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Everything posted by kenshinsbabe
[SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]As Ryan was walking, she looked across the street to a jewlery store where a friend of hers worked. There were police all over the place and one man who stood clearly apart from the rest. Running over to see what the problem was, she recognized the man as Diamond. She had read about him in the newspaper a few times. [I]'Now's my chance! I can be a real superhero!'[/I] she thought.[I] 'I can't just rush in there, they'll stop me because I'm a civilian. How should I go about this?'[/I] Just then, she saw him fly away on a piece of earth. [B]"Shit,"[/B] she whispered. [B]"There's no way I'm going to be able to catch him on foot..."[/B] Dodging into an alley, she changed her human form into that of a falcon. She needed to move fast. [I]'I'll regret this later, I know it.'[/I] She took flight after Diamond. By the time she reached him, he'd gotten to an abandoned asylum. About twelve years ago, an inmate had caused a fire that burned the whole place down, killing all but a few employees. When the city rebuilt it, it had only been open for a few days before everyone quit. Strange things had happened. Hearing voices, seeing ghosts, the typical haunted house. Now it was only ever inhabited by teenagers. Diamond went inside. Ryan landed on the ground and changed back into her human form. She knelt on the ground for a moment, a dizzy spell coming over her, but she shook her head and stood up slowly. [B]"Alright, let's do this."[/B] She followed Diamond inside. Within her first three steps into the place, she heard gunfire. Immediately, she ran down the dirty hallway and turned a corner, facing another hallway. Diamond was standing with his back to her, getting shot at but not harmed. He walked forward towards the teenagers. Suddenly, she heard a banging noise and turned to see two boys burst out of a room down the hallway behind her and start running towards her, armed with guns. Ryan couldn't let them get through her, so she jumped at them, changing into a lion as she was in the air. She took them both down, knocking the wind out of them.Taking control of the situation, she slashed their hands with her claws and they dropped their guns. With a few swats of her massive paws, the boys were knocked unconsious. She turned around and saw Diamond holding a large bag and staring at her. Apparently, the gunfire had ended a while ago. She changed into her human form, but slightly altered. Her hair color was now brown and her hair was shorter, about shoulder length. Ryan made a motion to stand up from her sitting position, but the moment she tried, she wavered and fell forward. As she fell, her hair went back to normal. Diamond ran forward and caught her. She had fallen unconscious. [/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]First off, my deepest sympathies, Gavin. Death is never easy to deal with for anybody. I hope you're feeling alright. KKC, I don't think it should be a problem. It's only one other person. He'll probably be killed off anyway. :animesmil [/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]I always say "Love knows no age". I have no preference to age as long as my lover is a good person. Some might say that my way of thinking is dangerous, that older men might just try to "take advantage of me", but if they were going to, wouldn't they want someone a bit more attractive? :animeswea With me, love is what it's all about. Age doesn't matter.[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Sitting in a chair behind her desk with her feet propped up on the desk, Ryan sighed, putting the book she had been reading down on her stomach. Her eyes scanned over her silent, empty store once again. She sighed and said, [B]"If this keeps up, I might have to close the store."[/B] She stood up and put the book on her desk. Looking at her wristwatch, she decided to close up shop for the night. It was almost six in the evening. As she took the keys out of the pocket of her jeans, her thoughts drifted to her nightlife. [I]'I guess I'm not your average superhero...hell, I'm not even a real superhero. I mean, I haven't really done anything big...'[/I] she thought. Thinking against closing up just yet, she put the keys back in her pocket and ran up the wooden stairs to her home above the store. Ryan's room wasn't big at all. It consisted of a small bedroom and a bathroom with a stand-up shower in it. She had a small refrigorator in her room. She only came upstairs for her jacket that was laying on her bed. She put it on and, as an afterthought, she brushed her hair out quickly and put it up in a ponytail. She took the door key off of the keyring and threw the keyring on her desk. Ryan stepped outside and locked the door behind her. She put the key in her jeans pocket and started to walk down the street. She kept her eyes peeled for any trouble against the darkening sky.[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Instead of changing my profile (yet again...>
[SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]EEE! *is giddy with excitement* I've always wanted to do one of these! *takes a deep breath* Okay...calm down. ^-^ [B]Superhero Name:[/B] Mystaire (Nickname: M) [B]Real Name:[/B] Ryan Accalia Tevy [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B]Current Occupation:[/B] Bookstore owner [B]Height:[/B] 5" 4' [B]Weight:[/B] 134 [B]Eye Color:[/B] Silverish-blue [B]Hair Color:[/B] Light blonde with two red streaks [B]Hair Length:[/B] Mid-back length [B]Clothing:[/B] Her work clothes usually consist of a t-shirt or sweater and jeans. She has no set superhero clothing. She uses whatever fits her disguise at the time. [B]Personality:[/B] Has a very strange mood swings. Normally, she's very happy and nice, but sometimes she can randomly turn very hyper, very angry, or very depressed. She's rather messy and unorganized. That doesn't stop her from being friendly with people she knows, although she's rather shy around strangers. [B]Marital Status:[/B] Single [B]Place of Birth:[/B] Small log cabin outstide Charleston, Virginia [B]Character History:[/B] Always looking out for the good of his country, bachelor Radley Mason Tevy, infantry soldier of the United States Army, jumped at the chance to participate in tests that would better the U.S's defenses. All these tests were kept top secret from the public. Radley was taken to a small experimenting lab on a military base in Charleston, Virginia. There, Radley was injected with a strange chemical. Soon after, he was screaming and wretching in pain. The scientists tried to hold him down and give him a sedative but he attacked them viciously, with a beast-like strength. His rational mind seemed to be taken over by beastly instinct. He escaped and ran to a small forest, where his animal mind said that he would get seclusion from humans. He then passed out. When he woke, he was in a log cabin. A woman told him that she found him lying unconsious in the forest. She said how she had to drag him back to her camping place because he'd had a few injuries from escaping the lab. When she asked him his name, he said that his name was Mason Tevy. He figured that the army would be looking for him. She replied that her name was Kailey Ann Mortell. Under the pretense that he was lost and didn't remember where he was, he stayed with Kailey as she stayed in the log cabin (she said that she stays there because it's more peaceful than the town). She ended up deciding to live there with him. Radley never told her about what happened to him, and they lived happily together. They got married at a small church with only a few of Kailey's friends as witnesses. Together, they had a daughter and named her Ryan Accalia Tevy. She was homeschooled by her loving parents. Everything seemed great. Unfortunately, when Ryan was at the age of eight, the military found out where Radley was hiding and came to collect him. Radley told Kailey and Ryan to hide so that the military wouldn't bother them. For years after that, Kailey and Ryan lived together in the log cabin. As Ryan grew into her teenage years, she began to realize her powers. When she showed her mother, both of them were in a state of shock. The year Ryan turned sixteen, her mother died of a cut. Kailey had been a hemophiliac. Until Ryan was eighteen, she stayed in her home, not knowing what to do. At that point, she decided that no opportunities were going to present themselves out there. She would have to find them. So, Ryan left her house behind and, with the small amount of money her family left her, started a bookstore in Justice City. She lives out of the second floor of the store. Currently, her favorite author is Nicolas Holland. [B]Superhuman Powers:[/B] Shapeshifting. Mostly used to change her body and facial features, for disguise. Can change into animals, but she can only sustain a form for a short period of time. In times of great anger or great emotional stress, her body reacts by turning her beastly, increasing her strength, but sacrificing her rational mind for animal instincts. After this happens, she is incapacitated for a few hours, her powers having over-exerted themselves. [B]Special Skills:[/B] Forging Handwriting (...she has a lot of free time. I mean, she runs a bookstore.) [B]Weapons:[/B] When she can take it with her, she uses a two-handed blade called an Ogre. It consists of two long, wide blades coming together in the middle to make a handle. I'll post a picture up here later today. But since she can't use that when in disguise, she normally uses concealed daggers. EDIT: Ha, ha! So sorry. I fixed mine.