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Everything posted by Carr

  1. [quote] [i] Originally posted by James[/i] I'm amazed by the fascination that many Americans seem to have with stereotypes. I know that they exist around the world, but American teens seem to love pigeonholing other kids into very specific categories. It's as if this makes socialising more palatable in some weird way.[/quote] I think it is easier for people to stay within their stereotype. It's kind of like a comfort zone; not talking to anyone who doesn't fit into your group--talking [b] about[/b] them. Stereotypes suck. I really don't understand them, or fit into one. I have been called artsy, punk, prep(!), jock, hippy, or anything else in the book depending on what I am wearing that particular day. I HATE when people label me. I HATE even more when I find my self labeling others. It is the most horrible hypocritical feeling when I find my self being intimidated because someone is more popular or punk or artsy than I am. Even worse is when I realize I blew someone off because I thought they were a prep. I wear what I feel like; I listen to what I think is good. If you are going to label me, fine, but don't judge me for it. :therock:
  2. I hate commercial almost as much as you, Hells Fire. I really don't understand the point. I have NEVER been convinced by a comercial to go buy something.(except maybee a movie ticket) Sure, the things expose you to new products, but most are so annoying that they totally turn me off to buying what they are trying to sell. As for favs, I must say the one for the truck with the hemmie(sp) is pretty good. [i]--Where the guys pull us next to the truck with a trailer. "Does that thing have a hemmie?" "Yup"...[/i] you know the rest. :therock:
  3. I was addicted to GC's first CD and then their second durring soccer season last year, but now I only listen to them if I need a pickmeup. They're real good tho I love [color=red] "Bloody Valentine"[/color] :therock:
  4. o.0 we should start a katchup lovers federation! Potato chips are good on tuna sandwiches. Peanutbutter and carrots. peanut butter and icecream. peanut butter and cheese. m&ms and banana peanut butter and banana I have to have water with EVERYTHING SOURCROUT! alrite, the last two are a little off subject. sry! :therock:
  5. Thanks, I keep meaning to start another something with that line. A poem maybe.... I like the second one a lot; you should finish it, Asphyxia. I like Sara's too. It seems like it could go somewhere. ***** [font=Sylfaen] [size=1] The cup is paper and it has little brown coffee mugs on it. It sits on the corner of my desk. All I can do is star at it, wondering where it came from. I keep finding things. Things I canâ??t remember buying, or doing. I came home last night and my laundry was done. Not the most unusual phenomena, but last this morning I had no clean cloths except the ones on my back. I left my cubicle ten minutes ago to go to the bathroom and get a snack. I closed the door to the office area (I am working late, there is no one else here.) and locked it behind me. The cafeteria is two floors down, and the coffee machine is broken. There is no other way to get coffee in the building. Last Tuesday I woke up to a new alarm clock. I know my old one was on the nightstand when I fell asleep at two-o-clock last night.[/size] [/font] ***** I stopped working on this one, disgusted. But now that I look at it I am thinking I should finish it.
  6. I would love to play football, cept I'm a girl. I played in grade school;(not in anything "organized") i was a pretty good receiver and safety. I like to watch it and stuff, too. oh and I had this dream I played football for the Falcons, I think I was a punter? weird.... :therock:
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][size=1] I live just south of Milwaukee, and I am painfully sick of all the extra motercycles on the roads. People started showing up a week ago, and things have just been a mess. It's nervewracking to try and drive down the highway, because a great deal of them have no qualms about driving however the heck they like...never mind, you know, traffic laws. Last night, though, a trio of motorcycles, who am I convinced were hopelessly lost ("is this Milwaukee?") drove down our street. I have no idea why--we live at the end of a dead end road. There's nothing to see... Heh.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I think it is awesome to drive around the highways with the Harleys. I think they are so cool. but I'd probably look really stupid in my minivan trying to race the Harleys! (>.
