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Everything posted by Biida

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Majora's Mask [/i] [B]Creed:I am here. *walks out, with Akira beside him* Akira:Um...High, I'm Akira....And this is... Wind:Creed. Akira:Right.....Who might your guys be? [/B][/QUOTE] Leona stepped forward, Zack right behind her. "I am Leona. Wind's partner..." "And I'm Zack..." Akira nodded. "Nice to meet you... Leona, Zack." "You too."
  2. Leona looked at Zack and nodded. "Yes.... We are partners..." Zack grinned. "cool." Wind looked down at them and smiled. But then she jerked her head up and glared into some nearby bushes. Leona looked at the dragon. "Wind, what's up?" "Another...." "what?" Zack walked up to them. "What?" "I don't know, Zack... But Wind does...." "Wind?" "I sense two others..." "Wha???" "A human... And...." "And?" "*sniff* *sniff*" "AND???" "...Creed...?" Wind smiled and ran over to the bushes. In a playful manner, she called out to the other dragon. "CREEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  3. Leona entered the town and walked up to the blacksmith's. No one there. She shrugged and thought to herself. [i]"I guess this just means Wind and I will have to spend the night, and come to the shop in the morning... It's pretty late.."[/i] Leona put her sword away and stared out at the horizen, and the stars were just coming out. [i]"Woah.... The sky looks gorgeous... Romantic even."[/i] She smiled, then ran into the forest where Wind was hidden.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Majora's Mask [/i] [B][color=royalblue]Creed:No, Wind is the name of a Dragon....She(he, it?)I nearby.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] :OOS: Wind is a she. ;) :) :D
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSj5 Gokou [/i] [B]Since i'm new, and I dont know anyone, lets talk. Question 1. What Video Game systems do u have? [b]What I Have[/b][i]X-Box, Gamecube, PS2, Dreamcast, and Super Nintendo[/i] Question 2. Whats your favorite Video Game? [b]Mine is...[/b][i]METAL GEAR SOLID 2![/i] Question 3. Whats your favorite anime? [b]Mine is...[/b][i]Dragon Ball Z[/i] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ill post some more later, but this should be enough for now, if you have a question for me, ask me. [/B][/QUOTE] 1. Dreamcast, PS1, PS2, 2 color gameboys, 1 pocket gameboy, GBA, N64. And if Emulators count... SNES Emulator, NES emulator 2. The Legend of Dragoon (for PlayStation) 3. DIGIMON!!!!! :excited: :D
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by liamc2 [/i] [B]Its simple all you have to say is: [SIZE=3]*This Rpg Is Closed due to overwhelming support. Thankyou for obliging to our wishes*[/SIZE] By saying that you aren't extraditing anyone or excluding any individuals. [/B][/QUOTE] Yah, that would work, except for one problem... The RPG is NOT closed. :p
  7. Okay, that settles it... No more new joiners in this RPG! Please! *thinks* Waitaminute.... Isn't not letting people join, against the rules on these boards??? Err... *thinks* Yah... It is.... *sweat drop* Sorry, Gavin. But if people want to join, you have to let them...
  8. Shana looked down at the small brown mushroom they were following. She arched an eyebrow then looked at Dart and mouthed the words: "Do you think it's edible?". He winked and whispered: "We'll see". She laughed, then looked at Link, who was still very pissed about the whole narrarator argument. His shoulders were slouched, he had an angry look in his blue eyes, and he was muttering cuss words under his breath. "Link, are you okay?" "*in a sarcastic voice* Fine, Shana... Just happy-dandy..." "...Okay..." The goomba turned around to face them and yelled. "QUIT TALKING AND JUST PAY ATTENTION TO ME!!!!!!!!!" They all sweat dropped. "*in unison* err... Yes, sir... Ma'am... Umm... it...."
  9. "There it is, Leona." "What?" Leona looked down from the dragon's back. "What? I don't see 'it?... Err... What exactly is 'it'?" "The Dwarven village... We need to stop there.." "But... You're... A dragon! They'll attack you!!!" "So?" "They'll rip you to shreds with their... Err... *thinks* Errr....." "Dwarven weapons?" "Yeah! Those!" "*laughs* Leona, you're funny." "Err... *sweat drop*" "We still need to land there. We need to get a few weapons..." "Weapons? Alright! Weapons mean battles!!!" "I take it you like to fight?" "Yep." The dragon sighed, and started to fly downwards, towards the village. Leona held on tight to the dragon's back, and yelled. "WIND!!!!!!!!" "what?" "WE NEED TO GET YOU SOME SEAT-BELTS OR SOMETHING!!!!! I'M GONNA FALL OFF IT YOU KEEP GOING THIS FAST!!!!!!!" "Oh... Sorry." Wind slowed down, and Leona caught her breath. They landed in a forest just outside the village a few minutes later. Leona told the dragon to hide in the shrubbery. Or, at least try to hide (being Wind so big), while she went to the village blacksmith to get her sword looked over, and to buy a few extra weapons.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Saiyan_Metroid [/i] [B]An earthquake shook all the land Typhloision: That was not a Pokemon Attack! Link: Let's go see what that was? Dart: I don't know. Shana: Why are you so nervous. Dart? Dart: HIM! *points to someone* Everyone looks to see a young warrior with yellow hair and a yellow aura surronding him flying in the sky practicing his fighting techniques. The warrior lands and Everyone runs up to him. Dart: Excuse me, but was that you who made that earthquake? ?: Yes. Shana: Who are you? ?: My name is Son Gohan, but call me Gohan. Gohan walks to a nearby tree and starts to go to sleep [/B][/QUOTE] Shana stared at the warrior, and blinked. "Well.... That was..." Dart nodded and finished for her. "...Weird..." Typhlosion and Link just looked at him, then eachother. They shrugged and proceeded to light a fire
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by liamc2 [/i] [B]ok, I have set the otaku clock to your time and according to it, this thing shoulda started an hour ago (good thing it didn't though!) [/B][/QUOTE] Whaddya' mean? It already has started... [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?threadid=5706]Super Shibby Bros. TWO!!!![/URL]
  12. Leona looked up at the dragon, a puzzled expresion on her pretty face. "Sword... Of... Destiny?" "Yes, child." "Wind..." "Hm?" "What's the sword of destiny?" "...You will find out... In time..." "...Oh-kay...." Leona shrugged, and asked Wind another question. "Err... What do we do now?" "Go..." "Huh?" "Sorry. I meant we must go to the mountains... But we should stop in the town of the dwarves first..." "Aight!" Wind smiled, and lowered herself to the ground so Leona could climb on her back. Leona grinned and hopped on the dragon. Wind stood up, stretched her wings and roared. The next thing Leona knew, they were flying... "WOW!!!!!! THIS IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!" "Indeed it is, young one..." "Err... Wind." "Yes?" "Can you stop calling me young one?" Wind laughed. "Yes... Leona." "Much better." They both laughed this time, and continued to fly in silence. Except from the occasional whoop of joy from Leona.
