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Everything posted by Biida

  1. Hm... *shrugs* I might as well join again... Name: Shana Game: The Legend of Dragoon
  2. Erm... *thinks* San/Princess Mononoke :D
  3. Leona continued to run at a lightning pace as she searched the forest for the dragon. Branches, leaves and twigs brushed and snapped against her as she swept through the bush, but she didn't flinch or bother to slash them out of the way with her sword. She just kept running. [i]"If I don't hurry, that goddam*ed creature will destroy the village, and all the people... I have to destroy that dragon, as I've destroyed others of it's kind who tried to cause us suffering. Run, Leona. Run!" [/i] She stopped quickly, and drew her sword. There in front of her, was the dragon. It was a beautiful creature. Huge, yet beautiful. Greenish-blue scales shining in the sun, piercing emerald-green eyes, a wingspan that must have been 30 feet at a minimum, spikes along it's long neck, and a long, graceful tail. It's head was held high and proud, eyes scanning the area, and it's tail slowly swaying. Leona took a deep breath, drew her sword, yelled, then rushed out at the creature. She thrust the sword forward, and was mere inches away from the dragon, when... She stopped. The sword fell to the ground with a clinck of metal against rock. Leona couldn't move, she couldn't control her own body. Obviously, the dragon had control of her somehow, and had made her stop. "WHAT DO YOU WANT, DRAGON?!?!?! WHY ARE YOU COMING TO OUR VILLAGE?!?!?! DO YOU WANT TO CAUSE US DESPAIR AND PAIN, JUST LIKE ALL THE OTHERS OF YOUR KIND BEFORE YOU?!?!? IF THAT IT BE, GO AWAY!!!!!! NEVER DARKEN US AGAIN!!!!!! LET ME BE FREE, OR IT SHALL FALL THAT I SHALL SLAY YOU!!!!!! WHAT DO YOU WANT?!?! WHY?!?!?!" The dragon frowned, then blinked, and Leona regained control of herself. She walked towards her sword and bent to pick it up, but heard a warning growl behind her. She took the clue, left the weapon be, and sat down in front of the creature. The dragon nodded, and spoke. "I come not to cause pain, I come only to speak to you, slayer." "Slayer?" "You are a slayer, are you not?" "I guess... I guess you could say that... Yet I slay only to protect." "Hm." "Please, wise dragon... Continue..." "Fine..." "Mhm." "I came to speak to you. I lured you into the forest alone, so the others in your village shan't panic." "Why did you come to speak to me?" "You shall learn that later. Now, I need you to answer me of these..." "What?" "What is your name?" "Leona." "Good. I am Wind. Dragon of nature, earth and air." "Wow..." "Wow indeed, young one." "Young one? I'm 19!!!" "You are young... Compared to my life of 200 years." "Then YOU are the young one." "Hah! Yes. I am. 200 is rather young for a dragon, is it not?" "Haha!" "Now. Back to the questions... Do you have an item you keep... But do not know it's history, or value? A mysterious item... With a dragon on it?" "Yes... I do..." "May I see it?" "Oh-- okay..." Leona reached into her pocket, and pulled out a golden medallion. It had a dragon on the front and a few words enscribed on the opposite side of which the picture was on. The words were of some unknown, lost language, and could not be deciphered. Wind nodded, as she turned the medallion over in her claws. "How long have you had this medallion?" "As long as... Forever.... I've had it ever since I can remember... Even before my parents were killed..." "Forever..." Wind handed Leona back her medallion, and the girl put it back in her pocket. "My search is over... This proves it..." "What? Proves what???" "Leona..." "Yes?" Wind took a deep breath. "I have finally found you. I have spent as long as I can remember searching for you... You are my partner." "Your WHAT?!?!?!" "Your partner. I am your dragon partner..." "But---" "No buts about it, young one. I am your dragon, you are my tamer." "I... Have... A... Dragon?" "Yes..." "How do you know I'm your partner?" "I don't know. I just know..." "But, only royalty has a dragon partner." "Hm...." "I'm not royalty..." "That does not matter. You are my partner." "oh- okay... But, what do I do with you?" "I can stay in the forest until we leave on our search." "Our search???" "Yes. Our search." "For what?" Wind looked out at the horizen. "The Sword of Destiny..."