  8. I absolutaly [b] LOVE[/b] [i] The Angry Beavers[/i]. The old [i] X-Men, Fantastic 4, Spiderman[/i] are awesome too. Oh, can anyone think of the Loony Toon with the ten gallon hat, red hair and pistols that jumps up and down and turns bright red? Cuz I love him and Marvin the Martian too, but am having a major brain fart right now! >_<
  9. I used to watch that show [b] all[/b] the time, especialy on [i] TGIF[/i]. It got real bad after Cory went to college, then his older brother, Shawn?, got really goofy, and his little inner plot thing got really far-fetched. It was an awesome show for a while, and I still like to watch the earlier episodes.
  10. [font=Times New Roman] [i] Sometimes I wish time would just go away. Have you ever wanted to be able to move freely within time? I have. I mean, if nothing else, it would make history class a lot easier. Beyond that think of the all the amazing things we could reexperience and the bad we could skip all together. I think off such dry humored remorseful remarks often, but always stop myself with the overused cliché â??hindsight is 20/20.â? But still, wouldnâ??t it be great to do over all the wrongs and embarrassments? Study more for that crucial test? Swallow my pride and fix that crumbling friendship? Go after that elusive relationship? Hold in that hurtful comment? I would love to be able to have enough foresight to think these thoughts before they are in the past. My life is a virtual disaster area. Everything I touch seems to turn to figurative ashâ?¦[/i] [color=green] I love that first line, and I wanted to write a story about a girl's life in which nothing seems to go right, kind of dismally funny. I couldn't really think of a plot.[/color] [/font]
  11. [size=1] Yeah that one is good. Some of my current favorites: [color=red] [b] "-WARNING- Hitchhikers may be escaped convicts-WARNING-"[/b] [/color] - thank you, Gargoyle God [color=green] [b] "Do as I say not as I do because, the ****'s so deep you can't run away."[/b] [/color] Greenday [b] [color=orange] "Ok. You got one lucky peck in, but now it's Bucky time. Pray you your tasty chicken god, my friend, for the dinner bell tolls for thee."[/b] [/color] --Bucky--ala Get Fuzzy [b] [color=pink] "Maybee you should stop reminding all these chicken and monkeys and ferrets to enlist the help of their respective gods."[/color] [/b]--Satchel ala Get Fuzzy....from the same day's strip in fact. [b] [color=blue] "Pity the insomniac dyslexic agnostic-- He stays up all night wondering if there really is a dog."[/color] [/b] --I got this one from Reader's Digest.[/size]
  12. Yeah, ditto to Matto. [color=orange] I live in Wisconsin, near Milwaukee, So there are TONS of Harley everywhere for that celebration.[/color] [color=brown] I personally think its an awesome tradition, and would love to be part of it.[/color]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by doukeshi03 [/i] [B][center][size=1]The end is near, the die is cast, the battleÂ?s finally won ... For the end has come but do not fear for day shall conquer night.[/center][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Nice, doukeshi03. awlrite, impromtu poem time. *rubs hands together* An awful day, an awful feeling of such dislike and hate consumes and burns within the ceiling of my mental thoughts of late. Such disdain and contempt for every smidgen of the day starts anew each horrid morning and twists the ensuing optimism into such a scorning. This horrible selfish feeling stomps each hopeful, perfect, image, makes my life a living hell in the painful ruing moment I realize I hate my self only too well. -The rhythm isn't quite right unless you read each verse as a whole sentence. :whoops:
  14. I think spiders are kind of kool, in a wierd sacistic kind of way. I find them just fascinating, like the orks in Lord of the Rings. *shudders*
  15. I have been in private schools since ....um forever.... and I guess there are definete pros and cons. Such as I will NEVER get lost in my current....um situation....but I do know EVERYONE, which can lead to rut forming and general boredom and monatany. I also HATE the way the teachers (especialy theology) try to drill THEIR beliefs into our heads. If I will be religious I would like to form my OWN opinions about the subject. These are just some of the reasons I have no intentions of going to college at a private school. I cannot wait to be in a class with over 100 people! :)
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