  13. Link looked up at the sky. "So, it is..." Shana nodded, and Dart sighed. He looked up at his two friends and shook his head. "What should we do, Link?" "Link? What about me?" "Sorry, Shana... I forgot you were here..." "WHAT???" "Just kidding! Just kidding!!!" " :flaming: " "Eep! :eek: Don't kill me!!!!" Link laughed as he watched the two bicker. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :OOS: :eek: No... It's back... :eek: WRITERS' BLOCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by liamc2 [/i] [B]whoops, sorry again. wattaminut 4pm? whats that my time. . . How many hours + are you to the greenwich meridian? [/B][/QUOTE] Greenwich Merdian??? Err... I have no idea! But... Me and Gavin live in the same timezone... -3 hours from otaku time..
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by liamc2 [/i] [B]sorryz, but i honestly want to know when we start this thing. [/B][/QUOTE] Gavin already said when we start it. Tomorrow. Either in the morning, or at about 4pm...
  16. GUYS!!!!!!!! QUIT SPAMMING!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!! This is a thread that has to do with the story "Shibby Bros. 2". It is not a party... Please, let's stay on topic! :D
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior [/i] [B]simple. were loveable video game characters off to destroy this evil (but seems "nonevil") guy named Dark Matter. Mkae it a comedy. It funny, mkay. Got it? [/B][/QUOTE] *takes out a notepad and pen* *writes down what he said/typed/whatever* *nods* Aight.... Makes sense to me... I think... :D
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Majora's Mask [/i] [B][color=royalblue]Comon, ppl, post here![/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I would, if i weren't suffering from... *shudder*... WRITERS' BLOCK!!!!!!!!!!
  19. WHAT? What just happened here??? About 10 minutes ago, I had 914 posts... Now I'm at 700 something.... Weird... *shrugs* Oh,well... It was only posts... :) Errr.... Guys.... I think we'd better start talking about the story, not other stuff... *points out the fact that we're spamming*
  20. Okay, okay.... You guys win... We got the avatars at the icon section, in the Digimon section, at [url]www.lelola.com[/url]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anti [/i] [B]miss Britty...anyway save it till later *grins* I know ya love me.... j/k j/k yeah when do we start Gavin...? *edit*ahh we all posted almost same time.....hmmms thursday....I am good for that*/edit* [/B][/QUOTE] *sweat drop* :therock: I love you??? Dude, you'd better be kidding!!!! Okay then... Gavin, you ask Kizu if Friday's good with him, and if anyone else joins, we'll ask them... And... Thursday's good. :) *thinks* I didn't make any sense at all in my last 3 sentances, did I? *sweat drop*
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior [/i] [B]oh! right! sorry! Uh... how's thursday? i have basketball tomorrow and it's crazy and we need about 2 or 3 more people. [SIZE=3]only 2 more people can join, aight?[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Thursday? Umm.... *thinks* I think I'll be gone on Thursday from about 6-8 or so.... But from about 3:30-5:30 is good for me. :) ONLY 2 MORE PEOPLE??? Gavin, that's not fair!
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anti [/i] [B]uhhh....ok.....*clicks the mouse...avatar blows up*...mwhaha....*dodges a flying object from Britty*....eheh [/B][/QUOTE] Errr.... *glares evilly at Anti* :flaming: *kicks him in the stomach* [QUOTE]nice job, anti! That'll teach her![/QUOTE] *glares at Gavin* :demon: *gets a ladder, climbs up it, then punches him in the head* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bah! I hate being short... :flaming: 5'2"... Yeesh... -_- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Anyways... You didn't answer my question... When do we start this thing?
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior [/i] [B] Yep. Cute just like me :D badaboom! [/B][/QUOTE] Err.... Whatever..... Back to the story!!!!!!!!! Okay, when do we start this thing? Once we get a few more members? In a few days? When? :confused:
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior [/i] [B]alright! It's back! Name: Dart Game: Legend of Dragoon [/B][/QUOTE] Mhm... It's back... Hopefully, this time, it won't be forgotten... *looks at his new avatar* AIIIYYEEE!!!!!!! KAWAII!!!!!!! IT'S TAKATO!!!!!!! :D :D :D Cute. :)
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