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Everything posted by Carr

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ReTarr [/i] [B]Santa brought me an electric guitar (mint green), and all the accesories! Yay! [/B][/QUOTE] [color=tomato] [size=1] A mint green guitar! Awesome! Now if only we could find a cantaloupe one ! ~_^ Christmas was good this year, not only did I get what I wanted, but I love giving presents. Just ask my friends! *cue evil laughter* Santa (or my family) brought- >Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack (So good!) >Pirates of the Caribbean DVD (twice, geez I didn't even ASK for this) >These AWESOME prints I found at a antique shop but couldn't afford, matted and everything. I wonder how Santa knew? >An awesome crocheted poncho. (My mom can do wonders with yarn and crochet needles!) >Snow boots (VERY nessicary in Wisconsin!) >These KILLER vases and matching candle holders from my best friend. >and of course my very own blow-up backpack! Yeah, this year was good.[/size] [/color]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Mac Attack [/i] [B]Perhaps, but the dentist (sorry, did I say doctor originally?) suggested that I was better off just letting it be. This is because many people undergo expensive treatments and operations to fix their jaw, only to find it ineffective. So, in the long run I'd be better off to deal with it and eventually it may go away on it's own. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=tomato] [size=1] That's what my original dentist said until my jaw started locking. Then she sent me to a specialist. The splint did stop the locking, so I wouldn't call that ineffective. Yours probably isn't as bad as mine was/is. I hope it feels better![/size] [/color]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Mac Attack [/i] [B] Anyway, like many others here shall have my wisdom teeth out. All three of them. I originally consulted the doctor about discomforts in my jaw (clicking etc). He concluded that the teeth weren't really the cause, yet they should be removed anyway to not trouble me in the future. This is next month. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=tomato] [size=1] Now, I'm not an expert, but your jaw clicking sounds like TMJ, which is what I have. That's what I have to wear a splint for. It's sometimes cause by an inpact to the head.(Mine was when I knocked my teeth out.) Heh, maybe your sister thowing you into a wall has something to do with it.[/size] [/color]
  4. [color=tomato] [size=1] Ug, mouth experiences, where do I start. When I was two I fell off a swing and bumped my two front teeth up into my gums. I had to have a root canal on one of the baby teeth. (For the life of me, I have no idea why they didn't just pull the teeth out, but...) I had braces/head gear/ retainers/ rubberbands from third grade until eighth grade. I had a double overbite (my teeth on either side of the front ones where behind the lower teeth.) and my bite was off by more than one tooth. Meanwhile, when I was in seventh grade I knocked out my two front teeth yet again. The only thing that saved them was the braces. I had to have yet another root canal. God, I hate those. Last year my jaw started to lock and I had to have a splint, wear it to school and everything. That was a party. Yup, that's about the size of it. Now, I HATE haveing anything stuck in my mouth. I am 18, and I don't have my wisdom teeth yet. I do so dread that experience. I have absolutely no room in my mouth for wisdom teeth, so there're going to have to grow on the roof of my mouth or under my other teeth or something. Talk about pain. >
  5. [color=tomato] [size=1] I have many various nicknames that people call my every-once-and-a-while: Care Bear Carr (obviously. It was pronounced "care" originally, but whatever.) Comrade Carriemunkie (usually just Carriemunkie) Key And the obscure: Ocean Brezze (pronounced "breeze") Blue Eyes Curly Carrot Key-the-Bee Carrie Eliza-Beth Carrie Elizabeth ...probably a ton I'm forgetting.[/size] [/color]
  6. [color=tomato] [size=1] Let's see, Christmas list: 1) A giant stuffed Care Bear. 2) The Pirate's of the Carribbean Soundtrack. Such good music. 3) To get into University of Minnisota: Twin Cities. Yup, that about covers it![/size] [/color]
  7. [color=tomato] [size=1] I got a class ring for my birthday my junior year. It has a purple(school colors) stone cut in a starburst with Racine Lutheran around the stone. It has a pretty swirly pattern around the outside with 2004 printed over it. I didn't want the mascot, which is kind of stupid (a crusader. Horrible idea. The name is too long and at sports compititions and such we have to yell "Go Saders!" which is entirely horrible; I mean what the heck IS a sader anyway.) and I am not dedicated enough to any activity I am in to get it printed on my ring. I have my name engraved into the inside too. I think that I wear my ring more, because it doesn't really look like a class ring. I don't like highschool that much, but it remides me of the good times in a cheesy teen movie kind of way. That, and it's darn pretty! [/size] [/color]
