiar voice; they had captured his mother and were taking her away. Before he did anything, he ran down to his apartment and took the gun that his mother kept under her bed to the window. From his perfect vantage point, he shot and killed three of the dozen soldiers there. He ran from there, all the way to another city. Laying low for four years, he heard of a resistance movement against the newly crowned emperor, Walken. He joined the cause as quickly as he could. He still held a grudge. [B]Weapons:[/B] The weapon he uses most often is his handgun, usually kept at his side, the holster attached to the chain at his waist. He also keeps a pocketknife in his jacket for extreme cases. If it comes down to it, he'll fight with his fists.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Damn me and my stupid state. >< I'm the only loser in Missouri and I put my location thingy up about two weeks ago. The nearest person to me is kuroinyoukai. Who lives in [B]IOWA[/B]. By the by, LadyKatana, if you read this. You live about two hours away from where I used to live. ^-^[/FONT][/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Wu Fei: Trowa, are you POSITIVE that this is some sort of mission? Trowa: Of course! We're under cover, can't you tell? Wu Fei: I don't think we need cover. Cooking in the middle of a pasture pretty much kills any suspicion whatsoever. Besides, what about that cow? Trowa: Duh, it's Heero in disguise. Heero: (from inside cow suit) I swear, I'm going to kill whoever thought of this mission.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]"And thus, Darien released the power of the burrito gas." Many props to my sister, who helped me with this one. ^-^[/FONT][/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]It seems to have been long enough. Once again, thank you to Ikillion for fixing my picture problem for me. Now, to the winners![/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]In first place,[/FONT][/SIZE] [QUOTE]Originally Posted by [B]celestialcharm[/B] Kenshin just told Koaru that maybe she should take some ibuprofen for her recent mood swings... [/QUOTE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Coming in at a close second,[/FONT][/SIZE] [QUOTE]Orignally Posted by [B]ChibiHorsewoman[/B] Kenshin: 'Thinking' I am so jealous, her's is bigger than mine![/QUOTE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]And last but not least,[/FONT][/SIZE] [QUOTE]Originally Posted by [B]Lord Dante[/B] kaoru: DOn't you ever say that to me again. Kenshin: WHat's the problem? I only said you had nice melons! you were at a fruit cart! Holding melons!![/QUOTE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]^-^ So, celestialcharm, you're up!...Again![/FONT][/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Oh, I'm so sorry! *bows feverishly* I'll not do it again, I promise! ...And why not have a cookie for your troubles, Ikillion? *hands you a large cookie*[/FONT][/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]^-^ Thank you for choosing me. This next picture is from a favorite anime of mine. [IMG]http://members.tripod.com/Rin_Kyori/Rurouni/gallery/Anime/kaorukelli.jpg[/IMG] The woman with the black hair is Kaoru and the man with the red hair is Kenshin. Have at it![/FONT][/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]DeadSeraphim, I rate your banner/text combo a [B]7/10[/B]. I rather like the fuzzy screen. It's unique, in it's fuzziness. With the text beneath it, I do love when people put things in their signatures that are a different language. It always makes me ponder what it means. w00t, DeadSeraphim![/FONT][/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Are you kidding? Just about anything on television anymore is shoddy television. Mostly daytime TV though. Jerry Springer, for instance. I'm surprised no one mentioned this yet. Yes, I realize it's past its glory days, but it's still a very high rated and popular show. That, friends, is what frightens me. We're supposed to be moving forward with intelligence, not regressing to our primitive roots. I'm sure if you put a bunch of apes on the Jerry Springer set, they'd be more well behaved than most of the people that appear. One of the shows I hate the most right now is Degrassi. Any form of it. What sucks is that my older sister loves it. It's title should be "Pretty Kids With Problems" (if you caught the reference, good for you. ^-^ ). I realize that people have problems and drama like that, but the chances that you're going to get pregnant, have an inoperable brain tumor, three STDs and be an orphan are pretty slim. And there's my two cents. *clink clink* [/FONT][/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Actually, I was thinking the same thing a little while ago. My guess is that they all were in the play at one point. Or at least some of them were. And I realize that there are more than gays, lesbians and transvestites. I said those specifically because you don't see 'em in alot of movies. Well, I suppose lately there have been more movies including said groups.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Tsukasa: Jump the wall, Willy! Be free! Puchiguso: *is nearsighted*[/FONT][/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]The Godfather- Harry and the Potters First Date- Blink 182 Today 4 U- Rent Soundtrack (one of the best musical soundtracks ever. GO SEE THE MOVIE!) Macy'S Day Parade- Green Day Maria- Green Day Love Train- Big and Rich Without You- Rent Soundtrack Boulevard of Broken Dreams- Green Day Into the Forest- The Corpse Bride Soundtrack Summer Running- Billy Idol (Woo!)[/FONT][/SIZE]
  24. kenshinsbabe


    [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Has anyone else seen this movie? A nice, musical love story. It's got a bit of something for everyone, too. Gays and lesbians (nothing graphic), transvestites, and not to mention a good musical score. Of course, I've never seen the stageplay so I really have nothing to compare it to. But in my opinion, it's a pretty good movie. ^-^ My favorite character was Angel. [spoiler] I almost cried when she died. She was too cool. [/spoiler] So what about you guys?[/FONT][/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Alright, we finally have some interaction! Woo hoo! And Domon, if you're unhappy with the way I portrayed your character or something, PM me about it and I'll change it. Oh, if anyone was wondering why I changed her hair color for a moment, it's because she didn't expect to faint and she was adopting a disguise. Just in case anyone was confused.[/FONT][/SIZE]
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