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Everything posted by scrmngfangrl

  1. [QUOTE=sailor firestar][QUOTE=amibasuki][font=Arial][size=3]. People under 18 aren't supposed to know about it though b/c they haven't been. My mom was never very good at keeping secrets. :)[/QUOTE] ive been going since twelve...what do you mean?? ::confused:: yeah, im like agnostic Latter Day Saint... but i think i need to do a lot more repenting till i can go back...
  2. ive had fermented cabbage::kimchi::, a vegtable milk, pig intestines, and silkworm beatles. those are the top weirdest things ive eat. they all tasted pretty good, but it might take a bit of effort to drink the milk stuff, way to creamy/vanilla-y for my taste. then ive had all that plus some sardines in a smoothie, the texture was so horrible i could not get more than a sip. oh yeah. and whole baby octopus, that was great.
  3. [QUOTE]The time my one friend's girlfriend came was a disaster, though. hey, my boyfriend ivited me to my first time two weekends ago...it was pretty fun. every one was surprised to see a chick there. we had two dms, one of them sent me an mikes female samurai to a berlesk house where she cheated on me::grrr, lol:: because i offered her/him my bed, even tho i didnt have a place to sleep, an so the other dm only heard half so he almost killed us... it was pretty funny...except they kept refering to 2bitDnD...i hadnt seen it then. man, their going to play tomarrow. vogan was talking about them doing on pc or sumthin an that i wouldnt like...why do guys alwasy assume(sp?) chciks don't like games?! yeah, i've been wanting to play for about 3half years now, i got a 3rd edition handbook back in eigth grade.
  4. disney is awesome! love it so much, though i hate all the princess ones, everything else is really awesome. too many good to name. the only thing is they newer ones dont have the songs!!! they were always the coolest part of the movie an they're gone!!!! didnt bambi marry his cousin 0.o???
  5. yeah, what s.a. said, i prefer it when the person knows as much as me, but the two extremes, most of the 'elite' people geat really bi chie when they start talking 'enlightening'. there are some guys at my school that like a few bands that i like an there are probably butloads more and not knowing them is really annoying. but the guy i like knows at least one band so im happy for now^^
  6. 85 degrees? thats IT? well, my vacation was spent in temperature below 20. i walked home in 9 d's throught the snow, that was not fun. mostly i stayed home an did nothing. christmas was in a hotel. yick, i hate that.
  7. i dont really like tatoo's...but that just has to do with the 'naked flesh' flesh thing.... but peirceings....those are SEXY!! i want four around my mouth, two in chin an one in my eye brow...that'd be sexy
  8. i started freshman year, my friend lend me Dragonknights. i never really read any comics before that but i did watch spider man cartoons. i read a crossgen comic and it bugged me a lot. mostly the colouring an a few other things that i currently cant remember.
  9. yeah, im still waiting for mine, an crap, i wanna bite his lip some time in the middle an make him bleed as he struggles with the chai...ns...0.o;
  10. well, im 5'2" ...;P anyway, back when i was playing soccer an the ball flew right at my face an hit my mouth. lost my first tooth then^^. everyone was worried cause i had blood dripping out of my mouth.
  11. my sister quotes the simpsons at least 3 times a week^^ but yeah id have to agree with whoeversaidthis::sorry^^;:: futurama is way funnier than both of them
  12. the extreme temperatures suck groin, especially humid heat. my dad almost applied for a job over there in saudi... we have been in seoul korea for like 2 months now. the high temp during the day is usually low forties, an we came from sothern california ^^;
  13. i eat apples in my curry&rice... and i cant drink straight sodas, and i eat fish jerky, like salmon an squid, that stuffs yummy
  14. well, i was writing over this last week, and it was so awesome!!!!::squeals:: i got more than a paragraph!!! infact i have like five pages or so, and i haven't gotten more than a paragraph since 6th grade. so YAY!!! EUGE(sp?)!!! BONZAI!!!
  15. RIGHT now, im listening to subhuman...from some mix cd i made...ack. its sung in english, how cute! i love it when they do that.
  16. i was a fan for a month before we moved so ive been without a comp for another month so i haven't much... plastic tree kicks fleshy butt! they are so awesome! planetarium man abstract my life are great songs. does any one like miyavi? he is pretty good, but i barrowed a friends cd for a week so can't really remember him too well, an crap he's sexy^_^ duel jewel is pretty good from the 3 songs ive heard, each are very different, wich is the best thing a band can have...and talent^^ there are some gackt fans in my english class an so one the guys(there all guys, its kinda weird0.o) called me over to show the others what gackt looked like. they were all in denial(sp?) saying it was some woman, but yeah, gackt is very hot^^ of course there are a whole bunch of bands that i can't wait to here. wenseday we get OUR computer so ill be back
  17. my name is april an we had an apricot tree i used to play at so my parents celled me apricot occaisonally. others include yoai(sp?)-kun cause i like yaoi(htats it!!) an cross-dresser. i really don't have nicknames.
  18. ugh, im scared 0.0...my wisdom teeth haven't started growing in yet, but im sure ill be terified. my brother got his removed without novaqain, can't imagine why, but then he's always been kinda wierd. awww, poow bawon! braces don't hurt much as long as you keep the wax on so the metal doesnt tair up your gums.
  19. there's nine books, with the last three in one book for american versions. they were pretty good, i lent them to half my friends to read. the world he created was really good, one of my favorite made up worlds.
  20. AGh, please, don't say that. i hate orlando bloom. im going for the good story an aragorn. if i can talk my friends into it, its not playing on base til january!!!
  21. ugh... actually, we were overseas, could of had it done for ten bucks... you know the laci peterson case? the drowned pregnant lady? they are also charging the murderer of the murder of her baby, which is upsetting people who think it was just like an abortion.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Charles [/i] [B]I agree wholeheartedly. The fetus isn't a developed human being. Thus, it doesn't have human rights. It's that simple. [/B][/QUOTE] ...WTF??!! anyway, we've been reading about some epople an pregnancy sorta recently. heres what it can look like ten years later. a happy, smiley, full of potential fith grader. ten years ago my older sister got pregnant at the age of sixteen. she didn't drop out of highschool. a lot of girls don't, there are clases just for teen expecting mothers. my sister finished highschool, is going to college presently, and her unplanned baby is my little sister. i can't imagine what it would be like if koral had gotten an abortion, every time i try it feels like a chunk is missing from my life. i love her so much, why would any one want to kill someone and deny a person of this? any way...what else...crap oh yeah, the dude on that talk radio show was talking about how these pro abortion people were getting all upset because they said laci petersons baby was also murder, saying it was just like abortion an stuff
  23. preps are the people that ask me "is that the korean lady that sings the kim possible song?" in a snoty"hahaha your a loser" voice when they see the pictures of shinya on my folder.
  24. i have sex fantasies while my guy friends talk to me, well, most of em any way...i should stop there...
  25. its murder, an im trying but i can't see it any other way. so im for limited, as in incest, health crap, raped teens, NOT women going around screwing an not using protection afraid to take responsibility for their actions. there is adoption too, but maybe its easier to kill than give up...but eh, what do i know? copy past~Mazohyst of Decadence crap, what was i going to add?....oh yeah! the whole 'my body my choice' thing is pretty retarded. ok, the chicks body might suffer from some side affects, but whose body is really being affected? could be the dead babies, oh no. never. i hate all those people that stand there screaming at the people, crap they piss me off. it doesn't really help anyone...yeah...
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