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Everything posted by Carr
[color=tomato] Achievement, huh? Well everyone tells me I have so much to be proud of, but I can't think of too many things specifically. -My grades have always been decent: top 25% and I got a decent ACT score. -um there's always NHS and JETS but I really don't contribute too much to either of those.. -I'm pretty proud of my painting skills. -I think keeping sane with my crazy schedule and family and keeping my paranoia in check are major achievements too. Like I said, nothing life-changing. I will do something great in my life though![/color]
I write the best when I cannot get what I am feeling out of my mouth. Writing collects my thoughts and puts everything into perspective for me.
[color=orange]Ack!!*falls over* Alright, I'm O.K. now. I watched that show once when I was little and found it just wierd. It kind of creeped me out. Then when I was babysitting, I was forced to at least hear it, and still found it slightly disturbing. I never really payed enough attention to realize that the songs were parodies. I bet if I saw it now Iwould get it. I really wasn't a very insightful little kid, was I? ^_^[/color]
[color=tomato] [size=1] [i] Me[/i] bored? What,[i] where[/i]? First Name: Carrie Quick Description: Original. (Just me nothing fake about it!) Age: 17 Star Sign: Scorpio Ethnic Origin: Sweedish, German, [b] Czechoslovakian[/b] (Do [i] not[/i] get me started) Hair Color: Dirty Blond originaly. I've put highlights in it once, but now you can see the roots. Eye Color: Blue/Turquoise/Green/Yyellow (in that order) Height: 5'6ish Wardrobe: Pick anything: it's all in there somwhere, seriously. I tend to stick to "punk" but that is not what I call it. I'm just me and pretty much everything is thrown in there. Sara calls it pinkgoth fashion sence. Marital Status: Single.. Perfect Partner: Likes me for me, my personality that is. And, yes, I know that is cheesy but lately a lot of guys have been interested in the way I look and not the way I am. Personality: I fluxuate a lot. I can be really hyper, but get really depressed, fast. I think way too much and over-analyze [i] everything.[/i] I also have problems talking about my real feelings. I listen to everyone else's problems a lot, but never really talk about what bothers me. I worry that I think about myself way too much. I can be impulsive, and sometimes do not think before I say or do the first thing that comes into my head. Makes Me Happy: painting, true friends, art, music, driving, walking outside, being an idiot with my best friend, rain, the Lake Makes Me Sad: People getting hurt in any way, thinking Hair Style: short, Frodoish(we should start a club, ooo anyone interested?) blonde and curly Favorite Music Type: I listen to anything, but rock or true punk is my favorite. Favorite musical Bands/Artists: I don't really have one. Rage Against the Machine is always good, as is AFI and I like Metalica *cringes* Movies: The Princess Bride, Double Jeopardy, Pete's Dragon, The Color Purple, A League of Their Own, Gladiator, Pirate's of the Caribbean, Reign of Fire, and others I can't think of at the time. Cigarettes: Ick, badbadbad. Alcohol: meh, Fun but not really a big deal. Drugs: I am already messed up enough! Hobbies: Painting, Drawing, general Arting, writing poems in a desperate attempt to get my angst out, not sleeping, procrastination, trying to find time in my schedule to have a life. he he, as if anyone cares...[/size] [/color]
Letting political opinions affect relationships
Carr replied to wrist cutter's topic in General Discussion
[color=blue] [size=1] I agree with cloricus: You will always disagree with anyone on at least one point. If you always agreed with everything your partner said, the relationship would be boring. You do not start a relationship to become a carbon copy of your partner. As long as you agree on the major points, nothing life-altering or lifestyle-changing, disagreeing on issues can make things interesting, give you something to talk about. I do not see how you could let an opinion (unless bigotous) stand in the way of a relationship.[/size] [/color] -
[size=1] I like it. I really hits home. I like your end like a lot and I think dissapear fits real well with the theme. No offence Gentile, but I wouldn't worry [b] too [/b] much about the rhyming and the rhythm seems fine to me, Isus. You just need to read it out loud under your breath. That's how I write too. That is just my oppinion, though. I is [b] your [/b] poem. [color=green] time goes by and never ends just as the heart never seems to mend broken spirits and fairy tales eventually seem to disappear all alone a mocking bird chirps the moments of time calling for a friend to come in needed days of rhyme looking out the windowsil days slowly turn to years and time goes by on and on as the heart begins to heal [/color] [/size]
Hey0 all. Another poem by me, hope you like it! [color=indigo] [size=1] Bumblebees Embarrassments and bumblebees stinging hurting still, sitting high above the world, in the blowing bitter chill. A hornets nest in the wind will never survive a day in the blistering gusts of self-insult: one's conscience can be gray. Just as yellow jackets flying far to escape the change in season, incompetencies go the distance ambitions land without reason. These striped honey-hunters seek out the sweet in life, but however big the garden, good intent cannot relieve the strife. Honeybees and disappointments seem to go hand in hand, So whenever you see these furry flyers, try to see color in this land.[/size] [/color] I like this, but I suppose it has a lot more meaning to me than anyone reading it. I guess that is good though, because I write it for me, not anyone else. Anyway, What do you think? I really want to know. I'm just saying that it would be cool if you liked it, but I won't be crushed by insults. It will help get what I am really trying to say out.
