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Everything posted by kenshinsbabe

  1. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]As Carmita Arroyo set foot in front of the Vatican square, she sighed and read over her hastily scribbled note, even though she had already memorized it by now. "It sounds like Father Giovanni has something for us to do...I wonder what could make him so distressed." With that, she took a few more steps forward to the large doors of the Vatican square. Had it not been for the loud creak of the door, she would have come in unnoticed. Her cloth boots always muffled her steps, making it very easy to sneak up on people. Father Giovanni looked up immediately as she stood, her small body framed in the sunlight streaming in from the door. "Good morning, Father." She said, a smile playing over her face. She shut the door behind her and walked toward him and the chairs set around him. When she reached him, she knelt down and kissed his extended hand. "Father, I recieved your summons letter and came as swiftly as I could. What is it you need?" "Arise, my daughter," he said gently, though he still wore a face of worry. "Rest. We must wait for the others to come." Following his command, Carmita sat and stared at Father Giovanni as he began to pace once more.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]This was sparked by my friend. She has this crush and is too afraid to ask him to go to a dance with her. Trivial, I know. I've given her endless amounts of advice on how to go about doing it, and got her all pumped up. The next day comes, and she chickens out. Her whole life, she's been doing that. She reminds me of the cowardly lion. "I'm not brave enough to do this," or "I'm too scared to do that". What is it about fear that makes us so ready to give up? I realize that I could be going a bit hard on her, but what's the point of living if you're just going to hide from things all your life? I'm not saying that I'm fearless, but I'm pretty damn close. Until two years ago, I was so fearful of everything. Then I decided that I wasn't going to be scared of life. Ever since then, I've experience a wide array of emotions that I don't even believe. So why are fearful people so fearful? What are they afraid of? Am I just being an *** and making a big deal over nothing?[/FONT][/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]I'll have a go at it. ^.^ "What are you talking about? Stars are SO in!" XD My feeble attempt at comedy. But I have an excuse! It's getting late and I'm trying to draw a picture. Hah! XD[/FONT][/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Hmm...I think that the best sub-character of any anime ever would have to be Edward from Cowboy Bebop. She's the most awkward character I've ever seen, and has given the most comic relief to the series, which is no small feat. She's weird and smart. Just like me! XD And she's a chess playing hacker. What's not to love?[/FONT][/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]So we won't be using any of the existing characters? Such as Geddoe, Hugo, and Chris? Just wondering. Wow. Someone finally played Suiko 3! XD[/FONT][/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Tiger nodded to Hugo, a fleeting look of suspicion on her face as she looked around the room for the speaker who called himself Howler. She closed her eyes and her face contorted slightly as she fought for control over her emotions. 'There's no time to waste. Get it together, Hamano.' She turned to the squad leader, Black Wolf. "Alright, sir. Should we-" Tiger was cut off by Garet Jax coming in rather loudly. He looked at the group that was staring at him, Hamano giving him an extra-venomous stare for cutting her off. "Sorry for being late...did I miss anything?" Sighing impatiently, she continued what she was saying as though nothing had happened. "Should we be moving out then, sir?" "Yeah. Let's go. Mammal team, this way!" he called. Teigra and Hamano followed him, Hamano once again glaring at Garet venomously as she passed him. He waited until they were out the door to follow them, shutting the door behind him. As much as she tried to fight it, shivers of fear began to attack her. 'You've killed people before...this time you're getting paid to do it. What's the matter with you?' she thought to herself as they made their way towards the waiting helicopter*. 'Just think of this as one of the books you've read. You've got to go on this quest and defeat the evil that holds reign over the helpless people and the world.' She sighed, relieving some of her anxiety. Her fantasy books always seemed to calm her, whether she was reading them or not. 'Alright, mistress. The traveler and her band of heroes will overcome your evil and bring peace to the land once more.' ------------ OOC: *Are we taking a helicopter, or is there another way we go? Just wondering.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Wow! Sounds like you had alot of fun, Bloodseeker. I've always wanted to go to Japan. It seems like such a beautiful place. Also, everything there sounds so interesting. Exotic and fun. Glad you enjoyed your trip![/FONT][/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]I'm just curious. How could a company that sells ONE ANIME DVD for almost $30 go down the drain? It seems very improbable to me. On the flip side, though, the fact that they do sell anime dvds for $30 could be the reason that they are possibly going downhill. Well, think about it. Considering the spike in gas prices and such. People can't spend their gas money on anime. Sad but true.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Wait a second...I am once again confused (sorry, I think I'm retarded today >
  10. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Announcement! Adult Swim will now be on Fridays (woo hoo!)! Starting at 11pm (10pm central), it will show mostly what we see on the Saturday lineup minus the reappeared new FullMetal Alchemist episodes and Cowboy Bebop and such. It starts tonight, so be watching![/FONT][/SIZE]
  11. [QUOTE]Originally Posted by [B]Sir Gawain[/B] That's what she's best at, finding the enemies' weak points and exploiting them.[/QUOTE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Does that mean that she distracts them with meaningful and hurtful (to the person she's fighting) words, then kicks 'em while they're down? I like her style. XD *gets hit by a huge hammer* Ow! I was kidding, dammit! Only girls can do that anyway (You should get that reference, sir. XD).[/FONT][/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Woo hoo! We're starting to get to the good things now. While I'm on the subject, nice backstory hints, Sir. ^.^ The backstory of the instructors sounds interesting. I can't wait to hear it all in full. So basically, right now, we're all going to fight some chick who can kick all our ***** anyway? XD[/FONT][/SIZE]
  13. [QUOTE] Originally Posted by [B]Sage[/B] (Oh the things you learn from history books! ;D )[/QUOTE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Nice. :animesmil Yes, I was beginning to wonder where you went. Glad to know that you're still with us here in the living world. XD[/FONT][/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Tiger listened to the announcement. "A strike team and a rush squad? Well, damn." She turned around and faced the boys. "I guess this is where I leave you. Try to avoid trouble with our new friend over here." She pointed a thumb over her shoulder and at the man in the leather. She made her way down the hallway and said, "Be careful in your lessons." She turned a corner and disappeared from their view. "Alright. I've got to go to the armory. Damn it, I didn't find that last night...now I've got to search." So her search began to find the armory. The entire time she was walking, she pondered what the guard had said over the intercom. Wandering around for a while finally found her in front of the armory. "Oh...I'll have to remember to wander in this direction next time I'm lookin' for it." She opened the door and went inside to wait.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Al had a very bad feeling about all this. He stared at the librarian, studying her carefully as Edward gobbled down food as though he had been starved. When she stood up and left, Al tapped his brother on the shoulder. "Edward, can't you feel it? There's this air around her...it's almost venomous. She's like walking poison." Ed stopped stuffing his face and looked up at Al. "You're just being paranoid, Al. Relax. I've got everything under control. How harmful could she be?" He returned to his food. "Sorry for the little interruption, boys." Cathy sat back down and eyed Edward with a satisfied smile. Al saw it and felt a twinge of fear. 'She's done something to him...' he thought, his fear growing into almost-panic. At that moment, Edward slumped forward, and Cathy's smile grew. "Brother!" Al shouted. A man burst in and wipped off a pair of blue gloves. "Stop right there!" he yelled as he pointed at Cathy. Cathy jumped out of the booth and in front of the man. "Damn military." She tripped him and ran out the door.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  16. [QUOTE]Originally posted by [B]Dagger[/B] Hong Kong-ese? XD[/QUOTE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Yes, Hong Kong-ese. I don't know what language they speak there, and I'm too lazy to look it up. XD About the tins, that's pretty cool. I used to live really close to a Suncoast and I could check on that stuff almost daily if I wanted to. But since I moved, the closest Suncoast is a forty-five minute drive and I can't keep myself updated on anime news too much. I never realized that they'd coordinate the tins like that. That's awesome. XD[/FONT][/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Well, people, I've got some good news for you! Adult Swim will finally be putting FullMetal Alchemist back on Saturdays, with new episodes starting this Saturday! *fangirl squeal* On a completely unrelated note, I need a little room for gloating. Trust me, I won't take too much space and I don't normally do stuff like this. I'm home alone, and excited. XD I don't know where else to turn. A couple weeks ago, my sister and I ordered a replica of the pocketwatch, which also came with a necklace holding the seal of the military (the squiggly lizard thing?) and a book all written in Hong Kong-ese. XD IT CAME TODAY! *even bigger fangirl squeal* The watch even has the "Don't forget" and the date inscribed on the inside! Alright. I'll get off my high horse now. *slides off the saddle* ^.^[/FONT][/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Alphonse watched as the woman walked out of sight. "I dont trust her," he said. "What?," Edward replied. "Why not?" Al sighed. "Do you remember the last time we came across a strange woman in a strange town?" The both of them thought back to their ordeal with Psyrin. "Yeah. But we're bound to have some good luck sometime, aren't we?" With that, Edward continued down the path. "At least we shouldn't have any trouble finding the library in such a small town." Al followed Edward. "Brother, we're in the middle of a place that's crawling with rebel faction members. How do we know she's not one of them?" Edward looked back at Al, a studying look on his face. "Al, she's a librarian. Come on." "Profession has nothing to do with attitude, Ed."[/FONT][/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]I noticed that too. I woke up this morning and wasn't really thinking all that much about what day it was. I got online and went to check my email when I noticed what day it was on the news thing. I thought to myself, "Woah...I can't believe I forgot." For the rest of the day, it kind of stayed in the back of my mind. All the flags at half-mast reminded me all throughout the day. Also, my dad was watching a lot of the TV specials that they aired today. I think the reason that so many people didn't give a thought to what day it was is that there are so many other things going on in the world. The biggest of which being Hurricane Katrina clean-up right here at home. And I'm not sure if it's really compassion that helps us heal. It's more like ignorance. We feel that if we ignore it, it won't seem so big of a problem. I know that there are tons of people out there who think that I'm nuts for saying this, but there are people out there like that. I'm sure that there are people out there that at least said a prayer or two for the innocent lives taken that day, but others ignored it because it wasn't a present problem. "It's in the past and not worth thinking about" sort of thing. Still, those kinds of people don't change what day it is. What happened on that day. The millions of tears cried. The thousands of families who would never see their brother or father or cousin again. That's why I thought about today. [/FONT] [/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]I didn't see it, but that is so cool! I knew that this place was huge, but never that huge. Wow! Booyah, myOtaku![/FONT][/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Tiger stood up slowly, leaning against the wall. The pains in her back and neck were reallly slowing her down. "Marksmanship next..." she said through gritted teeth. "Joy." Dante was still hiding under the stairs, but Bobby was on the floor close to Tiger, rubbing his fresh bumps. Maurice was looking for Dante. "Let's see...he went to help the girl..." he said to himself. Tiger could just barely hear his voice. "And he never left the ground after that." His eyes locked on the stairs and an evil smile played over his face. "Oh crap," Tiger whispered to herself as Maurice flew down from the rafters and landed on the side of the stairs. He reached down and promptly connected with Dante's head with a loud pop. Dante came out of his hiding place, holding the side of his head. He walked to Tiger and Bobby, glaring at Maurice as he passed. Maurice filled the room with his own laughter and the students watched him rather coldly. "What's the problem students? You'll get another chance at this someday. By then, you might be able to beat me." [/FONT][/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Al looked around at the almost empty train station. Where ever he and his brother were, it was most definately not too populated an area. "I wouldn't get my hopes up about the cows if I were you," Al said. "Where are we again?" Sighing, Edward took a piece of paper out of his pocket. He read it over for what seemed like the milltionth time, then said, "Some tiny town called Marintow. I've never even heard of it. Mustang says that there's some radicals here that need to be put in their place." "Radicals? In a place like this? " Alphonse looked around once again at the train station, seeing only four people. "Sure. It's small, so it's a perfect place to make a group without too many people noticing. Especially the military," Edward said as he folded the paper up and thrust it back in his pocket. Al noticed the people he was looking at staring back at him, and he turned his head away from them to face his brother. "Right. So what should we be looking for?" "A flag, maybe. Or lots of suspicious-looking people all going to one place. I doubt we'll be that lucky." His face turned to a grimace as he saw the green fields just outside the train station. "Where there's long grass...there's cows. Dammit, I'm gonna kill Mustang somday, I swear it." Al paused for a moment, taking it in. "Well, let's go," Ed sighed next to him. He started walking and Al followed. They went on the dirt path that led out of the train station and into the town. "It...kinda reminds me of Resembool." Edward smiled. "Yeah. Me too."[/FONT][/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]ROFLMAO I like your style, Sir. XD Right now, I really like what you're doing with the rp. The teachers all have great personalities (the ones that we've met, at least), the people are fun to rp with. I'd say that everything's going well. Hmm. I think we need a few more clashing personalities. I'm trying to work up a clash with my classmates, to add a little more depth to it. My job is made a little easier by the fact that both my classmates are male. ^.