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Everything posted by kenshinsbabe

  1. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]"Guys, I need help! I was practicing for my role in a play as the belly of a mommy cat, and my face got stuck this way!" Think about this one for a second. The mommy kitties have the little nipples used to milk the kittens. I hope you got it before the explanation, because explaining it doesn't make it as funny.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  2. [QUOTE]Originally Posted by [B]MangaFan007[/B] Foolish humans: YOU have dabbled into the science of transforming one element into another one before.[/QUOTE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Foolish humans? And what are you, some god? But that's not the point. All that nuclear bomb stuff was done in a lab. Knowing alchemy is like being a walking nuclear reaction. It's having the power of a nuclear reaction at your fingertips.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  3. [QUOTE]Originally Posted by [B]hugoxx[/B] Fuck the stairs, he thought. As he hit the up button on the elevator[/QUOTE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]OOC: I don't think Notre Dame has an elevator...I'll look into it.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Alright, here I go again. On the fly not-humor. XD But I'll try my best. Guy: "Singing opera bulds character, dammit!"[/FONT][/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]I have a question. Since no sex is included, does that mean no rape either? I wasn't planning anything, the question just came to me while I was bored at school. The only reason I was wondering was because you said "anything else our sick minds can think of" and if I did use it, believe me, I'd spare the details. God knows that's the last thing we need. *shudder* Also, I noticed something. Are my posts of good length? Mine are usually just a few paragraphs, but everyone else writes pretty long posts. If it's lacking, I could pick up the quality.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]I realized Dagger's point when I was ranting about all the bad. I'm just saying that the bad in this country outnumbers the good most of the time. And usually, the good leads to the bad, directly or indirectly. "...they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness..." The unalienable right of [B]life[/B] is basically tells us that we can live however we want if we follow a certain set of laws. Most people take advantage of this and lead great lives. Others take it away just because they're given legal means to do so, like guns. You see, rights like this would be terrific if they were enforced as well as they should be. A search for a list of arrestable crimes in the U.S turned up these results: [list] [*]Arson [*]Assult/Battery [*]Bribery [*]Burglary [*]Child Abuse [*]Child Pornography [*]Computer Crime (doing anything illegal with your computer, like downloading or hacking) [*]Conspiracy [*]Credit/Debit card fraud [*]Disorderly Conduct [*]Domestic Violence [*]Drug cultivation and manufacturing [*]Drug distribution/trafficking [*]Drug possession [*]DUI/DWI [*]Embezzlement (theft or larceny) [*]Extortion (gaining of property or money by force) [*]Forgery [*]Indecent Exposure [*]Identity theft [*]Insurance Fraud [*]Kidnapping [*]Manslaughter:Invoulentary [*]Manslaughter: Voulentary [*]Money Laundering [*]Murder: First degree [*]Murder: Second degree [*]Purjury [*]Prostitution [*]Pyramid schemes [*]Racketeering/RICO (makes it illegal for criminal organizations to profit from legitimate business) [*]Rape [*]Robbery [*]Securities fraud [*]Sexual assult [*]Stalking [*]Tax evasion/fraud [*]Telemarketing fraud [*]Theft/Larceny [*]Wire fraud [/list] Believe me, the list goes on and on. The only reason that most of these crimes happen is that we get legal means to do them. Our rights are terrific, but abused and horribly enforced. And if you want to look up more about these things, this is the site I got them from: [URL=http://criminal.findlaw.com/crimes/a-z.html][U]Crimes A to Z[/U][/URL] [/FONT][/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]While I'd actually love to spend all day bashing Buch (seriously, I would. That's not a sarcastic comment), I'd like to address a few different aspects of the good ol' U.S (the sarcasm was there). [B]Discrimination:[/B] EVERYWHERE. And lately, no one cares. If no one cares, it's going to be endlessly perpetuated. Personally, I think we're regressing back to the twenties. The time when women were expected to be bowing and scraping after men. I'd rather die than be the equivilent of a slave to some man (I'm not sexist, I just don't like the idea of some guy ruling my