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Everything posted by Carr
ok. I have a question: When you get pulled over for speeding and the officer lets you off, they give you the ticket, right? I was speeding really nasty and I think I cut someone off AND I forgot my lisense *doublecringe* and the police officer just let me go....I don't know if I am being paranoid or what, but they can't just send a ticket in the mail, right? paranoidly, cArr :therock:
[color=tomato] Spirit week is just a fun, excuse to dress up like an idiot and run around like you are nuts....um, not that that's any different from the norm....: ) Anywhoo, I have friends that get real excited about it and that's fun, but I have friends who don't even try *ahemsaraahem* to participate. To each his own, right. Another great thing about spirit week is the funny looks you get from people when you are going to or from school. today was crazy hair day and I had pipe cleaners sticking out of my head at all angles, and as I was driving to school, people in the other cars were laughing and doing double takes all down the road. It was so funny.[/color]
No life, no gain No love, no pain Within the tame, there is no change, and people's pain hath not acclaim. No hurt, none insane No sun, no rain If from the world I obstain it still cannot change: Without bane, It's all the same: No life, no gain No love, no pain Within the plain, there is no change. -me ___________ *tilts head* I like this.
I "get it." It is how I feel a lot of the time. I pretend to be happy or excited, or I do things because other people want to. In the process I lose track of what I a really want to do. I will do just about anything to avoid a conflict. In being such a damn "people pleaser" I have kind of lost track of where I want to be. Now it is time for me to go away to college, to start on my own, and I have no idea what to do. I have been living for others for so long, I do not know what I want to do for a career, for the rest of my life. I feel like I have to keep a happy face, not make a conflict all the time. It really is a facade. I like the poem [i] [b] A LOT[/b] [/i] :therock:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][size=1]Perfectly so. ^_~ I do that sometimes, so do a couple of my friends. [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] "stop with the monkeyness, monkey on over here!" um....yeah I have this such stuff almost down to an art I like to call Carriespeak. I use "such" a lot and tend to put "ness" on the back of just about anything or just use it alone. "This is a bunch on ness going on right now." "Yay and such." I also use a lot of weird noises...I can't really type them...when I am just doing stuff. yaaadck(frustration) and so on Oh, and oiy, is the general expression for everything: hello, what, disgust.... I don't know there is a lot of other things I know I am missing, but most of it is really spur o' the moment and such. :therock:
I dunno, I was trying to keep with the whole flower/dreams theme. Tis a good suggestion though, thanks!
I love this poem I wrote, but I need to finish the third to last line, any ideas. I has to rhyme with be. [color=blue] fake flowers are like broken dreams future fancies frozen in time reminders of a better day of summers carefree rhymes just as artuficial shrubbery tries to brighten witner rooms winter dreams try to guide us though night's sullen tombs until the day comes broken and hopeful thoughts of this hour crash dead upon the rocks like a fallen ornate flower faux flowers bring cheer and color when viewed from far away but when one stops to smell the roses are not given time of day real flowers have their time alive fufilling a short while eventually they run their corse and endup on some rotten pile everlasting blooms stay fresh for forever and a day but are ultimately overlooked forgotten in the fray however neglected ingnored ---------------------------- they will sit waiting a reminder of what would be[/color] ghaa I hate leaving it blank, but nothing I put in there seems right. Other constuctive criticizm would be appreciated too. :therock: [b] Edit[/b] Wow, I cannot spell.
[color=green] I have played soccer sence I was a frosh in high school (i'm a senior now) and I love to play. I can't really say I'm good at it; maybe good for my experience level! I play pretty much any position, nut my favorite is defence or even sweeper. The coaches say I'm best at offensive mid...whatever. I have absolutally NO ball handling skills, so I don't get it. I have never actually slide tackled in a game. The refs tend to be a bit harsh on my school. heh. I have come across a few situation where I've wanted to though! My team really struggles. The school has had a team for 3 years( this year being the forth), and we've had *counts on fingers* 5 coaches. I think that may be one of the problems. heh. Last year's coaches were really awesome, but I think they got tired of us losing all the time. The head coach actually left to coach one of are biggest rivals. *coughbasterdcough* Thats alright though! The sport will live on![/color] :therock:
I was in a car accident once, nothing as bad as that though. I do hope you get better soon. Hip injurys hert nasty; mine wasn't even that bad and I was out an entire soccer season. It still hurts when I bend my legs for too long! So I feel your pain ! :) get better soon!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinmaru [/i] [B]Yeah, actually, I have seen Zorro. Didn't really raise my opinion of Mr. Banderas. Something about him just makes me dislike him. I just find him very annoying.[/B][/QUOTE] yeah, I know the feeling. Some people just have that effect...[size=1] [color=grey] *Hillary Duff*[/color] [/size] What, Huh, did I say something? anywhoo, ug, and Wow. I didn't mean to seem like a hyper person. Don't know what came over me. *beats back paranoia with a stick*
Well I'm gunna swim UPSTREAM and hate the icey hand! *evil cackle* kidding, kidding, It's really awesome! I like the lighting a lot! :therock:
I was thinking about Asphyxia's thread "Piles of Paper" and I realized I have a lot more "one liners" or titles I want to write off of. So, yeah that is the basis for this thread: Just good titles. ______________________________________________ [color=coral] From Bubbles to Briefcases[/color] (Like the test form bubbles--this is what got me started on this idea and I have EVERY intention of finishing it !0 [color=coral] Samurai Cat Visits Mount Olympus[/color] ( I know there is a whole series of Samurai Cat books, but the visual of Tomokato beating up the Greek gods....) [color=coral] Tommorrow is Today[/color] (I've herd that somewhere and I like it...I hope its not a book already; that would sure steal MY thunder.) :therock:
I really want to see this one. I thought the first two were hilarious. THOSE GUITAR CASES ROCK! anywhoo, Johnny Depp is a great actor (c'mon, he saved PotC and you KNOW it!) and I think It will be awesome! Oh, and I think Antonio Banderas rocks also. He's a good actor, too. Have you SEEN Zorro?
