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Everything posted by scrmngfangrl

  1. man, i haven't watched it since second grade or so. it was pretty awesome. the only thing i watched more than that was tremors and silver bullet. anyway, it's had a sort of rebirth here with the goths. bunch of crap put out for it an all. meh.
  2. uh i never dress for spirit week...well, i would if i had a pirate outfit, but i dont. tear. pep rallies are so cool cause our school is so big they have to have 3 diff showings even with the big gym and all and two thirds of the school just skip it for an extra lunch period. yeah, pep rallies are great. ~_^
  3. mostly me dreams are about flying, but more recently they've had nudity. like the one with my friend and her crush and me and someother person(it was either my friend or my crush) and we were all running on a beach in the dark towards the water. the waves were really big and i went into the water even tho im afraid of water, anyway, nothing showed, we were like blank card board dolls. anway, before or after that i had a dream with my crush in it. we only have pe together so it was during pe, and our numbers that we sat on for role call was upstairs on this huge balcony thingy, and we went down into the large gym and i kept looking for him. he had on those really ugly silvery reflecting sun glasses and i think it was winter, and everything was so detailed, i could see everything, when mostly my dreams are really blank, and i only know what is what cause i just know. anyway, yeah.
  4. Name:Kyo Age: 28 short Bio:well, he left his ninja clan because of some disputes and such, and so he went of to work without them and such. ninja or samurai?:ninja weapons:ninjato, throwing thingings/dart, appearance:Kyo is 5'6", shoulder lenght rbown hair, brown eyes, braces(j/k, he looks like my crush so yeah...hehe), hes pretty thin, ill edit later...sleep beckons me...
  5. uhhh...i got stabbed in the boobs twice today by my friend, and it HURTS!!! well, not anymore, and i don't really understand math, and my crush wasn't in school today. meh, i geuss my life is quite mild.
  6. i love the little things anime insider puts next to the pictures-there so funny-, i get newtype, but i only read like half of it=.=
  7. sd gundam reminds me of that *** show that used to be on wb...i think it was called cubix. anyway...i would thought after seeing that show any one unfamiliar with gundam would have a soured interest in it...or maybe that's just me.
  8. well, i know there spies and crap like that, but that's were my knowledge ends. and idea for the story popped in my head one day, and ill go crazy f i don't write it. i hate do searches, but it looks like i can't avoid. thanks for the help!
  9. we had to read Oedipus Rex for the summer. and we're going to be reading antigone soon, and since that's the only ive read, i guess sophcles is my fave.
  10. dude, i HATE kat. but anyway, staring in chronological order... Yesterday: he was sitting with somepoeple on the bleachers across the room from were we sat so, nothing happened. Today: he came over at sat with us. man, stupud kat. she kept asking him if he would ever go out with me, well, in between my 'shut up, kat.' dude, man, why can't she shut up?!!! yeah...he kept changing the subject back to whatever it was we where talking about. she asked if he had a girlfriend, he doesn't but i haven't gotten a chance to talk about it yet. anyway, yeah, that was today. next week we astart to do stuff, so i geuss there won't be much happening. post script: i love ya kat!
  11. today was the first meeting of our anime club this year. last year it pretty much sucked. this year though, were actually going to be animating and stuff along with watching it and animating and we'll be able to do our own dubs! too bad im moving before the end of the year::sniff::
  12. dude, i love the flcl songs! i had the ending song stuck in my head all day, now being replaec by the ending of rurouni kenshin song.
  13. i usually think about weird things in the shower...and guys. but occaisionally ill sing. but mostly its just theme songs in japanese.
  14. hey, im writing a story about ninja's and stuff and i really don't know that much about so if there is any useful information you could give me it would be much appreciated. thanks^^
  15. man, i HATE latin. i really have no passion for it. i took a bit of german in 4-7, and some japanese in k-2. it was host nations class. anyway,i plan on taking japanese next year and stuff. right now i now a little about the verbs. i would say something in latin, but im sure id get the eding wrong.-.-; "wo est der bonhoff?" -german, where is the bonhoff(it's a transporting station thingy.'
  16. i've always been obsessed with flying, so i'd like that. and id like to be able to walk through and see things in mirrors and crap like that, just like the Jachyra. broken sky is so awesom.
  17. uh, i think it's pg-13, it was really awesome! it's my all time fave movie! what's the whole thing about demons? it really makes no matter if they call them demons instead of monsters. the name doesn't matter.
  18. update:just cause!^^ dude, i told my friend some things i shouldn't have...yeah and she told him!!! he was kinda cool about it, man, KAT YOU ARE SO DEAD!!! well, we talked again today, joined by some other people who should have stayed away! he's messing around with his friends girl::sniff:: yeah, i think the whole subject got broght up cause stupid kat kept saying crap about us together, she should have stayed away! yeah, but he didn't come out and say, first he asked if i had ever messed around with a friends b/f. what am i supposed to make of that? i get 1&2 with Raymond, and finally got my heart to slow down. man, he is so cool!
  19. dude, i LOVE you guys!!!::grabs a n s and sqeezes to death:: thanks so much for your advice. i went up and talked to him during pe. he has such a sexy voice. and he draws. so we talked and watched him draw. he's really cool, if you over look the fact that he doesn't really have a clue what anime is=.=;; i don't think he heard about the crush. thank goodness. yeah, it was really cool. thanks again, i love you guys more than you know!
  20. dude, my feet have the worst luck!^^ i never have less than two cuts on my feet. right now i have a blister at ech heel, a cut on the right from when i fell, and the scab on my two is pretty much heal. i always stub them and drop crap on them, like today i dropped something on them...what was it? 0.o im pretty clumsy on top of all that too.^^
  21. uhhh...i don't think so...he sits in the first row ::alone!:: and we sit in the last bleacher, guess it won't be too hard^^ thanx!
  22. ok, theres this dude in my pe class, and man is he hot! i know his name is raymond and we've been in the same class for...well, this is the second week=.=;; today my way stupid::i wuvs ya kat!:: friend told him about my crush on him. i ran away before he could responed...and yeah. i would love to get to know him better and stuff, but im afraid of 'coming off too strong' as i've heard i do... yeah, so help? my friend just said she doesn't think he heard that part so...
  23. my parents are* realy passionate about it, but they don't like too much either. i tell people what school i go to and my first name, and my gender, and my age, but who knows, i might actually be Highland HS's janitor, not a student^^ *aren't
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kenshinsbabe [/i] [B]!) I find it harder to like real men then alot of more girls my age. Oh well... more men for the non-demented girls... [/B][/QUOTE] hehe, im with ya! well except for this really hot guy in pe...cept that's a different story^^ yeah, i get obsessed too, except mine only last for a while, so it really doesn't affect anything
  25. hmmm...dream vacation, it would be with the guy from pe(raymon!!! sorry to get off topic here, but our shoulders almost touched!!!^^) anyway, it would be on a beach, with clear waters and white powder sand, palm trees and just the two of us...or maybe a duoble date thingy. and warm waters.mmm...
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