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Everything posted by kenshinsbabe

  1. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]OOC: Oh, you suck. XD[/FONT][/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Hamano nodded, feeling exeptionally stupid for running into Bobby head-on like that. "I wonder where Mako is," she said after a few minutes. Bobby shrugged. "You're guess is as good as mine." "Our teacher's name is Maurice. I wonder what he's like," said Hamano, more to herself than Bobby. The silence afterwards was broken by hurried footsteps coming down the hallway. Mako met them face to face, small bags under his eyes. "Sorry...didn't get much sleep last night." He looked from Bobby to Hamano (who was about a third of a foot shorter than them) and Hamano looked quickly away, interesting herself in the wall. "So," Mako said to Bobby. "You're...?" "Macaw. My name's Bobby though." He held out his hand. Mako grabbed Bobby's hand and they shook in a friendly way. "I'm Mako." He turned to talk to Hamano. Before he even asked, she said, "I'm White Tiger. Just call me Tiger." "Right..." Mako said, interest showing in his voice only slightly.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Woo hoo! I heart assassinating. XD Is there going to be an Anthology story line for every team or just the Insect Strike Team?[/FONT][/SIZE]
  4. Vermillion didn't have to come to Kumiko's room. She had heard him yelling five rooms down. Also, she didn't sleep at all through the night. Before he could barge in on her, she changed into her battle clothes and put her long hair in a braid. She was tying her sword to her belt as she walked out of her room, almost running into Vermillion. "Oh...you're awake. Good." Kumiko sighed and tried to rub some alertness into her eyes. She made her way down the hallway that led to the mess hall, which was really the only way she knew. When she opened the door, she saw a bulletin board across the room with a paper on it. She went over and read the following: Classes begin today. The set groups of freshmen will travel together to their classes. Sparrow, Wildebeast, Marlin- Tactics, Stealth, Melee, Marksmanship Black Wolf, Toucan, Dolphin- Melee, Tactics, Marksmanship, Stealth White Tiger, Macaw, Mako- Stealth, Marksmanship, Tactics, Melee Black Panther, Baracuda, Stone Rock- Marksmanship, Melee, Stealth, Tactics Tactics-Vermillion Melee-Alejondro Stealth-Maurice Marksmanship-Marianna "Hmm...Stealth first. I hope I can find the room." Kumiko set off into the hallways again, looking for the stealth classroom.
  5. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Name: Alphonse Elric Age: 14 Side: Military Division: State Alchemists (he's not a certified alchemist though) Weapon: Alchemy. He uses chalk to draw alchemic circles, which make his reactions alot slower than his brother's. Personality: He loves his older brother, Edward Elric, very much. He also has a love for animals, especially cats. He's Edward's support wherever they go. Al is very caring and usually has to hold Edward back when someone calls him short. Biography: When he was very young, his father left him with his older brother and his mother. His mother got very sick and she died, leaving Ed and Al alone. They decided to try and bring her back using forbidden alchemy. Once they were sure everything was right, they sat by the circle. Al was advising Edward against it, but Ed wanted to try. They began the transmutation, but everything started going wrong. Al's body was destroyed and Edward lost his leg. The next thing Al remembered, he was in a suit of armor, and his brother was missing his right arm and left leg. Al carried Ed to their friend, Winry's house, where she and her grandmother fitted him with automail. Since Edward joined the military, Al's followed him wherever he's gone. They're still looking for the Philosopher's Stone, to reverse what happened to them. [/FONT] [/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Hamano watched everyone leave and sighed. She hadn't eaten anything. Sitting by herself, all she did was watch everyone talking to one another while they were eating and as they left. She sighed again and stood up. "Maybe some rest will do me good." Hamano made her way back to her room. Her roommate, Black Widow, still wasn't there. Not wanting to keep her bed waiting, Hamano took off her fighting gear (still leaving the gauntlets on) and replaced them with a tank top and boxers. She laid down and tried to go to sleep. Try as she might, though, Hamano's restless body wouldn't allow her the sleep it needed. She lay in the dark, listening as her roommate came in, changed, and went to her bed. Widow was asleep within minutes. 'Lucky her,' Hamano thought. Giving up on sleep for a while, Hamano pushed the sheets off and slipped out of her bed. Not making a sound, she walked across the room and made it out of the door. Most of the students were in bed by now, so the hallways were mostly empty. She started wandering down a hallway, her bare feet making no noise. A short while later, Hamano found a door to the outside, which she happily opened, welcoming the relatively warm night air. Just past the door, though, there was another person. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to intrude-" she began. The blood that she saw dripping from the woman's fingers stopped her. "How did you...here, let me look at it." Hamano stepped forward and took the woman's hand without hesitation. As she looked it over, the woman said, "Thank you...my name's Teigra and my codename is Black Panther." Hamano waited to answer, still deciding if she wanted to. "I'm Hamano. My codename is White Tiger." She paused again, continuing her inspection. "You need to be a bit more careful with your nails, Panther. It shouldn't be hard to patch up, but you might want to get a move on with it." She stood up. "Wait a second, White Tiger?" asked Teigra. "Yes." "You're the leader of my squad." "I...I am? Hmm...there [I]was[/I] another paper there...guess I should have looked at it..." As she continued musing to herself, Hamano subconsciously entered the temple again and set off in the hallways. OOC:Sorry, Reiku and XYZ, if I didn't get your characters right. ^.^;;; EDIT: Fixed. Sorry! [/FONT][/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Hamano was completely lost. Every hallway looked exactly the same. "I swear, I must be going around in circles..." She saw lots of people walking by, but she refused to ask them where she was supposed to be and how to get there. After wandering around for a while, she found a relatively small door. She put her ear to it and listened. She heard many people talking inside. "Hmm..." Hamano pushed the door open and looked inside. What she had found was the mess hall. People were sitting at tables, conversing to friends they had made. A woman saw Hamano's face and walked over to her. "Tiger? Hamano Kumiko? I've got your room number here and your roommate. I hope you find her welcoming." She then strode away with an easy pace. The woman called back, "Report back here by six!" "Six?" Hamano looked around for a clock. "Shit, what time is it?" She dashed off into the hallway again to find her room. "Let's see...room 216...and my roommate is Black Widow? She must be in a different squad than I am..." After getting lost a few times, she found the northwest wing, and the door with the numbers 216 on them. Hamano pushed the door open and stepped inside. She saw no one. "Hm...I wonder where my roommate is." She picked the bed that didn't have anything on it (what was she gonna bring, a brick?) and untied her sword from her waist. "I don't think I'll need this a the mess hall..." Hamano reached to her wrist, then stopped and said, "But I can't be too careful. Oh, crap, I'm gonna be late!" She stood up and ran out of the room and through the hallways, trying to remember her way back. After a few minutes, she burst into the mess hall, panting. Everyone got silent and stared over at her. Hamano looked at them all, cleared her throat, and made her way over to an empty table.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Hamano wandered through the dark halls. She heard the squabbles taking place behind her and a few around her. She kept her sword unsheathed, but she held it loosely in her right hand, just in case she met any problems. She turned a corner, looking at the walls instead of in front of her. Suddenly, a foot collided with her left cheek, sending her spinning backwards. She caught herself on the wall with her left hand, her sword held in frong ot her face. She could feel that her cheekbone might have fractured or broken completely. Nothing she could do about it. The semi-darkness of the hallway almost concealed her attacker completely from sight. Hamano stood straight up, her sword clasped in both hands and her eyes searching calmly through the darkness for any sign of movement. She heard a sound to her right and ducked, avoiding a punch aimed for her head. Raising the point of her sword up towards the ceiling, she jumped out of her crouch and impaled her attacker. The sword had only pierced the man's shoulder. Before she could pull it away, his fist met her injured cheek and sent her reeling away in pain. She fell to her knees, her head was ringing. The man, obviously older and more experienced than her, removed the sword from his shoulder and advanced on her. He was inches away from her, ready to strike again. Before he got the chance, Hamano released the blades in her gauntlets and sprung up, slashing any part of him she could reach. He fell to the floor, bloody and slashed to bits. She took her sword back and swung it through the air to clean off the blood. Hamano sheathed it as she wondered aloud, "Was I [I]supposed[/I] to kill him? I hope they don't throw me out..." She bowed her head in respect, then continued on her way down the hallway.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Immediately, a young woman leaped into action. She went to the entrance of one of the hallways. "Well, are you all just going to stand there like idiots?" She disappeared in the darkness of the hallway, her voice carrying down the large, empty hall, saying something that sounded like, "Is [I]everyone[/I] dumb nowadays?" The sound of a blade unsheathing was heard, then there was silence.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia][B]Real Name:[/B] Hamano Kumiko [B]Codename:[/B] (White) Tiger [B]Group:[/B] Grassland Mammal [B]Age: [/B] 19. She was the top in her junior training class and was bumped up to the Academy level. [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] Casual- Usually just a short-sleeved shirt and boxers, when she can get away with it. When she goes out to have fun, it's a short-sleeved shirt and jeans. Unless she's working, she's barefoot, no question. Field Gear- Hamano ties her long, brown hair in a braid around her head so the enemy can't use it to pull her back. She wears a black, long-sleeved shirt that comes up to the top of her neck. The material is very light, and is used for her ankle-length pants. On her wrists, she has black gauntlets. When she squeezes her fists hard enough, four blades come out of them. She wears black socks and black slippers, made to act as a second skin on her foot. [B]Weapons and Equipment:[/B] Her gauntlets, also knives hidden in her socks and a longsword on her belt. If the situation calls, she can also use a bow and arrow. [B]Personality:[/B] She likes being outside and prefers to be alone when she's not working. She's very intelligent and reads alot, mainly fantasy. Once someone gets to know her personally, she's a very kind person. She doesn't trust people right away, but once they gain her trust, they see a new, happier side of her. She loves her friends and (sometimes) partners selflessly. Every once in a while, she feels she has to prove that her age makes no difference as to skill, which sometimes leads her to reckless stunts. She's a practiced liar. She dislikes failure, being told what to do, being condescended to, dresses, and people interrupting her thoughts, reading, or writing. [B]Hobbies:[/B] Reading, writing, listening to the noises of the outdoors, and archery. [B]Bio: [/B] Her mother left after Hamano was born, leaving her with her drunk of a father. She avoided him as much as she could, but sometimes, when he got really drunk (most often on weekends or holidays), he'd corner her and beat her. One Christmas, at the age of ten, he tried to beat her, but she had gotten around him and run away. She didn't have any friends, so she ended up wandering the streets of the city until she was thirteen. Her father found her and forced her home, where he began to beat her for leaving. Using the skills that she had aquired from three years of living on the street, she managed to get him down to the floor and she proceeded to sever his spine at the neck. She almost got away again, but the police came. She accidentally killed one of them and ran. When she stopped to rest in an alley, she found her training contract and immediately set off to the Temple.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]Go you! Not swearing kicks a**! XD I have actually noticed this and wondered. I mean, you only get to live life once. What's the point of living it if all you do when you're alive is eat like a rabbit? That's not how life works. You're supposed to do stuff the way [I]you[/I] want to, not how society wants you to. Anywho, back on subject. It does seem very likely that it all is a scam by the big wigs to keep us eating crap because it's "good for us" only because most people won't look a gift horse in the mouth. They see or hear the words "healthy" and "helps you lose weight", no one will think twice about buying it. Which leads back to the vanity of this country, but I'll spare you that rant. I'm not interested in joining your organization though. I'm more of a Pepsi girl. XD[/FONT][/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]Otaku America, this is just a friendly debate topic. Though it may be controversial, we're only stating our opinions and explaining them, not encouraging every eleven year old on this site to go kill themselves. And not every eleven year old on the site is reading this anyway. No reason to get worked up.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]I would probably be in a romance/adventure/comedy anime. Here ya go! Name: Hamano Kumiko Age:15 or 16 Height: 5'3" Race: Neko (cat girl) Clothes: Usually just a t-shirt and jeans, but boxers are worn more often then not Hair: Mid-thigh length and dirty blonde Eyes: Deep brown Element: Earth Weapon: Kodachis and earth magic Personality: Most likely a support character. Trusts people a little to quickly, which usually leads to hostage situations involving her. She knows how to fight pretty well and is mostly self-sufficient, though she likes to be around a small amount of people. She's happy, outgoing, and humorous, but intelligent as well. People come to her for advice alot. But on the inside, she's self-doubting. She never talks about her pain, but only listens to others, making her a rather lonely character on the inside. She loves love, but never seems to get to have her way with it.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]In my opinion, while I find Teen Titans to be an amusing show, it's not an anime. The not-so-concrete definition of anime is "animation that comes from Japan", hence its other name, Japanime. But anywho, while it may use some elements from the Japanese mainstream animes, it wasn't made in Japan, leaving that requirement unfulfilled. Once again, very good show, just not an anime.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]The part of me that I'm most proud of is my Native American heritage. Way up in my family tree is Pocahontas. When we had to say something about our heritage in seventh grade, I was made fun of for the rest of the year when I said that because they thought I was lying. But what's funny is the fact that over a million people are related to her in some way, so many of the kids making fun of me could have very well been related to her as well. I'm also extremely distant Hungarian royalty, by marriage. My great-great-great etc. grandmother (I think) married into the Hungarian royal family on my mother's side, so that means my sister and I are very, very distant duchesses. I find it to be a very cool thing. ^.^ What's awesome about the Native American thing is that it takes up the bigger part of my heritage, which lets me keep a very decent tan all year round! XD My friends hate me for it.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  16. [QUOTE] Originally posted by [B]Retribution[/B] Why didn't you alert someone instead of praying? God doesn't step in and magically redirect bullets. A police officer will. Either that, or call his house, talk to his mother, tell her what he said. You should have taken some form of action. Not doing so was irresponsible of you.[/QUOTE] [SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]This person was one that my sister had met online. We didn't know his phone number or where he lived, so I couldn't have done anything except pray or sit and stare at the IM.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]This one's probably in the bag for Asuka, but I'm not quitting on Lucy/Nyu after voting for them in every round! XD Like I said, if they do win, it'll be a huge come-from-behind victory, which I don't expect to happen. Looks like Asuka's the "Best Anime Girl".[/FONT][/SIZE]
  18. [size=3][font=Georgia]My first whack at a story. Here goes! "Well, guys? Are you ready?" Kerri asked, smiling and pulling her mid-back length, black hair from under her guitar strap. "Neoma?" She turned her head and looked behind the drums to a blonde, short-haired girl who returned her smile and gave her a thumbs up. "Serena?" She looked to her right and met the gentle, green gaze of the bass guitarist, who merely nodded. Kerri turned and faced her microphone. Before turning it on, she said, "This is it. Our debut." One more great smile played across her face as she flipped the switch on her microphone. The small red curtain in front of the trio lifted to whistles and cheers. Kerri held her guitar pick tightly in her fingers and struck a low chord. "One, two, ready, go!" she shouted. She and her bandmates erupted into song. The whole time they were playing, the only thing Kerri could think was, 'Sure, it's a bar, but it's a debut!' When the band was finished playing, they all bowed and the curtain fell, muffling the drunken cheers of the crowd. Kerri turned around, beaming. "That was perfect!" She ran over to Neoma and hugged her, although the hug was made rather awkward by Kerri's guitar stuck between them. "Let's start packing up," Serena said in her calm, level voice, holding her guitar and staring at the other two through her long, brown bangs. "Alright," replied Neoma. Together, they got the drums, amplifiers, and guitars out to their band truck which was actually Serena's brother's truck. While they were packing up, Kerri had gotten a bottle of water. Serena and Neoma were getting into the truck when Kerri finished the bottle and said, "I'll get rid of this before we go." She went into the alley behind the bar (the truck was parked behind the bar) and found the trash can. She threw the empty bottle in and turned around. As she began to walk away, she felt something wrap around her wrist. Kerri jerked around and saw a drunken man behind her. "You're real pretty, aren't you?" he said, pulling her so close, she could smell the alchohol on his breath. "Let me go!" she cried, trying to pull away from him. The man reached for and grabbed her other wrist and pulled her even closer to him. Suddenly, she felt a hand on her shoulder, then a cloth over her mouth and nose. She began to lose conscience and fell limp onto the man in front of her. Kerri heard drunken laughter, then cries of pain and a deep voice saying, "Hey, stay awake. Hey!" The young girl began regaining her senses. The smell of burning wood filled her nose. Slowly, she opened her eyes and found herself staring up at rotting wood. She shot up to a sitting postion and noticed that she was sitting on a very squishy couch. The fire to her right was the only means of light that she could see. The window on the wall in front of her showed dark skies-it was still nighttime. Kerri brought her knees up to her chin and she realized that someone had put a black, leather trench coat over her shoulders and buttoned it up. The large coat hung far off of her small frame. She stared into the fire. "Where am I? Where are my friends? I want to go home..." she whispered to herself. She buried her face in her knees. "Are you crying?" a man's voice said behind her. She gasped and whipped her head around. Kerri saw a man