life *glares at Bush*). Also, the time when blacks were oppressed. Majorly. Lately, if you're black, you have to be a rapper with a bad attitude or no one likes you. No. Just...no. [B]Sex:[/B] Running rampant through the streets are STD infested whores who get kicks and cash blow-jobbing some poor shmoe because he's "depressed and lonely". America already looks like a bunch of fat idiots bombing whatever country we like. The last thing we need is smut up the yin-yang. Which brings me back to the woman issue. Young women (teenagers) have to dress like sluts or they're "not cool". Absolutely terrible. Just because I won't lower myself to exposing the parts of my body that only the man I marry will get to see makes me uncool. Fine, I'd much rather be uncool than a whore. [B]Rolemodels:[/B] There are hardly any good rolemodels anymore. If kids look up to most of today's celebrities, tommorrow's society will be a bunch of dumb blondes showing off their surgically enhanced breasts to the public while drinking and smoking like there's no tomorrow because, when they were kids, that's what they were taught was okay. Because the parents never stepped in and said, "Hey, this **** will mess you up. So knock it off and make yourself useful to society!" There will be much more later. I had to hold myself back, really. I could have cussed like a sailor and ranted about everything from taxes to obesity. I know that America has some positive aspects to it, but I'll list those later. I'm feeling negative right now.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]I think that the "Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans" are pretty fun. You never know which one you're going to get (seriously! Even with the chart, it's hard to tell which one you've got). Also, giving gross ones to your unsuspecting friends is always a riot. XD If someone came up with those kinds of beans under any other name (you know, like sticking a dirt flaver into a bag of Jelly Bellies), I don't think they'd be as popular. Sticking "Harry Potter" before anything is a sure seller. I don't think I'd mind, even if they were in a bag of Jelly Bellies. I'd still have fun saying that it was chocolate and giving it to a friend, only to have them find out that it's vomit or earthworm. ^-^ But that's just my demented sense of humor.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Sister Arroyo looked around the group. Some she had seen only a few times, like Father Josef Schmid, and others she'd never met before. She had an inclination to get to know them, but not right now. The atmosphere in the church was very subdued and made her feel stuffed up. After talking with Sister Beadeau, she slipped out the door into the fresh, morning air. The streets were now nearly empty, save for a stray dog wandering home or a flock of birds resting in the cobblestone roads. Carmita sighed deeply, letting out all of her anxiety. At least for now. "We're riding out tomorrow. That means we've got all of today to get to know our comrades. And to pray for a safe journey. But for now..." She looked up at the bright blue sky, almost matching the blue of her eyes, and smiled. "For now, I will enjoy my time in the Vatican. I'm sure it will be short-lived."[/FONT][/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]As everyone went their separate ways, Tiger just stood in one spot, watching them leave. "Wait..." she called feebly as they all disappeared from sight. "We should wait for the others." She sighed and began walking. "So what happens if one of us runs into Valkyrie? She's supposed to be really strong. There's no way just one of us could kill her." Tiger looked up at the towering Notre Dame. "I'll just meet them there, then." She took off running, every step taking her closer to Valkyrie. She stopped when she was a few yards away from it. "Alright. Can't use the main entrance, she'll expect it. I don't see any other entrances." Tiger looked up the walls and sighed. "Guess I'll have to scale the wall." Before starting, Tiger cracked her knuckles, then her neck. She unsheathed her sword and prepared herself. "Ready...go!" Tiger ran for the wall and jumped. Just before she hit the wall, she thrust her sword into a crack between the stones in the wall. Tiger got a foothold and leaned against the wall, shaking, her eyes shut tight. She opened one eye, making sure that she wasn't falling, then opened both eyes. "Whew...I made it." She began scaling the wall, placing her sword in the cracks and pulling herself up. When she got about halfway up the wall, she heard noises above her. They were very faint, so faint that she almost didn't catch them. She paused for a second, wondering what they were before they came down hard on her. A small group of ninjas (like the ones before) jumped from above her and grabbed on to her. Tiger lost her grip and they all began to fall. "Shit!" Tiger tried to fight them off of her. She could probably land safely if she could only reverse her postition. She was falling with her back parallel to the ground, the ninjas clinging to her arms and legs. They were falling right toward the street below. It was all she could do to brace herself for the great impact. When she hit the ground, she could feel some of her bones shattering. She cringed in pain, fighting to keep herself conscious. The ninjas let go of her and began to mutter to themselves. One took out a knife and came close to her neck. 