^ That's really the only thing that's bothering me right now. Do I get a cookie? XD[/FONT][/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Tiger was jumping around in the rafters instead of trying to hide in one place. She heard the other two getting hit and she tried to ignore the pain in her head from the first time she got hit. Moving silently through the rafters was seeming to be impossible. They were all very old and creaky. "Gotcha!" she heard Maurice say next to her. Tiger let out a little scream and she lost her footing. He had surprised her a great deal. She managed to jump forward in an awkward way and wrapped her arms around the rafter in front of her. The force that she had hit the rafter with had knocked the wind out of her. After resting for a few seconds, she heard a loud crack. The breath caught in her chest as the rafter gave way. Tiger landed on the hard floor with a loud thump. She cringed in pain for a moment, then pushed the rafter off of her and rolled over. She got up on her knees. "Ow..." Her head was pulsing and she could hear the blood coursing through her ears. Her back was in terrible pain. She stood up again, with much difficulty, got dizzy, and fell to the ground again. "Damn it..." Tiger said as she leaned against a wall, listening to the other two getting hit in the head repeatedly. [/FONT] [/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia][B]Name:[/B] Sister Carmita Arroyo [B]Age:[/B] 28 [B]Gender: [/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] She has lower back-length, dirty blonde hair that she keeps in a braid most of the time. She has shockingly light-blue eyes veiled in long, dark lashes. Carmita is rather short for her age, standing at about five feet. Because of her height, many people mistake her for a much younger woman, around the ages of fifteen to eighteen. Also, her height makes it very easy for her to hide. She wears a long black dress and has black, cloth-like boots. Around her neck, she wears a small, wooden cross with a brown string through the top of it. [B]Personality:[/B] To those she kills, she is cold and ruthless. She refuses to show them mercy because they have sinned against the Lord. After every killing, she says a prayer for forgiveness fpr herself and for the sinners. Normally, she is a very good-humored person. She loves being with Father Josef Schmid because she admires his good sense of humor and his mentor-like quality. If she's not with him, she's usually in the church either praying the rosary or reading. Carmita is a dreamer, and finds herself drifting a lot. Father Schmid is one of the only people who can keep her from drifting (she's even found herself floating while praying sometimes). Although she may not be the strongest person (don't underestimate her, she can fight pretty well), she makes up for the lost strength with her intellegence. [B]Weapons:[/B] She carries two poison-tipped daggers in her boots, one in each boot. They're about six inches in length and she uses them for the thief's thrown blade arts that she had learned. She carries the poison in a small phile with her as well, just in case the need should arise for it. Her preferred weapon is the Morningstar, a ball-and-chain mace. A small, metal ball is fashioned with spikes on it and is attached to a chain. The chain attaches to a wooden handle. Also, she is quite skilled with a bow and arrow. [B]History:[/B] From the day she was born, Carmita was raised to be a religious woman. She was born into a very religious family. At a very young age, she was helping out around the church. She usually just scrubbed the floors, but her parents were proud that she was so involved. Whenever she got done with her work, she'd go to the walls of the abbey and sit with her back against them, listening to the hymns that the sisters would sing. At the age of seventeen, she told her parents of her interest in the abbey. She told them that she would like to join. They had no objections, and she went to see the mother the next morning. She was accepted. Before she took her vows and had to stay at the abbey, her father carved for her a wooden cross and put a string on it. When he was tying it around her slender neck, he told her that her path was the way to God. Years later, when Carmita was twenty-five, she heard about the Iscariot. The idea intrigued her and she left the abbey of Madrid and set off for Canterbury. [B]Snippet:[/B] Carmita walked wearily towards the church, it's massive wooden doors inviting. The cold night air was creeping up on her as the sun warm glow receded over the horizon. She stopped in front of them, saying another prayer before she stepped in the church. "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost. I have done terrible deeds in your name...I beg your forgiveness. Amen." She pushed the doors open and stepped inside. The church was completely empty, the nightly sermon being long finished. She went to the statuette of the Virgin Mary. She lit the candle that was at the statue's feet and knelt down, her head bowed and her hands folded. "My Lady, I have cleared away some of the dirt from your son's beautiful earth and I beg your forgiveness. I have murdered, but in the name of your son. I've taken life. I am a sinner as well. Please forgive me." She stayed there, praying silently. When she stood, she went straight to her small bedroom. She opened the wooden door and looked out the window directly across the room at the rising moon. Under the window was her little bed. The silver light spilling on it made it look as though she had a silk bedsheet. She kneeled next to her bed and held her cross in her hands. Carmita said a small prayer, then took off her boots and climbed into her bed.[/FONT][/SIZE]
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