  8. [color=tomato] [size=1] Wow, yeah this did get a little competitive! I don't work out quite as much as some, I guess, but I'm proud of what I do. Durring the summer, I ride my bike at least an hour at a time (about ten miles) at least five times a week. In the winter, I go to the gym and either run or do an eliptical-type-thing for an hour (that's a solid 600+ calories) five times a week. Also, I do four to five hundred crunches a day and at least 100 push-ups. (Yes, I admit, the girl-kind) I could look better though, I don't have the best eating habits. This is all pretty good in my book considering how busy I am and my bad ankles and hips.[/size] [/color]
  9. [size=1] [color=tomato] It would have to be Dido, for me. I love her voice and the music always seems to calm me. I usually have one of her CDs in when I am painting. I even went as far as learning to play some of her songs on my guitar. [/color] [/size]
  10. [color=tomato] [size=1] Yes, I did mean of their own free will. There is a parable about someone wanting to talk to his relatives, but if it was forbidden, doesn't that mean it doesn't happen? I'm pretty sure God does not change the rules from person to person. Also, I would like to point out that I am a girl.[/size] [/color]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by immortALdeath [/i] [B] Carr, if you believe in god, then im going to make an assumption that you also believe the bible, frequently ghosts/spirits are mentioned, you can't just ignore the those parts in the bible just because they don't make sense.[/B][/QUOTE] [size=1] [color=tomato] Yes, the Bible does mention ghosts and spirits. However, not in the sense we are talking about now. I am not an expert, but I cannot believe that there are dead people walking among us. When we die we go to either heaven or hell, end of story. Also, the Spirit of [b] God[/b] can be with you, but that is an entirely different matter. So please, if you have a passage from the Bible that makes refference to people leaving heaven (or hell) to talk to us, or people having psychic abilitys (that are not possessed), please enlighten me.[/color] [/size]
  12. [color=tomato] [size=1] ^_^ Fire hazards and locker signs. Fun stuff. We do have a lot of rules at are school, but ,as Sara said, no one follows them. However, I think they have tried to make it stricter. We had a nice long talk at the end of last year and the begining of this year about dress code. The truancy rules are pretty strict as well. Also, one of my friends made the Dean of Student real mad last year by hanging up signs on Anarchy, so now there are srictly no signs allowed. They are forms of individuality and a locker is not the place to express this. Other than that, the rules are pretty lax, but I supose that is because it is a small private school: we really don't have to worry about too many fights, theft or such. I can see why the rules would be tighter for a larger school.[/size] [/color]
  13. [size=1] [color=tomato] I hate to say it, but I think that all that esp/aura stuff is a load of crap. I totally agree with Crimson. There has to be a scientific explination for what people see as the supernatural. Don't get me wrong, I believe there is a form of higher life out there.(God) However, there is not ghost, spirits, aura, or a "sixth sence." Most of these things have a logical explination. I could go into a long-winded explination, but Crimson's got it pretty well covered. You do not have ESP. I too, can " feel" when someone is there, but it is not ESP. It is simply my brain processing my surroundings and past experiences.[/color] [/size]
  14. [size=1] [color=tomato] Why would we laugh? Believe you me, I've written some aweful poetry in my day and yours, sir, does not qualify! I'm a little confuzzled though. What is the rythem you are going for? Does it read like this: I want tho tell you what I'm thinking But I don't know how to start I want to tell you, but now I'm afraid that you might break my heart and never want to see me again.... anyway, Like I said, It's not bad. You should finish it![/color] [/size]
  15. *cough cough* New Poem! [color=tomato] [size=1] Feeling so much yet not at all. Holding all up, I cannot fall. My world shivers with every breath. Doubt of my mind quelling the jest. Quivering as my knees buckle, bending with pressure: a chuckle. The weight on my shoulders like lead, my path changes deeper my tred. Beauty and talent me may fail. People I loved left in my trail. I cannot to anything cling. Knowledge I thought does not true ring.[/size] [/color]
  16. [color=tomato] [size=1] I just turned 18, and about two days later I went and got two more holes in each ear. I want to get my cartiledge and my nose done eventually, but I think I will wait until college, well for the nose at least. I like piercings a lot although a friend in college recently called them "high school pish posh" which made me fell more than a little stupid. I think they look awesome and would get more, but I really don't want to pierce anything that isn't cartiledge. (a.k.a. eyebrows. lip exc. I think that the lip on the side is uberspiff too.) It's that whole pain issue.[/size] [/color]
  17. I could listen to 12:51 over and over forever. I absolutely love that song. I would get the CD but, 1-- I never have time to listen to music except in the car and I have no CD player 2-- The whole CDs cost money issue. I saw the video on Fuse, I think. I was at my friend's house and not really paying attention to what we were watching. It's pretty awesome. I love the whole colorfulness thing.
