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Everything posted by Biida
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior [/i] [B]yep. I drew it. But remember what I said, it just may be possessed or something ;) [/B][/QUOTE] Yep. You already showed me that one, Gavin. But.... I'll say it again.... Great drawing. :)
I'm really sorry to hear that... And... I don't really know what else to say... I suck at putting things into words, without them coming out the wrong way...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B]Heh...well here goes nothing...You will all get a chance to see me...Yes thats right...DuoGod of Death's picture...for a small fee of $1000000000000 :D....Nah...well tell me what you think about it...it isn't that great...>This was 'bout 1 week ago...My friend just gave me 'em...and I thought that you peeps would need a good laugh! I am the one in the middle...I was about to crack up....Its really bad...So...Don't....I mean...GO AHEAD AND LAUGH!! [/B][/QUOTE] *pokes him with a stick* Funny picture. Cute picture, though. *runs off and pokes more people with sticks*
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AlmightySSJ4 [/i] [B]"I've got some nitrous oxide in my car. Its already got a supercharged engine, and that'll just make it go faster. I've heard that if you go fast enough, you go back in time." "Okay, let's try it." Eric gets into his car and activates the nitros. He pushes the pedal to the floor, and dissapears. A few seconds later, he reappears, with Benjamin Franklin tied up in the back of the car. "Looks like it works. Now, what do we do with this guy?" Eric notices a dumpster a few feet away. :devil: :devil: [/B][/QUOTE] [i]Britty runs outside, and looks at them. [/i] Britty: What are you guys doing... With... BEN FRANKLIN?!?!?!? Ben Franklin:.....umm..... Eric: Oh, we're just having some fun! :devil: Akira: Yeah! Now... About that dumpster... Eric and Akira: *pick up Ben* *stuff him in the dumpster and slam the lid* Akira: That's revenge for inventing the post office!!! Britty:...Uhhhh.... Riiiight.... Anyways... What are we gonna do about that egg?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Majora's Mask [/i] [B]ooc:lets start...! ic: Akira:*whistles*Man, I am lucky! Runing a KFC! :D And earning my dad's money while he's vactioning in Hawaii with my new mom...*shudder*The employies should get here soon....*looks up*A spaceship? [I]The spaceship lands, and a big fried egg with eyes comes out[/I] Alien:I am King Mugglebrowp! Give me the recipy to the chicken! Akira:Um...Why? King M:We don't taste good enough! Akira:No wonder! Your eggs! Every tried to eat yourself with celery? King M:You make me mad, boy! Akira:What are ya gonna do about it? King M:Go back in time, capture the Colonel, and torture him until he tells us the secret! Akira:Thats not good... [/B][/QUOTE] [i]Britty runs in from the kitchen. She looks at the egg. [/i] Britty: What's that? King M: I'm King Mugglebrowp! Britty:....Uhhh.... Nice... Costume... :therock:
Grand Theft Auto 3! Mwuahahahah!!! One of the best games ever made!!!!! :D I love that game!!!!!!!! *scurries off to go play it*
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B]:confuse2: [SIZE=1]Will this one do GA? It says "confused" on it, but I think it looks like it has puppy dog eyes. I want a digimon rpg since it seems that all of the previous attempts at starting one have failed miserably.[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Well... That one's okay... But... The best one would probably be a mixture of these: :bawl: :angel: :) :D ;) :blush: :confuse2: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yeah, a Digimon RPG sounds good. We haven't had one in quite a while, and what Shyguy said is also true. :)
Magical RPG! Pretty, pretty please?! :angel: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bah... We need a pleading-look, puppy-dog, teary eyed, innocent looking smilie face...
Woo Hoo! This sounds fun! You bet I'm joining!!! :D :whoops: :D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Brittany Alias: Britty Age: 18 Position: Takes orders/cashier/whatever you call it & Assistant manager Note: Call her Britty, because if you ever call her "Brittany", she'll rip your character to pieces.
MEEEEE!!!!!!!! I LOVE VEGGIETALES!!!!!!! Mwuahahahaha!!! :D Gotta love 'em!!! *walks off singing* Vegietales, Veggietales, Veggietales. Veggietales! There's never-ever-ever-ever-ever been a show like Veggietales! There's never-ever-ever-ever-ever been a show like Veggietales! It's time for Veggietales!!!!
:OOC: *eyebrow twitches* Writers block... Driving me...... INSANE!!!!! *bangs head against the wall as she tries to fight the dreaded writers block*
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anti [/i] [B]OOC:Leona is with Diamoon, Nabashi, Kool, Danali, and Cara..they went to get Diamoon to open a sealed place...Zack and Diamoon are old friends...and he is surprised at how much Zack has changed...At one point Nabashi, Zack , Kool, and Danali went off to save Amber...afterwards Zack got pissed at something she said and they left her alone...now they are sitting around the campfire while Zack is off in the woods on his own...but you will understand more if you just go back and read the post... [/B][/QUOTE] :OOC: ...*blinks*...Um.... Okay. :D Thanks for summarizing it! This cold weather is going to my brain, and I'm too lazy at the moment to go back and re-read the posts again.... *yawn* I just read them a few mins ago, and they just didn't want to.... Register to my brain... *sweat drop* Sorry... Cold weather makes me sort of tired.. *yawn* :sleep:
:OOC: Umm... Can someone please post about what's going on at the moment, and where Leona is???? I haven't been logged on for a few days, and I'm very lost at the moment... And this cold weather isnt' helping my brain much... *shivers* Darn Canadian winters... :confused: :bawl:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anti [/i] [B]OOC:Sorry Sere...thats how it happens...mmms...back to the game since we seem to get deleated for doing anything else...*walks off muttering about the mods, commen sense and logic and wishing he could burn a certin one...* [I]Zack sits down by the fire and eats a small portion of the meat. he sielently watches all of them...watching their everymove...[/I] [/B][/QUOTE] :OOC: Anti. Don't worry about it. :) If he deletes it... We can all stay in touch... :) Through PMs, other threads, emails, and chatrooms. K? :IC: Leona smiled, and scratched Shadow behind the ears. "Heh. Cute." She gave the animal one last pat on the head, then looked at Zack. "...What are you so uptight about?"
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B]Nabashi: Well you see...my people believe that every morning the sun is born again and every night it dies... [/B][/QUOTE] "Oh. I see... Very deep..." "Hm..." Leona nodded, and turned once more to the horizen. Soon, though, she stood up, and walked back to the fire.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B]Nabashi: -strolls around and sees Leona and Amber- Hey! How you guys doing! -looks at the sunrise- The birth and death...most buetiful chapters of life... [/B][/QUOTE] Bryan walked up to them and sat down. Leona turned to him, a confused expression on her face. "The bird and death?" "Yes." ".....Could you please explain it?" "Hm?" "Well... I haven't been around people for.... Almost 10 years... So... I've forgotten plenty..." "Wow..." "Yes... So... Could you explain?" "I guess."
At the sight of the human, Leona reached for the dagger in her backpocket, but she stopped, took a deep breath and relaxed. If she was going to work with humans, she must learn to be nice to them, hold back her anger, and be.... Civillized. Leona looked curiously at Amber, then turned back to the view, smiled, and nodded. "Yes. It's beautiful." "Mhm..." The two sat in silence for the next little while.
Leona opened her blue eyes lazily. She blinked a few times then realized where she was. She sat up from her place on the groud and yawned. She stood up and walked over a little ways away from the camp, to watch the rising sun. She sat down near the edge of a cliff and looked out at the horizen, with a dreamy smile on her face. Judging by the smile, the full night's sleep had put her back in a good mood. [i]"I guess it's not so bad, having to work and live with humans... It'll be good to have some company, besides Wind, for once... Others to talk to... And spar with. Hm. So, something good always does come out of something bad..." [/i] She laughed good-naturedly, then turned around quickly. She thought she heard someone behind her... But.... There was no one there.... She shrugged, grinned, then went back to staring at the marvelous view in front of her.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anti [/i] [B][I]Zack smirks at Nabashi[/I] Zack:she is not like us Nabashi...She is human... [/B][/QUOTE] Leona looked away from them and thought to herself. [i]"That's what you think... And no one knows my secret but me.... Not even my own dragon...." [/i]
