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About teptep

  • Birthday 06/28/1980

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    it has something to do with...hey why the hell would I tell you?

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  1. well it would be disapointing to not have someone in the game from the show, truthfully I hope this is so, as for helba's life and sp maybe that is good but maybe her stats are bad, maybe one hit could take off a good chunk of her life.
  2. Is it just me or are the dvd's extremely expencive for one episode it would be nice to buy the set but untill they go down I won't be purchesing them anytime.
  3. teptep


    I do think the name does mean to govern atleast I think thats what I heard, the character governs himself in the game becoming indapended does this make scence?
  4. man what a sad touching ending, sora dies or is traped by skieth, nothing more then a 4rth grader, he didn't deserve it. and tsukasa was free, all I can say is I loved the music they added to it.
  5. hey all of your *snicker* this is how the last episode of .hack is gonna look!
  6. as you know now sora was beaten by crim, however take this into concideration, as you level up the classes level up diffrently, sora is a twin blader crim, is a long arm, crim could have easy had a slight advantage over sora, there is also that golden grunty thing.
  7. yeah I thought it was awesome espcialy when BT protected subaru and tsukasa from the tentacles I mean wow she held that thing off. way to go BT as for the warped aura maybe when she is talking about warped it means she is changing, I am not sure she is becoming the dark aura, as you could tell she looks like she was being eaten up from the feet, it is more likely in my opinion that she would have been deleated.
  8. thanks [size=1][b][color=darkblue]Please be fully aware that one word posts are against the rules. Please put more thought into your posts, or don't bother posting them at all.[/b][/size][/color]
  9. wow I found this one more informative, so aura wakes when he can log out, who here thinks that all it took for him to log out was to bleave he could, or that when his gaurdian was destroyed it broke the link to not being able to log out?
  10. I wish they would make a book based on the Epitaph of twilight book.
  11. yes interesting, but didn't cubia come from skeith? how would helba know what it's name was if this creature didn't at some point in time exsist, and if thats the case when did it exsist besides during at the end of infection and mutation. maybe we will find out more in the next game?
  12. I have seen all the .hack//dusk series as well, as child like as it is it isn't all that bad.
  13. um yes to the above pose, aura is the key to the twilight or is she? well she is part of it anyhow, and remember that the twilight is the space which is not registered online kinda like hidden amongst all the data, helba can move between this space. so if this space is the twilight then the key is the bracelet which was given to you by aura it uses a function called gate hacking which alows you to move into spaces that you normaly can't so all in all my opinion is that aura and the bracelet are both keys to the twilight.
  14. I think she speaks on the last episode of .hack//sign
  15. A:because hmmms she feels that she wants to, because she feels sorry for what happening to him, or something. hit me if I am wrong :P Q A girl asks tsukasa to watch her grundy while she is gone, what does she look like or what is her class, heavyblade twin blade ect....?
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