'No...I'm not done yet!' Despite the extreme pain of moving, she reached up and broke the man's arm, making him drop the knife. "Heh. A fiesty one." Another one tried and came away with a few broken fingers and a shattered wrist. "Wench..." he said, pulling away from her. Another came forward and said, "This is wasting too much time. Let's just take her to the boss and have her finish off the little bitch." The ninjas (the ones with limbs in tact) picked her up and dragged her into Notre Dame. They were taking her straight to Valkyrie.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  11. [QUOTE]Originally Posted by Delta The story couldn't get any farther to the series.[/QUOTE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]That's the point. Since the series ended so well, the felt they couldn't make a sequel for it. So they decided to just make something completely different. I thought it was a great idea. I mean, take Dilandau for example. In the series, [spoiler]Dilandau turned out to be a chick. [/spoiler] But the movie was a breath of fresh air for diehard Dilandau fans (like me! I got made fun of by my sister because it turned out that I liked [spoiler]a girl![/spoiler] >
  12. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]That sounds good, Cyriel. I was actually wondering what we were going to do for a while. I was racking my brains, thinking of something. Bombs away, then. ^-^[/FONT][/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Okay, this time, I have another excuse. It's really early in the morning. XD And my house is freezing (brr!!) "Dare ye challenge me, naive? A duel, then! Have at you! *punches*[/FONT][/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]"What the-" Tiger began. She was cut of by a rather large foot coming right toward her face from her left. She grabbed it and twisted, feeling the bones breaking in her grip. The ninja was lifted off the ground and thrown a few feet away. "Shit!" she said as she looked around. She could hear her teammates fighting all around her, but could only catch glimpses of them. Before she could come to her senses and move, the ninja took advantage of her distracted state and tackled her from behind. He shoved her to the ground rather painfully as he landed on her back. It was all Tiger could do to push him off and roll over before he returned. He knelt on her stomach and put his hands on her head. He began forcing it to the side painfully. Tiger could feel her neck cracking as she resisited his deadly force. She forced the knives out of her gauntlets and slashed his chest, sending him off of her body. She jumped up and unsheathed her longsword. Before the ninja got a chance to get back up, she relieved him of his head. With him gone, she looked around, hoping to see her comrades.Tiger still heard them fighting. Feeling helpless just standing in one spot, she ran in a random direction, hoping to find someone. As Tiger ran, instinct took over. She had this eerie feeling that she was being followed, so she kept running. The sounds of the fighting died away slowly, to be replaced by the sound of her own fast-beating heart, pummeling her chest. In one fluid motion, she reached down to her ankle and took out one of her concealed knives, leaving the sheath in her sock, and threw it. Tiger hit her mark - the heart of one of the ninjas. She continued running. Within moments, she came upon Notre Dame and her heart skipped a beat. "I can't do this alone..." Tiger looked back behind her, then said, "But unless they hurry up, I won't have a choice." She then sighed and ran forward, sheer instinct pushing her on.