[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]I'm sorry, Corey, but I have to disagree with you on a few counts. You can think what you like, I'm just trying to point out some things.[/FONT][/SIZE] [QUOTE]Originally Posted by [B]Corey[/B] It's my personal opinion that my country got what it deserved. "OH GOD!!! THEY FLEW A PLANE INTO A BUILDING AND KILLED THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE!!!" [/QUOTE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Sure we may have deserved what we got, but do you really think it's right for other countries to take out their anger on our government by killing thousands of innocents? Do you think anyone did anything so horrible to deserve to be killed in an act of terrorism?[/FONT] [/SIZE] [QUOTE]Stop looking backward and start looking forward. The past doesn't hold any advancement.[/QUOTE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]In my opinion, this isn't true. If we don't keep the past in mind, we'll keep making the same mistakes over and over again, and this will happen in the future. The only thing different will be that there are different thousands of people. But back on topic, there are alot of things the government keeps from us. You don't actually think that they'd tell us everything, do you? What they like to do is keep the nation in a false sense of security. Not to sound like some whacked out extremist. Just stating what I think.[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia][URL=http://www.pentagonstrike.co.uk/flash.htm#Main][U]9/11 Conspiracy Theory Video[/U][/URL] The link above leads you to a video. If you weren't able to watch it, I'll give you the overview. Pretty much what it's saying is that the Boeing 757 never crashed into the Pentagon. What's more, it gives more evidence than the government gave us saying that it did. There was no debris from the crash. The "plane" crashed through three rings of the pentagon before slamming into a fourth. There was a neat, perfectly round hole left in that wall. What's more, to hit those walls, the 757 would have had to have been flying TWO FEET above the ground. The highway close to the Pentgon would have had reports of turbulance, would they not? So what could have done it? Many people say that it was explosives. Some others, like some in the video, claim to have heard a missile. Still others say that the plane hit the ground and skidded into the Pentagon. But there were no skid marks on the perfect lawn of the Pentagon. What do you at the OB think?[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Lessee. Christmas traditions. Oh! I've got one! My sister and I take turns naming our tree. Even though it's the same tree every year, we name it. Last year, just to make my mom mad, I named it Ashitaka (yay, Princess Mononoke!). She couldn't pronounce it. :catgirl: On Christmas Eve, just before we go to bed (or, before my parents go to bed, at least), everyone gets to open just one gift. Then we sit in front of the tree with all the lights in the house off but the Christmas lights. It always makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. ^-^[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia][QUOTE]Originally Posted by [B]Natsumi[/B] I agree that the movie was good ... but i feel that they should have done justice to the book and made the movie in 2 parts.[/QUOTE] I agree. Alot. That would have been much more satisfying to the large population of Harry Potter readers. Speaking from the numbers, I think that the amount of the readers outnumbers the nonreaders. Which would mean that the majority of the movie-going audience has read the book. Personally, I was pleased with the movie, but it left me wanting. For the other three movies, I walked out of the theater ecstactic, saying, "God, that was the best movie ever!" I didn't with this one. I can't quite place my finger on what went wrong with it. Still, it made me happy to see parts of the fourth book on the screen, portrayed by terrific actors. Overall, a good movie. It recieves three wailing eggs ( :animecry: :animecry: :animecry: ) out of five. [/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Hooray! I just moved to a town in Missouri in May, and I found out that the snow day actually exists here. What's better, I've got one right now, or else I'd be in Health right now. :animeswea Anyway, there's about a foot of snow here. That's right, a foot. What would you all do with a snow day and a foot of snow? Me, I'm gonna go sledding on the best hill this side of the Mississippi River. ^-^ So tell me about your reindeer games (or lack thereof)![/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]It's Everybody Wears A Smile Day!! Merle: I swear to god, I'm gonna kill whoever thought of this day. Milly: My face hurts...