leaning on the back of the couch, smiling at her. "Hiya." "Ah!" Kerri fell off the couch and crawled backwards, away from the man until her back collided with one of the warm stone pillars that held up the fireplace mantle. "Go away! Leave me alone!" She was hiding her face in the trench coat. "Hey, I won't hurt you. What's wrong?" The man went around the couch and knelt in front of her. Kerri lifted her head a bit so she could see his face. In the firelight, Kerri saw the man's brilliantly red hair fall in front of his golden eyes. His face was a pale grey color. He smiled, revealing a glimpse of- "Fangs..." Kerri gasped, her voice quivering with fear. The man laughed a bit, then leaned in close to her. He said in a low voice, "You're very beautiful." His warm breath on her face gave her goosebumps. He then leaned in even closer to her and kissed her. Kerri made noises of surprised protest and tried to pull away, but her back was to the stones and she couldn't move away any further. "Albern!" another man's voice cried. Loud footsteps drew closer and the man called Albern was lifted by the collar of his black, leather jacket, pulled away from Kerri, and thrown over the couch headfirst onto a staircase that was about fifteen feet away from Kerri. The man that threw Albern shouted, "This woman is my guest and does not need your vile tongue in her mouth!" He turned to face Kerri and she couldn't help but stare at him. He was very handsome. His skin was the same shade as Albern's, but his complexion was very fair. The man's hair was long, the ends reaching his thighs, and he had no facial hair. His eyes were a deep blue, as though an entire ocean were contained in them. He wore black pants and a black tank top. He lowered his immensly tall and skinny frame to her eye level. "I'm sorry about my brother, miss. My name is Tariq. Your name is?" Kerri continued to stare for a moment, then snapped out of the trance and said, "Erri! I-I mean Ber-Kerri." She lowered her head and hoped that the close-by firelight concealed her reddening face. Tariq smiled, then stood up and said, "You're lucky that I got to you before those drunks ripped your shirt completely off." "Huh...?" Kerri looked down the trench coat and saw that over half of her shirt had been ripped open. She blushed even more. 'Did he see anything!?' She looked up at him with a desperate look, that thought rushing through her head. As though he had read her mind, Tariq said, "Don't worry. I covered you up with my coat before I saw anything. I wonder where idiots like them get chloroform though..." He turned around and walked into a room by the stairs. "Are you hungry?" he asked casually. '...I want to go home...' Kerri thought to herself. I'll post again tommorrow, I hope! [/font][/size][size=3][font=Georgia] Here's the update! Tariq poked his head out of the room and repeated, "Are you hungry?" Kerri shook her head mutely and hid her face behind her knees again. Tariq sighed, then left the room (which Kerri assumed to be the kitchen) and climbed halfway up the stairs. In hushed whispers, he spoke to Albern, who had been sitting on the stairs, watching the two. After a few minutes of their whispering, Tariq stood up and walked past Albern to the landing where he turned and looked up a second flight of stairs. "Connor! Lysander! Get down here!" he shouted. While the two that Tariq had called were coming down, Tariq dragged Albern down to the floor. Kerri lifted her head to see the first person coming down the stairs. He had short, brown hair and vibrant, bright green eyes. His skin was a very dark, tan shade. When he hit the landing, he had just finished pulling on a light brown, short sleeved shirt. His long legs were covered by dark brown pants and his socks muffled his footsteps only slightly. He looked down and saw Kerri. After gaping for a moment, he asked, "Who's she?" "She, Lysander," Tariq said, "is Kerri. She is my guest here." The large, broad-shouldered man practically jumped the flight of steps and clear over the couch. He landed right in front of Kerri. Lysander grabbed her hand, pushed the trench coat's long sleeve to her wrist and kissed her hand. "M'lady, Lysander Kenrick at your service." "Aren't we chivilrous today, Kenrick?" came a cold voice from the landing. Everyone turned around to face a man, rather shorter than the others by at least a half of a foot. He had long silver hair that hung down to his elbows. His eyes were an icy blue and he had a face that looked as though it had never smiled. He wore a light blue long sleeved shirt and pants under what looked to be a tough leather tunic. His black boots were made of the same material. "Kerri, this is Connor. Connor, my guest, Kerri," Tariq motioned towards the girl. Connor studied Kerri for a few minutes, then said, "What's the point of having a woman here? She's just a human." "She was about to be raped, Connor! I couldn't just leave her there!" "Just a...human?" Kerri asked, perplexed. "What do you mean? And why do you-" she pointed to Albern "-have fangs?" Tariq paused for a few seconds, then started, "Well, Kerri...we're-" "Tariq and Albern are vampires, Lysander is a warrior mage and I am a wolf demon," Connor said shortly. He began to move towards the flight of stairs that lead to the second floor. "If that's all, I'll be going back upstairs now." Without another word, he climbed the stairs and hastened away. I promise, the next installments will be better. I did this one while I had alot on my mind, so it's not too good. ^.^;; [size=1][font=Verdana][color=Red]Please do not double post. Simply edit your original post to include the new message. -- Lady Asphyxia.[/color][/font][/size] [/font][/size]
  19. [QUOTE]Originally posted by [B]Hells Angel[/B] They think that punks is people that does nothing but wrong, is people that dresses up all in black and wears weird makeup, and does drugs. That what my point is, I was just trying to tell those people that punk isnt about what all those stero types out there make it out to be.[/QUOTE] [SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]Was anyone on the boards saying that you were "some punk kid" or something? Most people on this site don't do that kind of thing, and if they do, it's pointless to give them any thought whatsoever. Most people here don't steriotype people. That's why I was saying that I thought this thread was pointless. Once again, I don't think you're a bad person at all. You've done nothing to make me think that.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]Woah, I didn't realize one person could contradict themselves so many times in one paragraph. I usually try to avoid labels, labeling other people, etc., like you said. But the whole reason you made this thread was to say what "punks" really were, right? If you don't agree with labeling, what's the point in calling anyone a punk, prep, goth, etc.? Not that I'm bashing you as a person. I just don't understand what you planned to make known with this thread, that's all. It seems pointless to me.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]Exactly, James. Bravo. There are people here who've been saying that if someone wants to commit suicide, to let them. If it's your friend or your family member, would you still feel the same way? On another note, my sister got a random IM from a person a few days ago from a teenage boy. In the IM, he said that he was sending it to say goodbye. That in ten minutes, he would kill his parents, his grandmother, then himself. But he never gave a reason. Scared as hell, I went and prayed for him. It only scared me because someone was actually [I]telling[/I] me that they were going to kill other people, then themself. After I prayed for ten minutes, I went and talked to my sister, who told me that he didn't do it. I was relieved. Until I talked to a friend who got the same IM that night. She said that he had said the exact same thing a few months ago, then didn't do it. Which leads me to believe that he only said it for attention. People like this are the people that stem the idea that suicide is mostly selfish, which I reed into time to time when I hear stories like this. But what I know is that alot of people aren't like that boy, but are depressed or are "missing something". That still doesn't justify suicide, which makes them almost as bad as the said boy.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]Wow...I don't think I've ever read anything more disguisting than that article. Boys-anyone, actually-shouldn't be punished for who they love and what they do with that person. Unfortunately, while there are quite a few...choice words I would like to say, saying them won't do any good. Their government thinks it's right to kill those who are different, and speaking against them won't have any effect, because it would be a government against me. So, while I do believe this is a vile, disgusting reason to end human life, there's nothing I can do.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]I personally watch anime for a few different reasons. 1. Because they're pretty much cartoons on crack (w00t for crack XD), 2. Because I get so attached to the characters sometimes. It's like I've got a huuuuuuge family. ^.^ 3. Because it's an adventure out of my ordinary life, like books. Mind you, when I'm not watching anime, I'm most likely reading, writing, or drawing. 4. Because it holds my attention better than most things. There's my two cents. *clink* *clink* XD[/FONT][/SIZE]
  24. kenshinsbabe


    [SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]I watched this movie for the first time when I was alone with my friend in her aunt's house. The only thing I could think of while this movie was playing was, "This man is the best criminal I've ever heard of..." I just hope people don't get any ideas. That would be uber scary. But not many people would be able to do what he did. I mean, to be that great of a criminal, you'd definately have to be a genius in all respects. Not just anybody can pull that kind of thing off. Very well made. 10/10 in my book.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]Minako's got my vote for this one. I could never decide who I liked better: Sailor Venus or Sailor Jupiter. But anywho, She is close to, if not the best of the Sailor Senshi. She's cute and saves the world. What more could someone want out of a girl? XD[/FONT][/SIZE]
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