My friend thinks that just the way she looks is fake. With the "in goth/punk(or what ever it is)" in her videos. I dunno; I can't really comment on that. I've only seen one. I saw an episode or two (try a frickin' merathon, heh) when I was babysitting once, and She looked a lot older than everyone else. The show gave me the immpression that they were in lower middle school, and I thought she was 14-15ish at the time. Sorry about the spelling thing,(orc, ork whatever ! :) ) I am NOT a fanatic! ::therock::
I had a dream I had black turnups growing out of my back. I pulled them out and then there were giant holes. Spikes grew out of the holes and blood poared down my back, but it didn't hurt until I sat or leaned the spikes against something. I had that for like a week, It really kept me awake for a while. I'm still really not sure what it ment.
[color=tomato] UG. I don't know why, but for some reason I cannot STAND Hillary Duff. I can't explain it, kind of like my fascination with Orks. (LOTR) My friend Jen says that she is fake, but I'm not sure that's it. I just don't know! :) The show is cute eventhough she is NOT that young. heh.[/color]
[color=tomato] I like it; It sounds like a song. I can relate too! *.*[/color]
bright yellow feathers broken dreams again fly by sleepless nights wasted. hope is bright feathers floating on bright futures not alive today nights wasted worrying will tommorrow be better not living in now
I saw Pirates and thought it was real good! Johnny Depp made the movie good though. The script, with the exception of Sparrow, was just aweful. I don't want to have to block anything out so I won't go into detail, but if you pay attention to the dialouge durring the fight scene between Jack and Will, you will see what I mean! The movie was still really good. I saw it twice, and despite the script flaws, the plot was intriguing.I LOVED the music, Jack Sparrow was an AWESOME character, and the effects were great too. ::therock:
I really am not sure what I was doing with that. I wrote it in class bored and couldn't remember where I was going. heh. Now that I think about it, It would be interesting to have the person have some kind of mental disease...or a stalker.... I liked the one about the Antichrist, Mitch. heh. I would. :+) Sorry, but I can't find any more at the momment and I really don't feel like looking. heh. I'll put one on here when I clean my desk...I guess I should do that soon!
I like yours Phantom. *.* yay! impromtu poems! [color=tomato] [size=1] The day's end has come darkness has fallen. If only certain rest comes also. Is dark consceptions, what keep me from sleep? Or thoughts of rousing?[/size] [/color]
School rules, heh. I can understand some, like Shinji and Fate said. Here are a few at my school that are down right stupid. Let us start with dress code. I support the no-midriff rule, and I understand the two-inch-strap-on-the-tanktop rule. But we can't wear straps on our pants, [color=orange] (buh-buy, cool orange suspenders)[/color] wear wallet chains, have colorful hair [color=orange] (dangit no orange/red tipped hair either)[/color] have piercing other than the ears. [color=orange] (and I was going to get a nose ring),[/color]or shirts with bands and/or slogans. Also, our building is under construction, so they've made a new few rules. Us NHS members are no longer allowed to roam the hallways, or have our own homehoom. [color=orange] heh don't get me started on that![/color] Also we can't eat AT ALL out side of the cafeteria because,"We don't want to stain the new floors." [color=orange] um...we don't HAVE new floors...[/color] :therock:
[color=orange] [font=Shruti] I see the ironies that happen in my life as just more annoyingly stupid things I have to deal with. Most of the time I can just blow them off and not make a big deal of it. Just as long as you treat annoying little situations like that as funny, it won't bug you.[/font] [/color]