  4. erm... *thinks* I was searching for good Digimon pictures on yahoo, and theotaku.com popped up. I visited it, and thought it was awesome... Then, I noticed they had message boards, so I signed up. And that's the story of how I got here! :D The End... Or, is it? *twilight zone music*
  5. Leona Mikono sighed contentedly, as she stared at the rising sun from her perch on one of the village roofs. Birds were singing merrily, there was a light mist, and the sun was rising in a swirl of purple, blue, orange, and other beautifully coloured clouds. It was a perfect morning. A day to kick back and relax... Or, it would have been, had not she seen what she did. A huge, greenish blue dragon flew quickly over the horizen. It's giant wings spread, and it's proud head poised high and true as it flew across the sky like a flash of lightning. She gasped at stumbled while she quickly jumped to her feet. "WHAT THE HECK???!!!" Leona jumped off the roof and landed on her feet, then took off at a lightning fast pace. She ran to her hut, grabbed her trusty and true weapon, the sword she used, then sped off into the forest, the way the dragon had flown.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NeoCactuar [/i] [B]Fine fine, just do the first post and me and Gold_Angewomon will carry on. [/B][/QUOTE] "Gold_Angewomon"? Bleh! Please, call me Britty! :D
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NeoCactuar [/i] [B] I like Coke!!! Not pepsi, Pssshhhh! Like i said, lets start now. [/B][/QUOTE] Nah. I think we should wait until we at least get 2 more people to join. I've got a friend who's also obsessed with dragons and all that medevil (sp?) stuff. :D I guess I could see if he wants to join. But I'll have to wait for him to log on MSN and on otakuboards... If he's not on tonight, he'll be on tomorrow. :) I'll make sure to ask.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Majora's Mask [/i] [B][color=royalblue]No way your obsession is unhealtier than mine. But do you have a Pepsi addiction? Nahh. If my Manga ever gets published, you should buy it. It has Dragons galor.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Yes way it's unhealthier than yours!!!!!!! :D ;) :) Pepsi addiction? NAH! I've got a root-beer addiction... hehehe.... :tasty: Ooo... Dragons galore... Woah... *melts in happiness* Like I said. I love dragons!!!!!!! :D :D :D Anyways.... When do we start this thing?
  9. YES!! YES!!!! YES!!!!!! I'LL JOIN ANYTHING THAT HAS TO DO WITH DRAGONS!!!!!!!!!! I LOOOOOOOVE DRAGONS!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D I'm willing to bet my unhealthy obsession of dragons is more unhealthily obsessed than yours... :p hehehehe... Sorry. I'm hyper. :cross: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Leona Mikono Age: 19 Weapon: Is trained in using a kali yuga, swords, daggers and has a perfect shot with bows&arrows, cross-bows, ETC. Bio: Not much is known about her... She lives in a small village somewhere in the forests. Along with a group of lowerclass people who live in fear of the king, and hide from his soldiers in fear of being caught and forced into working in the barracks and such. She's very strong and loves to fight. Her parents are unknown and she lives on her own in the village. She is also wanted by the king for killing a number of his soldiers. Description: Very pretty. Shoulderlength blonde hair; deep blue eyes, the color of the sea; lowcut, long-sleeved black shirt; black shorts; carries a sword on her back; has a chain mail chestplate. Personality: Cautious, alert, stubborn, intelligent, loves to fight, has a rather short temper.
  10. My dreams? I'm going to tell you all about the dream... No. The nightmare.... The nightmare that taught me how much my life really means. Please, take this seriously. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I Was Still Dead I dreamt I was in a car crash, and I went flying through the windshield. There was blood everywhere, gushing out of me and dripping into a huge red nasty puddle in front of me. My clothes were soaked in blood and guts.. And a few of my limbs were missing. I could see my arm a few feet away... But there was no pain. Then, the ambulance came. The doctor stepped out and looked at me. He frowned, went back to the ambulance, brought out a white sheet, and draped it over my head. I panicked and tried to scream or move... But my voice wouldn't work, I couldn't move, I felt like ice, and I couldn't even blink.... I was dead. I was carried away, and put in this box, then stored in some sort of drawer in a freezer... My family came a few hours later, and I was pulled out so they could identify my body. My little brother fainted, and my mother started screaming... My dad just looked at me with a faraway, hurt look.. I wanted to wake up and comfort them. Tell them I was alive, and everything was okay. But I couldn't move... I was still dead... Then, there was a funeral... A bunch of people I knew came... And they all looked so sad and angry, I just wanted to scream... The boy I liked came up to the casket, looked at me, then walked out. I was dead... Dead, alone, cold, and hurt... I couldn't do anything... Dead.... I was still dead... I was brought to the cemetary. The pastor of our church said a few words, then I was lowered into the ground... I was screaming inside... Frightened and angry... It was like I was screaming at myself... [i]"I CAN'T DIE!!!!!! I have too much to live for!!!!! I'm too young to die!!!! No!!!! God!!!!! Give me just one more chance!!!!!!! Please don't take me now!! I don't want to die!!!!! Please, God, please help me!!!!! Let me wake up from this neverending sleep!!!!! I want to live!!!! Godda**it!!!! I want to f****** live!!!!!!" [/i] But, I couldn't do anything... I was still dead... Then dirt was being piled into the grave. I could sense it filling up this hole where I would spend the rest of my life... It was the dirt that would keep me from ever seeing the people I loved, and the light of day again... The earth that would confine me and never let me go... Never let me go... I would be trapped... Forever.... I was still dead. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Then, I woke up. My forehead was plastered with a cold sweat, and I was shaking. I panicked for a few minutes, but then I started to regain control. "It was just a dream... But.. It seemed so real...." I was so happy it was just a messed up dream... A nightmare. It made me realize that I had taken life for granted. And that I wanted to live. I wanted to live my life and have a good time. Plenty of people take the gift of life for granted. And I'm sorry to say that I was one of them, until that nightmare. They think that life isn't a big deal. Maybe others think differently, but I think that's wrong. Life is a big deal. I like my life, and I don't want to lose it. Not just yet... I know God will take me when it's my time... But, until then. I'm going to live my life as if everyday is my last... For all I know, it could be.