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Alphonse looked back toward the small town as he heard an explosion. He stopped running and grabbed his brother's collar. "Ed, did you hear that? There was an explosion." "Al, let go! What if that lady's tailing us?" He fought against Al's grasp, but Al was too strong. A few seconds of that, and he stopped fighting. "I take it you want to go back?" Al put Edward down. "Of course. Usually, when there's an explosion in a town and you haven't caused it, it's not a good thing." He started on his way back towards the town. In their hurry to escape "Cathy", they'd exited the town and run a small way away from it. Ed smiled and followed his younger brother. "Yeah, I've gotta get her back for trying to kill me!" When they came onto the scene, they found a whole mess of things. A dispersing, green mist that gave off a rather bad odor (Ed pulled his coat over his nose), a military car that had gunshots in it, and quite a few well-known military faces, including Colonel Roy Mustang and Brigadier General Tyler Koregaten. "What happened here?" Edward said, saluting his superiors with his right hand and holding his coat to his face with his left. Roy looked away from a conversation he was having with the Brigadier General to see Edward. He returned the salute briefly, then said, "Rebels. Looks like we've got our work cut out for us."[/FONT][/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Hamano had her eyes closed, fighting her fear. 'So what if something goes wrong? Worst case scenario is that I die. Would that be so bad?' She looked back again at the group. 'But what would happen to them if I die? Something even worse could happen to them that I could have prevented...damn it!' Hamano put her hands over her ears and shut her eyes even tighter than before. "Alright, team," Black Wolf said, standing up. "There's no way we can land this thing without alerting the whole town that we're here. We're going to have to drop, then make it to the town on foot. From there, we'll travel to Notre Dame and go after our target." Everyone looked up at Black Wolf, taking in everything he said. Everyone but Hamano. She was still crouched down low, but she was listening to every word. 'Alright. We're already past the point of no return. No stopping now.' Parachutes were distributed to the group and everyone psyched themselves up for the mission that was only moments ahead. "Okay, is everyone ready?" Black Wolf asked. Only silence from the group and the near deafening sound of the helecopter blades met his question. "Alright, let's move out." "I'll go first," Hamano said. She stood up and put her hand on one side of the opening she would soon be jumping from. She sighed, trying to force the anxiety out of her. It didn't work. Biting her lower lip, she put her other hand on the other side of the opening, then forced herself out into the open air. [/FONT][/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]In the Greenday song "Basket Case", there's a lyric that goes like this: "[I]I went to a shrink to analyze my dreams, she said it's lack of sex that's bringin' me down. I went to a whore, he said my life's a bore so quit my whining cuz it's bringing her down.[/I]" Anyone catch that? XD My older sister and I think it's the funniest thing ever. [/FONT] [/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]EDIT (yet again): ^-^; Thank you![/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia][B]Name:[/B] Elaina Bell [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Race:[/B] Human [B]Dragoon Sprit:[/B] White Silver Dragoon [B]Weapon:[/B] Bow and arrow (gotta keep to tradition, right?) [B]Appearance:[/B] She has shoulder-length black hair and wears a simple, tan, mid shin-length dress. Elaina has emerald green eyes and lightly tanned skin. [B]Personality:[/B] Elaina is always inclined to help people in need. She can never turn her back on someone with a problem, and always strives to change situations for the better. For her good friends, she is a strong ally and a loving friend. For her enemies, she is compassionate, and always offers them a second chance. [B]Backstory:[/B] Elaina was born and grew up in a very small town near Seles (I know there are none in the game, but I can't remember many of the cities right now, so bear with me XD). When Seles was attacked by demons, she rushed to help beside her mentor, Shana, and her friend Dart. When Dart was poisoned, a man named Dyon was sent to Bale with Dart's Dragoon Spirit. Shana sent Elaina with him, giving her her own Dragoon Spirit. The two traveled to Bale together, where they were told by King Albert to go to the town of Fletz. (I had to explain how she got Shana's Dragoon Spirit. She had to have known her, otherwise there would have been almost no chance of her getting it. Sorry for sort of changing your story, Lionheart!)