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About Carr

  • Birthday 11/02/1985

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  • Biography
    The Rouge Orange Rangers are off on a new adventure in Minnesota!
  • Occupation
    UDS worker by day, Rouge Orange Ranger by ... the rest of the day.

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  1. Carr

    The Horde

    [FONT=Palatino Linotype] [SIZE=2] [COLOR=INDIGO] I really like the color scheme you've got going. The orange is, aside from the best color EVER, very good with the black. the shape of the "horde" is good as it draws the viewer directly to the middle of the page. Very nice effect. However, I also think that the swords are out of place. Cartoonish, yes, but they also ruin the horde's effect on the page. They are the focal point, but they aren't well done and they don't really make sense. I think the poster would be better off if you simply took them out and left the space blank. Then the words in the black would become the focal point. This would emphasize your point and probably be more the look you were going for.[/FONT][/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  2. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=indigo] Very nice. It reminds me of something postmodern. Probably because I'm working on a project themed around Postmodernism, but nonetheless. Oh, this also makes me feel the need to say that the reason we see the words "style" and "sex" is because our mind recognizes the shapes, not the letters. You distorted the word "style," right? We probably see sex because being humans, when one sees the "s" shape and the "e" shape togeather that's the first thing that comes to mind. Dorkily- Carrie[/font][/size][/color]
  3. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=2][COLOR=Indigo] Laura!! (This is Carrie ^_^) Anyway, about the banners (the avatars are great!). Your white space is awesome! I love that you don't feel the need to fill it all. It gives an awesome effect. I think that the banners are a bit too centered though. The concept, type, and image are great, but the symetry throws it off a bit. On the Earl one, move him to the left, I think. As for the Pink Sock, maybe put the image far to the right and have all the text in a line? Just play a bit with them, not focusing so much on symetry. Cheers! Carrie[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=2][COLOR=Indigo] I like it a lot, especially the purple. About the typeface: maybe make it less of a display font, less ornate. It would get the point across very well if it were simpler. The white font at the bottom of the page is out of place also.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  5. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=2][COLOR=Indigo]I like your choice of color a lot, and the affect with the sword is stellar. It really takes the eye to the figure. The background does need work though. I like the line that his left arm (right to the viewer) creates. I'd do something with that line; emphasize or repeat it in the rest of the piece. As for color: nothing too bright, but I don't think that your choice of grey is working either. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrange] My name is Carrie, so when I was younger I just HAD to read the book and see the movie. It's an intriguing thought, the telekinesis. This little obsession, of course, lead to other King novels. I havn't read any in a while; I didn't read all to begin with. The subjects always made me think for a while after I finish the book. When I found my mind wandering, I would be thinking of the book and what it would be like if it were real. To me, this quaility makes the books really good and worthwhile to read.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  7. [COLOR=DarkOrange] [SIZE=1] [FONT=Trebuchet MS] I'm not all that excited about the actualy Prom part of prom. We have the big shin-dig at festival hall Sara was talking about. I am, however, excited about what I'm gonna wear. I have this whole plan with a shin length, black dress, pearls, and little gloves. I have no idea why I'm so excited about it, but I'm really looking forward to dressing up. Maybe because I never do. Or it could just be because I have the subconcious urge to be a normal teenager. (take that psych. class!) I probably won't have a date, and I'll end up people watching the whole time, but It'll be fun. My friends have also somehow gotten me to help plan a prom dance at my school. We go to Post-Prom, but never have a dance because the school is so small that we can't afford it. My friends want to ax the Dj and just play mixed CDs. Like I said, I really don't know why/how I'm the one planning this.[/font] [/size] [/color]
  8. [color=darkorange] [size=1] Currently I love the Survivor All Stars, but only because I'm home every thuresday babysitting my little brother. I never really got into the whole reality TV thing, but I think survivor and Queer Eye are great. The Bachlor and Blind Date and shows like that are just stupid if you ask me. My Big Fat ..Fiance is just cruel and Fear Factor is gross and disgusting. I did watch Factor when it came out, but quit after the grossness started, I just couldn't watch it. It makes me gag. Oh, and The Extreme Makeover show, and Extreme Makeover: Home Edition (I think that's the name. It's the one where they do the houses.) are real cool cuz they help people who really deserve and need it.[/size] [/color]
  9. [color=tomato] [size=1] My first job was at a green house when I was fifteen. $5.15/hour, 30 hours a week. ick. Never work at a greenhouse unless you like sweating, repotting greass, and picking the mold off Geraniums. Thats all I did the whole summer, besides make the other girl, who would read while watering, mad. It was icky. I am now "happily" employed at a pizza place where I make 6 bucks an hour. Its ok, better than the green house, but I could do better. It'll last me til' college anyway.[/size] [/color]
  10. [color=tomato] [size=1] No luck on the toothpick bit, but I did have to make a pasta bridge last year in physics class. Alas, I did not win, but the bridge was sprifferific. [url]http://www.lhsar.org/classes/science/physics/index.html[/url] Mine is the one at the top left, or I'm the one in the bright orange. I think you could probably do the same thing with tooth picks. The design impresses teachers It looks like you put a lot of work into it![/size] [/color]
  11. [color=tomato] [size=1] Scarily accurate. Actually, just recently, I've stopped "sugar coating people's faults." Innn-teresting. Thank You! *Goes off to ponder whether she believes this kind of thing*[/size] [/color]
  12. [color=tomato] [size=1] Have at it: November 2, 1985 -thankies![/size] [/color]
  13. [color=tomato] [size=1] My most harrowing moment of the holidays: Huh, just one? My cousin's baby momma came ova' fo' Chrismas dinna' (you get the picture). We had Christmas at our house, so of course we were obligated to have gifts for my cousin's son and baby momma. I was nominated to go find these gifts. On Christmas Day. Hell. On. Earth. Then I had to spend a Christmas dinner trying not to offend these people I didn't know. List of things not to say: marriage, illigitament, jail, ring, exc. Hell. On. Earth.[/size] [/color]
  14. [color=orange] [size=1] My name is Carrie. My friend started to call me care, but he spelled it Carr in his emails. There ya go. ~_-[/size] [/color]
  15. Carr

    Big Fish

    [color=tomato] [size=1] I just went to see Big Fish yesterday. (Yes, with Sara. Our countdown was very short.) I thought it was funny. I loved the colors, and the all around style of the movie, but it did dissapoint me a bit. It was over two hours long, but it really didn't need to be. Good long movies make you loose track of time; you don't notice that two hours have passed while you were watching. Big Fish was very drawn out and dragging in parts. It was an awesome story, and the concept, colors, and characters were outstanding, an all around good movie. but just kind of slow.[/size] [/color]
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