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Everything posted by Biida

  1. Biida

    Slayfest (play)

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B]Nabashi: *draws his sword and starts walking out the door* Thorn: What are you doing? Nabashi: Going for a walk *throws on a cloak and leaves* [/B][/QUOTE] Thorn:...*watches him leave*....And leave me behind? No way... *grabs a black jacket, put it on* *grabs her crossbow, and puts her dagger in it's sheath attached to her leg* *walks out the door and silently follows him in the shadows*
  2. Biida

    Slayfest (play)

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B]Nabashi: *bows his head* Thank you Amber...*looks at his friend* You ok Thorn...*nods* rest now.. [/B][/QUOTE] Thorn: *sits up* *rubs her forehead*...Where...Am I? What happened? Nabashi, what's going on? I can't remember.... Nabashi: Hush. Just relax... You need rest... Thorn: Rest... But... But... Nabashi: Hush. I'll tell you later... Just sleep... Thorn: *sighs*...*reluctantly nods*...Fine... *lies back down* *closes her green eyes and sleeps*
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Defcon5 [/i] [B]You answered "yes" to 14 of 100 questions, making you 86.0% insane pure (14.0% insane corrupt). Is that good? [/B][/QUOTE] That means 14.0% of you is insane, and 86.0% of you is sane. :) I'm 75.0% insane! :D Darn proud of it too! And, Bryan... I didn't need a test to know you're insane! :p
  4. Name: Thorn Age: 130 (13 Vampire years) Race: Vampires Description: Long white hair tied in a loose ponytail, Cordial green eyes that flash purple and grey every so often, black tanktop, black shorts, long black trenchcoat. Bio: I'll think of something and edit later Weapon(s): short dagger, crossbow.
  5. Biida


    *screams bloody murder* :eek: :nervous: :worried: :eek: !!!!!!!!!!! Oi... I get scared way too easily... BTW, cool pic... I wasn't expecting that to happen... o.O
  6. Umm.... Who is this "Dave Mathews" you speak of? :D
  7. umm.... very...uhhh... Interesting.. Yah. Interesting. :D *laughs* Very good. Keep it up. :)
  8. Biida

    Camp Rpg (sign up)

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior [/i] [B]Yeah! I shall be the FBI of this camp. Female Body Investigator. :D [/B][/QUOTE] :rolleyes: Oi. Gavin's an FBI... Quick girls, stock up on weapons! Keep him at bay! Heck, kick his arse! *silently dies laughing*
  9. Biida

    Camp Rpg (sign up)

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forte [/i] [B]Umm, i could draw a better cabin design, i just need to learn how to use my scanner! DAMNIT! And also, start this thing already! [/B][/QUOTE] Kizu will start this when he's ready to. No need to rush him. It'll come eventually. :)
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anti [/i] [B]*Anti and Criag stumble into Otaku Social* Anti:wow....finnally away...Forte distracted him Criag:yeah Anti:oh...hey Britty...whats with the dog? Britty:umm...it won't leave me alone *sweatdrop* Domino:must...take over world, using chalupas! Anti:umm...ok...*grins at it* might make a good meal.... Criag:shut it up before a mod notices!! [/B][/QUOTE] Britty: Fine... *sticks a chalupa in Domino's mouth* That should shut him up. :D Domino: Mmmmmm.... Chawoopa.... Vewwy tasteey....*chew* *chew*.... :tasty: Anti: *looks at it* Umm... right... :therock:
  11. [i]Somewhere in the forum of G&S, Britty and Domino were walking around, hiding from mods, and looking for something to do... Britty sat down next to a tree, and her little chihuahua came up to her and curled up in her lap. [/i] Britty: Well, Domino. The coast is clear, for now... What should we do? Domino: TRY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!!!!MWHAHAHAH!!!!!! [i]Britty put a hand over his tiny mouth[/i] Britty: Shush! Not so loud! And no, we can't take over the world... Domino: Awww... Please? Britty: No. Domino:...Poop.... Britty:...I say we find somewhere to eat, I'm starved... Domino: I KNOW WHERE!!!!! Britty: QUIET!!!!! Domino:..sorry... Britty: It's okay... Now, where is it? Domino: In a thread called "Otaku Social". There's food everywhere! Britty: Sounds good! Let's go! [i]And so, the two get up, and cautiously make their way to the thread. [/i] Domino: There! [i]Domino lifted up his little paw and pointed to a Taco Bell. [/i] Britty: Taco Bell? But we ate at one of those last time... And the time before that, and the time before that... And the time before-- Domino: I know! BUT CHALUPAS ARE ON SALE!!!!!!! :p :tasty: [i]Domino yipped happily, and ran into the building. Britty shrugged, and reluctantly followed. [/i]
  12. Biida