I just though of another book I love: [b] The Girl with the Pearl Earring.[/b] It is an awesome book. I cannot really describe exactly why I like it so much. It is about a painter and I love to paint. The author(I can't remember the name at the moment) discribes paining wonderfully and the writing style is also good. It has a sort of meloncholy happy ending again. But it's not quite any of those reasons. I just love the book. ^_^
Grades, heh. I don't think I do too badly: I have a 3.6 (on a 4.0 scale)and I took the hardest classes I could, but my parents think I should be top of the top. Everytime I sit down to do scholorship stuff or fill out college applications, they ask why my grades weren't better, why my ACT score wasn't better, or why I can't raise my class rank. I don't want to worry about it because the grades I have will get me into the college I want to go to: UM Twin Cities. It just is real frusterating when your best isn't good enough.
I am a complete psycho sometimes and then other times I can be pretty sarcastic or depressed. My mood changes [i] a lot[/i]. I don't like to get really hyper, because I tend to do stupid shtuff when I'm hyper. I just have to control myself: there is a fine line inbetween good-psychoness and obnoxious-hyperness. I can get really silly with my friend Jen. We have this thing whrere we do as many inside-jokes as we can in a row. It really freaks the people around us out. Sometimes we act like total idiots, and see how many weird looks we can get. "That's a Nickel!" *for every look we get* ^_^ Dances are fun places to goof off. I found that out last weekend: the first dance I actually enjoyed. I don't know about dirty dancing just yet, but maybe when I am more comfortable.
*shudders at Vogelesque pun* It's funny Sara, and Cute. Math- Beavers, How? When I'm bored in Calc, I write out song lyrics on my calculator... *shudders at Barney* :therock:
[b] The Red Tent[/b] [i] always[/i] makes me cry. It's about Denah, from the Bible, but it is a novel. The first time I read it I cried. I never cry at books, ever. It is full of tragedy, but it comes out good in the end, in a sort of melencholy way. I love that it has a happy ending, but it still seems sad. :therock:
I was dreading my homecoming this year, but it was my senior year and I figured I should go. So I got the dress and the nail appointments and the rhinestone jewelry and such and so on. I was planning to go alone, or with a group of friends, but my friend, Jon, set me up with one of his friends. I ended up having a really good time. I have always hated dances: the self-conscientiousness and all around awkwardness, but I just didn't worry about it this year, and I actually didn't feel like crying when I got home! :therock:
Sara, I went to Camera Masters. We should cut a whole in the plastic where the coat room used to be and take your senior pics in there. That would be so you! I didn't really worry that much about mine. I mean, I got my hair trimed like a week before and I picked out the outfits the night before....not really a big deal. :therock:
I like the idea. It makes me think. *blinks and thinks for a while* :therock:
[color=blue] however neglected ingnored, [color=red] left in the debree,[/color] they will sit waiting[/color] [color=blue]a reminder of what would be[/color] What do you think? I like it! thanks for the suggestions, and just to keep the thread going: [b] Does anyone else have any unfinished poems that we can helf with?[/b] :therock:
I took my senior pics a couple weeks ago. I really hope they turned out ok. The guy was kind of wierd, but I suppose that is good, because I couldn't stop laughing at him. >_< Anyways they took almost an hour (heh, It felt a whooole lot longer though) and He took a lot of pics in really funny poses....hey, whatever works right? oh, and Sara, I don't think the coatroom exists anymore... :therock:
I have no Idea. I was really expecting a ticket. I usually do not drive like that at all. I was really frazzled, and yeah, I know that's not an excuse....
I have a TI-83, and would really like to put games on it, because like you said: boredom relief is GOOD. I am not really sure how to though. My dad said something about a cable hooking up to the computer and hafting to download something. *shugs* Anywhoo, tips would be spiff! :therock:
I know girls can play, but it's a little late to start now:aka i'm 17 an have waaay to much going on. I would've played when I was younger, but there is the over protevtive parent + violence issue. Anywhoo, I would like to also add that my highschool team just won their homecoming ame, woot. They really rock this year. :therock:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Angelus_Necare [/i] [B] I also make up new words all the time because I think faster than I speak. [/B][/QUOTE] That is so true, I do that all the time! It's so funny though because people(or my friends at least) can usualy tell what I mean. oh, and Sara, wouldn't [i] muy spiffendo[/i] mean very spiffing? Sence [i] endo[/i] is like [i] ing[/i] in Spanish......except it really is [i] iendo[/i], so ......um nevermind.....:smirk: :therock:
Thank you, Jesus, my Lord and savior! I was truly worried!
I have tried so many times to have a pen pal. We had to have one in grade school, heh so It's not like that went anywhere. I one in 6th and had another in 8th grade, and they all stopped writing to me. My latest was a guy I met in Minneapolis(sp*cringe*) on a college visit, but just resently he stopped writing too. That makes me real sad, because he was really cool. I can't figure out why people stop writing to me, I am probaby a horrible letter writer of sommat. :therock:
I love to cook. Epsecialy decorating cakes(does that count?). Sometimes I even get paid for it! My favorite food is plums and those little orange pumkins you can buy around Halloween. mmmmm, pumkins :therock: