Okay, for me I would want to see Vexx made into an Anime show...though, you would need to make more people and strech the game out a bit ^_^ And I think that Rurouni Kenshin needs to be a game!
Hey! I forgot to say mine! My favorite is Vash, and Milly! When i was WAY WAY WAY younger....I do NOT watch this anymore! It was Serena/Sailor Moon, from Sailor Moon...I repeat, I do NOT watch that anymore...Thank you.
Okay...well, almost all shows have people who mess up all the time, trip, fall, or just be, well...let's just say air headed.You know what I'm talking about:p So who's your fav?
uum...yeah...I guess you wouldn't like guys if you are a guy...unless...you know...you're gay, or something.... How do you get the things under you name? Like the pic of Shippo under his name?
Lots of people like anime (just like me) but why do you like it? For the fighting, or just the great stories, or heck, mabey for the cute guys *wink wink* I want to know why you like anime!