  11. What would I change? Umm... Something... But... I don't wanna say... So... HAH! :p
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by mornigndew [/i] [B][color=blue] My last topic before I go to sleep Do you think tears is a sign of weakness? What do you think of guy crying? ( I hope this question doesn't offense anyone, if it's I'll delete it) [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] No. I don't think crying is a sign of weakness. Unless you're crying about something stupid. Like if you start crying if someone throws a marker or pencil or something at you... My opinion.... It takes a strong man or woman to cry.
  13. Hang in there, girl. My prayers are with you. And I hope everything works out.
  14. Umm... I think it depends on the person. Take me for example! :D I'm shy... But I'm not stuck up! :) Everyone: -_- Britty: Okay! Fine! I am stuck up!!! lol
  15. Name: Britty Team: Ravenclaw Position: Beater Broom: Golden Arrow (It's custom made. One of a kind! ;) ) House: Ravenclaw
  16. Wouldn't it be weird if I were sane/normal? :D Wouldn't it be cool if Dragons existed! :excited: Oooo.... Dragons.... :) Britty: Wouldn't it be cool if I ruled to world? Everyone: No.... -_-
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]Actually Angewomon, Piro is correct...if you could shorten it maybe a quarter or so, that would be perfect. Thanks :D [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Sure, no problem. I'll edit it right now... :)
  18. Biida


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B] [color=crimson]3. No.... But in the forest outside my house i have seen a few murdered bodies... [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] :eek: Murdered.... Bodies?.... :eek: Woah... That's scary...
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SS Trunks [/i] [B]Craig: Hey Britty, you can chare if you want....... Britty: WHAT??? Craig: Whoa, I didn't mean it like that......... I just meant that there is room if you want........... [/B][/QUOTE] Britty: No thanks, Craig. I'll stick with the sleeping bag. Craig: Aight. Whatever.
  20. What annoys me? Well... Here's a list... 1) People who have a "holier than thou" attitude 2) Braggarts 3) People who talk about me behind my back! 4) Bill Clinton 5) Immature people 6) Homework 8) That kid at school who refuses to quit following me around like a dog. 9) Morning people 10) Being kicked off the computer 11) Guys that come on WAY too fast... (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!!!! :p )
  21. I like my siggy. It's good. :) It states the truth... "I AM EEEEVIL!!! :demon: " hehehe... :naughty:
  22. Biida


    1) Yes. I do believe in ghosts. 2) Yes. I've seen a ghost. 3) Yes. Someone died in the house I live in. My grandfather. 4) They sort of bother me... I've had an encounter with my grandfather a few times, even though he died before I was born. If you catch my drift. But, he never harms me or scares me. Just sorta' appears, and maybe mouths a few words, then disappears. Of course, no one ever believes me when I say I've seen him. So, I've learned to keep my trap shut about it. 5) I've heard England has alot of ghosts... 6) Why do ghosts exist? Umm... I dunno. 7) I'm sort of afraid of ghosts. But I'm sort of not. I guess it depends on the ghost. Like, if it's a poltergiest, or just a friendly ghost searching for help. 8) Just read what I put for #4...
  23. Britty: *walks into the Ravenclaw common room* *glares at Craig hogging the couch to himself* Pig... *gets a sleeping bag, and lays down*
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by \¤~NoodleZ~¤/ [/i] [B][b][color=darkred] Walks down the corridor and bumps into Britty. ryan: Oops my fault! Sorry Britty: Um hi i'm new here! ryan walks off in a hurry. britty: well that was rude![/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Britty: *glares at Ryan walking down the hall* Sheesh. He could have at least introduced himself... *stops glaring and walks off* Hmm... *sighs* There's nothing to do... Well... Now that I think about it. I could always go to Hogsmeade. *smiles and heads to Hogsmeade* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Out Of Story* NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVIL EVIL WRITERS BLOCK!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. Britty: *finishes writing* *puts books away in the Ravenclaw girls' dorm* *walks back into the common room, but passes through and leaves* *starts walking around the castle* Wow... This place... Is... Huge...
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