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Everything posted by scrmngfangrl
it be cool to control somethings, like gravity an other crap, but yeah, total controling powers would get boring after a while. purple tigers, alchohaless vodka, grey/red butterfly wings on my back, thats good enough...
nostalgia: your not coming home, are you, back to the blood crusted linen, an broken glass, that drip with my broken love you stay out later, avoiding my touch, i see me through your eyes, broken and ugly, taped to the wall i see you, running from this place, from these troubles of yours, of ours, afraid to taste the sour of my lips come, we can?t make things better, but we can ease the pain for the moment, entangle our selves together lie and die as one take me and brake me again the red roses lie crushed beneath your heavy black boots, and the trees bend over much to far, ready to come crashing down take me break me turn my insides out and the heart this heart that beats red for you the pain, i know your real, when you come around, the smell on your breath, it taste like whisky and burnt out cigarettes Martyr: I bleed for you Watch the droplets Slide down across My flesh As old wounds open clean Open before The dirt And watch the flies As they circle around My head Watch as the flesh Is eaten clean By the wolves That ravage My dreams
yeah, i write best at night and late evening too...and when im at the computer. and when it rains. ussually things pop up when im in a meditative state or something...never when im boared or overworked or something. yeah.
dir en grey is awesome, but there are many bands up there that are just as great, or more. ive read the lyrics to kisou, and they make sense, in a perverted sort of way...yummy^^ yeah, from what ive heard plastic tree is really awesome. ..ive only listened to two songs, but hey. malice mizer's really good, never heard a band that used organs before, what a surprise that was...
i love parodies, but i haven't seen any of the scary movies yet. this one is rated pg-13 right? why did it change?
dragon knights was the first manga i read! my friend had up to like six then, and so i just read them all, without getting to board. its really awesome, an i love the drawing style. yeah, the searies won't be finished coming out in manga for about 3 more years, how far does the anime go?
i love being able to whip out a manga an start reading in the middle of geometry, while with anime i can't watch as much as i can cause, i don't carry a tv an dvd player with me, an i prefer reading it. i get so lost watching stuff(yeah, i know it's pathetic^^;) and it's cheaper, so i get two manga for the price of 2 an sometimes 3 anime!
every since i heard them on flcl i haven't been able to get them out of my head. they are the best band ever! they kinda remind of the sixties ish bands sometimes. theyre really good, the singings great, the lyrics are great(hehe;P), and the music is awesome. who else likes em?
hehe, dominatrix^^ crack that whip! crap, that is one nasty outfit. even i, the worst clothes designer ever, could have come up with something better. anybody actually like?
my parents doen't want me even near a guy till im sixteen, and they never play good music, so i really don't care. ill throw a party in my head^^
hehe, drix, lmfao. dude, seriously, that was hillarious. you should do stuff like that for the sunday comics. you could get rich off it. :P anyway, if you know a thing or two about religion, you'll notice there are so many similatities between religions that are across the world. like the tri-god thingy...can't remeber its name...and uh, yeah a whole bunch of stuff. hey, ever thought of how queer it was that when what's-his-face first landed on the americas he was welcomed my the...mayan-ish(don't know) native people because they saw the white sails and they were bearded, and christ was bearded and dressed in white after the ressurection and he supposed to be comeing? yeah, uh, this is from mormon stuff, and i don't know how much of the beliefs they share with the rest of the christian population. so there.;D
i think the drawing in the manga really suits it^^ i love the manga, it's so awesome, with the the anime i kept getting lost, but with the book i can go back an reread what i missed. anyway, im not letting anyone but my most trustworthy friend sread it^^
...maybe it's just me, but it seems like people are using jesus and god symonomisly...crap, i can't spell(you get the picture^^) anyway, i was wiccan for the shortest time a while back, now im buddist. anyway, did you know the christmas tree is a phallic thingy taken from pagan un, stuff(the whole earth goddess getting empregnated then giving birth and gettting pregnant, " "?) hehe, how many ar still going near it now?::evil grin:: getting back to the parenthaces, did you notice how the catholic church since taking converting them took in the virgin mary and made her a biger deal than origanally? and the whole son thingy. hell sounds a lot like hel, that one norse goddess. notice how easter looks like oastare(crap, can't remeber sp)? notice how satan is bdepicted looking like pan, tho the bible gives no desp of him? wasn't someone talking about origanllity?(*yes, i do realize this was all created to convert those people easier, but if you've ever learned about the dark ages, dont say it was for the better^^) well, maybe except for that hell-hel part, i just noticed that while reading a book that one time. it might have been taken from that. anyway, i guess im done now^^
i want a job, but you have to be at least sixteen, so im waiting one more year. i want to be an animator, or do something like that, even tho at the moment im not the greatest drawer^^;
Gaming Who is your favorite character from The Legend Of Dragoon?
scrmngfangrl replied to moon-scar demon's topic in Noosphere
i liked everybody except albert and shana. alberts attacks were freakin hard-.-; and hsanas weak. i never really finished this game... -
im related to a bunch of kings of what is today finland or norway, can't remember which, and one queen of england way far back. all directly, and goes back to the 100's ad
mmmm, food. i love eating and hate cooking. sometimes i make rice and stir fry, or fried rice, or pancakes. blueberyy, preferrably^^. i have way to many fave foods, i could decide. umm...hmmm, let's see, the closets i could get would be chinese, its the best ever^^ vegtables are good too
dude, ive been wanting to see this for forever now! it sounds hilarous, in a JTHM way. anyway, yeah.
ive been collecting manga now for a year, about, i have about 33, so thats like 330$ of mostly my lunch money spent. how many do you have and which is your fave? my fave is vampire game, i read it religiosly^^. its really funny and cute, and i love the characters to death! so which is your fave manga/why?
i don't think i have a single friend that i actually hangout with that doesn't love anime. im always getting introduced into knew anime/manga with them, so its cool. i don't think i could survive without otaku friends.^^
dude, i like how everyone is like against gay love and theres these two guys...yeah, the whole forbidden love thing is great, wether hetero or homo. and guys are cute. ;D forbidden love is great, and if your a hopeless romantic like myself, there just as great as girlxguy
don't you ever go to english class? ;P theme is a reacurring idea or thingy, like love conguers all, and crap. that was a horrible explaination. oh well. YYHS might be like ghost or suppernatural.
A Song that reminds you of someone or something.
scrmngfangrl replied to Meteora's topic in Noosphere
the master of puppets cd from metallica reminds me neverwinter nights, i used to listen to them while i played the game. dizzy up the girls from goo goo dolls reminds me germany. -
uh long time? i have most of there cds, cuz i LOVE THEM!!! man, there awesome. i like the new lyracs that there coming out with, but i prefer their sound in A Boy Named Goo and SuperStar Car Wash. and the one that came before that...yeah, they were my first fave band, back in sixth grade, before them there was nothing, so they'll always have a place in my heart^^ my email address is : a grl named goo ^^
metallica is awesome. rob zombie's pretty good. ive always had a weird crush thinging on that marylin manson guy, makes me giddy an crap. but maybe this isn't the best place to discuss that...0.o