  18. [color=tomato] [size=1] I remember that movie. I loved it so much, but I think I only saw it once or twice. We had a nifty little video renal place within walking distance of my house, but it closed a couple months after I discovered Rainbow Bright. I think I like the characters so much because they are color. I have always loved color, the concept of people being color thrills me. We didn't get cable until I was twelve, so I never watched the TV program, but the Movie was awesome. I remember a car that was blue and green, and the little color people, but not much else. I just remember loving it every time I watched it.[/size] [/color]
  19. Here's another one, just cuz I like it! [color=red] [size=1] Red bush out side my window reminder of red fall. The stripes on my sweatshirt and the blanket on my wall! A bright orange banana, my annoying alarm clock. Poetry of the Pied Piper and the French Gusapo's rock! Special green ice cream jokes funny and obscure, a hopeless homcoming and comic books for sure! Black and burnt turnups. growing from my back: awesome sights within my dreams. If only they'd stay on track![/size] [/color] It has some inside jokes in in, sorry. I still think it is funny/happy. My first "happy poem"!
  20. [color=tomato] [size=1] *does happy dance of 18* I turn 18 on November 2, and I really don't see much of a change coming with it. Yeah it's spiff that I can stay out until midnight, but the membership fees fot the YMCA triple. I can finaly pierce my ears/nose too, but I don't get to move out yet. I have so many responsibilities right now that I don't think 18 will affect everything all that much.[/size] [/color]
  21. [size=1] [color=darkblue] Yeah, It did not surprise me at all when the Yankees won. I've been following both the Cubs and Red Sox series this year and I distinctly remember thinking. "This is way too good to be true, I bet both of them lose." So I'm a pessimist, what? I really don't follow baseball all that much, but I listen at night when I am doing my homework. It's surprising how relaxing it is to listen to baseball. (And no, it is not because it is boring.) I live just north of Milwaukee, so GO Brewers! Yes I know they suck, but that is some of the charm![/color] [/size]
  22. [size=1] Coolies, Quicksilverus. Thanks for the compliement, but I've been thinking about the poem and I really don't think the two last lines fit. What do y'all think about these insted?[/size] [color=blue] Honeybees and disappointments seem to go hand in hand,[/color] [color=tomato] but when you see these furry fliers, try not to let your woe expand. [/color]
  23. [color=orange] I know I am Czeck(yay!, do not ask) and German and Swedish. Probably a little Irish and some other Scandinavianish in there somewheres too. I am white and blonde and my family has been in this country sence ....pretty much the beginning, or pre-civil warish. Meh, sometime in there.... (My grandpa is always talking about something in georgia before the civil war or sommat) so, whatever.[/color]
  24. [color=purple]I'm quite partial to plums myself, but Mangos are always good. Mmmm, Peaches. My cousin and I sat out on her porch(she lives on a farm)one time eating peaches listening to that song about peaches. You know: Movin' to the county, gonna' eat me a lot a peaches. Movin' to the country gonna' eat me a lot a peaches.... It was great fun.^_^;; [/color]
  25. Huh, Michigan...Sounds like fun but alas Lake Michigan is in the way and I am sure as hell not going to drive around it to meet you all...^_^
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