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Everything posted by wolfwood82186

  1. ok another this is about somolia too _____________________________ "are the humvees coming" "they should be here soon" "im wounded where are they" "they should be here soon" "i can't hold on much longer" "they are coming" "my vision is going" "they are coming" "tell my family i love them" "hold on" "i can't i must go" where were the humvees, it doesn't matter they were too late.
  2. this one is about life _______________________ the darkness of night falls on the city the shadow comes out into the blackness the only light for this city in the stars as i walk down the street i start to think these thoughts are of emotional scars into the darkness i walk with open arms the shadow consumes me and i am overcome with grief all these thoughts i was pondering have come true no to my liking i bind into the shadow and there for it is what i become one of many my life of this earth has just begun.
  3. ok this one is also about somolia ____________________________ a man tall and skinny, shoots soldiers in the street below. every time he shoots his gun, death does he bestow. I creap up the stairs of the building he's in, all i have in a knife in my hand. I will confront him and his life will i demand. I reach the roof and see him shooting, i step quietly, no sound do i make. from behind his life will i take. I reach his position, behind him i creep. I ready my knife to cut below his cheek. as fast as lightning i reach around front, my knife as his througt, his adams apple did i cut. blade against flesh flesh aginst blood. in to my hands his life did i take. i would not trade his for mine his blood on my hands he won't see victory he won't hear any bands i have claimed his life It is mine i keep. for another night, do i sleep.
  4. this next poem is about the USA's opperation in somolia. ________________________ Let no man behind is what they said to me, but i am stuck here, trapped by my misery. you see my life do i hold dear, but nothing do i fear. my gun is a sniper rifle, with there life i will trifle. i raise my gun, look down the scope, i see his head, and begin to hope. this shot has to be perfect, or else i will fail, you see I have ten shots to my avail. I line uo and take the shot, i see him drop right on the spot. i see a friendly jeep comming too me, another day is what i will see, i come out of my spot ready to get in, but i fell a bullet peirce my skin. Right in the chest not a good place to be. my vision is going dark i cannot see, i fall to the ground tring to hold on to my life that i have lived for so long. Deaths angel is satanding over me, oh, no its one of the other army. he puts his gun up to my head, he pulls the trigger and now i'm dead. my chalk finds me dead in my spot, leave no man behind is what they were taught.
  5. HI umm i love to write poems soo i am going to post my poetry here ok. ok well here is the first one: _____________________ It's dark here, I can't see anything. It rains hevily, But it doesn't feel like water. A small light in the sky, Is it for me? I see now it wasn't raining water, But blood of fallen angels. I begin to slip, Into a daze my mind goes. I head twards the light, As my feet rise off the ground. The light consumes me, But I still don't feel right. Just as that feeling goes away, I am back where I started.
  6. of corse there is trigun manga. and it is the best. :D well in my opinion that is.
  7. hi every one :D i am new here
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