    Camp Rpg (sign up)

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anti [/i] [B] No my eyes do that in real life...they are mostly a grey blue...but sometimes they change to a green-brown mix...and you can always see traces of the other color in my eyes...it's cool...although they say stuff like that is linked to psychosis...wouldn't surprise me ^_^...and he said 3 cabins max I think [/B][/QUOTE] Seriously?...Woah. Cool. :) [QUOTE]I have a better idea, i say we load the 2 cabins up until there is enough for another cabin to start, then we will know for sure.[/QUOTE] Okay. that sounds good. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ALERT!!! Everyone, try to get people you know to join! Please! :D
  13. Biida

    Camp Rpg (sign up)

    OOO!!! OOO!!! OOO!!! ME! ME! I WANNA JOIN!!!!!! Errr... I mean... Ummm.... I'm joining! :D ..heh... *sweat drop* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Brittany Alias: Britt, Britty, Britts, (preferably Britty) Age: 13 Height: 5'3" Weight: 115lbs Gender: Female Description: Tan pants, dark red tshirt, red bandana, long lightbrown hair Cabin: Dragon
  14. Those are amazing! :D Great job!
  15. MEEP! *jumps up and down in a hyper way* DUDE! Gavin, that's a shibby drawing you've got there!!! :D I love that movie! Great job! :D
  16. The army's really tough. And it's not all it's cracked up to be. You have to constantly train, and push youself, both physically and emotionally, to the maximum and beyond. It's dangerous and painful. And unless you can handle mind games, and severe strictness and punishment... I'd reccomend boarding school. :)
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Voodookanaka [/i] [B]:blush: :blush: :blush: erm..............:blush: :blush: :) :blush: [/B][/QUOTE] Awww... Lookie! The cutie's blushing! *pokes him in the back with a stick* *laughs* *runs for her life from the angry mob of Voodookanaka fangirls chasing after her*
  18. Britty: *sigh* *snaps her fingers and a couch appears* *sits on the couch* *starts reading*... Gatomon: *sigh* *pulls out a rubber mouse toy* *starts to tackle it and play like cats do* Both: *stop what they're doing* So... Can we start this thing now? *resume what they were doing*
  19. Name: Britty Age: 13 Bio: used to be president of the "poke people with sticks and rollingpins" club, but retired and gave her job to Gavin. Weapon: A stick she pokes/prods/thwacks people with. :D Pet: A talking chihuahua, named Domino, who is bent on world-domination, and has an unhealthy obsession with Taco Bell. :D Status: Member
  20. As they walked, all was silent. And to Leona, it became quite uncomftorable. So she decided to break the ice. "So... Ryu." she said. He looked at her, "What?" Leona quickly thought of something to say, "What element do you have?" He arched an eyebrow, but answered."Lightning." "Okay..." Leona sighed, and thought, "Well... That was a wonderful conversation.. :o "
  21. [b]At the registration desk... [/b] Woman: Name? Sheik: I'm signing up for two people... Woman: *irritated* Name? Sheik: *sigh* Sheik, and Zelda. Woman: ZELDA?!?! THE princess Zelda? Sheik: Yes.... *walks away*
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Darkness Bu [/i] [B]yes I'm Canadian [/B][/QUOTE] Shibby. I didn't know that... *pulls out a checklist* *checks something off* Well, that's another Canadian... *puts checklist away* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gavin, I know I've asked you this before, but.... Can I subscribe to these! You write the stories, them email me a copy when you're done writing one! Pleeeeaaaaasssseee? :)
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Darkness Bu [/i] [B]can I be the camera man...you know like egghead on YTV?(talk rarely) [/B][/QUOTE] *appears out of nowhere* YTV? You're Canadian? Oh, BTW... Funny stuff, Gavin! Funny as 'ell! :D
  24. I'm in Southern-Ontario, Canada... And new years is in... *checks watch* A long time. -_- 11hours and 20 minutes, to be exact...
  25. People say I'm cute... But I don't think so... But... That just could be me... *shrug* Anyways, I give myself a four and a half, or five.
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