Leona crossed her arms and sighed. [i]"Hmph. I suppose if I'm going to be 'working' with these... Humans.... I'll have to be a little nicer... And.... Trusting.... I just know they're going to try and suck information on my past out of me... So I might as well be prepared to tell them... *sigh* Yeesh." [/i] She stared at the people in the circle one by one, a little less hostility in her blue eyes.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anti [/i] [B][I]Zack turns on foot as he sees Leona walk through the bushes his spear in hand...Æon is growling[/I] Zack:...who are you?...why are you here?.... Leona:.... [I]Zack sees a dragon come from out of the trees.Zack's eyes open wide but he drops ready to attack at any moment. he now more then ever wishes he had his old weapons.[/I] Zack::... [I]The sweat tinckled down his face...whoever it was didn't seem to notice the Dragon...a new rider?...but their hadn't been another rider in years...why would their be one now...Zack kept his spear at the ready as Æon, NeoGeo and Ania interview Wind[/I] Æon:Zack she is a friend...and yes...a rider not of our pact... Zack:why is she here? Æon:even though she isn't of the pact...when she became a rider it applyed to her also...so the calling drew them here... Zack:which is why last time...when me and Encew accidently set this place off...all riders from everywhere came... Æon:exactly Zack:Sere, Encew...friend...I think...the dragon is anyway...the girl is it's rider... Encew/Sere:we know NeoGeo/Ania told us... Zack:I will talk to her... Encew:but your not the most humane of us... Zack:from the look in her eyes that is exactly why I should go... [I]Zack pulls out his mask and puts it on. He then walks out to Leona with Æon following him, Zack is still ready to move...hopeing his old reflexs still work and walks out to Leona[/I] Leona:I...I thought you were human?.... Zack:I am no such thing!...I am a rider and the defender of the forest....why do you intrude? Leona:I was summoned Zack:then you also ride...this Dragon? Leona:it's name is Wind... Zack:give me a good reason to not kill you on the spot... Leona:because I would kill you first? Zack:don't count on it... [I]Zack raises his spear and dashes foward suddenlly. Leona raises her sword and easly defects the block and quickly bring her broadsword around.Zack parrys the attack with the bottom of his spear and brings the spear point to her neck...Sweatdrops down Leona's face although she looks fearless[/I] Zack:...you answered my summons...I won't kill you...and you are a good warrior... [I]Zack pulls his spear away from her neck and quickly unsheaths his dagger and blocks a strike from her broadsword...his dagger and her broadsword lock together[/I] Zack:good good...you hate humans as much as I do...put away your sword...and I will let you live... [I]Zack stops applying presure to his dagger as she stops pushing on it. He puts away his dagger knowing that she won't attack him. He takes off his mask and she sees his face clearly for the first time[/I] Leona:YOU ARE HUMAN!! [I]She raises her broadsword but Zack's spear point is against her chest. He is looking very serious and this time hate shows in his eyes[/I] Zack:I am not Human...I am not the same race as those people who destroy the land for their own profit...I was human...I am now the Guardian of the Forest...I am a goblin...only am I human when all the land is threatened...so watch you tongue before it gets you killed...If you must call me something it will be Zack...or if we are on the field of battle then you will call me Wolf Leader...now come to the fire and meet your comrads... [I]Zack turns from Leona and walks to the fire. His spear by his side and looking very serious and cold. His eyes shine with anger and his hand is clenched firmly around his grip...as he gets near the fire he hears Sere and Encew talking[/I] Sere:yeah he beat her in combat... Encew:and it looks like she called him human...well at least if she respects no one else it will be him... [I]Zack walks to the fire and puts his mask in his bag without saying a word[/I] [/B][/QUOTE] Leona scowled, and sat down far away from the fire, and the others. Wind walked up to her, and sat next to Leona. "Why are you being so harsh? You're not being yourself right now.... What's up?" "I despise humans... I didn't kill them when I had the chance... And some idiot Goblin-thing wants me to call him Wolf 'Leader'. I'll call him Wolf... But I refuse to call anyone 'leader'..." Wind sensed her friends anger, so she left her to cool down. Then, maybe once she's calm, she'd be her usual friendly self...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Emcew [/i] [B]NeoGeo: (to everyone) Someone's Comming... Emcew: Who is it? NeoGeo: Someone... I sence a small bit of ferality (Sp?) in her.. Zack: SHOW YOURSELF!! [/B][/QUOTE] Leona stepped forward. Emcew stood up, and asked her. "Who are you? And are you friend or foe." Leona looked at him, then put her sword in it's sheath. She figured she wouldn't need it if he attacked.... She could kick his a*s with her bare hands... Then, in a quiet yet angry tone, she answered. "My name, is Leona." "Are you friend, or foe?" "Neither." "........" "Hmph." She frowned in disgust, then called Wind out of the bushes. The dragon came forward, and smiled, happy that Leona had talked, instead of killing him straight off. Zack and Sere looked at her, and Sere asked the mysterious girl a question. "Why are you here?" Leona answered the question in an emotionless voice. "I was summoned." Zack stood up in shock. "WHAT?!?!?! How could you be summoned??? You're not a rider???" Leona spoke again. "I don't know if I'm a rider... I don't even know what a rider is... And at the moment, I don't really care. I just want to know why you summoned me here. My dragon, Wind, sensed something... And we came when we realised you sent us a calling....So... Why?"