[/FONT][/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]I'm pretty sure that it's just your connection. I have no trouble getting around quickly. [/FONT] [/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]I saw this movie today, the day after it came out (here at least). Here's my sort-of review thingy- [B]Positives:[/B] Absolutely magnificent songs and soundtrack. There wasn't as much singing as The Nightmare Before Christmas, which I guess could be a neutral thing. Great set of characters. My personal favorite was (of course) Victor. I love a clumsy guy who can play piano. ^-^ Wonderful claymation. It's improved alot from Tim Burton's previous work, and that's saying something. The storyline flows so well. I hadn't realized that an hour and a half had flown by until my sister and I left the movie theatre. [B]Negatives:[/B] For my taste, everything was resolved a bit too quickly. [spoiler]The Lord-something-or-other hardly even put up a fight (except for the fight with Victor at the end) [/spoiler] [spoiler] When Victor decided to kill himself to be able to marry Emily, it seemed baseless. Before then, it didn't feel like he had very deep feelings for her, then all of a sudden, he loves her enough to throw his life away for her. [/spoiler] There really wasn't much to be said for the negatives. Very good movie. 4 out of 5 with me. *thumbs up*[/FONT][/SIZE]
  21. [QUOTE]Originally Posted by [B]Inuyasha Fandom[/B] okay... i am plart of tropical birds, who is my squad leader????[/QUOTE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]OOC: I don't think your squad's left yet. Also, if that was an Out-Of-Character statement, you have to let us know.[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]EDIT: Whoops! Got to it before I did, Sir![/FONT][/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Yeah. I'd definately do it. My initial reaction when I saw the title (seriously, I said this) : "OMFG OMFG OMFG! LEGEND OF DRAGOON! *click*" XD But seriously, it sounds like a good plan to me. ^-^[/FONT][/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia][B]Which aspect of the OtakuBoards do you find to be the most negative/confusing?[/B] Hmm...this is actually a sort of tough question. If I were to pick something, though, it would be the hardship of trying to contact many people at once. Sure, we've got our PM system (which is terrific), but if we need to get the same message to a large amount of people (say a certain private conversation between a few people about a certain aspect of a RP *looks at "Assassin Academy"*), there's really no quick efficient way to do it. I'm not sure that can be fixed, though, so I'll shut up and deal with it. XD [B]What's your favorite aspect of the OtakuBoards?[/B] A few, actually. One is the free range of things we can put in our signatures. Like images. Lots of places won't let you put any images at all in your signatures (I actually belong to a few...it sorta stinks >
  24. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Hamano sat near the opening of the helicopter, staring down at the changing scenery below. Her nerves were getting the better of her, making her shake along with the cold air moving through the aircraft. Wolf stared at her, watching her shake. She was the only one who hadn't laughed or even smiled at his joke. The whole time, she just stared down at the ground, shaking like a leaf. Slowly, he moved closer to her crouching figure on the ground and he sat next to her. "Hey, you gonna be okay?" he said. Turning her head sharply as though she had forgotten she had company, Hamano stared into Wolf's face. A younger her would have flung herself onto him, begging for help. But she knew better than that now. 'Don't make ties. They'll all just leave in the end.' "Yes," Hamano said, shakily. She bit her lower lip to keep herself from crying out what she really wanted to. She really wanted to say, "I'm so scared!" and hug him, just to let herself go. She wanted to feel the warmth of someone. Wanted to feel safe. 'I'm so scared,' she thought to herself. 'But I can't let them know.' Her eyes swept over the group of stone-faced people and she felt foolish for being so afraid.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]For those of you confused, I'll explain. Sorry I was so vague! :animeswea She [I]has not[/I] been rejected before, though she seems to think she has. Of the two boys she went out with, she dumped them, not the other way around. So she's never really experienced rejection from the opposite sex. What makes me so sore about this is that all she does is continuously whine about how she couldn't do it, yet when I ask her why, she says, "I don't know. I'll do it tomorrow, I promise." Tomorrow comes around, and she comes crying back to me. What's worse is that she's getting other people to talk to him, instead of talking to him herself. No matter what I say, she just won't take the initiative.[/FONT][/SIZE]
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