[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Uo: Flamer-head. Kyo: Boot-face. ^-^ Sorry, I couldn't resist. I know, it's lame, but it's the best I can do right now. [/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]I was just musing and a thought came to me. Would it be better to live forever or die? Both, in their own ways, are rather frightening. On the one hand, you die. That's it. If religion is right, you either go to a "Garden of Eden" in the sky and live with God or go to eternal damnation and are tortured for the rest of eternity (fun!). Or, if science is right (woo, logic), you just rot in a hole in the ground. On the other hand, you've got eternal life. You have to watch all your friends and family grow old and die. What would be the worst for me is to have to live forever without my lover. He would die and I would have to go on without him. I would probably pick death over eternal life. I would hate to live forever, watching everyone I love die and just having to move on, like it never happened. That would be true torture for me. What are your thoughts?[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]"One thing that can be said is that Kakashi was very happy to see them." Compliments of my older sister. And her dirty mind. But it's very funny considering that Sasuke is the one standing right in front of him.[/FONT][/SIZE]
What is the hardest thing you've had to do emotionally?
kenshinsbabe replied to a topic in General Discussion
[SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]The hardest thing I've had to deal with and still am is getting up the courage to drive. It scares me so much to get behind the wheel of a car. Not because I don't think I'll be good at it, but because my life has been changed quite a bit because I've had to deal with car wrecks. The first was about a year and a half ago. In my hometown, Manteno, four boys were jumping a small hill in their car, like most teenagers in the town did at the time. They hit it at a strange angle and the car tipped in midair and landed on the roof. The two in the backseat got away scratched and bruised, but alright. The driver had spinal damage and the passenger, Mike Jornov, had brain trauma and fell into a coma. Three days later, they took him off of life support because, had he woken up (which was seriously doubtful), he would have been a vegetable because they had to take out parts of his swelling brain before he died from the pressure. The second was much closer to home. My dad was driving back to his mom's house from a bar (at the time, my parents weren't living together). He was drunk and he hit the guardrail of a bridge, then was flung over to the other side and he fell into the shallow creek below. Had he laid there for a few more minutes than he did, he would have died. Some saint of a person called 911 and he was taken to the hospital. They had to put a metal rod in place of his left femur and various metal plates were put into his feet. Because of that, he has to walk very slowly to avoid putting much pressure on the metal rods and plates. Wow, that actually is longer than I intended. But that is why I'm afraid to drive.[/FONT][/SIZE] -
[SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia][B]"Would you like me to clean out your ears for you?" inquired George, pulling a long and lethal-looking, shiny instrument from inside his tuxedo. "Or any part of your body, really. I'm not fussy where I stick this."[/B] All of you fellow Harry Potter nerds (like me :catgirl: ) should appreciate this reference. If not, check out [URL=http://www.mugglenet.com/books/quotes/fred_george.shtml][U]Mugglenet.com[/U][/URL]. It's the fifth one from the top, if you need to refresh your memory.[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Instead of putting my future comics and concepts and all that jazz all over the board, I'll put it all here. ^-^ The piece of art I would like to put up here right now is a character concept for a comic I will be beginning shortly. The characters represented don't have names yet, but they're roughly based on my sister and me. [IMG]http://tn3-1.deviantart.com/fs8/300W/i/2005/307/b/f/My_Greatest_Creation_Yet_by_kenshinsbabe.jpg[/IMG] If you'd like to see the picture, check out [URL=http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/24803062/][U]my DeviantArt page[/U][/URL] and click on the picture to make it larger. I'll take suggestions for names, if you have them. Thanks for lookin' at my greatest creation yet. ^-^ I'm so proud. EDIT------ I made something else sort of comic related. I suppose it would be more of a filler type thing, if anything. Once again, to see the picture larger, check out my deviantart site (the link is above). [IMG]http://tn3-1.deviantart.com/fs8/300W/i/2005/309/d/d/Cute_Doodle_by_kenshinsbabe.jpg[/IMG][/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Being the weirdo that I am, I like things from both sides. I like the necklaces and bracelets, because that usually shows sensitivity in a guy. But I also like the work boots and jeans idea. ^.