After about 20 minutes of flying, Wind stopped and landed. Leona jumped off the dragons back and spoke. "Why'd you land? I don't sense that evil around here..." "Exactly." "What???" "The sense... Just.... Went away. I couldn't track it anymore, so I landed...." "Oh." The dragon surveyed the area calmly, then her head perked up and her eyes scanned the area once more, in a panic. Leona looked at the nervous dragon. "What's wrong, Wind?" "I sense something..." "Again???" "Yes...." "What is it this time?" "I'm not sure... It's some sort of calling..." "Maybe it's dragon mating season... Hehehe." Wind glared at her friend. "Not funny." "Okay, okay. I'm sorry." "Good. Anyways..." "Hm?" "You try sensing it... Just so I know I'm not going crazy..." "You already are." The dragon glared again, and Leona laughed, then put a serious look back on her face. She meditated for a few minutes, then spoke to the dragon in a rather quiet voice. "You're right.... Something's calling us.... I'm not sure what, though..." "Shall we go see what it is?" "Let's." They both nodded, and in a few minutes, they took off again. Soon, they landed. Leona climbed off the huge dragon, and they started walking towards where Wind sensed the calling to come from. Quite a whiles later, they stopped. Wind sniffed the air, then looked at her friend and nodded. "I've found it...." "What?" "Where that calling was coming from..." "Where is it?" "Over there." Wind pointed to just behind a group of trees and bushes. There was a fire burning brightly, casting long shadows on the trees in the darkness. There were 3 people sitting around the fire, talking merrily. And a wolf, a griffen and a ravienie were roaring, howling, growling and laughing among themselves. Leona gasped and stumbled backwards at the sight of the humans. She hadn't seen another person in almost 10 years. She had completly forgotten about her life in the village, before.... But now, at the sight of others.... Bad, bloody memories stirred back to life in her head. "Wind.... I can't go out there." "Why not, child?" "There are..." "Humans? Leona, you must go out there.... That was a calling that summoned us here... We must find out what that calling was. Even if there are other humans there." "But I hate humans... I hate them all!!!" She walked away from the sight of the fire, and the others. Wind had a worried look on her face, and she quickly followed. When she caught up, she grasped Leona by the shoulders and in a comforting voice, told her, "Leona. You are human... And... You can't hate them all. Surely, these ones are much different than those bast*rds that destroyed your village. Just, give them a chance... And find out what that calling was." Leona sighed, and nodded. "Fine. I will...." Wind smiled, Leona sighed, and they walked towards the fire. Leona drew her sword from it's sheath in her back, and walked through the bush, into plain sight of the others.
"Leona! Did you sense that?!" Leona looked up at the dragon staring out at the horizen. The girl leaned forward a little, from her spot sitting under an oak tree. She had a confused look on her face. "What?" "I just sensed something strange! Concentrate, and tell me if you feel it too!" "Okay..." Leona brushed a few strands of blonde hair from out of her face, stood up, and started to focus her energy. She closed her blue eyes, and bowed her head. And after a minute or two of meditation, she shuddered. Her eyes flew open, a shocked and scared expression in her deep blue eyes. The dragon looked at her, and asked. "Well? Did you sense it?" "Yes..." "What do you think of it?" "Evil." "I know... That's what I thought, but I wanted to make sure I was right... So I asked you to try and sense it..." "..." "Leona, how did you sense it? How did it feel?" "...Cold... Powerful... And...." "Evil." "Exactly, Wind. Exactly..." "What do you think it could be?" "I'm not sure, but I think we should check it out." "Good idea. You pack up camp and I'll fly us there in a few minutes." "Okay." Leona ran off and packed up their stuff. She threw her clothes in a backpack, put out the fire, and folded the tent up, so it was the size of a small pillow. She tied it to the end of Wind's tail, then told her she was ready. The dragon nodded, then lowered her huge body to the ground so Leona could climb on her back. The girl threw the backpack on her own back, then jumped onto Wind and sat between the dragon's huge wings. Wind roared, sped forward, then took off into the early night sky. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :OOC: Emcew, just so you know... Your character can't know Leona... She doesn't know anyone from the RPG. She's been a loner her whole life... Her only real friend is her dragon, Wind.
Okay... So... When does this thing start? *waits patiently*