~ So, I guess I'd like something from both worlds. A little masculine (muscly enough to look good, but not too muscly. Gotta have something to hug!), a little feminine.[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][Font=Georgia]Naruto: What's wrong with you? I was just showing you my zombie walk for Halloween![/Font][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]My sister would hate me if she found me replying to this. She always says that I'm narrowing myself down when I describe my perfect man, even though we both know the chances of me finding him is almost none. Looks: Black hair, just long enough to hang in front of his green eyes (and so I can mess with it). Taller than me. Just a bit muscly, but squeezable enough for me to have something to hug. Personality: He's got to be a sweetheart, and not afraid to show that he loves me. He'd have to be intelligent too, so we could talk about a wide range of things and possibly debate. Humorous is a given, of course, but not funny to the point of annoyance. Not too defensive of me (I have a guyfriend like that- he goes nuts whenever another person does something to me) and able to fully trust me, as I would him. Likes: Animals, music (anything but rap), fine arts, romance movies (he'll at least tolerate them), being goofy, having fun, and adventuring. Don'ts: Smoking, heavy drinking, badmouthing my friends and family alot (if he doesn't like them, he doesn't have to say much about it), showering me with gifts all the time (a flower or something every now and then as a surprise is the best), eating out alot. Other: I'm actually more interested in a serious relationship, so I'd want love, not like, though it can start out as like. Religion doesn't much matter, as long as it's not violent or creepy. I want to be really comfortable around him, whereever we go. A girl can dream, I suppose. :animesigh[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]I apologize in advance if this sounds like a flame. It's not meant to be. Gundam (especially Gundam Wing), Kenshin, Naruto, Trigun, and Yu Yu Hakusho all have their flaws, but usually what you described that was bad was one of the best parts of the show. Take Trigun for example. You said that it didn't have good movement. How do you suppose they got all those gunfights to look fluid? Also, in many scenes, someone is running. I saw no problem with those. Why do you keep comparing all these things with Teen Titans and Avatar? Those shows are both pretty good. Pretty good meaning that it's good to watch if you're sorta bored and looking for a laugh. But anyway, they've got good animation (widely speaking), some relatively good storylines which makes them a bit easier to watch, and a nice range of characters.[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Alright. I just got an idea, and I'd like to hear what you guys think. Members from the boards can volunteer for spots on a sort of "New Member Adoption Agency" type thing. When a new member signs up, they have the option of getting a counselor or buddy type person, to show them the ropes and remind them of the rules. Also, it gives the new member a friend right from the get go. I guess it sounds kind of childish, but I think it would be a good idea.[/FONT][/SIZE]
What are you going to be for halloween?
kenshinsbabe replied to Starr112's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE]Originally Posted by [B]Lunox[/B] I do remember one year when we got a group of friends and dressed up as the monk-people from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. We had the chant and head-hitting boards things down perfectly.[/QUOTE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]That. Is. Awesome. As for me, I was planning on going as your friendly neighborhood crazy cat lady. I'll wear a nightgown and a bathrobe and go around town blabbering loudly and carrying (and possibly throwing) stuffed animal cats. XD I can't wait.[/FONT][/SIZE] -
[QUOTE]Originally Posted by [B]EVA Unit 100[/B] Keep in mind that some of these shows have good animation, but they are worse looking than Avatar.[/QUOTE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]I would like you to clarify this for me. Do you mean that, even though the animation is better, it looked...worse? Confusing. As for my input on the subject, I think as long as the "half animes" have decent animation and a good storyline with a good range of characters, it's worth a look. It doesn't much matter to me where it comes from.[/FONT][/SIZE]